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Author of this article: Gao Ning 2016-03-12
The 2016 Global Outdoor Leisure Tourism Conference·Jiangshan Summit was held in Jiangshan on March 12, 2016,Zhou Long, co-founder of Zhihui Travel, was invited to attend the meeting。This article is a speech report released by Zhihui Tourism,The Zhihui Brigade will continue to report on this meeting in the future。
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The 2016 Global Outdoor Leisure Tourism Conference·Jiangshan Summit was held in Jiangshan on March 12, 2016,Zhou Long, co-founder of Zhihui Travel, was invited to attend the meeting。This article is a speech report released by Zhihui Tourism,The Zhihui Brigade will continue to report on this meeting in the future。

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The following is the content of Mr. Gao Ning’s speech,Zhihui Travel compiled the following according to the on-site voice:

1. The origin and development of outdoor sports in France

For a long time,Outdoor travel and vacation have always been the privileges of wealthy people in the social world。In the mountains of France,The British first became interested in the peaks of the Alps,Then they took their experiences to upper-bourgeois salons in Paris and London to tell them。

Beautiful view、Hot spring health station、Large lake、means healthy and pure air,These are also the reasons to attract tourists during that period,This is the beginning of tourism development in the Alps。It all started in the 18th century,The hosts of these tourists quickly understood the need to provide some opportunities for recreation,Encourage tourists to stay in one place as long as possible,And consume there。

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To the early 20th century,The first outdoor sports clubs have been established for decades,Even the same as at sea,The first rescue departments and associations were established in the mountains。But due to the economic crisis of 1929,This kind of leisure and outdoor sports tourism has not really developed。

2. Measures and means taken by the French government to promote outdoor sports

After the end of the world war of 1939-45,The country began to focus on building access to mountainous areas、Transportation infrastructure such as roads and railways in rural areas and coastal areas。

The economic growth during this period was very strong,The middle class is growing,Enjoyed paid vacation,Salary increase,Increased consumption level,The French have private cars,Start driving vacation trip,Travel and leisure activities are becoming more popular。

The country has also begun to vigorously support the development of sports,Especially mountain sports,It is seen as a way to stimulate the vitality of French youth。Also,In order to promote this development,The country has also put a lot of effort into training and qualification standards。

1968,Three events intertwined and occurred simultaneously: tourism development、Winter sports、And the Olympic Movement...AndThe 1968 Winter Olympics in France became a huge accelerator for the development of sports。

  • First,Obviously promoted the development of the winter sports market: 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino the number of participants increased;

  • Secondly, it promotes the increase of tourist facilities and resorts;

  • final,Of course, the impact is beyond the scope of winter sports,This Olympic Games also became the beginning of the rapid development of all outdoor sports all over the country throughout the year。

That’s it,Tourism and outdoor have become important chips for the development of many regions,Being included in the planning and renovation、Agriculture、Environment、Investment and Economic Policy。Equipping some remote areas with infrastructure,Created new wealth and jobs。

3. The positive impact of outdoor sports in France

Tourism and outdoor development have had a massive positive impact,They consolidate the local handicraft industry,Enhance the value of cultural and natural heritage,And has always been the medium of social connection between urban and rural areas,Become a sustaining local community,A real opportunity to inspire young people to stay in their hometown。

Outdoor sports are intertwined with various professional activities,For rural occupations that are usually seasonal,Technical guidance on outdoor activities can be supplemented。A lumberjack can also be a kayak instructor,And cultivators can become companions on hiking and horseback excursions,At the same time, his farm is arranged into a campsite for tourists。This multiple business model in rural France now brings 30% additional income to rural residents。

When a tourism model is well conceived and well controlled,It will bring comfortable quality of life,Attract other entrepreneurs and new economic and industrial activities in a virtuous circle。For example, the Rhône-Alpes-Auvergne and Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur regions in the French Alps were once poor rural areas,Now it has become the two most developed tourism regions in France,And it is among the most economically developed regions in France: this is largely due to the mountains、Nature and Outdoors。

These two regions are now outstanding areas for the development of mountain/outdoor tourism and sports,The most concentrated global mountain industry and skills are gathered here,Including planning management,Equipment and facilities,Service,Training and research, etc.,That is, 80% of French resources and the most important global leading companies in this field。

4. Volume of outdoor sports in France

Also,A survey on the outdoor market conducted in the three sectors of tourism/sports/agriculture shows,It is the mountains that concentrate the main part of this special economy。So in the Alps,And the coastal areas of southern France,We have counted the largest number of outdoor sports attractions,Because there is the sea and a pleasant climate suitable for the development of tourism and outdoor。

