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In the era of leisure travel, how to carry out in-depth travel planning?

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Exclusive travel2015-06-13

Under the new economic normal environment,Leisure travel becomes a trend,In-depth tourism is the norm,Concentrated on the rise of resort-style tourism for leisure。As a travel planner,Must adapt to the market demand of in-depth tourism,Start with tourist experience,In tourism planning and design、Landscape Construction、Travel services, etc.,Think fully about leisure、Aesthetic needs。

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The Central Economic Work Conference at the end of 2014 identified nine major trend changes in the "new normal of economic development" for the first time,The description of the "consumer demand" trend is: "imitation-type and wave-like characteristics" in the past,Now "Personalize"、Diversified consumption is becoming mainstream”。China’s tourism consumption just conforms to this trend,The specific form is in-depth tourism。

When the experience economy “meets” the new economic normal

When talking about in-depth tourism, we have to start with the experience economy,On the consumption level alone,China’s current “new normal of economic development” is very similar to the general trend of global economic development。The emerging experience economy in developed countries in Europe and the United States,Also manifested as personalized and diversified consumption patterns,And it has become high-end、Segmentation、Structured development。

The experience economy is an extension of the service economy,It is the agricultural economy、The fourth stage of human economic life development after the industrial economy and service economy stage。Agricultural Economy、Industrial economy and service economy as seller economy,Their economic output remains outside of consumers,Not so with the experience economy,Consumers must be involved throughout the process。This experience is when a person reaches emotions、Stamina、A beautiful feeling that occurs when one is at a certain level of spirit。

current,All consumer industries are advancing towards the experience economy,When China’s tourism industry encounters the experience economy under the new economic normal,The experiential characteristics are becoming more and more obvious,Experiential tourism。

Tourism is a natural experience economy,People’s travel demands are often for novelty、Seeking differences、Qiuqi、Seeking beauty and knowledge。Tourism products are tangible,Tourism services are intangible,The tourism experience based on tangible tourism products and intangible tourism services is a higher level of tourism consumption,Because any experience will leave a deep mark on tourists,It may even become an unforgettable experience。

When experiential tourism “falls in love” with in-depth tourism

"The Book of Songs" says "swim when you swim","Historical Records" says "You can travel freely","Shuowen Jiezi" explains the meaning of "You" as "Jing Zhi Chui",That is, the falling of the flag,Metaphorically speaking, it means floating freely,can be extended to freedom。Zhu Xi explained it as "playing with things that suit your mood",meaning to experience the freedom of life in joy。The meaning of experience tourism lies in the free experience of life,It is a real life experience。A real tourist should not be a passing tourist,It should be an experiencer of the whole process of tasting,It is a journey of life。

In-depth tourism requires this kind of leisure state and feeling of freedom。In-depth tourism originated from experiential tourism,Originally provided participatory and experiential activities for tourists,Enable tourists to feel pleasure from their perceptions。There was a rise in our country where urbanites went to the countryside to "live in farm houses、Eat farmers’ rice、Doing farm work” is the prototype of experiential tourism。At that time, it was mostly to expand personal horizons,Feel different life experiences or obtain information beyond the scope of personal life。

In-depth tourism beyond shallow experience,Pursue more sensory stimulation,For example: bungee jumping、Rock climbing, etc.,Sometimes a meditation session、A rafting trip... will make tourists' memories of the experience surpass the experience itself。This should be the prototype of an in-depth tourism product,In the era of leisure travel,In-depth tourism has become the norm,This is mainly reflected in the rise of resort-style tourism for leisure。This kind of in-depth travel is a kind of happiness,Is an important "happiness index" to measure people's quality of life。

