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Industrial Investment Author of this article: Ye Technology 2015-11-10
Make products,To meet the needs of users,Solution to users’ pain points,So what should we do?How did Didi transform from a simple taxi-hailing app,Rapidly grown into a travel platform that now involves many business lines?About Internet Entrepreneurship,He said you must have a dream,2B business is better in the cold winter。
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I have been a consultant at IBM for three years,Then worked as a product manager and team manager at Baidu for three years,Joined Didi at the beginning of this year。The Didi everyone knows is usually a taxi、Express、Special car、Hitchhiking、Driving these personal services,I didn’t know Didi also does B2B business,In fact, Didi has been producing corporate cars for almost a year。

Didi solves people’s travel problems,Make travel better,But behind everyone there is usually a company,So it started at the end of last year,Didi decided not only to solve personal travel problems,It should also help companies better manage travel issues,Make corporate vehicles a platform。

How to meet user needs?Let’s talk about a recent hot topic: the national open two-child policy。I look at the Moments,On that day, everyone started to talk about maternal and infant products and the overseas purchasing market is going to be popular again。But from my perspective,My first thought was after the two-child policy came out,How to consider having a baby?There are many elders in the family who are resistant,I have friends who gave up their second child because of this。

Therefore,How to help families provide psychological counseling for the elder,This is a new market,Early childhood education has always been a big market,But it rarely involves the psychological level,More talents and languages。The only child has been lacking companionship,But suddenly there is a younger brother and sister,Some are still many years apart,Not used to it,Parents need to pay attention to this issue,and,Nowadays, the families in the city who can have a second child should be relatively wealthy families,So this is a business opportunity。

I am talking about this to illustrate: the same market,Different people see different users and their needs are different。

So let’s talk about how to meet user needs,I want to explain from three aspects: Who are your users?What are the needs of users?How to satisfy?

I think the first two questions are more important,Know which needs of which users are being met,How to satisfy is just a question of implementation。

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Everyone is using WeChat now,So it is also very attractive from a business perspective。In the Internet Age,How to view it from B’s perspective,Look at the problems encountered by enterprise transformation?

1. Who are your users?

Make products,First of all, we must find out who the users of the service are,Only when it is truly clear who the user is,Just like after the second child was released,This means which market you have chosen。Just like after the second child was released,Someone saw the child,Someone saw the child,Someone saw the boss,Someone saw the society。

Differences in focus determine different businesses,Provide different products。

Now let’s talk about starting a business、Internet+,First determine who your users are,It will determine the form of your product。All the big guys on the Internet are saying that users come first,Very few people mention customers。I transitioned from traditional IT,In the traditional IT era,We always say “Customer is God”、“Customer is God”,No user comments,Users are just users of the system (and rarely talked about products at that time)。The 2C market was very small at that time,Traditional software suppliers are all doing 2B business,For example, UFIDA、Kingdee etc.,All provide OA、Finance、ERP etc.,For various industries、Government departments address system integration in their business development processes、Information management issues,At that time, little attention was paid to those system users,That is the current user。

I started as a programmer,At that time, development and design were not very separated,The products are researched and designed by ourselves,Most of the people who raised the demand at that time were corporate managers,Instead of the system user。When managers make demands,Usually based on business management,So it is difficult for end users to have decision-making power,The experience of the product is relatively not that important,It is important to meet business process and management needs。

Whoever pays the bill has the right to decide.

User concept is along with the Internet、3G network、The development of 4G network is important,The original traditional IT era,Users don’t have much say,Even the first generation of the Internet,Portal-based,So individual users don’t have much voice,Just view the content through the browser,The most news information,Few business interactions,User experience is limited。

It’s different now,Mobile Internet Era,Popularization of smartphones,Every C is important,Everyone wants to recruit you,Because the number of users represents the business scale,Now the user has become God,Even if you don’t pay,Also treat you as a former paying customer。

In the 2C field,Users and customers are often relatively unified。

From "Customer is God" to "User First",Is an important manifestation of the impact of the Internet on society。

Build Internet products,At the beginning of the entrepreneurial stage, there are two things: making products、Pull users。For example Didi,The first step is to get the driver,Think of every possible way,Go to the taxi company、Train Station、Looking for new drivers at the airport。User as an independent individual,Has received attention from all parties。