More generally,We estimate that one third of the French population participates in outdoor sports,This means there are 25 million athletes。This is a big number,Because my country is not as big as a province in China。70% of them are urban residents,They look 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino for exits in outdoor activities,To satisfy them with physical exercise、The need for recreation and a change of environment。

First,Cycling,Especially bike tours and hiking,Ranked far first in the event。Get around in these light ways,Exploring regions is one of the new expectations of tourists。Both exploration and leisure, as well as outdoor fitness and leisure,This tourism model has become a core pillar to increase the visibility and readability of a region’s tourism products。

Cycling should be carried out with one passable vehicle,And rely on the road network with small traffic volume or prohibiting motor vehicles。In France,The National Federation of French Cycling and Tourism has inventoried nearly 100,000 kilometers of roads and greenways suitable for cycling,And set up road signs and add label authentication。This network interconnects local and regional lines,Thus opening up some large national and European routes,Attracting a large number of people。

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Second,Hiking,180,000 kilometers of hiking trails and roads in France alone。These roads are counted by the French Hiking Federation,And maintained by the Federation and its nearly 7,000 volunteers。This network connects cities and towns、The best roads in provinces and regions are connected to each other。Hiking federations from various European countries even jointly plan some large-scale hiking routes across the continent。

Third,Of all these outdoor sports,Sailing and equestrian are also the most popular in France。There will be diving later、Kayaking、Drifting、Air sports, etc.。Anyway,No matter what sport it is,Outdoor activities are an essential component of tourism products。

With the changes of the times,In the creative process of athletes who never stop inventing new activities,The form of sports has changed greatly。High Risk Sports,For example, mountain climbing,It was historically a symbol of the Alps,With the image of the “useless conqueror”,And they have all been eclipsed under the current value standards of French society,People nowadays prefer safe entertainment、Solidarity or concern for the environment。

The decline in participation in extreme adventure activities is particularly conducive to the development of safe sports attractions,For example via ferrata、Jungle Crossing Route、Recreation and Adventure Park,The excitement brought to the public is almost the same,There is no risk and no need to master difficult skills。The game still adopts the "channel switching" mode,People switch from one activity to another,Consumption of the best and most interesting things in the shortest possible time。

5. Reference significance to China

This is how traditional sports come out of the mountains、Away from the sea,Instead of developing in urban centers through completely man-made activity venues: such as climbing walls、Japanese Wind Cave、Canoeing available、Live water park for surfing and other activities

、Man-made diving pool、Caving Park,There 188bet online sports betting may be artificial canyoning、Indoor ski resort、or dry ski resort。

These event venues will help achieve the Chinese government’s goal of involving 300 million Chinese people in ice and snow sports between now and the 2022 Winter Olympics。

These are urban parks planned in dense population centers,It has completely become a place for leisure, entertainment and sports。New enthusiasts can receive introductory training here,And some of them have a good technical foundation here,Continue to nature,Play these sports in a real environment,Therefore,Safety is an advantage of city parks。

Then,A real social phenomenon emerged in France more than ten years ago: running outside the stadium。Marathons and trail running attract more and more people。How many times a week do people run。People would rather run for a few kilometers than sit in a restaurant at noon。

An event in France has even become a reference event for extreme cross-country running in the world: the "Hike around Mont Blanc", UTMB Tour of Mont Blanc super cross-country endurance race with a total length of 180 kilometers,Cumulative climb 8000 meters。

Therefore,For those areas that want to enhance the value of their natural and cultural heritage,Running events have also become an important tool for promotion。The Mont Blanc route is the “must-do route” for alpine hiking that is desired by a large number of tourists,They come here to cross this famous panoramic road with unique scenery。It takes hikers 6 days to complete the journey,Stay overnight in a mountain hut,Winners only need 20 hours to complete。Winners only need 20 hours to complete。

These rich sports activities are sometimes conducted under the guidance of professionals,And usually it is completely open to most enthusiasts,Therefore, there are corresponding rules to carry out these activities:Because nature can be dangerous,To avoid very serious potential accidents,Learn to understand it...Because we need to master the technology...Won’t harm yourself or others。Because the environment is fragile (tourism may cause impacts: such as garbage、Fire, etc....) People should respect the environment...So that our descendants can continue to benefit from it in the future。

The diversity of activities and the increase in participants cannot help but create an atmosphere of tension where activities coexist。We call this lack of harmony in coexistence "usage conflict"。