In-depth tourism is a kind of pursuit of psychological pleasure experience as the ultimate goal,More depth、Extensibility、Spiritual experiential tourism,It is a leisure travel method that emerged after sightseeing tourism,188bet app download It is the result of the mature consumer psychology of tourists。For example: pastoral picking,Already picked compared to tasting、Wash、Packaged melon and fruit specialties,Tourists are more willing to go to the fields、Go picking in the orchard,Eat while picking。This is an interesting process for tourists to participate and experience。Another example: compared to a simple shopping store, The "front shop and back court" style tourist handicraft workshop pedestrian street is more attractive,Because tourists can not only enjoy it、Buy featured products,You can also make your own unique products。

2. Three dimensions of in-depth tourism

In-depth tourism is intended to mobilize tourists’ enthusiasm for participation and experience,This is more in line with modern people’s desire for freshness、Psychological appeal for stimulation。The essence of tourism products is to provide tourists with an experience or experience,European and American countries only choose one place for a trip、Instead of traveling to several scenic spots in a relatively limited period,called in-depth tourism。Nowadays,In our country, whether online,Still offline,In-depth travel products、In-depth tourism project、In-depth tourist attractions、In-depth tourist routes have been launched,In-depth tourism is favored by everyone。

In-depth tourism is not only reflected in the time and space dimensions,Also reflected in the substantive content above the concept of time and space。Put it this way,A tourist area suitable for in-depth tourism should meet the three major dimensions,One must have enough time,Secondly, space depth,Three essentials are rich in content。All three are indispensable,Interdependence。

Time extends the length of travel

The so-called ample travel time,Need a calm mind,Regard in-depth tourism as a way of life。For time,We are used to saying "time is benefit",But for in-depth travel,Time is for tourists,Should not be a critical element,The important thing is to slow down,Recuperate,Its benefits are reflected in self-cultivation,It’s spiritual、Post-onset and long-term。

Of course,There is still a concept of benefit for tourism product suppliers,From online to offline,From tourism to related industries,The time that tourists stay is equal to increased benefits。Visiting tourist areas for 3 hours means that tourists have to eat one meal,Income should be doubled from ticket value;6 hours means tourists have to stay overnight,Income should be tripled from ticket value。

In-depth tourism can turn benefit growth from addition to multiplication,That is, the benefits are generated outside the tickets。For tourist areas,Tickets are not as good as seats,Seats are not as good as beds。Ticket seats only refer to tickets,Tickets are inconsistent in terms of pleasure for leisure tourists,At least it’s a hindrance,Unrestricted travel is a kind of spiritual relief and release for tourists;Seating is a stop for tourists,Have a rest while traveling,Sit down, eat, drink and be merry;Bed refers to living in,Treat this place as your home for the time being,This is more than just a travel experience,Regard tourism as a real life,Even looking for a spiritual destination,This kind of tourism consumption based on life,The benefits can be imagined。

Disneyland is famous for in-depth tourism,It once attracted a tourist named Colin from the south of France,After visiting Euro Disneyland for 3 days with her husband and 3 children, she lamented: “It’s a bottomless pit。Whenever we visit a place,There are always children clamoring to buy something。”Although this is a complaint from tourists,But it reflects the allure of in-depth tourism from another aspect。The B&B tourism that has emerged in recent years is also a typical business format of this kind of in-depth tourism。

Space expands the width of tourism

The space has depth requirements,For travel space,Regionally speaking,There is a cross-border union、Regional joint and global tourism issues。For tourist areas,It is a problem of integrated development of scenic spots and industries;For tourist areas,In many aspects of the scenic area’s carrying capacity,Not just satisfying space、Facility、Ecological carrying capacity,What’s more important is adhering to the people-oriented concept,Under the premise of ensuring personal safety,Meet the psychological and social carrying capacity of tourists。

For cross-border tourism and neighboring countries,my country has promoted the “Belt and Road” tourism cooperation development strategic plan、The “Tea Road” of China, Russia and Mongolia, etc.。For cross-regional travel,For example: Zhejiang, Fujian, Anhui and Jiangxi tourism economic circle、Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Tourism Economic Circle、The tourism integration promoted by the three provinces and eight cities of Shaanxi, Ningxia and Inner Mongolia, etc.。For global tourism,For example: Luanchuan, Henan、Shaanxi Hanzhong,This involves the tourism industry+、City+Scenic Area、City + Countryside、A series of issues including civil+customer+business+government。