The entrepreneurial team must consider your new acquisition cost,If you haven’t even considered this,You will be in danger。If you haven’t taken the first step,It is impossible to grow in business。

In the Internet era,Users come first,But I work in 2B,At the business level,I think users and customers are equally important。

What is the business level?Baidu search is free,Pure user product,No charge,But you will see ads,The money Baidu earns from advertisers,So Baidu not only considers the search user experience,Also consider the demands of advertisers,They need exposure and conversion rate,Need various forms of advertising display。No one likes advertising,But you have to accept it,If there is no advertising revenue,Baidu can’t survive,Therefore, free search service cannot be provided。If you want to monetize your commercial product,You need to consider both users and customers。

Free will never last long,There must be another logic behind it,Someone needs to pay to support the free business,Otherwise it is impossible for pure user products to exist。Internet traffic is king,But if the traffic cannot be monetized,The traffic will not last long。

Let me talk about Didi Enterprise Edition by the way,The first step is for the company to create a business account,Then associate the corporate employee’s personal Didi account with the corporate account,After association,Enterprises can provide car services for employees,And manage accordingly。Enterprises can recharge their corporate accounts,Employees use the Didi platform to request a ride under the conditions that comply with the company’s corresponding ride-sharing policy,Enterprises can directly pay fares for employees,In this way, employees no longer need to personally issue invoices and reimburse,The company has also lost a lot of approval and review work。

When I was at IBM,I spend a lot of time traveling for projects every year,There was no Didi at that time,They are all hiring taxis,Every time I come back from a business trip for reimbursement,A bunch of invoices,It’s hard to remember where you came from every time you use the car,What to do,It’s easy to lose votes,This is a thankless task,Financial and personal complaints。Now Didi Enterprise Edition solves this problem very well。

Didi Enterprise Edition uses the Internet to solve the problem of taxi reimbursement for traditional enterprise employees,To meet the demands of enterprises and employees at the same time。But for business, we still look for companies first,Let Finance、Administration、Legal Affairs、The management is happy,The company is willing to sign a contract with me,Only employees can enjoy our enterprise car service。

In 2B business,B and C are equally important。In different development stages of 2B business,The emphasis of B and C will also be different。In the new period,B’s needs must be met first,Otherwise, we won’t be able to get customers at all,C will not have the opportunity to experience your service。

If it reaches maturity,Many customers have already come in,C experience is very important,To really make good use of C,This makes it more sticky,otherwise,If the feedback from C is not good,B will definitely consider changing service providers。

Also,Different marketing methods (top-down and bottom-up),The emphasis of B and C is also different。The former B is more important,To satisfy B’s demands,Then there is C,We currently mainly use this method,Let the sales team negotiate with customers。

But,2B business can also be bottom-up,such as dropbox,is a cloud storage service,It just developed a lot of C first,188bet online sports betting Through C’s word-of-mouth usage, many B’s customers were finally driven to purchase the service。Of course,This is not possible in all fields。Relatively speaking,The more single the business、Projects with shorter decision-making chains,The easier it is to achieve。

All Didi’s eating problems,is served through an enterprise-level product of a catering company,Order before 4pm every day,All are corporate payments,No need to reimburse。From the customer’s perspective,It’s a great experience,Same as our car company payment。This kind of service,If C is applied in large quantities,can affect B。Now Didi Enterprise Edition is also trying to do this。

2. Users and relevant stakeholders

The user is the user。If you do business,For example, Didi is doing well,But why do we always talk about safety issues、Resource utilization problem、Social issues?Because you have to think clearly from all levels,For example, if the government disagrees?Taking a taxi is not a new thing,Through electric recruitment,In fact, it is more convenient than APP,But why can’t I do it?

