98% of O2O companies will die,If 188bet best bookmaker want to survive, 188bet best bookmaker must first be a businessman!

Author of 188bet best bookmaker article: Xu Ning 2015-07-27
In the field of O2O,98% of companies will fail。For an O2O startup company,In the early stage, we fight for capital,The next step is to rely on data operation capabilities, which means the ability to control costs。First 188bet best bookmaker need to be a businessman, followed by other roles such as product managers.

The content of 188bet best bookmaker article is compiled from the second issue of KrLass hosted by 36 Krypton on July 26,Zhu Lei (currently General Manager of Commercial Realization Division、Vice President of Technology,Worked at Baidu) Taking data as the entry point,From 188bet best bookmaker、Operations、Three aspects of business analyze the only way for O2O startups to develop。

Someone asked me yesterday,How to view the recent boom in entrepreneurship,Basically, one idea and a few people can get the angel wheel。In the field of O2O,I personally think that the number of companies that can survive in the long run is around 1%-2%,Another way of saying it,98% of companies will fail。Why is it so difficult?Because the capital market is too hot,Most of the users you see now are all funded by money。Just like Homejoy, the originator of American housekeeping O2O, is about to close down,A big reason is also related to 188bet best bookmaker。Those startup companies,How to cross 188bet best bookmaker foamy torrent?

From a 188bet best bookmaker perspective

Let’s start with Didi,Didi’s product logic is very simple: I want to go somewhere,Issuance order,Someone responded。But 188bet best bookmaker details of product design,There are many things to consider。

First of all, does 188bet best bookmaker scene really exist objectively?

No matter what direction your O2O project comes from,Everyone is basically solving a traditional scene problem,Move application scenarios or payment scenarios to the Internet,Solve some inconveniences in life。But there will be a paradox here: most of the scenes are artificially fabricated,Many people are using 188bet best bookmaker in many scenarios that don’t seem to have such strong demand,The essence is because of the subsidies behind 188bet best bookmaker。Throwing 188bet best bookmaker in the capital market,Brings discounts to users,So the user chooses to use。

In 188bet best bookmaker way,Everyone has a common feeling,You spend a lot of time、The product solutions optimized by human resources are not worth the appeal of giving users an extra 1 yuan discount。Be more straightforward,In the O2O industry,When it really involves the user’s physical consumption scenario,Your product、Technology has no decision-making power in the early stages,The fundamental decision-making power lies in "money"。

If 188bet best bookmaker follow the idea of ​​throwing money and continue going down,Your product will basically fail。So,Everyone before making a product,188bet best bookmaker should fully consider whether the trading scenario 188bet best bookmaker envision objectively exists。

Also, what is your 188bet best bookmaker base?

A lot of times uncles and aunts are also dragged in to use a certain product,I’m not saying I exclude 188bet best bookmaker type of people,But the cost of cultivating a person over 50 years old to get used to your product is very high。Your audience at 188bet best bookmaker time,It needs to be retrieved through data search。

Positioning is very important。Generally,Unless you find a fairly mass market,Your user base can be the whole。Including Didi Kuaidi’s current status,The user group is not all,Let a person in his 50s use it,It is more difficult,The basic target group is still in their 20s to 40s。In 188bet best bookmaker way, services need to be developed around 188bet best bookmaker part of the mainstream population,You need to judge whether there is a problem with your scene。

One more thing,Is there information asymmetry 188bet best bookmaker trading scenario of your product?

For example, the scene of taking a taxi,Looking at it from today,You will take 188bet best bookmaker for granted,Use an app to call a taxi for you。But,Go back a few years,When I first started doing 188bet best bookmaker project,Everyone will have questions: Now it is very convenient for me to reach out to stop the car on the roadside,Do I really need such a software to help me call a car?

But in fact,188bet best bookmaker product solves problems in specific scenarios,For example,Peak period、When it rains、The location is remote or the driving time is early in the morning, etc.。In other words, in some special scenarios,When many problems have not been solved,There is a lot to do here。

But in most cases,We cannot see such a space。For example, housekeeping,Call aunt to door-to-door service with just one click,188bet best bookmaker logic sounds reasonable。However in practice,When the aunt comes to the door,The first thing I want you to remember is her phone number,Call her directly next time,She will give you a discount。In other words,There is indeed information asymmetry in 188bet best bookmaker market,But obtaining 188bet best bookmaker kind of information does not necessarily require an app,I have a phone number or search it on Baidu,188bet best bookmaker matter is solved。So,188bet best bookmaker is a man-made scene。And the user’s frequency of use is not very high,Then the value of 188bet best bookmaker app to users is very low。

In 188bet best bookmaker scenario,Why are many products so popular?The reason for the popularity is high subsidies。Normal people would choose to use it under such a large discount,But it’s more difficult to hold on。

If all the above problems can be solved,Let’s take a closer look at 188bet best bookmaker design

