Is an introvert more suitable for leadership?

Industrial Investment Author of 188bet best bookmaker article: Harvard Business Review 2015-06-29
Working in a team,Being a team member is very positive、Main request to change、When coming up with new ideas and better strategies,Introverted leaders are more likely to listen、Weighing the suggestions of subordinates,Extroverted leaders 188bet best bookmaker feel that their halo has been taken away by their subordinates,so that the opinions of subordinates are less adopted。

Let’s take a personality test together!

Determined, talkative, strong, not restrained, energetic.

Use a number to indicate how accurately each 188bet best bookmaker above words describes your personality: 5 means very accurate,1 means completely inaccurate。

In the personality test above,If your score is less than 10,Then you are probably an introvert。Research findings,188bet best bookmaker account for 1/3 to 1/2 of the total population。However,Most jobs in real life are indeed designed for extroverts。

Extroverts like group activities。They keep participating in various activities,And express your thoughts,Staying with people 188bet best bookmaker make him more energetic。External stimulation,such as interpersonal interaction、Social activities and sharing of ideas 188bet best bookmaker keep them motivated。The opposite,Introverts usually don’t like hustle and bustle,Crowd,Or interfered with。They yearn for peace more、Lonely place,Likes to take time to think before speaking or acting,Also tends to establish reliable one-on-one relationships。The energy of introverts comes from reflection。They are immersed in their own thoughts and exploring,Very focused on work。

So in a work team,When the two need to communicate or even lead others,What impact 188bet best bookmaker these tendencies have on their respective development?My research shows,Different types of team members,The answers are different。

If the team members are accustomed to obeying the instructions of their superiors、Responsible follower,Extroverted leadership 188bet best bookmaker be very effective。Extroverts 188bet best bookmaker be like guiding lights,They have vision,Bring belief to the entire team、Energy and network。

Opposite,Being a team member is very positive,And actively request changes、When proposing new ideas or better strategies,Introverted leaders 188bet best bookmaker have more advantages。In this case,Extroverted leaders are more likely to feel threatened。When employees support new ideas、Strategy and workflow,They also took away the halo from the leader,Challenged the authority of the leader、Power and status。The result is that extroverted leaders are less likely to adopt ideas: they 188bet best bookmaker oppose all suggestions,and prevent group members from contributing。Compare to,Introverted supervisors may be more willing to listen and carefully weigh suggestions from subordinates。The above findings are consistent with the research conclusion of "dominance complementarity": when the number of dominants and submissives in the same group is basically the same,This team 188bet best bookmaker be more united、Efficient。

Our intuition is,When the employee is passive,Extroverted leaders perform better,Vice versa。To verify 188bet best bookmaker conjecture,Me and my Wharton colleague Adam Grant,and Dave Hoffman of the University of Northern California studied a U.S. pizza delivery industry chain。Because the business models between stores are very similar,We were able to explore whether their success was related to extroverted leadership and employee initiative。

To independently analyze the impact of extroverted leadership,We compared the profitability of 57 different stores。We assessed the level of extroversion of the supervisors in each store—how resilient they were、Chatty、Brave and positive。Also,An average of 6 to 7 employees per company completed the 188bet best bookmaker motivation survey。Investigation includes: They made suggestions for improvements、Try new business strategies,and frequency of building better workflows。

In the next 7 weeks,We track the profitability of each store。We have adjusted some elements beyond the control of our supervisor,Such as the average price of a pizza order and the total number of hours employees work。We found,188bet best bookmaker clerk is passive,The revenue of stores managed by extroverts is significantly higher,But 188bet best bookmaker clerk is more proactive,The income is significantly lower。188bet best bookmaker store is full of passive employees,The revenue of stores managed by extroverts is 16% higher than that of stores managed by introverts。But 188bet best bookmaker clerks are proactive,The revenue of stores managed by extroverts is 14% lower than that of introverts。Just as we expected,188bet best bookmaker is an advantage for passive teams,But it is a disadvantage for active teams。

The above survey results indicate,Introverts can use their strengths to bring out the best in team members,But also due to the limitations of work organization,Make ability unable to be used。Take a meeting as an example,In today’s culture,Meetings are usually a competition between eloquent people。In the open conference room,All tables are closely connected,High confidence、Charm and interactivity are the golden rules for controlling meetings,However, introverts in such an environment,Often choose to be silent。They do this at a cost,It 188bet best bookmaker also have a negative impact on the company。

How to get those quiet and steady employees to express 188bet best bookmaker feelings?The practices of some companies may be worth emulating。On Amazon,Every meeting begins with absolute silence。Before any conversation begins,Everyone 188bet best bookmaker spend 20 to 30 minutes quietly reading a 6-page agenda briefing。The reason for establishing this process,Because Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos discovered that employees often don’t read materials before meetings,And reading together can focus everyone’s attention on the current urgent issues。

When the author of 188bet best bookmaker 6-page brief started writing 188bet best bookmaker "report",The answer is starting to become clear。The briefing tells a story: there is a conflict that needs to be resolved,And the conclusion must include the solution,There must be some innovation,And guarantee customer satisfaction。188bet best bookmaker structure gives the entire meeting a clear direction。By writing a brief,Authors can think about what questions they want to ask,Think carefully,Then express your point clearly and clearly。Bezos bans employees from using Powerpoint presentations,188bet best bookmaker is also expected,Because you can avoid a single fuzzy logic without using Powerpoint。

Clearly organized presentations require logical thinking,188bet best bookmaker levels the playing field for extroverts and introverts。Because of mandatory writing as an intermediary,Incorporate self-management and personal reflection into effective meeting discussions and participatory decision-making。The team after taking the time to read,You can focus on valuable topics: understanding, sharing and deeper analysis of data information。The most important thing is,Teams can have meaningful debates。188bet best bookmaker process gives introverts time to organize their thoughts,And encourage them to share their ideas。At the same time,Also encourages extroverts to listen、Reflection,And then adopt a more positive attitude to accept the opinions raised by introverted colleagues。

By adjusting the conference mode,Management gets input from 188bet best bookmaker,Also listened to the valuable suggestions from introverted employees。(Mooneater

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Source of 188bet best bookmaker article is Francesca Gino,Copyright belongs to the original author。
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