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Fosun Qian Jiannong provides an in-depth analysis of the future of China’s tourism,If you don’t do these four things well, you will be eliminated by the market!

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Executive favor2018-04-05

Qian Jiannong thinks,The future of Chinese tourism companies lies in four aspects: focus on user needs、Focus on technological innovation、Perform global integration、Strengthen talent cultivation。
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Qian Jiannong, Chairman and President of Fosun Tourism Culture Group, published an article titled "Thinking Mode Determines the Future of China's Tourism" in a tourism journal,The era of change in China’s tourism industry has arrived,Traditional enterprises lacking innovation must face difficult challenges。

He suggested,188bet online sports betting At the same time, tourism operators should also think about how to standardize management,From the perspective of meeting the needs of tourists,Improve service quality and tourist satisfaction,Strive for both products and services、Both hands must be hard。

He thinks,The future of Chinese tourism companies lies in four aspects:Focus on user needs、Focus on technological innovation、Perform global integration、Strengthen talent cultivation。

Before reading, please think:

1. What are the shortcomings of China’s tourism development?

2. How do traditional tourism companies transform and innovate?

3. What is the future development path for tourism enterprises?

The following is the full text of Qian Jiannong’s article

(Zhi Hui slightly deleted)

The world's major economies are seeking ways to recover and grow,But the pace of economic growth is still slow,And tourism has increasingly become the engine driving global economic growth。

In today’s world of increasing trade protectionism,Countries are still open to tourism,Introducing various favorable policies that are conducive to travel convenience,Relaxation of visa policy、Improvements in transportation and other infrastructure are promoting the development of global tourism。

China has become the world’s largest tourism market,We have reason to believe,The turning point in tourism development has arrived,China’s tourism industry faces a comprehensive upgrade。

Consumption upgrade brings structural changes to the tourism industry

With the increase in residents’ income level,The trend of China’s consumption upgrading is becoming increasingly obvious。Consumption has become the most important driving force for economic growth,The rise of the middle class will lead to changes in Chinese consumers’ consumption patterns and consumption structure。

Benchmarking neighboring countries,Japan’s per capita GDP exceeded US$8,000 in 1978,The economy gradually shifted to be driven by consumption,Consumption proportion continues to increase,Enter personalization、A period of great development of quality and leisure and entertainment consumption。China’s economic development has now entered a new normal,The high-level meeting has clearly stated that "socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era,The main contradiction in our society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people’s growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development”。

China’s tourism industry is also facing structural changes as the main contradictions in society change。In the decisive stage of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way,National spiritual consumption demand will become more prominent,Tourism has increasingly become the people’s yearning for a better life。

The central government positions tourism as the first “happiness industry”,Tourism will become a new engine for China’s economic development、New kinetic energy。Unbalanced、An important manifestation of insufficient development in the tourism industry is that the demand for consumption upgrades has not been fully met。Travel operators must conduct in-depth analysis of user portraits in the new era,Only in this way can we provide tourism products that meet their consumption habits and psychological needs。

The travel experience brought by limited holidays needs to be improved

Compared with European and American countries, China has relatively few public holidays.

There are 11 statutory holidays in total in a year,Not many paid holidays。Therefore,Most tourists will choose to travel on the only public holidays,Causing traffic congestion and overcrowding at various scenic spots,Travel comfort is greatly reduced,Poor travel experience。The paid leave stipulated by the French government is 5 weeks,Plus various holidays and weekends,The French have about 150 days off throughout the year;where,The vast majority of French people will choose to spend more than 4 consecutive nights on vacation。

The supply of tourism products needs to be enriched

Long time,The extensive development of the tourism industry has led to the serious homogeneity of most tourism products on the market,You can only rely on price competition to obtain customers,Lack of core product strength。Most of the tourism infrastructure is mainly catering for sightseeing tours,Lack of leisure and vacation facilities,Cannot keep up with the needs of tourism development。

Sanya as a destination for island tourism in China,The world’s third Atlantis built by Fosun Group is known as the 3rd landmark of Sanya tourism.version 0。Atlantis Sanya is a collection hotel、Aquarium、Water Park、Dolphin Bay、Performing Arts、Catering、Entertainment、A one-stop comprehensive tourist destination product that integrates shopping and other industries,Provides a variety of leisure and entertainment activities,Meet the needs of tourists of different ages and family travel,Create an extraordinary ocean resort and family travel experience。We believe that most tourist destinations around the world need to upgrade their products。