188bet app download Most closely related to tourist areas,There are also issues with the design of tourist routes,From external tourism transportation to internal tourist trails in scenic spots,There is a coordination and layout,It must be attractive,We need to retain people again。

The content enriches the thickness of the tour

For travel content,First of all, we must have a complete and unique product system,This involves "eating、stay、row、游、Purchase、Entertainment” and “Business、raise、Study、Idle、情、More projects and activities of "Qi" tourism elements and expansion elements,Only tourist destination projects are rich in content,Only tourist destination projects are rich in content。

On this basis,Hardware and software to solve travel content,Hardware is reflected in the careful design and construction of tourist attractions,As well as the improvement and innovative use of tourism activity facilities;The software is reflected in the standardized management of service quality and the interactive experience at the service site。Activities and projects should maximize the various senses of tourists,The more complex the activity program is,The richer the experience content,The wider the participation,The more attractive it is to tourists。

The in-depth tourism content experience can be summarized as follows: Sightseeing is king,Service is king during vacation,Environment is king in leisure,Interaction is king in entertainment,Ecology takes nature as king,Health is the king of health and fitness,Product features are king,Industry integration is king。

In-depth tourism in Wuyishan, Fujian is in full swing,Can be used as a reference。What Wuyishan does is: launch a cultural tourism complex project,Go beyond the simple travel of the past、Entertainment、Casual、Tourism real estate development model,Mainly promote water experience、Silver Hair Health、Healthy Sports、Cultural Fashion、Five main functions of ecological residence,Building "tour、Play、Food、stay、Hugh、raise、will、Learn" integrated high-end health tourism products and Zen culture、High-end medical care、Compound tourism industry chain of cultural communication and education。
3. In-depth travel experience is king
When in-depth tourism becomes a new normal in tourism,Tourists are no longer satisfied with popular tourism products。The forms of in-depth tourism are becoming increasingly personalized and diversified,More pursuit of experience、Emotional、Leisure travel experience。This feeling is between people、There is an essential difference between experience and experience,Because this experience is closely related to personal mood transformation and event driving,Different people at different times for the same tourist area,You may get a completely different experience,Just like there are no two leaves with the same shape in the world。

The experiential characteristics of in-depth tourism products are reflected in personalization、Participation and expansion。

Personalization is "willful"

In-depth tourism is different from traditional tourism,It pursues the personalization of travel products,Strive to provide unique tourism products,Let visitors feel the uniqueness、Exclusive,Even a monopoly product,Satisfies the need for novelty、The psychology of seeking differences。This kind of personalized product is deeply packaged,With a high-sounding name that caters to the high expectations of consumers,Some people call it customized travel,That is, products tailored for specific customer groups,such as medical tourism、Wellness and Sports Tourism、Healthy Tourism、Study and travel,etc.。

In-depth tourism lies in constantly innovating and bringing forth the new,Highlight creativity and difference。Tourists’ demand for tourism products is constantly changing,Seeking differentiation、Freshness and excitement are the most direct manifestations of tourists’ pursuit of travel experience,Therefore, this concept should always be implemented in the design of in-depth tourism products。For example, Disneyland is known as a “Disney that will never be finished”,One of its business philosophy is "Innovation is the life of the theme park",Used to the "three-three system" operating model,That is, 1/3 of the hardware equipment must be eliminated every year,New 1/3 new concept project,Enable tourists to have fun and stay fresh。

This change brings freshness and excitement to tourists' experience,Of course the repeat visit rate will also increase。In depth travel,Tourism developers start from tourists’ personal experiences,The pursuit of establishing a unique、Unreplicable competitive advantage,Provide tourists with a differentiated and customized experience。