Because this is not just a taxi issue,There are too many interests involved,Traditional taxi company、The local government cannot solve this problem,Because of the region、With policy restrictions,Didi can do this,But we must also consider the demands of these stakeholders,Only win-win business can develop and last long。Didi platform aims to solve people’s travel problems,It is recognized by the people,So the government will also support it,In this way, the business can continue to develop healthily。

When doing business architecture,Be sure to think carefully,The user is the user,Key points to consider,But we must also consider the interests of the stakeholders behind it。

2. User needs

identified user,The next step is to understand the user’s needs。

1. Surface needs and essential needs

What is surface demand?When you ask him what he wants,He said what he wanted,This is a superficial requirement。But which is the real demand?It may be the same,Maybe not。You have to think about it,Does the matter he mentioned hurt??It’s okay if you don’t do it,I will forget it after a while,This is not a pain point,Not an essential requirement。

Here are some examples,In the process of development of Didi Enterprise Edition,After the enterprise opens an account and recharges,Employees can use corporate payment if they meet the conditions,No need to pay, no reimbursement,Very cool,So we think there will be many companies coming in soon,But that’s not the case,Customer development is very slow。

Why?Sales feedback said that companies are not willing to advance funds,If you pay monthly, it should be easy to open an account。So we created the credit function,Didi Advance Fund,Grant credit to users。But in fact found,After a while,Still not as many users as we imagined have signed up,Even the customers who originally wanted it did not sign the contract。

Later we analyzed it in depth again,Finally we diagnosed that the previous one was not the essential requirement,Only superficial needs,The essential demand is that companies are worried that the way they pay is not easy to control costs,There is a risk issue,If employees take a taxi after 9 o’clock, it is not necessarily because they work overtime,It’s very troublesome to get back the money you spent。They are not actually worried about the issue of advance funds,It’s the top financial executives who feel that management is out of control。

Understand the essential needs,So we started to optimize functions。In corporate payment,We have added geographical location control to the car usage rules,Implementation time、Location、Joint vehicle model control,And added expense limit management,You can limit personal quota、Cost center quota、Project quota,In this way, companies will feel that corporate payments are much safer,Willing to open some specific car use scenarios to us,For example, overtime scenario、Business trip scene。

But,This is still not enough,The same question has been raised again,Work overtime、Business trip solved,It is difficult to set specific rules for other daily business matters,Companies are still worried about corporate payment,Therefore,Didi has launched personal advance payment,Individual payment first,We regularly ask companies to issue a unified invoice or individuals to issue a unified invoice for reimbursement,There is no risk,It can also reduce the workload of reimbursement。This way,Many users came in。

Now we have more than 7,000 enterprise users,Including Lenovo、Alibaba and other major customers。We meet the essential needs of the enterprise,That’s why there is a good new recruit,If you only solve superficial needs,Can’t do this。

Subverting the market requires a process,B is slower than C,This is also the reason why “Internet+” is not as 188bet online sports betting popular as the Internet。

The closer you are to C,The easier,E-commerce is a,Didi is one,Takeaway group buying is one,These are rigid needs、High frequency,As long as it meets the needs of users,Others are not a problem。

You must be patient when doing B’s business。SAP is a big company、Respectable enterprise-level service company,It took 20 years for its user base and performance to enter a period of rapid development;UF is a leader in the domestic financial field,It took ten years to develop rapidly;salesforce spent 5 years polishing its products before it took off。2B business develops slower than 2C business,But the Internet era,We can also speed up。

2. Surface demand and potential demand

Some needs,When you ask the customer,They are asking for superficial needs,There is potential behind it、Needs that are difficult to express。For example,When doing projects in traditional fields,Enterprises must open up all the systems built in a chimney style,Integrate data and business。The surface requirements are these,But what is the underlying underlying demand?It is to centralize data and consolidate rights。

So when making products,We must consider these potential needs。Another example of a consulting project,Many consulting project clients already have plans,I just want to express my views through the channel of consulting company,Easy to implement。

Another Internet product case,Many people should have used "无名",The first thing he was satisfied with was people in the Internet circle asking for gossip about various companies,And supports making friends with strangers,But later private chat was launched,Can realize various contract requirements。

3. User feedback and user feedback trap

Build Internet products,Emphasis on user feedback,Because user feedback is an important way to optimize products,But from a practical perspective,Beware of user feedback traps。Normally negative feedback is amplified,The front side will shrink。Usually when you are not happy with the product,You will complain,So most of the feedback is about problems,We should pay attention to this feature when listening to feedback。

