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Activity Author of this article: Jia Jianqiang 2015-11-26
We think,Efficiency is the core of Internet customized tourism。If your method does not improve efficiency,You can only be a traditional customized travel company,Including, relatively speaking, it is quite large、Those with an annual income of probably more than 70 to 80 million,In fact, we still serve so many people every year。
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2015Year11month13日,Zhihui Tourism offline event "Zhihui Private Party·Beijing Station" was successfully held at Beijing Jinglun Hotel。This event is based on "tourismO2OHow enterprises survive the capital winter” is the central issue,covers hotels and B&Bs、Outbound travel、Customized tour、Vertical segments of the tourism industry such as parent-child travel and tourism capital。Founder and CEO of Zhihui TravelCEOLiu Zhaohui、Han Ze, Director of Zuoyu Capital、Founder and founder of Xiaozhu Short-term RentalCEOChen Chi, founder and founder of Youbi Travel NetworkCEOSun Weiwei,6Founder and founder of Renyou Travel NetworkCEOJia Jianqiang and the founder and founder of Oumen Parent-Child TravelCEOCao Litao was invited to attend this event and made wonderful sharings。

The exclusive private party will be held in major cities in China,The purpose is to build a communication bridge for tourism industry practitioners,Connecting projects for everyone、Expand resources、Provide a platform for establishing connections,Promote the deep integration of tourism O2O related industries through this platform,Promoting tourism O2O upgrade。

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Text arrangement/Qiu Wei

Thank you very much for the invitation to travel,The topic I chose today is pretty good,The entire industry is hereChatO2OIs it really a cold winter?EspeciallyRecentMany companies have appeared as mentioned just nowofLayoffs, bankruptcy, or even lower valuations for financing's situation,thisphenomenonIt does exist. Me beforeStill a few days agoFollow a fundofInvestmentPeopleLet’s talk about this matter from his perspective,He thinksThis is actually a trap,YesbeenSomething verySmart investment institution publishes15843_15846Bureau, because the current investment market is excessiveImpetuous了,In fact, not all investment institutions are smart,Many investment institutionsNot smart, justFollow the trend and do projects,Once you are optimistic about a project, you will rush to it untilI was so impetuous about this projectSo smart investment institutions will constantly adjust their strategies. Looking at the general trend,MarketDefinitelyYesThrough the ups and downs,EventuallyTo return to realityofSane.So if you askHow to deal with this cold winter,I think it’s very simple:Be yourselfShouldThe most important thing to do.

At this stage,Some people may be curious about what 6 people have done in the capital market。We may be doing something very exaggerated - we are buying back our stock。Although the capital market is facing another cold winter,But we hope that our equity will slowly return to our hands,We have had some of our angel investors exit。Because we think in the future,It is more important to better control the initiative。So whether it’s winter or not,It’s better to have warm spring,It’s important to be yourself,Don’t be too impetuous,Impetuousness will definitely hurt you。

Like some recent examples,In the past period,Everyone has seen that many projects require tens of millions of dollars in financing,In the end, I put myself on a too high level,When you get your next round of refinancing,Always mention it two or three times?So you find it difficult to find buyers,Because the market has returned to calmness。But if you lower your valuation to raise funds,Then will your investors agree?Everyone knows that many investment contracts contain anti-dilution clauses,If you want to lower your valuation,Original investors must calculate their shares according to the new valuation,So soon you will not even have your own shares。So I think sometimes,Don’188bet app download t make the bubble too big,Enough is Enough,Keep the distance between your company’s actual value and valuation relatively close,This is a more reasonable way to position yourself。We at 6-person Travel have always wanted to be a relatively sane company,Just like the business we do: understand the nature of your business,What is the value you create - not arbitraging dividends,Not speculation,But to be a down-to-earth person who is truly interested in the industry、Things useful to users。

The above is my understanding of winter.

