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Theme Park Author of this article: Zeng Jianzhong 2018-08-16 10:23:50
How to make tourists become witnesses or even promoters of the story?
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After telling many Chinese cultural stories,Huaqiang Fantawild begins to tell international cultural stories。August 8, 2018,Huaqiang Fantawild’s new theme park “Fantawild ASEAN Painting” opens in Nanning, Guangxi。

ASEAN includes Malaysia、Indonesia、Thailand、Philippines、Singapore、Brunei、Vietnam、Laos、Ten countries of Myanmar and Cambodia,“Fante ASEAN Divine Painting” is currently the only high-tech theme park in the world with Southeast Asian history and culture as its core content,Including 11 large-scale cultural experience halls、32 outdoor interactive amusement projects and more than 200 leisure landscapes。The highlight is of course the 11 large-scale cultural experience centers built based on high technology and the culture 188bet app download of the ten ASEAN countries。

In an exclusive interview with Zhihui,Ding Liang, Senior Vice President of Huaqiang Fantawild said,Why choose to tell the story of ASEAN in Nanning,Firstly, because Nanning is the host city that has hosted the 14th China-ASEAN Expo,The annual trade event is also a grand event for cultural exchanges,Building an ASEAN cultural theme park here will complement the Expo Park、Complement each other。Secondly, Southwest China has always lacked an excellent theme park,Especially with cultural content like Fantawild、A high-quality theme park with high technology content。

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Ding Liang emphasized,China’s theme parks must overcome difficulties in technology,Work hard on culture,Only in order to continuously improve quality,And can compete with the world's first-class theme parks。In the past, everyone’s understanding of theme parks was more of the word “park”,But today we don’t just want to bring happiness to tourists,There must also be a cultural theme,Even have a story,If the theme park does not pay attention to culture、No story,There is no soul,will become an "empty shell",Just a bunch of colorful empty houses。

Fantawild ASEAN Divine Painting Theme Park was designed under this guidance,The goal is to create a theme park with a soul。

According to Ding Liang,Fantawild ASEAN Divine Painting Theme Park has rich Southeast Asian cultural customs,The paradise is located in Nanning,Belongs to subtropical monsoon climate,The natural vegetation itself is very close to Southeast Asia,This provides convenience for creating an atmosphere among ASEAN countries。On the architectural design of the paradise,Fully reflects the architectural characteristics of Southeast Asia。For example, the gate of the paradise is a tall and big roof,Because of the high temperature and rain in Southeast Asia,So most buildings have large eaves、steep slope,The gate draws on such styling features。

Let’s talk about color,Buddhism is generally believed in land countries in Southeast Asia,Architectural colors prefer gold and yellow,There are complex reliefs on the outer surface of the building,These Southeast Asian architectural characteristics are fully utilized in architectural design,Enter Fantawild ASEAN Divine Painting Theme Park,Dense green shade,Frangipani flowers against the red background,The splendid buildings are dazzling,The cool 188bet app download breeze blows under the tall eaves,There is a strong Southeast Asian atmosphere everywhere。And the Southeast Asian maritime countries,For example, Malaysia、Indonesia、Brunei believes in Islam again,Colors focus on green and blue,Constitutes the customs of Southeast Asian maritime countries。

Many ASEAN countries,Believe in Buddhism,Architectural sculptures or reliefs,For example, Cambodia,In order to faithfully restore the local architectural style,Huaqiang Fantawild has sent inspection teams to Cambodia many times to conduct on-site inspections and collect information,Now the Cambodian scenic spot of Fante ASEAN sacred painting,Realistically restore the scene of Angkor Temple,Magnificent architecture,Fine carving,The large promenade makes you feel like you are in Khmer。

There are many beautiful attractions like this,It has become a photo spot for tourists to “pretend to be in a foreign country”。

Actually, this is just the appearance,“We want to create a theme park with soul,Cultural experience projects are always the focus of our work,We must give full play to the technical advantages of Huaqiang Fantawild Group,Use novel and unique forms to fully display the cultural essence of ASEAN countries。"Ding Liang said。It is in this way,There are 11 large-scale cultural experience halls in the entire park。The comprehensive experience center is "Fly with You",The other 10 cultural experience centers correspond to 10 different countries,By exploring the outstanding aspects of its history and culture、Cultural elements that can be handed down from generation to generation,Made by combining high-tech means,Various forms of scientific and technological means,Rich and colorful cultural content,10 countries,10 cultural stories,10 forms of expression,This is a very rare move among all theme parks at home and abroad。