Tencent pays more attention to user feedback,Their product manager has a “10/100/100 rule”,That is, 10 user surveys per month、Follow 100 user blogs、Collect feedback from 1000 user experiences。 Xiaomi has also done a good job in this regard,Because it is a fan economy。

Also,Give an example of user feedback trap,Didi’s first business was taxis,Solving the problem of information asymmetry between drivers and passengers。At first we did not dispatch orders,It’s all about grabbing orders,Because of the mobile phone model、Various issues such as usage proficiency,Some drivers always fail to get orders,Some drivers always get good deals,Slowly exit the Didi platform if you can’t grab it。

To solve this problem,We launch the "Dimi" scheduling system,The system uses big data and rules to determine whether an order is a good or bad order for the driver,The driver will deduct rice if he grabs a good order,Less rice will reduce the chance of receiving a good order next time,But you can increase your dripping by taking bad orders,This way you can grab a good order。

Logically speaking,This is a particularly good control method,But judging from user feedback from the trial run,A bunch of negative voices,Said the order quantity is low,I don’t want to do it anymore。We were a little panicked at first,Because the original balancing strategy is to let drivers who take more orders take fewer orders,He won’t leave even if he does this,Let drivers who were previously unable to receive orders be able to receive orders,In this way, he is willing to keep the platform。This feedback makes us doubt our effectiveness。

We will look at the data later,The fact is: customer retention rate is high,The overall order volume has also increased。It turns out that the main complainer was the previous beneficiary,The product is successful。If we had listened to direct user feedback and said this was not good、That’s not good,You may feel that this system is not good。

User feedback is important,But we should also pay attention to the fact that negative feedback is easily amplified。

3. How to satisfy

1. Subversion and innovation solve essential needs

Essential needs can often be met through disruptive innovation.

Case: In the game field, before, copies were sold for money,But piracy will destroy this business model,As a result, many game manufacturers cannot make money。Most games now don’t charge money,Free to play,But you have to have fun,Maybe you need to recharge to buy props。This is a subversion of the business model。

Case: Before taxi-hailing software came out,We use Yangzhao、Electric Recruitment、Traveling by illegal taxi,Didi Chuxing and other platforms have realized the flexible taxi-hailing function of an APP through 188bet app mobile Internet technology,This is a subversion at the tool level,Advanced tools replace traditional tools。When we do business,Consider the essential needs of users,Can I satisfy myself in another way?

1 to 100 is improvement, 0 to 1 is subversion.

2. Lean entrepreneurship helps products to be tried and tested quickly

The product managers and entrepreneurial teams of all Internet companies will talk about lean entrepreneurship,It is a tool and methodology,It is a systematic thing,Teach you how to start a business。

It has three core points: MVP (minimum available product)、User feedback and rapid iteration。

No need to do your best from the beginning,Publish a minimal version,Let’s check the market feedback first,See if it solves the user’s pain points,Then optimize and upgrade the function。Most of the surviving apps now have come this way,WeChat didn’t have so many functions at the beginning,But the earliest version has already solved your core demands,It will have the opportunity to do better and better later。

The Lean Canvas is a particularly good tool,It tells you what to do、How to do it。

First, what problem do you want to solve and what is the core problem;

Second,Classify customer groups,Solve the earliest user problems,Because you can’t target all groups;

Third,Unique selling point,The product provided has a particularly strong point;

Fourth, what are the three most important functions of the product?

Fifth, how to find customers;

Sixth,Income Analysis,Enter profit model、Customer lifetime value、Income、Gross profit, etc.;

Seventh,Cost analysis (cost to acquire customers、Expenses required to sell products、Website architecture cost、Human resources expenses, etc.);

Eighth, key indicators (what should be assessed);

Ninth,Threshold advantage (cannot be easily obtained by competitors)。

This tool,It’s difficult to use well。Cheng Wei, founder of Didi Taxi,He is not a technician,I only had one idea at the beginning,In order to verify whether the Didi Taxi product can be successful,Finally spent 80,000 yuan to outsource the first version,Although there are a lot of questions,But with a real product,You can ask the driver to verify whether the mode is feasible。

