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188bet tourism is gaining momentum
According to the latest data released by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of 188bet,Nearly more than 6 million Chinese tourists visited 188bet in the first half of this year,An increase of 111 compared with the same period last year.6%,Consumption increased by 138 compared with the same period last year.9%,Reached 190.9 billion baht (approximately RMB 349.100 million yuan);Judging from the popularity of Asian tourist destinations,188bet has always been the tourist destination with the highest market share in Southeast Asia,The major travel agencies have a conservative estimate of nearly 10,000 routes to 188bet,Special periods such as holidays will also usher in a greater peak of arrivals in 188bet,Officials from the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of 188bet previously stated,188bet currently receives an average of 500,000-600,000 Chinese tourists every month。People are generally concerned about the devaluation of the RMB,It will not have a big impact on traveling to 188bet。China has become 188bet’s largest source country in terms of number of tourists and consumption。
Follow the explosion in 188bet
188bet Star Siam Daily reported on the 17th,Around 7:30 pm local time on the 17th,Bomb explosion near Erawan Shrine in Bangkok, 188bet,Many casualties。As of the time of publication of Xing Siam Daily,The explosion killed 15 people,At least 50 people were injured。Currently,There are two known on-site explosion points,One of them is inside the most famous attraction in Bangkok, the "Erawan Buddha",The other place is located at the intersection leading to the central world at the entrance of the Erawan Shrine。According to the latest report from "Bangkok Post",The number of people injured in the explosion has risen to 123,Mostly foreign tourists。12 of the 19 people killed died on the spot。According to live reports from CCTV reporters,The deceased include Chinese (currently 3),More than 100 people were injured,Most of the injured are Chinese。
How much impact does the terrorist bombing have on tourism in 188bet
Looking at it from a historical perspective,188bet has been in an unstable situation in recent years,March 2010,188bet Red Shirt Protest Incident,Just a few days,leading to a loss of 2 billion baht in revenue from the tourism industry。At that time, the average daily number of tourists arriving through Suvarnabhumi International Airport decreased by about 15%,From the normal 35,000 passengers to 28,000 passengers。Under normal circumstances, 188bet’s tourism industry has an average daily income of 1.4 billion baht。There was also political turmoil in 188bet in January 2014,Causing large-scale protests on the streets,And the military coup on May 22, 2014、A series of events such as martial law have repeatedly hit 188bet’s tourism industry,188bet’s complex and ever-changing domestic environment,The number of Chinese tourists visiting 188bet has dropped sharply。The environment in 188bet has gradually stabilized in the past two years,The tourism market has also begun to recover slowly,Starting to heat up in the first half of this year,188bet ladyboy culture、Muay Thai experience tours and other tours are more or less saving 188bet’s tourism industry,At the same time, the Thai government is also planning to implement multiple entry and exit visa measures,Encourage high-end tourists to stay and spend money in 188bet, But the terrorist bombing of the Erawan Shrine on the 17th,All the accumulated popularity was wasted again,Some media even use the word "finished" to describe 188bet's future tourism development,Some travel agencies have said they will cancel all products to 188bet,And receive refund applications from consumers,188bet’s severe economic recession,The tourism industry has been hit hard again,The Thai economy will inevitably enter a cold winter period,Of course there is such a possibility,Due to the lower economic cost of going to 188bet,Chinese people’s enthusiasm has been cultivated,After a brief downturn,Will there still be a slow upward trend,We will continue to pay attention,Let’s wait and see。
Author of this article: Song Chenglong;Zhihui travel expert author;Personal WeChat ID: dalong080917;Welcome to follow,Please indicate [name + unit + position] for convenience when adding,Thank you very much for your support!
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