The first tax-free project is launched in 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,What is Wangfujing’s intention to bet on duty-free on the island?

Industrial Investment Authors of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino article: Jiang Mengwei, Yang Hui 2021-01-17
The tax-free 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino for island residents is a brand-new 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino model,Needs cultivation and development,There is a certain market risk。

Free in China、Chinese server、After Shenzhen Duty Free and other "seniors" in the duty-free industry have launched a new round of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino's duty-free industry layout,Wangfujing finally couldn’t sit still,Preparing to launch its first duty-free project in 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino。Late night on January 15th,Wangfujing Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wangfujing") and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Natural Rubber Industry Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Rubber") both issued announcements announcing their intention to invest in each other、Cooperate to establish two duty-free goods operating companies。However,Different from other tax-free companies mentioned above,Wangfujing seems to have deliberately avoided the fiercely competitive outlying island tax-free battle,Instead, we chose the duty-free sales business of daily consumer goods on the island for local residents in 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino。In the industry’s view,Wangfujing’s “sword-driven approach” bets on a new business format that has just started,Although it is possible to "leverage strengths and avoid weaknesses" to a certain extent,But at the same time, this move also adds a bit of uncertainty to its "money prospects" in expanding 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino's duty-free sector。

Picture source: Screenshot of corporate announcement

First move

More than half a year after getting the tax-free license,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino finally made its first move。

According to announcements issued by Wangfujing and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Rubber,The new companies jointly established by the two parties are 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Wangfujing Haiken Duty-free Goods Operation Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Wangfujing Haiken") and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Haiken Wangfujing Daily Duty-free Goods Operation Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Haijing Haiken") "Kenwangfujing"),Among them,The former will be funded by 60 million yuan from Wangfujing、188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Rubber invests 40 million yuan,The opposite is true for Haiken Wangfujing,Invested by 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Rubber 60 million yuan、Wangfujing invested 40 million yuan。It is reported,Both companies will be used to develop and operate 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Province’s island duty-free projects and island daily duty-free products projects and carry out duty-free product operation and management。For the next step of cooperation plan between the two parties,Reporters from Beijing Business Daily contacted Wangfujing and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Rubber respectively,But as of press time, the two companies have not yet given effective replies。

Actually,According to information disclosed by the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Department of Commerce last year,The local duty-free shopping pattern in 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is mainly composed of three types of businesses,That is: daily consumer goods tax-free、Departure tax refund and offshore island tax exemption。China Duty Free, which has previously announced a high-profile new duty-free shop、Cream service、Shenzhen Duty Free and other five companies mainly focus on the field of offshore island duty free,And this time,The choice of Wangfujing is obviously different from the positioning of several other companies with tax-free licenses。

"It can be seen,Wangfujing chose the island’s duty-free (that is, duty-free for daily consumer goods) entry point this time,Still has far-reaching plans。" Analysis by Zhou Mingqi, founder of Jingjian Think Tank,The duty-free market on 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Islands is “attractive”,But the competition is also very fierce,Except China Duty Free Corporation which resolutely moved its headquarters to 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Cream service、Shenzhen Duty Free and many other tax-free companies,There are also a large number of "outside capital" that do not hold tax-free licenses and are also eyeing this field。“What’s more important is,The duty-free on the island seems to be closer to the familiar traditional business industry in Wangfujing than the duty-free on the outlying islands,Be able to make full use of Wangfujing’s resources and experience advantages in physical business operations for many years。”

It coincides with the judgment of the industry,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Rubber mentioned it in the announcement,This investment cooperation is to leverage Wangfujing’s brand channels、Professional advantages in sales network and other aspects。On the other hand,Wangfujing seems to pay more attention to 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Rubber’s state-owned assets background and its local resource advantages。Public information display,The actual controller of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Rubber is 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Provincial State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Nongken Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd. is the controlling shareholder of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Rubber,Hold its 64.35% shares。And,Just about a month ago,Haiken Group has just opened three imported daily consumer goods stores in Haikou,An important step has been taken to lay out the duty-free market for daily consumer goods in 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Island。

The 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino “ambition” of traditional department store brands

Also 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Also tax-free,Why Wangfujing’s “Ambition”,Not in that hot outlying island duty-free market?