After receiving the invitation from Zhihui,My colleagues who support Hui keep emphasizing to me,Be sure to talk about the essentials,Don’t advertise here。So I re-wrote a PPT for this meeting,The main purpose is still the same,Let everyone truly know the company 6人游,Get to know what problems we are solving in customized travel。

In fact, many people are looking in this direction,There is also a lot of capital saying that customized travel will be a big trend,But not many people dare to enter this market,Because everyone hasn’t seen clearly how to do it yet。We actually hope that more people will come down to do this,Because I believe in quality travel services,No matter to the user,Still for the industry,These are very good things。I also think that in the field of personalized tourism services,There will never be a situation where one company becomes the dominant one,It will be a diversified market,There are many companies working on real quality travel,I hope so。

The content I share today is “How to use the Internet to upgrade personalized travel services”,Two points,First point,What is the essence?I think the essence is personalized travel service;Second point,What is the method?Using some Internet thinking、Marketing methods and technical capabilities to serve personalized tourism services。

1. The “customized travel” we know

First point,Let’s get to know customized travel。What is customized travel,Different companies have different understandings,The three points I am going to talk about are the customized travel that I have known in the past two years:

1、Customized travel is a solution to personalized travel needs

With the upgrade of consumption,What do many users really need?It is a personalized travel service。This kind of personalized travel service,There are many solutions,For example, are Qiongyou and Mafengwo the solutions to personalized travel needs?Actually, too,They use UGC to let you see a lot of other people’s gameplay,More solutions available,Then handle all the rest by yourself;Same,P2P too,Rely on destination experts to solve personalized travel needs。I think customized travel is also a way to solve personalized travel needs。

2、Customized travel is to use professional travel consultants to connect travel resources

On the subject of customization,We hope to use this method to solve all personalized travel needs: use professional personnel,Use the corresponding tourism resources in a more reasonable way,Match with your needs。So all designs and solutions before departure are very important,And the solution method,We are not using P2P method,Not a travel expert,Not using travel notes and guides,We use professional travel consultants - what traditional travel agencies consider the most valuable、Have experienced and capable OP to solve this problem。

3. Customized travel is a service upgrade from OTA to OTS

There have been several conferences recently where OTS was discussed,i.e. "online travel service provider",In the past, everyone called it OTA,"Online Travel Agent"。In the past a long time,Online travel is actually an agent,Bringing traditional tourism resources to users through online transactions,So it’s called OTA,The value it creates is more of the value of transportation,That is, bringing a resource to users better and more efficiently。After the merger and acquisition from Ctrip Qunar,As capital operates more and more,There are fewer and fewer opportunities for entrepreneurs in standardized products。For us,What to do?We need to move better services online,We emphasize service。So the customized travel we know is the upgrade from traditional OTA to OTS。

Some people may think that what 6people Travel is doing now is not a 188bet online sports betting traditional travel agency?Not,Because we emphasize online,i.e. "online travel service provider",Because all our solutions must be completed online。This is actually a very important proposition for us,Because the 6-person tour is not to turn yourself into a small workshop、Or small circle mode,I will also talk about how traditional customized travel is done later on this point,What should we do as an online travel company。

2. From the perspective of demand, there are pain points in group tours and self-guided tours

As an online customized travel company,We need to understand what the users’ pain points are。Currently there are only two ways for users to travel,One is to travel with a group,Traditional travel agencies call group tours,It is to put many strangers into a group,Let’s set off together and return together;The other is what everyone now considers to be a big market in the future: independent travel or self-guided travel。

Both of these two travel methods currently face some pain points among the consumer groups,Some people think that traveling in a group is worry-free and safe,The price is relatively cheap,But why are most young people or the middle class no longer willing to join tour groups?Because in the past period,The travel agency has ruined its most important thing,Lost the trust of users,Resulting in many young people being unwilling to trust travel agencies,And the itinerary of group tours is not free,The schedule is very tight,There are also a lot of tricks。There is another very important reason,It is people’s personalized needs that are expanding,No one wants to follow strangers on a clichéd itinerary,But you need a trip tailor-made for yourself。