In the past, bugs in the system were not tolerated in traditional IT,Need to check at all levels,But Internet entrepreneurship,You are not right every time,You can’t catch the essential needs every time,The Internet is a particularly tolerant field,It can iterate quickly,Only fast can survive in the Internet field。You are unhappy,Even if you think of it first,The opponent is faster than you,The user belongs to it,Especially 2C。2B is better,Latecomers still have a chance to surpass,But in 2C, it is rare for the first place to be surpassed by a latecomer in two years。Internet field,The chance of products and business being delayed is relatively small。

Traditional business has geographical areas、Time、Relationships and other factors affect business,So it is easy to give some opportunities to latecomers,The Internet is basically a winner-take-all situation,No barriers,Good is good,If it’s not good, it’s not good,No other factors,Culture does not exist、Region,Here users vote with their feet。

Case: The first order of Didi Enterprise Edition was on December 17, 2014,There was no product yet,Just an idea,If there is a company, they are willing to pay,Tell me when to use it when it comes out。This is just like the consultation I used to do,You can make money just by providing a solution,Others such as product pre-sale、Crowdfunding, etc. are also similar,It may not be successful in the end,But you are willing to pay,Be the first batch of seed users。

Lean Startup helps you take the first step as soon as possible,You verified this market,Only you have a chance to go down。

3. Abstract requirements, solve a type of problem, not one

When starting an Internet business,Abstract requirements are very important,The level of abstraction you have determines how solid the product infrastructure is,It also determines how big your imagination is in the future。When we used to recruit product managers,Give him a scene,Let him find the core problem and solution,What is tested at this time is abstract ability,This ability measurement is an important criterion for the quality of product managers。

Example: WeChat。WeChat’s abstract requirement is people and information,This message can be text、Photo、Video,A person can be a person、Multiple people。

Abstract the essence and design business logic,With the expansion of business logic,This structure will not be broken,This is the core。

Once the product develops, it is necessary to move to the original logic,Sorry,You have to make another product,Cannot be done on the original product architecture。 Example: Didi Chuxing。Didi solves the relationship between drivers (transportation) 188bet online sports betting and passengers (things),Bringing supply and demand together,Pass a rule,Complete a transaction。Essentially,There is no difference between the driver and the car,There is no difference between the driver and the car。

4. The product should have some emotion

Why products should have emotions?In the past, traditional IT mainly dealt with enterprises,No tuning problem,But the Internet emphasizes individuals,People are different,Have different demands,Feeling is a user experience。The core of "user first" is "user experience first",Product design should have something unique、Toneful、Something worth sharing。

Talk about feelings,Everyone must be the first to think of Smartisan phones,It believes that "users are God",Users want to have fun,It should be a mobile phone that users can control easily with one hand。Didi Hitchhiker also has feelings,Can socialize,After taking a ride, the driver and passengers can give each other a rating label。

A colleague of mine came to me very happily one day and told me,Said that a pair of old men and old ladies hit on him that morning,After getting off the car, I gave him the label "Quiet and handsome man"。A few more days have passed,He came again and said he got a ride from a beautiful woman,Reviewed him as a "talkative and handsome dad"。This is Tiao Tiao,It is something that users have the urge to share。

Didi red envelope too,Behind various marketing activities are taxi coupons,But it will make you want to share。

Usually social products need to consider emotional design.

5. Use data to speak, rather than subjective judgment

Products must be “quantifiable”,Although it is difficult sometimes。

Quantitative indicators can better judge whether a requirement can be implemented,Better measure whether product features are good。

A product manager always thinks he has too much to do,There is too much market demand,Product managers always have endless needs,Then please use data to determine what should be done first。

Example,Now if our salesperson says: The customer wants this function,PM (Product Manager) will mention quantitative indicators: how many customers say they need it?Even though many people say they want it,Then give me a list,I’m going to research the specific needs of customers。Also,How much revenue and orders can it bring?When these are available,It will be easier to prioritize。

Let data speak,Is a very important point in product design and operation。

After we arrive at the company every day,The first thing in the morning is to look at the data from the previous day,Is it rising or falling?What’s the problem?Watch it every day, every week, every month and every quarter,All business changes can be seen from the data,So Internet companies usually have strong BI (Business Intelligence) teams for support。