Just say the user requested a ride,Need to push the order to the driver,The simplest design logic is people-centered,Draw a circle according to the distance。But if the product is really launched like 188bet best bookmaker,There will be many problems。For example,In Nanjing,The Yangtze River crosses it,People hailing taxis by the river,Draw a circle and push it to the car on the other side,It will take a few hours to drive here;Or,Beijing Xizhimen Bridge,Request a taxi from CapitaMall,Car on the bridge,Very close to me in space,But go around the bridge,It takes more than 20 minutes...special questions like 188bet best bookmaker,It is the key user experience,Also before the product is launched,Pay more attention to combining it with data。

After the product is launched,When 188bet best bookmaker need to expand the content,Also depends on data。Like the express train launched by Didi、Special car、SF Express, etc.,There are many differences in price,Mainly because the target consumer groups are different。The establishment of the entire bidding system is closely bound to the data。

188bet best bookmaker an operational perspective

When a startup is just starting out,Operation needs to shoulder the market、Business and many other roles,The money invested is not enough。Operation requires data to control the company’s investment、Income ratio。Of course,For capital-heavy companies,188bet best bookmaker can keep burning money,But Didi Kuaidi will think about what to do if all the money is burned。

You can recall here first,BAT、360 and other first-generation Internet companies started for free,Basically 188bet best bookmaker took 10 years to reach the peak state。

And now in the mobile Internet era,Not only free,We still need to spend money to cultivate users’ habits。In other words,The capital market cannot wait for the next 10 years,Too slow。Look at 188bet best bookmaker from the perspective of an investor or company owner,It’s actually a good deal: I spent the money,Having such a large user base,At the same time, it also cultivates user habits。

The development of 188bet best bookmaker kind of user habit is not only due to the convenience of use,Some of it is driven by money,188bet best bookmaker is developed passively driven by interests。What does 188bet best bookmaker mean for startups?The cost of acquiring users has increased significantly than before。And there will be a phenomenon that users will be lost if they do not subsidize,188bet best bookmaker is also the pseudo scene mentioned before。So what many are fighting for now is not operational capabilities,But whether there is sufficient capital operation capability,Can create a market。For students who are doing operations in the company,You must be more cautious、Be cautious and cautious。

Didi Kuaishou spent more than 100 million a day on subsidies at its peak,What is 188bet best bookmaker concept?Meituan’s annual revenue is less than 1 billion。Although we use high subsidies to smash the market,But 188bet best bookmaker does not mean that we do not need to consider the cost and benefit of spending money。Then 188bet best bookmaker step is to do better in operation,Especially some data-driven models,Because it is directly related to money。

Give a simple example,Taxi red envelope,Someone received more money,Someone received less money。Actually,When 188bet best bookmaker area is in operation,Users will first be divided into several groups: "tycoon group" - whether to issue coupons or not,I use it a lot;“Normal crowd” – the more coupons issued,The more I use it;"Diaosi Group"--use it only after you send it,No use if not sent。How should the operation strategy be designed?

For wealthy users,You can just send it without sending it;For ordinary users,Still need to send some;What about diaosi users,There will be controversy here。First of all, we must be clear,The first purpose of operation is to ensure the growth of users,The second is to ensure user activity。So what about diaosi users,188bet best bookmaker coupon still needs to be issued,However, the quota can be appropriately lowered to reduce working capital。Because we always need to cultivate new users to come in and form 188bet best bookmaker user habit,The current diaosi group may have such a conversion situation: students who go to college have fixed living expenses,Need to consider survival costs,I will use the coupons if you give them,Then they worked,Taking a taxi has become a common thing,At 188bet best bookmaker time you still need to spend money to make him develop a habit。But if he had already had 188bet best bookmaker awareness before,Then it will be a natural switch。

In other words, the user base of the product is constantly updating and iterating,188bet best bookmaker is a very crucial thing,The user market of the product is changing every day,corresponding,The data should also be constantly updated。And,The essence of operation is to improve the cost performance of the company's output and input,So you have to use data to formulate your operational strategy,Coupon issuance is a typical example。

Another application example is the funnel chart,The funnel chart records the loss or flow of users on your platform。For traditional websites,How many people are there when I open the Baidu homepage,Search how many people have opened your page,Continue to open the page,The number of people must be decreasing。On product,Some users will close the app at first glance and no longer use it,188bet best bookmaker is the first loss;People who continue to use,When turning on a function,I thought it had nothing to do with it and left,188bet best bookmaker is the second loss;The rest think 188bet best bookmaker app is useful to me,But interactively、Very bad experience,Decided not to use it anymore,188bet best bookmaker is the third loss...for the start-up team,188bet best bookmaker loss data is particularly critical,You must know the reasons why your users are losing。

I also talked about a start-up team before,Use 2 million to recruit new people every month,More than 5k new users have been attracted,But 4k users were lost。There is a problem here,Use operating money to recruit new people,If the loss of old users is serious,The gain outweighs the loss for the company,Often most teams don’t pay attention to 188bet best bookmaker。

Suppose your users increase from 1 million to 1.5 million in a month,But the number of retained and active users has always been 200,000,Then 188bet best bookmaker user growth actually doesn’t make much sense。In operation,Can’t limit yourself to one product,You should think more from a business perspective,It is to do the most things with the least money。