However, not everyone is suitable for self-guided tours,Just like me,Give me 20 guides and let me read them all and then schedule them,Arrange everything again,I would find this very painful。Of course, many people regard this as fun。I remember there was an event before,We asked if anyone found it a great pleasure to make guides,Yes indeed,Some travel enthusiasts will regard this as their love interest,This group of people does not need to be provided with services,He thinks he can serve himself well。But for many people, this matter is very troublesome,If you want to check the guide, you will get vomited。It turned out that we discovered it when we were building a self-guided travel community,I want to make a guide,Requires a lot of time and effort。I was chatting with a friend yesterday,He said that I really like making guides,I asked him how long it would take you to make a guide,He said it usually takes me about a month,There are a lot of things to prepare。So not everyone has time to do this,Especially when your time cost is higher than your money cost,You are even less willing to do this。So there are many pain points in self-guided tours,Of course there are benefits,For example, very free。

3. Customized travel is an upgrade from group travel and self-guided travel

Both group tours and self-guided tours have their own advantages and pain points,There is a lot of room for transformation between the two。So what is the role of customized travel?I think customized tours are an upgrade from group tours and self-guided tours,It makes the unfree part of the group free,Make the unserviced part of the self-guided tour into a serviceable one。

How big is the market space for customized travel?From a big perspective,Its market space is infinite。Because many independent travelers will become customized travel customers,Many group tour guests will also become customized tour guests。

What is the trend of the entire tourism consumption?I think in China,There will be no absolute trend in a long time,China’s tourism consumption must be diversified,Because of different consumption levels,Different consumption concepts,Different ages,Different understanding of destination。A person in different stages,The required travel methods are different,Different destinations may require different travel methods,For example, if you need travel services in Europe,Going to the island is free travel。This kind of consumption is diversified,Jumping between each other,Converting。But it is important to grasp what problem you want to solve。

I often share with you that you need to grasp your own 188bet sports betting app download opinions,Because I think that in the entire tourism industry,I want to do something,Your own opinions are important。Because there are many ways to do this in the tourism category,Covers many small categories,If you have no claim,Maybe it will go to another line soon。For example, when doing customized travel,I found it too difficult to acquire customers,Conversion is too difficult,Then watch others doing free travel with alcohol,Achieved 10 million in turnover in one month,Should we transform into machine-added wine and standardize it?Another example is seeing Xiaozhu doing well in short-term rental,The sharing economy is good,Going into the sharing economy again... wavering every day,I lost all my opportunities。So we must admit that tourism forms are diversified,Every service form has its own audience,It is important to insist on being yourself。

Don’t worry about what is a trend,Many things coexist within a certain period of time,This is also our understanding of the entire customized travel market。Customized travel does not necessarily replace group tours or independent travel,But an upgrade,Some people need to upgrade,Some people don’t need to upgrade。

四、Current status of traditional customization services: or large team customization,or luxury customization

Is customized travel a very new thing?Anyone who has been traveling for a long time knows this,Customized travel is not a new thing,The origin of China’s tourism service industry started with inbound customized travel。When Dean Dai went to our company two days ago,We are also communicating about this matter。Many senior travelers in those days started their careers in inbound tourism,It was too easy to make money at that time,At that time, people from abroad did not come to China to join a group tour,But three or five people,Or a dozen people,Various small group methods of different sizes,We help them arrange itineraries based on their small group needs。Until now,Many traditional travel agencies still have a department,Call the customized travel department or single group department,Come to provide customized travel services。

In the traditional customized tourism field,There are two forms,One is customization for large teams,One is luxury customization。Why does this situation always exist in traditional travel agencies?Have you done any analysis??Why no one has turned customized travel into a mass market demand?To understand this,It is necessary to understand what is the biggest pain point in the traditional practice of customized travel。

Perhaps traditional travel agencies will first serve corporate travel、Build a bigger team,For example, company rewards、Annual meeting, etc.;On the other hand, you may pursue business、Be high-end,Be a guest at the top of the pyramid。What is its marketing method?Circle culture。Why is this?Because of the customization of travel,There is a particularly big pain point,It’s a matter of efficiency。