Participation requires “making fun of you”

In-depth tourism focuses on the process,instead of result。Compared with traditional sightseeing tourism,The pursuit is the process of enjoying tourism products,Instead of "visit here" results,To some extent, more emphasis is placed on psychological perception,We might as 188bet app well call it travel affinity or travel viscosity。In-depth tourism through participation and interactive activities,Tourists can experience every detail of tourism consumption on a deeper level,Experience the connotation and charm of tourism products,Get a more intuitive and profound travel experience。

For example: the "land claim" model is a new generation farmhouse tourism project,Educational experience,Tourists claim a piece of land in the farmland by paying rent,Growing vegetables、Flowers、Fruit trees or crops。This form of tourism allows tourists to breathe fresh air in the fields,Taste the pure natural green food grown by yourself,Learn about the cultivation of various crops at the same time、Management knowledge,What’s more important,Experience the joy of planting and harvesting through "working on the long acres",It can especially enrich the field knowledge of children in cities,Let them truly experience "who knows what's on the plate,The connotation of "everything is hard work",Thus achieving a good educational effect。

Foreigners making dumplings,By kneading the dough、Roll out dumpling wrappers、The process of making dumplings allows you to experience traditional Chinese customs。These increase visitor interaction,Easily immersive、The feeling of being happy and not thinking about Shu。

Expansion will have "connotation"

The expanded characteristics of in-depth tourism are first reflected in the industrial drive。In the past few years,The shooting and broadcasting of many film and television works,Not only the construction of film and television bases,It also promotes experiential tourism in related scenic spots,As far away as: Ningxia Zhenbeibao Western Film and Television City、Three Kingdoms City、Water Margin,Nearest such as: Qingmuchuan、China,Zhejiang Hengdian Film and Television City has become a collection of film and television tourism、Vacation、Casual、A large comprehensive tourist area integrating sightseeing,And was rated as a national AAAAA tourist area。The reason why many tourists choose to travel to places where film and television stories take place,It’s about being at the place where the event happened,Empathize with the past events of the characters and forget yourself,I want to get an empathic experience。

In terms of product system, Disneyland uniquely sets up a “Western Paradise”、"Adventure Park"、"New Special Zone"、"Future World"、“Dream Paradise” and other experiential tourism projects,Different entertainment themes create their own entertainment experiences for people of different ages。Tourists watch various performances or participate in various entertainment activities,Relax the tension caused by yourself at work,To achieve physical and mental pleasure、The purpose of relaxing yourself。The main profit comes from entertainment、Catering、Accommodation and other facilities projects,Ticket revenue is only used to make up for daily maintenance and management costs。In fact,The abundance of “tourism +” industry integration,More accurately reflected in the breadth and depth of in-depth tourism。

The most typical embodiment of the concept of expansion is various expansion training projects,Wild,High altitude,Team development training on the water, Improve team cohesion、Execution ability、Communication and collaboration skills。Adventure Travel、Extreme sports are full of magic and mystery,It is for the physical strength of the participants、Will、Brain Power、Comprehensive test and extreme challenge of collaboration and other elements,Extremely difficult,But endless charm。It can enable tourists to experience continuous transcendence and extreme stimulation,Break through psychological barriers,Crossing psychological limits,While gaining a huge sense of accomplishment and a psychological experience of comfort,Forget all the trivialities in life、Stress and unhappiness,And then achieve your own spiritual liberation。

Disneyland is through the image recognition system and experience activities created with cartoon characters,Let tourists go from Mickey Mouse to Donald Duck to Snow White、The Fairy Tale World of The Lion King,Towards the thrilling real world created by modern technology。

In fact,The higher the sensory experience difficulty setting,The more challenging ,It will give visitors a deeper impression and a more significant sense of accomplishment。