Technology allows tourists to become story witnesses and promoters

In Ding Liang’s view,Telling culture and storytelling in theme parks,The form of expression must be different from that of museums、Cinema and stage drama,It should be an immersive cultural experience process unique to theme parks,"These forms must be unique to theme parks,Has high technological content,It is more than just a form of expression,It is also a form of experience,Provide tourists with a comprehensive immersive experience,Tourists are not just bystanders of cultural stories,Still a person who has experienced it,Even the driver of the story,So these innovative forms must be made out of nothing and unique,This requires a lot of high-tech support。Otherwise there is no need for tourists to come to the theme park。”

Ding Liang mentioned a detail,In many paradises,Special movies with flying domes,Fantawild ASEAN also has flight experience projects such as "Fly with You",This project has a huge hemispherical screen,There are also smart hanging seats,With the magnificent movie screen,Form a fully enclosed virtual environment。Let tourists experience the feeling of flying in the sky,Appreciate the most distinctive natural and cultural scenery 188bet app download of the ten ASEAN countries,Including the Grand Palace of Thailand、Manila Cathedral, Vietnam、Bromo volcano in India。

Fangte can achieve a more realistic flying experience,“It’s not just about the clarity of our images、Bright colors,There is a lot of behind-the-scenes work that cannot be seen。" Ding Liang revealed,For example, Fantawild produced 4K high-definition images for the ASEAN Divine Painting、48 frame rate video,The visual effect 188bet app is very clear and smooth,And 8 projectors are used to play the scene,The purpose is to accurately correct the picture to the spherical screen without distortion,This is the embodiment of Huaqiang Fantawild’s solid technical strength。

Real flying does not have much action experience,Because it’s too dangerous,But you can experience many kinds of flying feelings in the Fantawild Dome Flying Cinema,For example, there is a climb、Dive、Falling, etc.,The difference from other similar programs is,Its flight path and flight movements are carefully designed,Give the audience a unique experience。" Ding Liang introduced。Fangte also has many original "flying illusions",For example, when tourists pass through the Arc de Triomphe in Laos,There will be a strong feeling of weightlessness,In fact, the passenger seats did not go down。Ding Liang said,“The strong sense of weightlessness comes entirely from our control of the audience’s vision,This is the immersive experience effect,The audience will be completely integrated into the flying state in the moment of weightlessness,So coming to Fantawild to experience flying is not just about watching a movie。”

Talk about these high-tech cultural and creative projects,Ding Liang is quite proud,Because Fantawild has devoted itself in this field for many years,In storytelling combining culture and technology,ASEAN Divine Painting Theme Park once again achieved improvement。

“Traditional storytelling has three elements: worldview、Characters and story situations。But telling stories in a theme park,There is also a special request,That’s breaking the fourth wall”。Ding Liang explained,In traditional stage drama,There is this invisible wall between the actors and the audience,The audience and actors can see each other,But they cannot talk to each other,The audience is just a bystander of the story,This is the "Fourth Wall",This practice has continued into the field of film, television and animation。But storytelling in a theme park is just the opposite,Creators use various techniques to turn audiences from spectators into experiencers、Participants are even promoters of the story。

There is a project called "The Legend of Rama" in the Thai Cultural Experience Center,From the murals in the Grand Palace of Thailand,Adapted from the Thai epic "Ramajan",It’s about the Thai historical hero Rama,Defeated the big devil with the help of God,The story of rescuing his beloved wife。

This story was adapted into a Dark Ride 4D Ride project。The project has more than ten three-dimensional screens,The screen and real scenes are combined to create various scenes along the adventure,Visitors will take a dynamic rail car,Follow Prince Rama,Experiencing hardships,Finally defeated the devil,Experience a fierce battle against demons。

Ding Liang revealed,The six-degree-of-freedom dynamic rail car is the key to the entire project,It can perform various actions according to the plot,It is also a camera,Another actor。

This project has high requirements on the audience’s perspective,The tour bus leads the audience along the track,Watch the development of the story from the angle required by the plot,The entire tour process,Like a long lens,Ends when tourists get off the bus,Ends when tourists get off the bus,So this car plays the role of a camera。At the same time, this car has six degrees of freedom,Can make flexible dynamic performances,You can make various actions according to the plot requirements,Such as avoiding danger,The vehicle will jolt during a collision,188bet online sports betting Rama can talk to tourists,Even Rama can push the cart away,In the final decisive battle,Rama can even "jump" onto tourist vehicles,Defeat the Big Devil,So this car is also an "actor",Assumed a role in the plot,The tourists are also brought into the plot。