5. “Efficiency” is the core of Internet customization

Why don’t all traditional industries turn customized travel into a mass market business?The most important thing is that the efficiency is too poor。So if you want to earn the money you deserve from this service,We must increase gross profit。For example, I organize 30 people to go on a trip,We also need to spend this energy,Organize 3 people to go out,Also spend this energy,Then I must transfer the money I should earn to these three people,So customized travel has become a high-margin category。This will bring another problem: your users will become fewer and fewer。Everyone who does luxury travel,Most people are doing circle culture,Can only serve between two hundred and two thousand people,Because there are so many people on the top of the pyramid,There are only so many people you can reach,Your population is not suitable for large-scale expansion,Because your gross profit is too high,causing you to lock your user above。

When a company really wants to bring customized travel to the mass market,What is the core problem that needs to be solved first?Maybe everyone has their own answer,This is what we really have to think about。We think,Efficiency is the core of Internet customized tourism。If your method does not improve efficiency,You can only be a traditional customized travel company,Including, relatively speaking, it is quite large、Those with an annual income of probably more than 70 to 80 million,In fact, we still serve so many people every year。

We say efficiency is the core,So what are the points where efficiency is shown?What is the efficiency problem of traditional travel agencies in this matter?

1. Customer acquisition efficiency: from peer model to direct customer model

We know that traditional travel agencies do not really do customized travel。Although it is generally believed that personalized travel services are a trend in the future,It is a real life-saving thing for travel agencies,But no one does it,The first reason lies in the customer acquisition efficiency of traditional wholesalers。70-80% of traditional travel agencies’ business comes from sales from peers,But the negative value brought by peer sales is that customer acquisition efficiency is declining,Because your products must be presented to your customers in a standardized way。For example, many stores have two or three people,It is impossible for them to provide users with very complete services,The efficiency is too poor when guests actually receive service,As a result, there is no way to complete customization directly。

Want to do mass-market customized travel,First point first,Must do direct customer market,To provide the fastest connection between your service and your users,This is the most important thing。If we are facing a store,For example, after three or five customers arrive at the store,Said we want to go to Bolivia,Where have the people at the travel agency been to Bolivia??!Even the products in hand are not from Bolivia,He can only say that I will help you find a supplier,But he is unwilling to hand over the customers directly to the supplier,Report your requirements to the supplier one by one,So after the whole chain is down,The efficiency is very poor for guests。So we say that the efficiency of acquiring customers is very important,This is the first problem that Internet + travel must solve first,The Internet naturally has this characteristic,All acquired customers should be direct customers。

2. Service efficiency: intelligence + manual

Through some cooperation with traditional travel agencies,I found their customized travel service method: just a phone call,Or someone may introduce a guest,You need to take notes first,Where does this person want to go,About a few days,What are your needs, etc.,Remember everything in this book,Then find out if this kind of plan has been designed before,Copy it in word,Then change it and send it to the user’s mailbox,After sending the message, call the customer to ask if they have any comments,If necessary, call us to communicate,These are the processes over and over again,There are even many people sending faxes,I don’t even know what a fax is now,But everyone is still working in this way,So the efficiency will be very poor。Because you didn’t bring your knowledge、Your content accumulates better。When a good OP is lost,The company’s losses will be huge,So the efficiency of service is very important。

Inside a traditional travel agency,A good OP may only serve 3-5 interested orders a day,And in an Internet company,He has to serve 30-50 orders a day。So how to use the efficiency of a system,Put all the knowledge、Service experience、Service process standardization,This is a problem to be solved。The solution must be systematic,This is a very important thing that the Internet has brought to traditional travel agencies,It’s a technical thing,How to use technology to liberate things that should be liberated in many people,Thus improving service efficiency。

3、Efficiency of repurchase: User Experience Department + Big Data User Maintenance

You may have seen many OTAs talking about how their plates are going,But everyone will also pay attention to a piece of data,All OTA losses are huge,Especially the leisure travel market,The rules of the game are completely different from the business travel market。In the leisure travel market,I dare say they can’t see spring,Because of the transformation of the leisure travel market, it is impossible for him to obtain customers at a lower cost through the Internet,So how can they make money?In this matter, they have no way to achieve a good match between their conversion rate and their gross profit margin。But customized travel is different,The characteristic of customized travel is that what I sell is my service。So the efficiency of repurchase is very important,To grasp the most important thing,That is, whether this customer can be retained。