6. Provide API to allow users to create products

API(Application Programming Interface,Application Programming Interface) economy has been around for many years,With the rapid development of the Internet,Nowadays, platform services are becoming more and more mature。

In essence, API is "teaching him to fish",It means better to teach him how to fish",A platform cannot do all the business by itself,As long as the core resources are in your own hands,Other functions and business development can be implemented by partners through open APIs。Open platforms and resources,Let users get excited。

Back in 2012,Amazon processes 1 trillion transactions per day via API,Its CEO Jeff Bezos requires all Amazon developers: data and functionality can only be provided to users through APIs,APIs must be involved to facilitate calls by external developers,If you do not comply with this rule,You will be fired。

The Internet economy is the sharing economy,No matter how big your company is,You can’t do everything,And some personalized needs will drag you down。If you are open enough,Your partners will help you expand the market together。

Didi Enterprise Edition has now opened the taxi-hailing API,Customers have developed many industry applications based on Didi’s API,The more typical one is the talent car,Dedicated to transporting interviewees for high-end positions,There is also a special car for house viewing,Used to pick up and drop off new house viewing customers for free。

Case: Sina Leju “Mashang Private Car”、Lianjia’s “Meet Home Around the Corner” activity。These activities with the addition of free cars are much higher than the traditional activities of showing houses and giving small gifts,And it has a strong Internet marketing point。Many of these plans are planned by customers,They know their business better,All we have to do is provide our car service。

4. Some suggestions for Internet entrepreneurship

Didi is still a startup company,There is a strong entrepreneurial atmosphere in the entire cultural concept,So I would like to share with you some thoughts on Internet entrepreneurship。

1. Do C or B?

For a product manager,Doing C is the most fulfilling,But after the market of each big C has been occupied by Internet giants from all parties,It is very difficult to start a new business。The Internet is winner takes all,You can work intensively in one field,It’s because the industry boss doesn’t want to do it yet,If it is to be done,Traffic guide,I will surpass you soon。You either get acquired,Or go bankrupt。

Large Internet companies listed in the United States,60% does 2B business,Because 2B is easier to make a profit,The 2B market can be small and beautiful,Its decision-making chain is relatively long,So the replacement cost is relatively high。There is no psychological burden if the company pays the bill,Because there are always purchasing costs,Just how much。

Of course,To really make it big,Doing 2B will be more difficult than 2C,Slower,There are many uncertainties in the process,But it is difficult to have an exclusive monopoly,The threshold is too high,Therefore it is possible to strike later。 On the C side,Another Meituan、Didi is difficult,It is impossible to defeat Xiaomi using Xiaomi’s method,You can only do it with disruptive innovation。The one that can beat QQ is WeChat,Instead of another QQ,It is difficult to achieve overtake on the C side。

Doing 2B or 2C depends on everyone’s considerations.

A、C market products will be more dependent on capital,When winter comes,You can consider 2B business;

B、Market B can make quick profits,But the speed is slower,C market can start volume quickly,But making a profit is difficult;

C、Rapidly new products in market C,Mostly rely on marketing,So it is best to have a marketing expert at the beginning of starting a business。

D、Product architecture design in market B is very important,Because the business logic will be more complicated,There will be more personalized needs in the future,The leadership and flexibility of the initial architectural design will affect the advancement speed of the entire product line。

2. Team

A、The initial entrepreneurial team must have the same ideas,In this way, we can quickly promote business。After the A round, the diversity of the team composition should be maintained,In this way, we can make our thinking about products and business more rich and comprehensive;

B、The entrepreneurial core team cannot all be rational,But at least one must be rational,C business sentimental people account for the majority,Especially at the beginning of starting a business。

3. About dreams

1、No dreams,Don’t start a business,Starting a business is very difficult,Very stressful。Dreams have nothing to do with money,It’s a sense of accomplishment。Of course,Dreams are not empty,It’s not a big picture;

2、Dream big enough,Big enough to support you to overcome various difficulties and obstacles encountered on the road to entrepreneurship,Otherwise it would be easy to give up。

Thank you everyone!

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