The "one-vote system" is controversial again and many inns in Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino are closed

Cultural 188bet online live casino Benefits Author of this article: 188bet online live casino Travel 2015-07-14
Renewed controversy over the "one-vote system" in Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino,Strict ticket management system will be implemented again、Rectifying the order of the tourism market has become a top priority in the improvement of scenic spots。

The "one-ticket system" has been implemented for more than two years when visiting Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino,But the controversy caused by this ticket of 148 yuan per person has not been eliminated。Starts July 4th,Inns are closing one after another,Hang out "cannot survive,Inn transfer” banner,Starting from July 6th and starting to open again。

The trigger of this “wave of business closures”,The government no longer allows innkeepers to bring people into the ancient 188bet online live casino scenic spots for free to view rooms,The owner of the inn in the scenic area said that this move will affect the inn business;The Diaojiaolou Inn on Beibian Street outside the ancient 188bet online live casino scenic area hung a banner saying "Unable to Survive",Hope to use this to pressure the government to strictly implement the one-person-one-vote system,Put an end to illegal solicitation。

To this,A person in charge of the Propaganda Department of the Fenghuang County Party Committee said,They understand the current mood of merchants,Although this move has harmed the current interests of some inns,But in the long run, it will regulate the entire Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino tourism market,Combating illegal solicitation、The only way to unfair competition。

Trigger: Inns are prohibited from bringing people into 188bet online live casino spots for free

Starts July 4th,There are many photos on the Internet of Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino Family Inn posting "Inn Transfer" notices,There are also many Diaojiaolou inns along the river with the words "unable to survive",Inn transfer” banner,Arouse public attention。

Mr. Shao is a resident of Shawan Community in Fenghuang County,My home is on the street of Laoyingshao on the north bank of Tuojiang River in Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino。Like many of our neighbors,His family started the inn business around 2008。

Mr. Shao said,June 23,Shawan community staff went to the inn to issue a notice,It is said that since the implementation of the county’s new tourism policy,The “one-vote system” is accepted and recognized by the majority of tourists,But due to unfair collection of tickets,And all the chaos caused by it,Seriously affecting the county’s tourism market order and social stability,Require operators in the ancient 188bet online live casino to consciously abide by the regulations,"Do not bring tourists into Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino for any reason"。

This notice touched the sensitive nerves of the innkeepers,They express their objections to the staff who issued the notice。“But they say they are not officials,If you have any questions, go to the county leader,How do we know which leader to go to??"Mr. Shao said,They have approached the director of the Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino Scenic Area Management Office twice,But never saw it once。

Introduced by multiple innkeepers,Morning of June 30th,Fenghuang County Government Department Staff、Police station police、Administrative law enforcement personnel,and the staff of the Phoenix Ancient 188bet online live casino operator company appeared at multiple check-in points,Innkeepers are prohibited from bringing people into the scenic area。

Meanwhile,The innkeepers are also gathering。Mr. Sun, the owner of the inn, said,Dozens of bosses came here at that time,“Let’s reason with them,Our home is here,Our houses also have property rights certificates,Why do they put our house into the ancient 188bet online live casino scenic spot?Why is there a card check on the road in front of our house?Why do tourists still charge to see our house?Why aren’t we allowed to bring people in to view the house now?”

According to Mr. Shao,around 2012,Fenghuang County has opened a highway,Changsha、Chongqing、Guiyang、The number of tourists from Wuhan and other places is gradually increasing,The inn business is getting more and more popular。But on April 10, 2013,The ancient 188bet online live casino scenic spot stipulates that each tourist must pay a ticket of 148 yuan to enter the scenic spot,The innkeepers in the ancient 188bet online live casino believe that this move will reduce the passenger flow in Phoenix,In turn affecting their business,Therefore oppose the "one-vote system",After negotiation,The ancient 188bet online live casino operator allows them to take guests into the scenic area to view houses for free,But you still need to buy tickets after viewing the room,“After we bring the tourists in,We can’t force them to buy tickets”。

