Qunar.com 188bet game Manager’s Experience: The Core Values ​​of 188bet game Managers

Industrial Investment Author of this article: Xiaohe 2015-09-18
Three-point summary of the core values ​​of 188bet game managers: Industry knowledge and analysis are the key to determining the right direction;Requirements analysis and systematization are the right things to do;User experience and 188bet game design are the “icing on the cake” for doing the right thing。

Core values ​​of 188bet game managers

1. 188bet game awareness and analysis

1. Knowledge of the 188bet game

1)、The model of your 188bet game,It is OTA、O2O、B2C。。。How to play it?

2)、Who are the “players” in this 188bet game?What is the relationship between each player?What are the upstream and downstream processes like?How are benefits evenly distributed?(not evenly distributed,It is a distribution that achieves balance and coordination)

2、In the relationship chain of the 188bet game,What aspects can be replaced by the Internet?

For example, the picture below,This is a flow chart comparing what the Qunar.com team and the Taobao team are doing:

The longer the benefit chain,Then the more intermediate links there are,The more room the Internet can have for transformation,The corresponding profit 188bet game higher。This is one of the reasons why O2O is so popular:

3、Based on 188bet game positioning,That is, the 188bet game is designed based on its position in the industry

4、Determine the development direction of products through analysis of market trends

5、Clear the business direction and value points of the 188bet game,While designing,Consider whether the design purpose is consistent with the business direction

2. Demand analysis and systemization

1、According to the development direction of the 188bet game,To carry out corresponding functional design

2. Convert requirements into functions

1) Understand the needs

2) Convert the collected requirements into a series of supportable requirements、Features that meet this need

3) Convert requirements into language understandable by engineers

3、Design a business structure,To carry out your 188bet game design

1) Systematic processing of requirements

2) Pay attention to the dependencies between functions

4. Project management

3. User experience and 188bet game design

1、Fundamentally speaking, 188bet game efficient、Quick、Accurately communicate methods to solve user demands

2、Specifically,Is prototyping (interactive draft、PRD)

3. Pay attention to functions, logic, rules, and algorithms

4. Consider user experience

5. Consider visual presentation

Summary 188bet game above three points and analysis 188bet game author’s experience:

一、Industry knowledge and analysis are the key to determining the right direction,It is also the most core and valuable thing!The best and most senior 188bet game managers are all doing this。

二、Requirements analysis and systematization are the right things to do,Is the specific implementation good?,Data that will directly affect the 188bet game,Related to the success or failure of the 188bet game。

三、User experience and 188bet game design are the “icing on the cake” for doing the right thing,Not a timely help。It is a kind of perfection、Optimization、Promote。Even if you don’t know this one,You can still be a good 188bet game manager。New 188bet game managers often think that this is the main job content of 188bet game managers,In fact, these are the things with the lowest value,The most replaceable,You can even leave it directly to the interaction designer。

In order of importance from high to low, 188bet game "One""Two""Three"

Sort according to the order 188bet game process “一”→“二”→“三”

The relationship between the three is like Maslow’s needs theory,Start from the basics,Satisfied "one" first,Only there 188bet game "two",Satisfied "two" again,Only there 188bet game "three"。If "one" is not satisfied,Then "two"、“Three” are castles in the air、Waste of effort,In the end it was all in vain。

All companies with good user experience,All solved "one"、After "二",The perfect user experience has just begun

Later iterations often focus on “two” and “three”

Generally,“One” will never change,Only the original direction is blocked,Or when the market changes,There 188bet game a change in "one"

A company is essentially business-driven,Whoever knows the business best 188bet game drive it。

Apple: Design Driven

Google: technology driven

Amazon: Data-driven

Sina Weibo: Operation driven

Tencent: 188bet game driven

Alibaba: Operational Driver

Baidu: technology driven

Whoever drives it,People with corresponding professions,You 188bet game have the most say,Because they know the business best。Tencent has the most say in products,Alibaba has the most say in operations,Baidu is the engineer who has the most say。

The 188bet game manager is a typical "easy to get started",Professions that are difficult to master:

Getting started is as simple as “everyone is a 188bet game manager”,The difficult part is that there are too many things to learn,Includes: industry information、Business experience、Project Management、Interaction Design、Communication, coordination and promotion ability、Programming technology、Marketing。

What 188bet game managers have to do is often a balance: knowing which factors will affect business goals,Then from these factors: resources、Time、Market、Cost。Choose from,Choose the most suitable solution based on value and cost。

The 188bet game manager is in the process of promoting the project, It’s not because you are a 188bet game manager that I listen to you,Rather: When talking to engineers、When communicating with designers,Should be “professional versus professional”。

Who knows the business and listens to whom,Whoever is most familiar with the business is the 188bet game manager,Drive this business through a "reasonable" approach。

The 188bet game manager should be the person who is most familiar with the business,The person who has the most complete information on all aspects,To the entire business、Function、Details、The person who thinks clearly about various situations!

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This article comes from PMcaff 188bet game Manager Community,Copyright belongs to the original author。
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