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January 18,The Hong Kong government announces the future development of Ocean 188bet Live Casino,The Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of Hong Kong, Edward Yau, said frankly,Due to the time and resource changes required by Ocean 188bet Live Casino,So the Hong Kong government needs to help。According to him,Under the new coronavirus epidemic,The 188bet Live Casino was only open for 129 days last year,The 188bet Live Casino still has other expenses despite financial difficulties,Therefore, it is proposed that the Hong Kong government will provide financial support,Hopefully after appropriation and restructuring,Hope that Ocean 188bet Live Casino will eventually be self-financing。
Suggestions from 188bet Live Casino Commissioner Huang Zhizu,Starting from 22/23, it is recommended to provide 2 more per year for 4 years.HKD 800 million,11 in 4 years.HK0 million,Support the park to do a good job in conservation education under future strategies。Last year, the Finance Committee approved an allocation of HK.4 billion to Ocean Park to assist its operations,The park originally had to repay the loan from September this year,Considering the cash shortage before the transformation in a short period of time,Uncertain factors such as expected rebound or ups and downs in the future,Need to provide space and support。
Huang Zhizu just pointed,The government proposes to extend the repayment period,Repayment starting from September 2028,Repayment period extended to 2059,Interest-free starting from July this year,The 188bet Live Casino operation is expected to be good,You can request early repayment;Also,The government will provide non-recurrent funding16.HKD 700 million,To help alleviate the operational difficulties caused by the epidemic last year that caused the closure of most of the time。The government will consult the Legislative Council Economic Development Panel on relevant financial arrangements in the future,And seeking funding approval from the Finance Committee,Also submit the Ocean 188bet Live Casino Corporation Ordinance Bill,Solve some technical issues required for 188bet Live Casino transformation。
As for when Ocean 188bet Live Casino will be responsible for its own profits and losses,He did not respond positively,It only means that Ocean 188bet Live Casino has been self-financing most of the time,In recent years, the problem has arisen due to the decrease in the number of admissions due to loan problems,But he believes it,With the future transformation and development of Ocean 188bet Live Casino,The flow of people will increase compared with the past,And it can also be used by third-party operators to generate more revenue,Confidence in the future of Ocean 188bet Live Casino。
*Source of this article: Guandian Real Estate Network, original title: "The Hong Kong government 188bet Live Casino funding to ocean companies16.HKD 700 million》.
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