The soft power of tourism services needs to be strengthened

Tourism is a type of service industry,The quality of service tourists receive during the booking and travel process will greatly affect the user experience。Once events such as forced shopping in low-price groups occur,It may affect the attractiveness of the entire scenic spot or even the entire tourist city to tourists。

Therefore,Tourism operators should think about how to standardize management,From the perspective of meeting the needs of tourists,Improve service quality and tourist satisfaction,Strive for both products and services、Both hands must be hard。

There is a lack of tourism companies with truly global influence and popularity

China’s tourism products lack branding,There is no world-class tourism IP and core product strength,There is even a lack of tourism companies with truly global influence and visibility to create globally competitive tourism products and provide first-class services of world-class quality。

The era of change in China’s tourism industry has arrived,Traditional enterprises lacking innovation must face difficult challenges。As the industry becomes increasingly globalized,Chinese companies must seek their position in the global tourism market。The future of Chinese tourism enterprises lies in:

1. Pay attention to the needs of home users

When I studied marketing in college, I was taught that “consumers are the 188bet sports betting app download core of the brand value chain”,In recent years, when investing, I have increasingly felt that there is a trend: consumers are paying more and more attention to the value and quality of products,Not just about the price of the product,Especially the demand for tourism products。

ClubMed’s high-end resorts have significantly higher demand than mid-range resorts,The growth in demand for leisure vacations is significantly higher than the growth in tourism。The younger generation pursues more personalized consumption,One-size-fits-all products can no longer meet the needs of mainstream consumers。

It is precisely based on this consumer demand,ClubMed in resorts around the world,There are some differentiated products from services to catering,Even the spas in various resorts pursue different styles。

2. Pay attention to technological innovation and model innovation

Many new technological innovations have emerged in the tourism field recently,Smart Hotel、Smart Scenic Area、Blockchain and others have begun to profoundly affect the development of tourism,But I think companies should pay attention to model innovation while technological innovation。

I recently went to Japan,Also visited a robot hotel。The front desk of this hotel、There are many technological innovations in the bar including the rooms,Replacing many human services with robots,Even luggage storage is replaced by robots,But I always think that the Japanese design still did not consider the more important innovation of the business model。In this regard, the systems developed by some domestic budget hotels based on mobile phones are even more convenient than the application of this hotel。

3. Globalized industrial integration

Changes in China’s tourism market require corresponding products and services,Chinese tourism companies should go out to find upstream high-quality tourism destination resources and downstream channels covering global customers。What will compete in the future is whether companies have formed their own ecosystem,Do you have the power to influence the world。

At the same time,When going out, we must bring in more,Let overseas higher-quality tourism and vacation products enrich the domestic tourism product format,Promoting 188bet app download Supply-side reform,Make people’s lives better;We must learn from the advanced management systems and experiences of mature markets,Improving the professional quality and service standards of tourism service providers,In line with international first-class standards,Thus improving the competitive soft power of enterprises。

4. Strengthen the education and reserve of professional talents

China’s tourism industry has a serious shortage of talent reserves。Atlantis Hotel faces serious recruitment gap when preparing to open in Sanya。How governments and enterprises strengthen education and training,Meet more and more internationalization、The demand for complex and multi-level talents is the main obstacle to the future of Chinese enterprises。

Ned Herman mentioned in "The Whole Brain Advantage": "If you just want a small change,Then just change the way people behave;If you want to bring about exponential changes,Then you have to change people’s thinking patterns。”The future of China’s tourism industry lies in the change of our thinking mode。

Extended reading

Looking at the future development of China’s cultural tourism industry from the perspective of Fosun’s cultural tourism business layout

(Source: Jingjian Think Tank)

Investment 11 billion yuan,It took 6 years to build,The Atlantis Sanya project enters the trial operation stage during the Spring Festival this year。Take a closer 188bet app look at this debut work of Fosun Cultural Tourism,We can discover more successful business logic,You can even vaguely see the overall industrial layout and business model of Fosun Culture and Tourism。

Business logic of Fosun Culture and Tourism

Going high and taking the ultimate route can certainly attract attention and customer flow,But it is also a "double-edged sword"。A question is how to recover such a high investment,How to achieve return on investment in a shorter period?

