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Wei Xiaoan: Comprehensive transformation centered on structural optimization

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Wei Xiaoan2021-11-14

If we don’t take precautions against the current tourism development bubble,It is very likely to form a bubble pattern。
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The development of any industry,All involve expansion,Structural optimization,Quality improvement,Four aspects of increased benefits,This is the existence of synchrony,It is also a diachronic process,It is the four stages of development,Each one is the basis for the next development,Created conditions for further development。Development of tourism industry,No exception。Finally,To make the enterprise profitable,Employees have income,The government has taxes,Two more contents should be added to tourism,Strive for local promotion,Culture is creative。

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Since 1978,The start of China tourism,Facing shortages in all aspects,Expanding scale is the top priority。By 1998,Supply for inbound tourism,Already generally balanced;But domestic tourism is on the rise,Start another round of expansion。1998,This is also the time when China officially bids farewell to the shortage economy,The starting point for the comprehensive development of urbanization。From this,China’s tourism has formed a strategic bias,The main contradiction of China’s tourism,It is the contradiction between the people’s growing tourism demand and the serious shortage of tourism supply。Government-led tourism development model,China’s Excellent Tourism City,Comprehensive coverage of hotel star ratings,A-level scenic spot standards have become a hot topic。As a party,At that time, I also felt that I was going to get started,High-spirited。Development inertia formed after that,Promote tourism investment,Continuously expanding the scale,Become the main demand。It is exactly such a process,Hiding up the deep-seated problems of tourism development,structure、Quality and efficiency。

1986,A high-level government commissioned Director Sun Shangqing of the Development Research Center of the State Council to take the lead in formulating a strategic project for the development of China’s tourism economy,Mr. Sun is well-known in the economics community for his research on economic structure,At that time, he talked about the problem of tourism economic structure,Later also gave a special lecture at the National Tourism Work Conference,It should be said that it is very prescient。I have always followed Mr. Sun,Participated in the whole process of the project,So I have a deep understanding of this issue。But,This issue has not been taken seriously,Also laid some root causes。2012,Due to structural problems becoming more and more prominent,I specially organized six young teachers with Ph.D.,Do research。Finally formed the monograph "Research on China's Tourism Economic Structure",Structural issues involving 18 aspects。But it’s a pity,It didn’t have much impact,Not many people have read this good book。

Since 1994,The central government proposed to change the mode of economic growth,That is, changing from extensive growth to intensive growth,Later, the growth mode was adjusted to the development mode。Growth does not equal development,Growth emphasizes scale,Development must center on structural optimization,This has become mainstream。But until today,Unbalanced、Incongruous、Unsustainability remains the main problem in national economic development,This“Three Nos”The core is structure,It is also a prominent issue in the tourism field。At the Central Economic Work Conference in 2015,Propose supply-side structural reform,Form a national grand strategy,Every industry and every place is reluctant to make adjustments。Thanks to this series of adjustments,Enabled the national economy to survive several crises,Later,Adjustments are getting stronger,Especially the impact of this epidemic,We see the forward-looking nature of central decision-making,It also makes China’s economy unparalleled in the world,Remaining stable。But still regretful,This country’s grand strategy is almost indifferent to the tourism industry,Rarely mentioned in documents,There is almost no deployment of work,Experts seldom discuss,Industry conferences are still going strong,Tourism investment conferences come one after another。The direction of various forces,Superposition of the actual situation,Made the structural problems of China’s tourism economy become more and more prominent,Intensifying imbalance between supply and demand,Enterprise efficiency is getting worse。

Compressed Foam

First,Investment Bubble。Coping with the financial crisis,China is in an environment of excess liquidity,Everyone is looking for investment opportunities。Very natural,Bubbles will form during this process,Is there a bubble in tourism?The first bubble is the investment bubble,According to the figures of the former National Tourism Administration,2015,China’s tourism investment is 2 trillion,2 in 2020.5 trillion。From 1978 to 2008,30 years of China’s tourism development,The total amount of fixed assets formed is roughly 800 billion,That is to say, the amount of investment in one year is equivalent to 2 of the past 30 years.5 times,This is nothing but a bubble?But this investment bubble has now become the glory of tourism development everywhere,turned into political achievements。Everything above is about how good the development situation is,How many items are there,I heard it was all a big project。