4. In-depth planning principles under in-depth tourism
Personalization based on in-depth travel products、Personalization based on in-depth travel products,We can derive the in-depth planning principles based on in-depth tourism,The specific expression is thematic、Authenticity and Fusion。

Domestic tourism industry rose from the 1980s to 2000,If the tourism planning of the past 20 years is the planning stage of tourism projects based on resources;Then,15 years from 2000 to 2015,It can be said to be the market-oriented tourism brand planning stage;After 2015,my country’s tourism planning has begun to be based on the two,Based on nature,People-centered deep planning stage。If 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino brand planning is based on the market platform,Platform is king;Then,Deep planning is truly based on nature and people. Content is king。

Deep planning can be understood as the integrated evolution from scenic spot sightseeing to "sightseeing + vacation + leisure",Evolution from single function to composite function,The evolution from the “additive” model to the “multiplicative” model of tourism benefits。“Addition” refers to the simple calculation method of past visitor numbers,“Multiplication” refers to when the number of tourists reaches a certain limit,There is an industrial overlay effect,We must pursue the comprehensive consumption of tourists,That is, by increasing tourism projects、Methods such as extending the tour time,Increase comprehensive tourism income。This is a further expansion of the six elements of tourism,In order to satisfy tourists’ in-depth travel experience。

Reflecting thematic principles of personalization

The personalized characteristics of in-depth tourism are concentrated in the uniqueness and difference of the theme of in-depth planning。The pursuit of novelty and uniqueness in tourism themes,Meet tourists’ psychological needs for novelty and difference,Explore regional characteristics and product characteristics,Design unique tourism projects based on local resource conditions,Give tourists a new experience。

Experience is not just a form,And it’s a topic。Traditional mass tourism mainly provides tourists with basic supporting facilities and services,Experience is just an accessory during the travel process。In depth travel planning,Should deliberately create an unforgettable experience for tourists,Provide customers with a personalized experience。The design of tourism projects in scenic spots should always focus on one theme,Connect to tour、Shopping、Entertainment、Fitness、Every aspect including food,Let visitors experience an atmosphere in all directions。Such as Shenzhen Happy Valley and Folk Culture Village, etc.,Has a distinct personality as a theme park,Perfectly embodies the thematic characteristics of in-depth tourism。

Reflecting the principle of authenticity of participation

The participatory characteristics of in-depth tourism are concentrated in the authenticity and challenge of tourism product design。Authenticity must have a sense of originality and authenticity,It must be moderately challenging。This principle requires designers of tourism products or activities to devote themselves to it,Get into the role you play,Create the cultural and entertainment atmosphere of the scenic spot by putting yourself in their shoes,Guide tourists to enter the role created by the scenic spot,Experience the joy of role change in all aspects。

This first requires its layout、Architectural Art、Costumes and props、Culture, language, etc. can reproduce the themes created,Let tourists have an immersive feeling,Rather than a simple and crude imitation。such as Hangzhou Songcheng、Wuxi’s film and television base can give tourists a feeling of being in another world by recreating the social and cultural life scenes at that time,Experience the cultural charm of ancient China。

Also,It is also necessary to stimulate tourists’ desire and determination to participate,Maximize your potential,Enjoy an experience different from daily life,Pursuing a sense of accomplishment and comfort when transcending psychological barriers,This is also the reason why extreme sports have been increasing in popularity in recent years。

Reflecting the principle of expanded integration

The expanded characteristics of in-depth tourism are concentrated in the completeness of the product and the integration of the industry。From Eat、stay、row、游、Purchase、Entertainment,Expand into business、raise、Study、Idle、情、odd,Should say,Far from exhausting all elements of in-depth tourism。Traditional mass tourism usually involves tourists visiting a fixed area within a limited time,Depends largely on material conditions,Including landscapes of tourist attractions、Food, housing, transportation conditions, etc.,In-depth tourism has more flexibility in time and location requirements,Reflected in tourists having more autonomy and room to play,After the tour,Tourists can also continue this experience,Or perform the same or similar experience activities in other locations,Including dependence on intangible conditions,Communication with tourists、Communication、Create role-playing atmosphere, etc.。In the era of the rise of community economy,Word-of-mouth communication including mobile clients has become the norm,This kind of communication pays more attention to experience,In-depth tourism focusing on experience has reconstructed the market。