The boss Mr. Zhu said,With the ancient 188bet online live casino management giving them the “green light”,The business of the inn has not been greatly affected。However,They didn’t expect it,Today two years later,This policy will be canceled。

On-site visit:The occupancy rate of guest rooms in the 188bet online live casino has declined

Jinghua Times reporter randomly visited more than 20 family inns in the ancient 188bet online live casino scenic area,Bosses all said,Since June 30, they have been prohibited from bringing guests into the room,Room occupancy rate has dropped seriously,The room is usually full,But the occupancy rate in those days was basically around 20%,Dozens of inn owners choose to close their businesses from July 4th to 6th。

An inn near Bianying Street in the ancient 188bet online live casino has 20 rooms,The business records shown by Mr. Liu, the owner of the inn, to reporters,July 2 this year、3rd、Only 1 room is available on the 4th,No one checked in for 5 days,Check 4 rooms in 6 days、Check 5 rooms in 7 days,And last July 4th、6th、8 days average room occupancy,2nd、3rd、The occupancy rate on the 5th is also above 80%。Four other inn owners also provided business records to reporters,Similar business conditions。

The business situation 188bet online live casino inn deep in the alley is even more pessimistic。July 8,The owners of two inns in Anle Lane, Biaoying Street told reporters,They have not received any guests since June 30,One hotel has lifted the beds in some rooms,“No one is coming,No need to make the bed,It’s a waste to pave it”。

On July 7th,The owner of an inn in Laoyingshao during an interview with reporters,Received 3 check-out calls in 15 minutes,The other party said that they need to pay an additional 148 yuan for the 188bet online live casino,Decided to check out。July 10th is Friday,Reports from multiple innkeepers,Occupancy rate has rebounded。

Increased chaos in soliciting customers after collecting 188bet online live casino

Mr. Sun, the owner of an inn near Bianying Street in the ancient 188bet online live casino, said,The reason why the government currently does not allow innkeepers to bring tourists into scenic spots is that some people are illegally soliciting tourists。“This phenomenon does exist,Illegal solicitation also existed before 2013,But after collecting tickets,The illegal solicitation of customers is becoming more and more serious,Many people with no source of income have become professional solicitors,Bring a guest into the ancient 188bet online live casino,Can charge thirty or forty yuan,Guests save 148 yuan in tickets。”

Mr. Sun said,Illegal solicitors will also bring guests to the inn,Their commission ranges from 20 yuan to 80 yuan,“They must have told the guests that the environment 188bet online live casino inn he brought was better than other inns,This is unfair competition”。He introduced,Many Conghuaihua、Ji Shou、The bus coming from Changsha just got off the highway,Someone came forward to solicit customers,There are people driving motorcycles at the same time、Private cars solicit individual travelers,“Collecting tickets brings them opportunities”。

The chaos of soliciting tourists has caused strong dissatisfaction with tourism market managers from hotels outside the scenic area。Beibian Street is not within the ancient 188bet online live casino scenic area,Located on the bank of Tuojiang River outside the north wall of the ancient 188bet online live casino,It is a collection of inns built along the river、Cafe、Shopping Street of Shops,The west end is the entrance to the ancient 188bet online live casino scenic spot。According to several inn owners operating in Beibian Street,Evening of July 3rd,More than 30 inns on Beibian Street began to close,And hung out "can't survive" that night,Inn transfer” banner。

morning on the 4th,Fenghuang County administrative law enforcement officers came to remove the banner,The inn hung up the banner again that night,Withdrawn again on the morning 188bet online live casino 5th。Multiple boss names,They were asked not to hang banners,There are government people doing their jobs,Hope they can resume business soon。