Second,Government Bubble。What evolved from the investment bubble is the government bubble,First, the government does not have enough understanding of these things;Secondly, everyone is still advocating this kind of bubble;Third, the focus of some government work is actually to blow bubbles,This creates a job bubble。You can take a look,From provincial and municipal governments to tourism bureaus at all levels, many jobs are frothy。Of course some are necessary,We cannot deny bubbles,You can’t drink beer without foam,But the extent of the bubble needs to be studied。For example, the UK has a special regulation,That’s how frothy the beer in the bar is,It is not allowed to violate it,Why is there such a regulation?Beer doesn’t taste good without foam,Too much foam infringes on consumer rights,A regulation can be established for such a thing?So we cannot completely deny bubbles,Problems with development stage,There are also issues with work ideas。For example, hold a big event,Can we call it a bubble?If you must say so, that’s fine,But turn it around,Is it possible to travel without big events?So we cannot generalize。

Third,Market bubble。For now,The tourism market bubble is actually forced to a large extent。Small money can be spent freely,To a certain extent, it also created a bubble in the tourism market。If there are better investment channels,Maybe it won’t cost anything,Go invest,Or there are some very stable expectations,There may be new structural considerations in consumption。None now,It’s about spending a small amount of money,This state will continue for some time,But it did create a market bubble。And a very interesting phenomenon has formed in the market in the past two years,Various commodities have different price systems,188bet app It turns out that these price systems do not communicate with each other,Communicate now,Only discovered that some new concepts will be formed。For example, a travel agency advertises: Travel to Europe in one square meter,Traveling the world in one bathroom。It turns out we didn’t form this concept,Because these are two price systems,A square meter of house in Beijing costs tens of thousands,Buy a house,There is almost no difference between 120 square meters and 119 meters,But it’s different if you can travel to Europe,This kind of communication also stimulates tourism consumption,The other side is to strengthen the tourism market bubble。

Fourth,Work bubble,Whether it’s government work,Includes work in all aspects of tourism,There are foam ingredients inside,This is mainly reflected in marketing and major events。CCTV’s local brand advertisements are overwhelming,Various major events are happening,Continuous investment of funds,But no one cares about the actual effect。

Beware of bubbles、Prevent bubbles。If we don’t take precautions against the current tourism development bubble,It is very likely to form a bubble pattern。Don’t want to see“14th Five-Year Plan”At the end of time,There are a bunch of unfinished tourism projects across the country。Therefore,In terms of tourism projects,The government must keep an eye on investors,Accelerate efforts to secure funds;Investors need to concentrate,Produce products quickly。Product formed,Even if it’s a little rough,If the stall is very large,At least there is cash flow,If the stall is very large,Planned investment of tens of billions,Maybe a dozen by the end、More than two billion in the ground,First class for more than ten years,This is the possible consequence of bubble development。

This epidemic is serious,Objectively produces the effect of compressing foam。A large number of travel agencies cannot survive,Closed and closed。A large number of hotels have transferred their property rights,But the transfer cannot be made。The tourism investment project cannot be carried out,Unfinished business has occurred,Some projects have gone bankrupt。Overall,Traditional tourism companies are in comprehensive crisis,Some emerging companies have also become traditional structures,Even large OTA platforms have difficulties。

Overall analysis of tourism economic structure

Structural problems have corresponding universality,It is also the core of China’s tourism development。Use structural ideas and methods to study existing problems,Should be able to understand it more clearly。 

1. Changes in market structure

Forty years,China’s tourism market has experienced tremendous changes。Eighties,Mainly driven by immigration;Nineties,Inbound tourism and domestic tourism go hand in hand;Enter the new century,The sudden rise of outbound tourism,Form a three-legged pattern。This is the historical change process of market structure。In the overall context of world politics and economy,The changes in the tourism market will further deepen,Experienced Traveler,Pursue and realize diversified demands。First, inbound tourism declined slightly,Second, domestic tourism demand is also fluctuating,The third reason is due to the appreciation of the RMB exchange rate,International price decrease,Multicultural attraction,Overseas tourism continues to grow。

Overall,The tourism market structure includes three levels。First, the national level,It is the inbound market、Domestic market and outbound market structure。At the local level,The market concept has changed,Become a foreign market、Local market and travel market,The focus of work is also shifting。Especially in the east、Central、The western region is a mutual source market,Become the new trend。To the enterprise level,Further product-oriented market structure,Concentrate on the tourism market、Business travel market and leisure vacation market。 

2. Element structure optimization

First, operational factors or satisfaction factors.