Real estate can certainly recover most of the investment,But most of the tourist resort properties there are sold in the form of sale and leaseback,Rent expenses will continue to be incurred after the sale。At the same time, high-standard hotels and cultural tourism and entertainment sectors do not require huge depreciation,The daily maintenance costs are also very high。If such a large project has insufficient passenger flow,These gorgeous facilities will become a huge burden,Diluted Profit,Even causing losses。

Sanya hotel market is very seasonal,It’s hard to find a room in winter,The occupancy rate is very low in summer,The overall occupancy rate is below 60% for one-third of the year,Many hotels are even below 30%。This is actually a common problem in tourist destinations across the country,The temperature difference between the four seasons in Sanya is small、Pleasant climate,Compared to other areas in China with distinct four seasons, it is much better。The root of this phenomenon lies in the current holiday settings in our country,So that even if consumers have certain financial strength,I don’t necessarily have time to go on vacation。

(Sanya hotel occupancy rate performance, data source: STR Global)

This question is only about the project itself,No matter how to optimize the product、Optimized design,It is difficult to change、To solve it。But put it into Fosun Culture and Tourism’s global cultural tourism industry system for industrial chain integration,received a great degree of relief。

Fosun has acquired or invested in a number of internationally renowned tourism groups in its investment layout many years ago,For example, Club Med "Club Med", the world's largest travel and vacation chain group (has a huge vacation membership group)、Thomas Cook, the largest established travel group in the UK (the world’s oldest travel agency)、India’s largest OTA platform Makemytrip, etc.,The resulting strong overseas traffic diversion capability can well complement this area。The international recognition of the Atlantis brand also provides a certain guarantee for attracting overseas tourists。

Therefore,When we break away from the product itself,Look at Fosun’s entire industrial layout,This case can almost be regarded as a collection and microcosm of Fosun Culture and Tourism’s layout。For example, the operation and management side of the cultural tourism sector is Albion, a scenic spot management brand owned by Fosun,The performing arts at the big show include Dayang Circus, the world's top performing arts group acquired by Fosun、And Fosun’s own Fanxiu,Even the spa brand in the hotel uses the well-known Israeli Dead Sea mineral mud maintenance brand AHAVA it acquired。

It can be said,Atlantis Sanya is a new generation of one-stop leisure and vacation tourism product,But from the perspective of business model and system,This is Fosun Group’s first attempt to integrate different industries and sectors around the world。This is not just a simple addition of various big-name cultural and tourism resources acquired in the international market,Different countries、Different business formats、Different backgrounds,188bet sports betting app download Integrate them for operations、Both management system and corporate culture have higher requirements,Sufficient talent needs to be prepared。I believe Fosun acquired these originally independent companies、After integrating the unique resources that were separated from each other,After continuous running-in and optimization,Will form high barriers to competition。

Looking at the development of cultural tourism industry from the layout of Fosun Cultural Tourism

Fosun Group is one of the largest comprehensive private enterprise groups in China,The style of play of big capital players cannot be easily imitated by ordinary companies。But Fosun’s vision for industrial investment has always been extremely precise,Over the past 20 years,Fosun has invested in more than 70 projects,Annual return exceeds 30%。Research on Fosun Cultural Tourism,More expectations are analyzed through its unique vision and industrial layout,Finding out the future development direction of the tourism industry。

The income of residents has generally increased、In the context of rapid consumption upgrade,The market size of tourism industry is getting bigger and bigger,Industrial advantages are becoming more and more prominent,There are more and more big players like Fosun crossing over into tourism。Low-price and low-quality products can no longer meet the needs of the Chinese people,After a new generation of travel and vacation products continue to appear,Users are more willing to be innovative、Unique、Attractive、Pay for valuable products。

When it comes to innovation and uniqueness, it means having truly innovative products、Innovative content,Instead of playing concepts and karate。

Where is innovation reflected?What is the key to the success or failure of tourism enterprises in the future?The main points are as follows。

1、Product No. 1,The value of the M side in the tourism industry is always better than the C side。Compared to the huge investment of many players in C-end channels and platforms、Big losses every year,Fosun’s layout is to focus on the product side first。Because the current main bottleneck in China’s tourism industry is on the product side,The development of informatization has made the C-side very transparent,Any business model and tricks on the C-side will soon be copied by competitors。

Because there is no threshold,Competition will turn into a price war、Better than burning money、Competing to see who can lose blood to the end without dying。You don’t make money by relying on your own abilities,But rely on rounds of financing to survive。Is such a C-side valuable??The competition on the C-side is getting fiercer,Excellent and unique M-end has greater selectivity,The stronger the right to speak,In the game between M and C, the gross profit of the C end can be greatly squeezed。

