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May 24, Qiu Tenghua, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of the Hong Kong SAR Government said on the 24th,The SAR government is discussing with 188bet sports betting operators on "high seas travel",Enable tourists to depart or participate in routes from Hong Kong,Return to the high seas,Does not involve docking to other places,Relatively reduces the risk of tourists contracting the epidemic in other places。
Qiu Tenghua made the above remarks after attending the Economic Development Committee of the Legislative Council that day。He explained,The so-called "high seas 188bet sports betting" refers to 188bet sports betting ships that use Hong Kong as their home port or provide services within the region。In view of the earlier epidemic situation on 188bet sports betting ships,"High seas travel" must also take no less than the same epidemic prevention measures as those in cities,Including vaccinations, etc.。
Qiu Tenghua pointed out,Many 188bet sports betting attendants come from all over the world or surrounding areas,So it is necessary to do a good job,Proper isolation and vaccination are also required,Ensure safety before setting off。Hong Kong residents who want to participate in the "High Seas Tour",Also need to be vaccinated。The SAR government is discussing relevant content with 188bet sports betting operators,Hopefully a mutually agreeable arrangement can be reached in the short term,And announce it as soon as possible,Allow operators to start preparation work as soon as possible,Hope to open the service in the middle and late summer vacation。
For "High Seas Tour",188bet sports betting legislator Yiu Sirong revealed earlier at the same meeting,Both the 188bet sports betting industry and the SAR government have no technical problems,It is expected to be opened by the end of July at the earliest。Cruise ships will launch multiple measures to prevent the epidemic,Including only rooms with balconies open、Set up negative pressure wards and arrange for doctors to accompany you, etc.。If anyone is infected,There will be a mechanism to handle it,Regardless of software and hardware requirements,All are higher than the average hotel stay for tourists,Believe that the risk of infection is lower than that in the community。
*thisTextComeSource:China News Network, author人: Wang Jiacheng, original title: "Hong Kong plans to 188bet sports betting "high seas tour" during summer vacation, tourist crew members must be vaccinated》.
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