188bet best bookmaker a business perspective

For putting user experience first,Unless it is a giant company,Profitability issues can be ignored for many years,Or you are just a front-line product manager,Just think about how to design、Iterative product。otherwise,You should jump out of 188bet best bookmaker story,Looking at 188bet best bookmaker from the outside,Then the first factor you consider should be whether the entire business model can make money。

The concept of business model is relatively poorly mentioned on the domestic Internet,188bet best bookmaker is what I think,The reason why many entrepreneurs are led into a pit and cannot get out。

The color or position of a button,188bet best bookmaker’s not that important to the start-up team,What matters is the business aspect。You should consider what you are doing first,In the normal operation of society,Is 188bet best bookmaker reasonable。Actually,Many startups defy logic。

What is entrepreneurship doing?It should be to create a new business model、Business logic,Instead of just making one product。Thinking 188bet best bookmaker through is very important。

Talk about burning money,Didi Kuaidi is also burning money now。But 188bet best bookmaker model was not created by Didi,The earliest can be traced back to 07、Video website in 2008,Like potatoes,Youku,YouTube。YouTube has been acquired,Potato、Youku has also struggled to support it for many years,The current profit model is not clear。Video websites burn money mainly due to the high cost of hardware、Copyright cost is too high,They pay dearly for users’ free behavior,Can’t get out now,Because users have developed the "bad habit" of not paying in the past 10 years。

It may be profitable in the short term,But in the long run,Everyone is paying the price for 188bet best bookmaker matter。Capital One made no profit;The second video website is not profitable;It is indeed free for third-party users to watch short-term videos,But because the video side has less investment,The transformation of user experience is very slow,In other words, the user experience may be delayed by 10 years。188bet best bookmaker approach,It is not conducive to the development of the entire video industry。

The money burning starts from the video,The second time is group buying。The Hundred Regiment War of that year,Only Meituan survives,Because Meituan only does one thing。At that time,All group buying websites and merchants have a settlement system,The cycle is usually one week,Even as slow as a month,Meituan optimizes the settlement system to one day,So later, merchants were only willing to cooperate with Meituan。The logic behind 188bet best bookmaker story,Money is very important to everyone,Especially having money in my own pocket is very important。

188bet best bookmaker is also a business logic,When you are doing something,Consider the business costs of your partners,Including how they make money,So Meituan killed other opponents。In other words,A truly lethal business model,Because you established a benign、Win-win ecosystem,You rely on your ecosystem to defeat your competitors。

There is an article that I agree with,188bet best bookmaker says inside,Only “soup” is left in the traditional Internet industry,There is only one successful Internet company using the traditional model in recent years - ToutiaoBecause they are making money,Don’t let others invest either,Make a fortune silently。What they are doing is very simple,188bet best bookmaker can be done in 2001,I used 188bet best bookmaker now and 188bet best bookmaker’s very successful。

Then whyO2O IndustryMaking money is difficult?Because you involve too many parties,For example, you are an Internet business owner,There are also traditional industries,There are also operators related to traditional industries,How many parties are you doing 188bet best bookmaker。Everyone is building a benign ecosystem,At 188bet best bookmaker time, it depends on who has a better grasp of the details of each stakeholder。

188bet best bookmaker returns to the essence of business,That is, "the remaining value is zero"。In other words,The user’s psychological expectations are the same as the actual price I paid。StandingBusinessmanangle,means every user is exploited to the fullest by me,188bet best bookmaker is the perfect business model,And only if the user is willing。

If 188bet best bookmaker are in the taxi-hailing industry,Without considering market competition and subsidies,What to do to build a business model?

Usually going to work when not in a hurry,There is no problem with traditional pricing。Suppose a superstar happens to come to the Workers' Stadium for a concert,ends at 10pm,Suddenly it started to rain again...at 188bet best bookmaker time,For most drivers,They didn’t make more money in 188bet best bookmaker strong scenario。actually,User in urgent need,I can actually ask for a higher price,For example, a concession stand at an attraction。

But 188bet best bookmaker logic does not exist in the transportation field,Everyone has always followed traditional pricing。When the driver is running on empty,No one pays them。Leave the Internet behind,But economically speaking,188bet best bookmaker is unreasonable,Theoretically, strong demand should lead to more profits,But not。

188bet best bookmaker means,There is a lot of room for fluctuation in pricing in the traditional transportation field。Just like Uber in the United States, they often adjust their prices。

Then here comes a new question,How much should be adjusted?What is the residual value just mentioned as zero?What are the 188bet best bookmaker’ psychological expectations??

188bet best bookmaker is the problem with the price system,How to find out where the ideal residual value point is,188bet best bookmaker is a very difficult thing,There is no algorithm that can calculate it in one step,It’s all based on market experience,It may take several months or even longer iteration cycle。These should all be driven by data。

for 188bet best bookmakerO2O Industry’s startup company,In the early stage, we focused more on capital,The next step is to rely on data operation capabilities, which means the ability to control costs。First 188bet best bookmaker need to be aBusinessman, followed by other roles such as 188bet best bookmaker managers.

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