Many inn owners on Beibian Street said in interviews with reporters from Beijing Times,Their demand is that the government can strictly control the tourism market in Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino,Put an end to illegal solicitation。“Some locals are doing business without capital,Talking tourists and saying that they can take them into the ancient 188bet online live casino for thirty or forty yuan per person,As long as you don’t leave the ancient 188bet online live casino, you won’t encounter ticket checkers,This will seriously affect our business。”

When the reporter arrived in Fenghuang County on July 7,No solicitors were encountered on the road。And July 8th,A tourist told reporters,He found a local man on the street and brought him in,“It cost 30 yuan”。Reporter on the 8th、On the 9th, I found many local vendors outside the ancient 188bet online live casino scenic area,The other party said that the current investigation is too strict,Unable to bring people in,"If caught bringing guests in,A fine of 1,000 yuan”。

Frequent 188bet online live casino checking is a bit annoying

Phoenix Ancient 188bet online live casino is originally an open area,There are many residential areas on the edge,There are many paths、The sidewalk can lead to the outside of the scenic area,But these paths、Ticket gates have also been set up on the sidewalk,There are scenic area staff on duty,Time is from 7 am to 12 pm,Every time a tourist enters a scenic spot,will be stopped by the staff,Required to swipe ID card or show ticket purchase invoice。

After purchasing a ticket of 148 yuan,You can visit 9 major attractions in Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino within 48 hours,Including Shen Congwen’s former residence、Xiong Xiling’s former residence、Yang Family Ancestral Hall, etc.;48 hours later,You can enter and exit each ticket checkpoint for 48 hours with your ticket purchase receipt。

188bet online live casino inspection is for tourists,Locals do not need to check tickets,But there are also locals dressed like tourists who have been asked to check in tickets many times,This has caused resentment among many tourists and locals。Video shot by Phoenix residents,Some tourists also had physical conflicts with 188bet online live casino inspectors because they checked tickets too frequently。

Jinghua Times reporters also frequently encountered ticket inspections during local interviews。Because the location of the ticket gate is not entirely along the ancient 188bet online live casino,Inadvertently walked out of the scenic spot many times during the tour,Every time I return to the scenic spot, there are no railings、When there are only a few staff standing at the ticket checkpoint,Will be stopped by the staff: "Hello,Please show your ticket。”

Jinghua Times reporter visited and found,There are at least 12 ticket checkpoints like this around Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino。

Afternoon, July 7,At the check-in point at the west end of Laoying Post,A local resident had an argument with a 188bet online live casino inspector,Residents expressed dissatisfaction with the establishment of 188bet online live casino gates in front of their homes。About 10 minutes after the reporter came out of the 188bet online live casino checkpoint,When returning to the checkpoint again,Still required to check tickets,Reporters had to take out their ID cards to check tickets,Access will be allowed only after the 188bet online live casino record is confirmed。Only at the east gate tower,There are only two 188bet online live casino checkpoints,located at the intersection facing east、Both directions facing south。Both sides of the Tuojiang River under the Phoenix Bridge,There are only 3 188bet online live casino checkpoints。

A tourist said that he had been checked 4 times within an hour,“Too many 188bet online live casino checks,Three steps, one post, five steps, one post,I’m not even in the mood to travel anymore”。

Many locals 188bet online live casino in interviews with reporters from Beijing Times,Although I am a local,But I am still often asked to check tickets。“I grew up here,Now they often ask them to check tickets,Very annoying!”

Official response:The government has done nothing wrong in regulating 188bet online live casino order

“Innkeepers cannot solicit customers,It may have an impact on their business now,It will take longer to recover the cost they invested,We all understand,But we also regulate the tourism market order for the long-term sustainable development of Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino,We also hope that merchants can understand us。” Director Wu from the Publicity Office of the Propaganda Department of the Fenghuang County Party Committee said in an interview with a reporter from the Beijing Times,Now Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino is preparing to apply for a 5A-level scenic spot,Need to further improve tourism quality。

