Witness the potential of the new cultural 188bet online live casino era,The 5th China Cultural 188bet online live casino Big Consumption Annual Summit and "Dragon Bird Award" selection officially launched!

Author of this article: Zhihui 2020-11-10
Arrived as expected once again.

Dragon Bird Award,Arrived as scheduled again,The annual festival of the cultural 188bet online live casino industry will continue to meet you,Multiple uncertainties in this,The cultural 188bet online live casino industry is determined to develop in the post-epidemic era。

The direction of the epidemic is still unclear,It will take time for cross-border 188bet online live casino to truly restart、The window period for the return of outbound 188bet online live casino consumption and cultural 188bet online live casino enterprises、The destination’s ability to undertake conversion,There are also more penetration effects of online or digitalization, etc.,Superposition of multiple factors,Travel Enterprise、Destination’s recovery and development,There are more variables in the situation and direction we are facing。

But we still maintain our determination,In the past time of 2020,The resilience of the cultural 188bet online live casino industry has been verified again;lies in regional economic development、Industrial transformation and upgrading are more urgent under the catalysis of the epidemic,Under the new pattern of internal circulation,The cultural 188bet online live casino industry is increasingly relied upon,Destination cultural 188bet online live casino project signing investment maintains high popularity,Even taking a big step;It’s still about new technology、New business format、New product、New models are being built to create new consumption in cultural 188bet online live casino、A new era of cultural 188bet online live casino in which new supply of cultural 188bet online live casino is the core of the department,Promote ecological innovation and change in destinations。

The "Dragon Bird Award" is also determined。Determined to continue to establish industry standards,Promoting industrial upgrading,Determined to uphold a strong sense of mission and awe,To create the most professional、The most authoritative、The most influential cultural and 188bet online live casino industry ceremony is our responsibility,Top institutions/enterprises that sort out various segments of cultural 188bet online live casino,Find those who have been tempered by crises such as the epidemic and are still standing tall and upward,It may be the benchmark for the current travel industry,Or a cultural 188bet online live casino enterprise that carries the iterative new force of cultural 188bet online live casino development trend,Combine the basic development picture for the current and future cultural 188bet online live casino industry。

here,2020 The 5th China Cultural 188bet online live casino Big Consumption Annual Summit and "Dragon Bird Award" Award Ceremony,Will meet you as scheduled in early 2021,Not only consolidates its global economic perspective,Interpretation of global cultural 188bet online live casino development trends,Creation begins in the region、The vision of a world-class conference IP that radiates the global cultural 188bet online live casino industry,Continue to gather people from relevant national ministries and local cultural and 188bet online live casino authorities、Industry leading organization/enterprise、Domestic and foreign cultural 188bet online live casino experts and scholars、188bet online live casino company executives、Exchange and “collision” among well-known project traders,Hope to create the top discussion platform for cultural and 188bet online live casino industry operators、A fruitful resource link service platform。

The "Dragon Bird Award" is also seeking changes in its determination,This is reflected in the new industry changes observed in the macro pattern of this year's "Dragon Bird Award"、Zhishi。In the extended cultural 188bet online live casino industry group、Cultural and travel figures、Cultural travel scene、Based on the five-dimensional framework of cultural 188bet online live casino operations and cultural 188bet online live casino content,Special focus on the cultural 188bet online live casino group’s special contribution to the “anti-epidemic” in 2020、Ace Live Delivery Leader、The best demonstration city for cultural 188bet online live casino consumption recovery、Best Yangtze River Delta Integrated Cooperation Demonstration Zone、The best rural destination revitalization demonstration area、The best island destination leisure demonstration area、Best mountain destination sustainability demonstration area, etc.。

These details awards,It reflects the temperature of the cultural 188bet online live casino industry,Cultural travelers/enterprises follow the trend and are decisive in pursuing innovation and change,Important points for iterative updates of cultural 188bet online live casino formats/industries,And coordinated development in the Yangtze River Delta and other regions、The "powerful" role played by the Chinese 188bet online live casino industry in building a large-scale urban economic growth pole。

In the "Recommendations" issued by the state in early November to formulate the "14th Five-Year Plan" and the long-term goals for 2035,There is a lot of ink about “Grand Cultural 188bet online live casino”。Health、Elderly Care、Culture、Travel、Sports, etc. are proposed to accelerate development,They are important areas for cultural and 188bet online live casino (cross-border) integration。

The continuous drive brought by policies is one of the main components of the "wheel" of the cultural 188bet online live casino industry that continues to move forward,Also examining the broad prospects for this industry。

The selection of "Dragon Bird Award" was launched for the first time in 2016,5 years,The "Dragon Bird Award" witnesses the magnificent development of the cultural 188bet online live casino industry。2021,It will be a new starting point for the cultural 188bet online live casino industry,Going to a new appointment,Building a new business。

Looking forward to witnessing the potential of the new cultural 188bet online live casino era with you。The 2020 Fifth China Cultural 188bet online live casino Big Consumption Annual Summit and "Dragon Bird Award" Awards Ceremony Selection Event is now scheduled to be officially launched on November 9, 2020。


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