That is, in the process of operation,Element structure that fully meets customer needs。Originally we only talked about traditional business、游、Live、Food、Purchase、Six elements of entertainment,Involving the whole process of tourism,In fact, they are all operational elements。With the enrichment of leisure vacation and the upgrade of traditional tourism,Need to add six more elements,It’s Wen、deep、Slow、Comics、Fine、jing,That’s culture、Deepening、Slow、Romantic、Exquisite,Artistic conception,These six elements are more focused on guest experience。Twelve elements add up to form a complete and in-depth operating system,We originally only started from the product aspect,Now we want to start with big products、From the perspective of pan-tourism。Have a good foundation in this aspect,But it’s uneven,Various lengths,Needs to be filled in and out,I’m afraid this is a more prominent issue in the next development。

Second, development factors or industrial factors.

Any business、Nine types of development factors are needed in the market everywhere,Include resources、Funds、Land、Talent、Management、property rights、Message、Technology、Culture。In terms of tourism development,The factor market has basically not been formed,The factor market has basically not been formed,Low internationalization。Among them,The tourism resource market has never been formed。The tourism capital market is relatively prominent,However, the operating characteristics and regularity of tourism funds are not sure,The market is not fully formed yet。There is basically no tourism market in the land,Although tourism real estate is so hot,It’s nothing more than a ride in someone else’s land market。The talent market is relatively mature,Professional managers are gradually emerging。Only the hotel industry is relatively mature in the management market,Management company general operations。There are only a few cases in the property rights market,Can’t talk about the market yet。The information market is relatively mature,The large-scale generation of tourism e-commerce。The technology market can be said to have just started,Not yet marketed。Culture is a hot topic now,Only under development。Overall,The first development factor,Weaker now。

Third, social factors or binary structure

The first is the traditional urban-rural dual structure。With the development of rural tourism,This problem is gradually easing,And it has made a huge contribution to alleviating the overall urban-rural dual structure。

The second is the regional binary structure。Not only at the national level,Also includes various places。For example, there is a small western problem prevalent in the eastern region,Western Guangdong、Western Fujian、Western Zhejiang、Lu Xi,So much so that some places are often called ";Siberia”。Even to a county,Due to the concentration of tourism resources and product brands,A small-scale binary structure problem has also formed。

The third is the internal and external binary structure。In major tourist destinations,Especially in some key tourist cities,formed very outstanding characteristics,That is, the proportion of foreign population and foreign consumption is gradually increasing,New conflicts have arisen。In the development process of any tourist destination,Three more stages were formed。Initial stage,Tourists take up a lot of resources,Another price high point,Cause local resistance。Mid stage,Due to increased employment and entrepreneurship 188bet online sports betting opportunities,Conflict alleviation。Later stage,The locals started to resist again,If Hong Kong citizens are against mainland tourists。The biggest problem with this dual structure of internal and external is how local residents can be included in the development,Sharing benefits,Build social friendliness,Integrated operation。Some places now,There are problems with consumer safety,There are many tourists,Don’t dare to live here,Don’t dare to live here,Don’t dare to buy,I feel like there are pitfalls everywhere,Wells everywhere,Such a social atmosphere,Can it be a good tourist destination?No matter how much money you invest,Make the natural environment beautiful,Making all aspects of facilities first-class,But this is by no means a first-class destination。

The fourth is the cultural dual structure,That is, the dual structure problem of foreign culture and local culture。Generally speaking,Tourists pursue appreciation and experience of destination culture,But at the same time it brings consumer culture,This is a strong culture that comes with money。Local culture becomes the object of consumption,also commercialized,Even alienation。This is a worldwide phenomenon,Under market economy conditions,It is impossible to pursue the original ecology or authentic taste of culture。Local people have emotional factors towards traditional culture or local culture,Only this kind of culture can be passed down、Confidence、Self-love and even pride,Only this kind of culture can be passed down,Only culture generates market value,Formed brand value,Only for the majority of local people can we be motivated。Therefore,The protection and inheritance of traditional culture need to be based on the interest mechanism,Formation of dynamic mechanism,In addition to the government’s measures and the behavior of cultural people,Finally, tourist ethics,In order to alleviate the problem of cultural dual structure。

Fourth, environmental factors.

