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January 29,Stated by the World 188bet online sports betting Organization under the United Nations,The COVID-19 crisis caused losses to the global 188bet online sports betting industry in 20201. trillion revenue,Describe this as the worst year in the history of 188bet online sports betting。
The World 188bet online sports betting Organization said in a statement,The 188bet online sports betting industry’s losses last year were equivalent to more than 11 times those recorded during the 2009 global economic crisis,And warn 100 million to 1.200 million jobs directly related to the 188bet online sports betting industry may not be guaranteed。The last time a decline in international tourist arrivals was recorded was in 2009,Fall of 4%。The decline in SARS in 2003 was only 0.4%。
The organization stated,International passengers dropped by 1 billion last year,or 74%,Asia, which was first hit by the epidemic, saw the largest decrease。Tourist numbers to Asia Pacific plunge 84%,Followed by Africa and the Middle East,Also reduced by 75%,70% decrease in European passengers,American tourists fell by 69%。
Indicated by the World 188bet online sports betting Organization,Start of vaccination expected to slowly normalize travel this year,But due to the ongoing changes due to the epidemic,Many countries are re-implementing travel entry restrictions,such as isolation、Mandatory testing and border closures。
*This articlecomeSource: Guandian Real Estate Network, original title: "The United Nations pointed out that the epidemic caused a loss of 1 to the global 188bet online sports betting industry last year. trillion revenue》.
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