For example, hikers don’t like to pass by roaring off-road motorcycles on the road;Family taking a walk don’t want to run into mountain bikes coming at full speed;Fishermen disturbed by canyoningers entering the current;Residents along the road do not want to be flooded with weekend influxes,Overwhelmed by cars parked in front of the house……

The same residents,They can no longer stand the buzzing noise of light aircraft flying above their heads。The Environmental Protection Association wants to ban rock climbing activities on some cliffs to protect bird nests, etc.,All of these listed usage conflicts must be managed locally and taken seriously。

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Generally speaking,Light sports represent the core of the same spirit that connects us today,They are more difficult to coexist with motorized movements,The latter should be properly managed by the authorities。

The development of this movement is freedom、Autonomous,Thus leads to prevention、A matter of safety and respect for the environment。In France,The management of event venues is negotiated by all relevant participants,Especially involving athletes、Environmentalists and residents along the road。

If to ensure lasting、To pursue our hobbies as freely as possible,If you need to point out a principle,I think it’s “personal responsibility”。This is a principle that needs to be strongly instilled in event participants。In France,The Sports Department will lead some summer/winter mountain sports prevention and safety publicity activities every year。Led by the slogan “Let the mountains always be a pleasure”,Over one million safety precaution manuals and 20,000 posters distributed。

At the same time,Water sports also have similar prevention campaigns involving "sea and fresh water",Includes movement on the sea or in lakes and rivers。There are also recommended prevention promotions about mountain biking,This activity is an outdoor event with a high risk of accidents,But it is not specific to the severity of the accident,It refers to the highest ratio of the number of accidents to 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino the number of participants。

Therefore,Sports and tourism form an inseparable whole。The first China International Mountain Tourism Conference was held in Guizhou last October,The slogan put forward at the meeting was "Tourism and outdoor sports go hand in hand"。

In China,This development will surely be one of the strongest in the world。Such a backdrop has never been more favorable,The Beijing government repositions its economic growth model,Promote economic growth through domestic consumption and service industry;Travel、Casual、Sports and outdoor activities will usher in stronger prospects。

Government plans to shorten working hours without lowering wages,The purpose is to develop the tertiary industry,Tourism revenue is expected to reach US$900 billion in 2020。Also,China has obtained the right to host the 2022 Winter Olympics;This will undoubtedly accelerate winter sports,More generally,will accelerate the development of outdoor sports in various parts of your country。

My country is one of the world leaders in outdoor sports。Outdoor sports are important when tourists choose their vacation destination,Occupying an increasingly important position。In order to promote experience to the world,Our company、Equipment Manufacturer、Planner、Design Company、Manager、Developer...The professional skills they possess are very competitive。Our training system for managers in the field of tourism and sports is also one of the most successful in the world,This system constitutes the driving factor for economic development 188bet sports betting app download to shift towards sports and outdoor activities。Same,In the field of outdoor competition that is conducive to the development of a country’s tourism industry,Our experience includes skiing、Rock climbing、Kayaking、Sailboat、Paragliding and other World Cup events,There is also the Tour de France and 3 Winter Olympics。Also,The Alps have also become the location for large international gatherings。

This French model constitutes a recognized carrier of skills in the mountain sector,Then we can be in China,And your state-owned and private enterprises、Effective sharing by sports and tourism development enterprises。French outdoor companies here with us today,Some have already entered the Chinese market: including ATM Mountain Design Company;

Leader of French sports vacations-UCPA Outdoor Sports Center Alliance;Hurricane Extreme Sports Co., Ltd., which organizes the FISE International Extreme Sports Festival、And Raid Amazones Amazon Challenge Company...etc.。But I still leave it to them to introduce themselves;This is much better than my introduction。

As for me,Working in China also represents the French mountain field,Focus on the planning and development projects of tourism and outdoor attractions in China,Provide French experience support。There are also some sports plans,Because I have been sharing my love for mountains with passionate Chinese enthusiasts,For promotion and training,And simply for the joy of exchanging outdoor experiences。As a summary,I want to say,In the current social development model,Most young people are often pursuing other things,They were taken to big cities、Luxury goods、Luxury car、Attracted by the quick way to success...

I have always been a climber,Believe that real value should exist elsewhere。Today,At a time when the concepts of sustainable development and harmonious society are strongly promoted,I believe in you new group of outdoor enthusiasts and outdoorsmen,Will show different consciousness views from the mainstream,Rediscover the taste of hard work、Rediscover respect for nature...simply pursue the beauty of the wild and nature。

Finally, thank you very much for listening.

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