6. Business Model: Potential Customer Marketing

What are the characteristics of customization?Every guest who comes should be the second consumption of your customers who have been accumulating over time、Three consumptions、Four consumptions,This is a very important thing for customized travel。As an Internet company,The ability to retain users is very important,If you do not have the ability to accumulate users and retain users,You can only serve new customers every time,But all markets that only serve new customers are impossible to make money,Because the cost of acquiring new customers is too high,Never come down。So the business model of customized travel should not be the business model of new customer acquisition,It is a business model accumulated by users。Need to continuously accumulate customers,Continuous conversion,Continuously forming repeat purchases,Only in order to form your own scale and natural growth in customized travel。

We talk about three efficiencies,The first is customer acquisition efficiency,What is the core of customer acquisition efficiency?From peer sales model to direct customer model,Possibility of repurchase。So the 6-person tour relied on WeChat at the beginning,Relying on APP,The main purpose is just one thing: can this user be retained,Possibility of repurchase。This is something we think is very important in acquiring customers。

Second system efficiency,That is, how to use intelligent methods plus artificial methods,Let 80% of the work that originally required manual work,80% of work is done by machines,Let a person go from serving 3 needs a day to serving 30 needs a day,This is a very important thing to do in the system。We use a true Internet method to accumulate all travel consultant experience and all feasible technical solutions,To maximize the efficiency of this matter。

The third repurchase efficiency。It’s your user experience and big data maintenance,There must be a dedicated department responsible for user experience,Let customers realize that your service is very standard、Very process-oriented,This is not a process of selling products,It is a process of serving users。Another piece,Profile all users based on their consumption history,Be able to tell him when and where he should travel at the right time,Continuously improve the efficiency of user conversion,This is a very important systematic function in repurchase。

7. Challenges of customized travel

Challenge 1: Heavy consumption decision-making process for tourism

Travel is a decision-making process involving heavy consumption,The leisure travel market is different from business travel,Not just needed,Not that rigid、Consumption that needs to be decided soon。If you are going to Shanghai on a business trip,You will find it no matter where you buy it,You always have to buy it。But leisure travel is different,From the formation of a travel intention to the final implementation of all decisions,It is a long process。For example, should I go or not,Which destination should I choose,Which one should choose A or B,Should we accept the price of 30,000 or 50,000,After thinking about it, I may still be confused about whether to go or not,Right?You will find,Leisure travel is an important decision-making process。

If travel frequency is low,I don’t think low frequency is a problem,There are many things that are less frequent than traveling,For example, buying a house、Buy a car、Buy bags,They are all low-frequency consumption,But the biggest difference between them and leisure tourism is,The decision-making process of leisure travel is too complicated,In addition to spending money, you also need to spend time、Emotion,This makes it difficult for leisure tourism to have good conversions,Must work in a different way。Why is Tuniu doing its own thing in another way now,Because there is no other way,It will never be able to break through in the leisure tourism market,Must use other methods to obtain,This is also a problem we still have to face,It is the challenge brought by the heavy consumption decision-making process of tourism。

Challenge 2: The game between price and service

Many people are now making standardized products,This brings about a problem: many users do not recognize the value of the service,They don’t know how much this service 188bet sports betting app download is worth,Many users no longer know how much it should cost to go to Thailand。For example, we did a promotion before,Flight to Europe for 2,500 yuan,It’s cheap enough?But some users asked whether hotels should be included?It can be seen that their understanding of price and service has gradually no boundaries,leading to a very big game in this market,Users are also gaming,Which is more important, price or service?Who should I choose when faced with a product costing 3,000 yuan or 30,000 yuan??


Can a company persist?,It is very important to maintain your own opinion,You have to know what you really want to sell,Then always only serve those who need you,Instead of serving the so-called investors or the market。

The above are some of 6 Travel’s understandings of customized travel in the past period and some of the challenges we have faced。

Everything is on its way,Everything needs to be persevered by yourself、Solution,Then slowly find your own value in it,Stick to your own values。Back to a word I said before,“Two years in business,Don’t forget your original intention”,Do what you want to do most。Thank you everyone。

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