Data provided by Director Wu to reporters,In the first half of this year, Fenghuang Ancient 188bet online live casino received a total of 574 tourists.680,000 people,A year-on-year increase of 31 respectively.89%。

She 188bet online live casino that the data from July 1 to the present this year has not yet been compiled.Director Wu said,Phoenix’s tourism industry has developed rapidly in recent years,But a lot of tourism chaos also occurred。A series of plans have been introduced to improve the tourism quality of the ancient 188bet online live casino,Strictly crack down on illegal solicitation、Speed ​​driving to solicit customers、Irregular phenomena such as forced buying and selling in the photography market。“For example, as soon as you walk past, there are many people pulling you to take pictures,There is also a sky-high parking lot that has been exposed by the media before,A series of tourism chaos must be rectified。”

her name,Some merchants who oppose banning inns from bringing people into 188bet online live casino spots for free to view rooms have something to do with illegal solicitation,“Illegal solicitation brings them customers,The county’s rectification work has harmed their current interests”。

When the inn was previously allowed to bring people,Less than 3% of tourists bought tickets after entering,“Basically don’t buy tickets,Some inns may have 10 beds,But he takes more than 20 guests a day,Disrupting the tourism market。The inns outside the 188bet online live casino think they are unfair competition,Reported to the county many times,If not corrected,It’s all chaos”。

“From a merchant’s perspective,Previously loose management,They can increase their income by bringing customers,Now the management is strict,It is forbidden for them to solicit customers,Profits 188bet online live casino damaged,We understand,But it doesn’t mean that we are doing it wrong。" Director Wu said。

We are working on a plan to optimize the 188bet online live casino inspection system

Director Wu said,Businesses on Beibian Street expressed their demands by hanging banners,I hope it will attract the government’s attention and I understand,But this violates the provisions of Chapter 2, Article 16 of the "Regulations on the Protection of Fenghuang Historical and Cultural 188bet online live casino in Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture": no stalls are allowed in the ancient Fenghuang 188bet online live casino、Piling clutter、Writing and scribbling、Using audio equipment to sell goods;It is prohibited to set advertisements that are inconsistent with the historical features of the ancient 188bet online live casino、Signboard。

violation of regulations,188bet online live casino based on Chapter 5, Article 36,Ordered by the Law Enforcement Bureau to make corrections,A fine of not less than 50 yuan but not more than 500 yuan may be imposed。Therefore,Administrative law enforcement departments persuade merchants to remove banners,The banners hung in some inns that were not occupied were removed by administrative law enforcement officers。

her name,In the process of rectification,The government also arranged an on-site interview team to listen to the opinions of inn owners,But their opinions cannot be satisfied,“For example, some people say that the location of the 188bet online live casino gate we set is unreasonable,Shouldn’t be located in this place,But this is the location that has been tested and confirmed for two years since we started collecting tickets in 2013,If set elsewhere,Some people will stand up and say it’s unreasonable”。The government has also noticed the problem of too many 188bet online live casino checks,Considering research options to reduce the number of 188bet online live casino checks,Optimize 188bet online live casino checking system。

Is it reasonable for Siege to charge tourists a unified 188bet online live casino of 148 yuan?Director Wu said,The charge has been approved according to procedures,No problem。According to relevant departments,“In recent years, travel agencies have been promoting the ‘Zero Yuan Tour to Phoenix’,This puts a lot of pressure on the scenic spot。

The tour group will be disbanded at the door,Find someone to bring in to evade fare,If you don’t need to buy tickets,It will cause everyone to flock here,Control the passenger flow in the ancient 188bet online live casino and protect the ancient 188bet online live casino、Environmental health creates a lot of pressure”。

Director Wu said,Strict 188bet online live casino management system、Rectifying the order of the tourism market is what the government must do,“Can’t just care about the immediate interests of dozens of inns,Ignore the long-term development of Phoenix、Fair competition in the market。If the chaos continues,There will also be fewer tourists,I hope merchants can understand”。

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