The expansion elements under in-depth tourism have become the highlight of tourism elements,Specifically manifested as the integration of tourism and culture,Integration of tourism and poverty alleviation,Integration of tourism and urbanization,Integration of tourism and industrial development,etc.。It can be said,Under the concept of deep planning,Unlimited travel resources,Travel 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino products without frames,Tourism industry without borders,Endless travel experience。
5. Reference path for deep planning
Tourism planners must adapt to the market demand for in-depth tourism,In tourism planning and design、Landscape Construction、Travel services, etc.,Think fully about leisure、Aesthetic needs,Start with tourists’ experience,Create an all-round three-dimensional experience,Make the tourist area accessible、Can stay、Can be enjoyed、Rememberable,So that tourism activities can be participated in、Available、Feelable、Available。

Exchange time for depth,Slow travel is the best form of in-depth tourism

In-depth travel feels more like traveling + sojourn,Not only slow on the way,Stay in a tourist area,Let visitors slow down,Slow down mentally,Immerse yourself in it,Carry out a leisurely life experience roaming。This is a melting time、An in-depth tourism method integrating space and content,We can call it slow travel。Some people say that slow travel is letting the mind travel with the body,Encourage tourists to travel slowly、Lohas Play、Jingxinsi、Youyou sense,In-depth analysis of local culture,Even become friends with locals,Integrate into the local rhythm of life。Of course this needs to be filled with tourism projects and products,includes static、Dynamic,Meditation、Fitness,ancient、Technology,In tourism and related industries,etc.。

Gaochun Yaxi was awarded the title of “International Slow City”,A variety of flowers are planted on the battery driveway of Yaxi Slow City,You can see flowers blooming on both sides of the road from March to the end of November every year。Besides the sea of ​​flowers,Every time you travel a certain distance, you will see a different landscape,青山、Pond、Pine Forest、Little Bamboo Forest、Wisteria flower corridor... ride here,You can also meet the pheasants that occasionally come out to "cross the road",Make people living in the city happy。

Exchange space for depth,Grand tourism is the best layout model for in-depth tourism

The hidden scenery is a wonder。Landscapes and projects that are too straightforward and smooth lack mystery and interest,It will give visitors a clear view,It is difficult to have a deep impact on tourists’ senses,To retain tourists。Chinese garden art emphasizes the restoration of mountains and rivers、A winding path leads to a quiet place,Strive to avoid going straight in、Get straight to the point,For example: Suzhou gardens do not have the grandeur and grand layout of royal gardens,But still trying its best to construct an empty space in a small space、Interesting artistic conception。

In-depth planning and the realm pursued by ancient gardens are different but have the same purpose,To stimulate tourists’ interest in experience and participation,Through the designer’s ingenious ideas,While keeping tourists busy,Change the scenery as you move,Cultivation of sentiment,Truly exchange space for time。Just this point,We should properly incorporate and learn from it in planning and design。

Except for classical gardens that have limited space,For newly built or later renovated scenic spots,In the practice of tourism planning,We have done a lot of exploration,Having taken many measures to expand space。For example: when creating a 5A-level scenic spot improvement plan for the Huangyao Ancient Town Tourist Area in Zhaoping, Guangxi,Conducted a 60-kilometer "Walking Horse Viewing" rural landscape belt project planning between Zhaoping County and Huangyao Ancient Town,Directly upgraded the tourist greenway;The gate of Xinjiang Tianshan Grand Canyon Project Scenic Area moves forward,Extend the scenic area by 10 kilometers,And shorten the distance with the city we rely on;Expand the tourist center area of ​​the scenic spot,The front door and the back door separate tourists and residents、Merchant,etc.,All of them have expanded the depth of the tourist area to a certain extent,It not only increases the tourist stay time,It has also promoted tourism-related industries in the area where the landscape belt is located,Achieved the effect of in-depth tourism experience。