Special expert from Beijing Business Research Institute、Lai Yang, executive vice president of the Beijing Business Economics Association, introduced to the Beijing Business Daily reporter,The operation of duty-free shops is mainly affected by market factors and resource factors,At the same time, it has higher requirements for the company’s own channel capabilities。For 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Business channels for duty-free operations、The product supply is quite different from that of department stores,As a new entrant,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is in the talent pool、There are also shortcomings in resource acquisition,In addition, some "golden business districts" are becoming more and more crowded,On various resources,It does not take the "advantage"。So for local people,It is a more realistic business method。

"And,Wangfujing chooses to cooperate with 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Rubber,There are also ideas to leverage the resources of local enterprises。"Lai Yang thinks,Wangfujing as an outsider,It takes a lot of time and cost to familiarize yourself with local conditions,Cooperate with local enterprises,Leverage its resource advantages,It is indeed a relatively cost-effective strategy。And,At present, whether it is the customer positioning or specific sales form of tax-free daily consumer goods,Wangfujing is in the exploratory stage,Accumulate operational experience by starting with businesses you are familiar with、Reserve talents,It should be more conducive to finding a sustainable development model that suits them,Achieve large-scale operations。

Many experts have made further predictions,Currently, the stores opened by 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Rubber parent company Haiken Group in Qiong are mainly for residents’ daily consumption,Covers household items、Toiletries、Beauty products、Imported snack food、Alcoholic drinks、Imported dairy products and other categories,The future duty-free shops in Wangfujing are likely to be developed in this way。“Wangfujing’s future opening should be more like a dedicated duty-free imported goods store or supermarket,Although the per capita consumption price may be lower than that of duty-free shops on outlying islands,But if we can continuously enhance customer stickiness,Increase return rate,Integrate into the daily life of local residents,Maybe we can form our own ‘land’。"Zhou Mingqi said。

There are 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino many uncertain factors

Entering a brand new market,For any enterprise,It’s an adventurous move that brings joy and sorrow,The same is true for 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino。

According to Wu Liyun, associate professor of the Chinese Culture and Tourism Industry Research Institute of Beijing International Studies University,With the continuous improvement of the consumption power and consumption concept of our country’s consumers,The imported daily necessities of various "Internet celebrities" still have a considerable consumption base and space。"With high-end aromatherapy、Luxury goods are different,Daily necessities are urgently needed products,If 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino can get some supplies of popular products,Dislocation competition,Give duty-free goods business a new opening mode,The prospect is still very promising。And,Leveraging the operational advantages of its own department stores,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is likely to gain a firm foothold in the duty-free business。”

However,Wu Liyun also said bluntly,Although there is unlimited room for imagination in the future,But this time Wangfujing has to face a relatively limited number of island residents,How much “appeal” to consumption can the narrowed “encirclement” bring?,It is difficult to draw a conclusion yet。Zhou Mingqi also said,Judging from the current layout,Wangfujing’s main targets in the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino market should be 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino residents and high-end talents who have settled in the local area following various companies。Although this move may fill a gap in the local business market,But because the specific policy has not yet been issued,How big of a plate can emerging markets support?,It’s really hard to estimate。

Actually,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino also proposed in the announcement,Since duty-free goods business is a special business under government supervision,Compared with tax business, it is more policy-oriented,And the specific tax exemption policy for island residents has not yet been released,The implementation of the joint venture project still requires approval from relevant government departments,There is a certain risk of approval。

"Currently,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino’s model for selling duty-free goods to island residents is still unclear,Whether the relevant departments will set a certain shopping limit,How to define "island residents" is also unknown,These factors also affect the types and prices of goods available in 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,In turn, it affects consumer consumption and store influence。"Wu Liyun proposed。

Also,To be launched in 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino to face the island residents,The establishment of consumption habits is also crucial。"In recent years,A considerable proportion of consumers in some domestic cities are accustomed to buying imported daily necessities,But in a new market like 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Duty-free daily necessities still need to compete with some domestic brands with relatively stable user groups,How receptive are local residents to these fresh products,Needs further consideration。"Wu Liyun said。To this,Wangfujing also proposed in the announcement,The tax-free business for island residents is a brand-new business model,Consumers have a cognitive process,Needs cultivation and development,There is a certain market risk。

Zhou Mingqi also said,Although many companies now choose to use their second headquarters、Branch settled in 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is also constantly introducing investment policies to attract companies from outside the island,But overall,There is still great uncertainty about how much increase this group of residents can bring to 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino’s daily consumer goods duty-free market,Therefore,Wangfujing must pay attention to the rhythm in terms of size and speed at Qiongbu Point,You cannot invest in too many new stores at the same time just to capture the market,Exceeding local consumption capacity,Puts greater pressure on corporate capital flow。

*188bet Online Sports Betting and CasinoTextSource: Beijing 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Daily,Author: Jiang Mengwei、Yang Hui,Original title: "The first tax-free project is located in Wangfujing, 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino. What is the intention of betting on tax-free on the island?》.

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