Take Cambodia as an example,Ding Liang led the inspection team to Angkor Temple, a world cultural heritage site,The building is a famous Khmer-style building,Built during the most prosperous historical period of Cambodia, the Angkor Dynasty,It is a temple dedicated to Vishnu,Regarded as a national treasure of Cambodia,Every visitor is deeply shocked by its magnificent scale and superb architectural art。The inspection team finally decided to use this as the theme,Create a giant-screen three-dimensional movie "Into Angkor",Introducing the construction process of Angkor Temple。

"Into Angkor" is divided into two parts: the exhibition hall and the starring hall,The exhibition hall uses rich sculptures、Promenade、Sand table and video introduce tourists to Cambodia’s culture and history,Preparing for the performance in the main hall。This is a magnificent work,The main theater uses a super giant screen developed by Fantawild,The screen area is nearly one thousand square meters,The beginning of the video,First demonstrated the size of an ordinary theater screen,Then expand to the size of Fantawild giant screen,Very shocking。Presenting the construction process of Angkor Wat and the rise and fall of the Angkor Dynasty behind it in the form of such a giant-screen three-dimensional film,It can be said to be the perfect combination of content and form。

The Fantawild giant screen uses 8K high-definition image quality,48 frame rate,The picture is colorful,Smooth movements,Some of these exquisite pictures are from Fantawild’s special film crew,Using 8K high-definition equipment to shoot live at Angkor Temple,Some of them have completely restored the Angkor Temple through CG technology。In order to truly restore the grand scene of Angkor Temple back then,Digital artists from Huaqiang Fantawild Film Company brought back 100,000 pictures and nearly 1,000G of material from Cambodia。Today we can only see the vicissitudes of history through the gray ruins,The film "Into Angkor" reproduces the grand scene of the Khmer in those days through bright colors,The huge three-dimensional image makes visitors feel like they are in history,Feel the rich and colorful Khmer culture。

The film also specially invited Mr. Li Lihong (dubbing of "A Bite of China") to be the narrator for the film,His unique voice and charming commentary,Make the video even better。

Cabaret performances are a common form in many theme parks,Huaqiang Fantawild has come up with new ideas,The performance project of the Indonesian Cultural Center is called "Song of a Thousand Islands"。Indonesia is a country of a thousand islands,There are also rich folk songs,The familiar "Baby"、"Star Rope" and "Solo River" are both Indonesian folk songs。

The performance area of ​​"Song of a Thousand Islands" is the LED circular stage located in the center of the theater,Visitors sit around the stage,Scene changes overlooking the stage。

Song of a Thousand Islands

The biggest highlight is,At the climax of the project,More than a thousand magic balls will drop from the ceiling,These balls are computer controlled,You can change various patterns according to the plot and music rhythm,Sometimes like a big bird flying with wings spread,Sometimes like rolling waves of the sea,Sometimes like a rotating pyramid,Creates a very dreamy 188bet app download stage effect,Actor wearing Indonesian national costume,Dance with the "magic ball" to the cheerful rhythm,The atmosphere reached a climax。“This is our first stage performance form,Created and performed by professional dancers from Fante Art Troupe。"Ding Liang said。

Travel around the entire Fantawild ASEAN paintings,Each cultural experience center not only has rich national culture,There are also unique project experiences,Multi-ethnic cultures gather here,Huaqiang Fantawild relies on strong technical strength and reserves,Created with charm、High-quality ASEAN divine painting theme park,Achieved 10 countries,10 stories,11 theme projects,11 legendary experiences。These world-class forms of technology are creative and ingenious,Wonderful performance,Integrated with the project content,Become a highlight of the entire park。

As the saying goes,Content determines the form,If you want to creatively design such a wonderful experience project,First of all, we must learn and understand ASEAN culture,Because this is the soul of paradise。

Create a theme park with soul

“There are two sources for developing cultural and creative projects in theme parks,First, with the help of mature commercial and cultural brands,There are many people doing this now。” Ding Liang said,such as Star Wars、Harry Potter,And animation IP that is familiar to the audience,In recent years, it has been widely used in theme parks。These IPs are cultivated through movies or comics,His character is already well known,The story mode has basically taken shape,It is relatively easy to build a theme park project。

Another approach is to use original historical and traditional cultural materials,That is, traditional IP。“When we were developing Fantawild Oriental Divine Painting,Extensive use of Chinese history, culture and traditional stories,This is a successful case。"Ding Liang said,But when developing cultural experience projects in ASEAN countries,Fangte’s creative team encountered unprecedented difficulties。