2. The industry needs innovative products and innovative business structures.A true master should have the courage to break through himself,Create refreshing products。It can be a breakthrough in existing products,It can also be an innovative product that completely breaks the rules。While innovating, we must also pay attention to cost control and financial feasibility studies。

Aerial rendering of Atlantis Sanya

The Atlantis project can be regarded as a typical example of breaking through the stereotypes,But it is also a special case,If such a luxurious project comes out of Sanya, it will not have the basic success factors,Very low replicability。Innovation does not necessarily mean how high-end it must be,The size of the high-end niche market will soon reach its limit,And the consumption frequency is low。

Any one with rapid 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino development、The size of the high-end niche market will soon reach its limit,At the same time, raise your own competitive barriers,Form a product with good customer experience and low price。

3、Innovation is also reflected in its adaptability to China’s national conditions、Targeted。For example, if Fosun simply introduces Club Med to China,The location can only be selected in parts of Hainan and Northeast China,Because of Club Med’s culture and product design are basically centered around the seaside and skiing,This will keep you away from the main customer base。Chinese people have very few holidays,Only a few long holidays can travel long distances,The result will be an obvious festival economy。

Solve the problem of having the spending power but not the time,The best way is to design short-term vacation products around central cities that are suitable for the current Chinese market。China’s tourism products are weak,We have a lot to learn from foreign countries,While learning from and introducing advanced foreign products and experience,How to adapt to the characteristics of Chinese consumers must be fully considered and redesigned。

4. What needs to be innovated is the content of the scenic spot.The current content of scenic spots lacks new ideas、Excessive plagiarism,Small but beautiful immersive experience content products will usher in a period of great development。Like Fosun’s MiniClub、Miniversit、Fanxiu can be regarded as this type of product。It is a combination of hardware and software,Modular、The cost is relatively low、And the cost will be diluted with continuous replication,And this kind of product can enrich the vacation content,Make vacation no longer boring except for sightseeing and sleeping,Large-scale scenic area development projects and resorts will have high demand for this type of industry。

In addition, parent-child travel is also a hot spot in the future,Parent-child activity products that allow adults and children to interact together,Or similar Club Med can also be a good product for parents to enjoy a leisurely vacation after leaving their children in their care。Under development of these products,Small and medium-sized enterprises are more efficient、Faster、More flexible,There will be more development opportunities,Also a capital investment、Opportunity to cultivate outstanding enterprises in the future。

5、The form of products will become more one-stop and seamless。One-stop first appeared in resorts,Compared to traditional tourist hotels, it is a product upgrade,The purpose is to keep tourists’ secondary consumption in the resort except for the room fee,At the same time, it is more relaxed and freehand and improves the tourist experience,It is also relatively convenient and easy to implement。

Club Med is the world’s number one resort chain,Atlantis can actually be regarded as a very large-scale luxury resort。Our traditional scenic spot tourism products are basically a series of dots,Traveling from the hotel to major scenic spots,Eat in the town again,Its consumption is decentralized,Profits are also dispersed。And tourists will spend a lot of time on the road,Traffic congestion is likely to occur during peak season,The gaming experience is not good either。In the future, the main scenic area and surrounding supporting areas will be integrated into the design,Enable play、Shopping、Seamless connection between leisure and transportation,will be a new trend in the improvement of old scenic spots and product iteration in the future。

6、The key to success or failure lies in business model design and industry chain integration capabilities。Business model design lies in a deep understanding of the industry,Also adapt to the company’s own capabilities and characteristics。The rapid development of an enterprise lies in designing a unique development model for its future。There will be more and more players in the industry in the future,Demand drives the industry to develop faster and faster,Competition is getting fiercer,Companies with a single main business will become increasingly difficult。Integration of the industrial chain,Forming an ecosystem that connects upstream and downstream industries is the only way。

Fosun’s industrial chain layout and business model are a reference,The local tycoon has his own style of play,Ordinary enterprises must also create their own development path。The company’s overall development strategy design and the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Business model design of a single comprehensive cultural tourism development project will be the key to success。Control more resources,Get rid of homogeneous competition,Achieving a higher competitive threshold through innovation and integration,In order to obtain a higher rate of return。

The source of this article is Zhihui, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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