China’s tourism planning should closely follow the new normal of economic development,Planning a grand tour。I roughly summarize it as "seven majors": First, the momentum,As the top tourism brand 5A review has been implemented for many years,The next step should be a bigger vision,Upgraded version launched,Such as China International Tourism Resort、National parks, etc.;The second is great traffic,This is for big tourism,Includes airports、High-speed rail、Highway and other hardware construction;The third is the large living room,Set a first-level tourist center or urban tourist distribution center at the exit of the expressway,Closely connect the entire local development and tourism development;The fourth is the big business format,Building “tourism+”,Building urban and tourism integration、Integration of industry and tourism、Integration of agriculture and tourism、Business and travel integration、Forest and brigade integration、Water travel integration、Integration of animal 188bet online sports betting husbandry and brigade,Integration of culture and tourism;The Fifth Greenway,This is an inevitable requirement in the era of global tourism and leisure,Includes motor vehicle lanes、Ship Channel、Bicycle lane、Various tourist routes such as sidewalks,Approximately 500 meters of landscape agriculture can be reserved on both sides according to specific conditions,Set up transfer station、Country Inn, etc.;Sixth is the big picture,Abandon the Thousand Scenery Three Gates (fake ancient buildings) in national tourist attractions、Fake trees、The chaos of fake landscapes,Adapt measures to local conditions,Try to sit on the central axis,The visitor center uses the entrance and exit as the dividing point,It is also a tourism function center,Another resident life center;The seventh is the big market,Positioning must be accurate,Some high-end products will be marketed in China,Going to the world。

Exchange content for depth,Theme tour is the most popular way to experience in-depth tourism

With the rapid growth of my country’s middle class,Individuals have more and more discretionary wealth,Plus convenient transportation,Accelerating industrialization and urbanization,Intensified urban environmental problems,For leisure、Vacation tourism, which is mainly characterized by popularization and lifestyle, is increasingly active,Seaside vacation appears、Lakeside Vacation、Mountain Vacation、Holiday destinations with different resource types such as hot spring vacations,And become a social friend、Recreation, leisure and recreation places。On this basis,Honeymoon、Study Tour、Family-child tour、Hot spring tour、Ancient Town Tour、Shopping tours and other theme tours are developing rapidly,Some are even high quality、Privately customized,It can be said,Theme tour is the most popular way of in-depth tourism。

Themed tourism is a major trend in tourism,This in-depth tourism method allows tourists to temporarily escape from the physical and mental stress caused by daily work and living environment。In recent years, the country has launched the "National Tourism and Leisure Outline (2013-2020)",The purpose is to promote the concept of green tourism and leisure,Guaranteeing national travel and leisure time,Encourage national tourism and leisure consumption,Enrich national tourism and leisure products,Improve the quality of national tourism and leisure,This year,There is further promotion of the implementation of the paid leave system,This has become a new opportunity to expand tourism consumption。

Currently,Some online and offline tourism companies have launched various themed tourism plans、Themed tourist routes、Themed tourist destinations,As tourism planners and designers, we should adapt to the current new normal of tourism development,Strengthen research on themed tourism products or themed tourism destinations,Starting from tourists’ needs and consumer psychology,Planning and designing such as pilgrimage、Parent-child、Yacht、Self-driving、Hiking、Photography、Drifting、Gourmet、A series of themed tourist attractions such as skiing,Thus improving the experience quality of in-depth tourism。

Travel slowly、Grand tours and theme tours have become the norm in tourism,In-depth tourism will become more mature and rich,The quality and planning level of tourism under the new normal of tourism have been elevated to a new level。

This article comes from the First Travel Network, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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