First of all, ASEAN countries have almost no mature commercial IP that can represent traditional culture,So we can only find inspiration from their history and culture,Discover original creative materials,This kind of mining often requires starting from scratch,So explore the excellent and even passable cultural elements in the cultures 188bet app download of the ten ASEAN countries,It’s not easy。

In addition, the history and culture of ASEAN countries are colorful,But it is not as rich as Chinese culture and has a clear historical logic,This also makes the work more difficult,At the same time, the history and culture of the ten countries have their own characteristics,Cannot generalize,So this kind of work has to be repeated ten times,Heavy workload,Very difficult,Also very challenging。"This,There is almost no precedent among all the theme parks at home and abroad that I have seen。"Ding Liang said。

Fortunately, Huaqiang Fantawild’s project creative team had previously created Fantawild Oriental Painting (another theme park with Chinese traditional culture as its core),has accumulated rich experience,For example, "Collecting Styles"。

“This was originally an important method of cultural creation,Inspect the local customs,Collect local folk tales, music and dance materials,When we want to build a cultural theme park,We also use this method。"Ding Liang said。Huaqiang Fantawild’s cultural and creative team has flown to the ten ASEAN countries many times for on-the-spot inspections and collections,Visit local museums and 188bet app download historical monuments,Visit the experts,Experience the local customs,Collected a lot of photos、Video data,After returning, we will carefully analyze and filter based on the information on the Internet。

Ding Liang revealed,The "selection" process alone consumes a lot of energy,The cultural and historical materials of Southeast Asian countries are very scattered,There is also a lack of system,It is very difficult to learn and understand,So I almost searched the entire history and culture of 10 countries,Don’t let go of any historical details,Very worried about causing hatred for the lost pearl。

"Finally,We got ten stories。"Ding Liang said,When selecting these stories,Fully consider that these stories must be able to express the cultural characteristics of these countries,At the same time, it has distinctive audio-visual characteristics,Suitable for theme park presentation。Last selected cultural story,There are roughly three categories: one is the famous heroic stories in history,Or legendary mythical stories,For example, Thailand’s “Legend of Rama”、Malaysia’s “Malacca Warriors”;The second category is religious culture such as Buddhist stories,"Entering Angkor" in Cambodia、"That Luang Ceremony" in Laos,Myanmar's "City of Ten Thousand Pagodas";The third category focuses on natural scenery and customs,For example, "Meet in Halong Bay" in Vietnam、"Manila Manila" in the Philippines、"Colorful Journey" by Brunei and "Searching for the Merlion" by Singapore。

"Colorful Journey" is a large-scale indoor river rafting project,Exploring the ancient legend of the origin of Brunei,Appreciate Brunei’s beautiful natural scenery and unique customs along the way、Historic water village culture、Unique and original traditional customs、Beautiful primitive rainforest、Magnificent and solemn Islamic architecture,Tourists learn about the origin and development of Brunei,Feel the unique charm of this land。This is a childlike project,There are beautiful children’s songs and fairy tale-like beautiful scenery。Because the history of Brunei is like a magical fairy tale,Legend is in the mangroves beside the Limbang River,Father of the first king of Brunei,Born from a magical bird egg,So this story starts from the bird egg。Ding Liang believes that this story will be loved by children。

Fantawild ASEAN Divine Painting Theme Park should not only showcase the beautiful rivers and mountains and friendly customs of Southeast Asia,But also through these vivid stories,Reflects the positive and optimistic spirit of the Southeast Asian people,Through those brave myths and legends,Showcase the indomitable spirit of struggle of the Southeast Asian people。"In the process of creation,We are deeply attracted by these stories,I think this is the soul of the theme park。" Ding Liang said。

ASEAN countries currently do not have such a theme park,Huaqiang Fantawild takes this opportunity,Presenting ASEAN culture in the form of a paradise,This is a meaningful thing in itself,Fantawild ASEAN painting will bring ASEAN culture、Ingenious integration of Guangxi local culture and modern technology,Not only is it expected to become an important platform for cultural exchanges between Southeast Asia and China,It will also form a foothold in Guangxi、A regional characteristic tourism culture demonstration benchmark for ASEAN。

Fantawild ASEAN Divine Painting Theme Park is conducive to the economic and cultural exchanges between China and ASEAN。On the one hand,Fantawild ASEAN sacred paintings serve as a display carrier of the culture 188bet app download of the ten ASEAN countries and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road,It has important cross-regional cultural exchange significance;On the other hand,Fantawild ASEAN Divine Painting creatively displays the splendid history and culture of the ten ASEAN countries to the public,It directly enhances Nanning’s attractiveness among tourists,It also indirectly promoted the tourism promotion of Southeast Asian countries towards Chinese tourists。

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