Environmental elements themselves form a structural system,Including compensating for the natural environment,Improve the humanistic environment,Improve business environment,Improve the city appearance and environment,Enhance leisure environment,Optimize the traffic environment,Coordinate the landscape environment,Strictly protect the environment,Create a good development environment。 

Environmental factors can be said to be the area with the biggest gap between China and developed tourism countries,We have first-class hotels,First-class scenic spot,Many are first-class,But in terms of environmental factors,The gap is huge。If we say that there is still a five-year gap between China’s tourism and developed countries in international tourism,But in terms of environment,I’m afraid it’s a gap of fifty years。

Elements of these four aspects,Requires full integration,Where is the integration in place,Which place has tourism really developed?。What’s more here is not a large investment of funds,But culture、Investment of wisdom and system。

3. Diversified product structure

Simply put,Originally called a single tourist product,Single development model,They are all converting now,But in the final analysis, it depends on local conditions,According to the times,According to market conditions,Do whatever you have to do,You can’t just start with the wind,Then again across the board。And tourism will always be the mainstay in China,For new travelers,Sightseeing comes first,For mature travelers,Leisure and vacation come first,Most of them are in this process。Now one involves new resources,It is social tourism resources,Including environmental tourism resources、Life Travel Resources、Industrial tourism resources。The second involves the new system,From single to composite,Involving a series of product systems from tourism to special products。Three is a new angle,That is, the subject’s demands are constantly changing。The first category of products is targeted products,Traditional tourism products are basically target products,Just a visit here is enough。But the real transformation we are pursuing now is process-based products,Not only must pursue goals,We must pursue the process,To deepen the experience。The fourth is a new expansion,Form an A+B+C development model,Such a new development model,A is the center of attraction,B is the profit center,C is the cultural center,Via Market,Gather popularity;Pass policy,Gathering Shangqi;by creative,Gathering style,Finally gather the development of derivative industries。As long as a project can achieve A+B+C,It must be a success,If one item is missing,There must be an important link missing,Some projects can be maintained,Some projects may not be completed。For example, some projects are great,Very attractive but no profit point,There is no stamina for sustainable development,No matter how good a project like this looks,Can’t actually walk down。

4. Homogenization of services

Homogenization of services is the basis for the upgrading of industrial structure,It is also a manifestation of sophistication,It actually involves the judgment of China’s tourism development level。Or the other way around,We need to solve or be vigilant about preventing growth bubbles,It depends on the integration of elements,Diversified products,Reasonable structure and homogeneous services,These issues are major strategic countermeasures that directly correspond to the growth bubble。

Original East、Central、West,Or there is a great imbalance in tourism development between urban and rural areas,Whether it is a product or a service,There is a very big gap。But in the past ten years,The degree of homogenization of services has been greatly improved,This has changed the entire tourism development pattern。There are three basic factors,First, infrastructure improvement,Narrowing the gap between various places。The second is the weakening of short-term constraints,Enhance basic security。The third is high communication and facilitation of information,Enjoy the convenience of global integration even in remote areas。These three basic factors are the external guarantee for the homogenization of China’s tourism services。There are three more instant factors,First, comprehensive mobility of talents,Over the past twenty years,The flow of talents is called the peacock flying southeast,There is a growing shortage of talents in the central and western regions,Talents flow to the east,Start reverse flow now,One of the important reasons is service homogenization,It’s a reason,Also becomes the background of reverse flow,The reverse flow of talents also promotes the homogenization of services。The second is the gradual promotion of standards,China’s tourism standardization work started in 1987,Officially incorporated into the national system in 1993,Now 37 tourism national standards and industry standards have been formulated and implemented。The third is the gradual start of demand,This demand is mainly the demand of the government and investors。

This way,First, it improves the basic level of China’s tourism development,The short board is slowly getting longer。The second is to reduce regional disparities,This resulted in the homogenization of services。The third is to comprehensively enhance the tourism competitiveness of various regions and even countries,This is a very good phenomenon。Of course,It is impossible that there is absolutely no gap,The gap will always exist,But it’s changing。The standard bottom line 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino here,Personal high line,Creation is infinite。China is still in a standards-oriented period,But when it develops to a certain extent, it is no longer standard-oriented,But brand-oriented。We studied this issue when formulating hotel star standards and scenic spot A-level standards,Why not abroad?Maybe these things are not as popular as us internationally?Two reasons,First, the family is relatively mature,Has entered the brand-oriented period。Second, the government-led behavior is not strong。And in China,As long as the government pays attention,The government regards this as an honor,Get up naturally。In fact, five stars are good,Level 5A is also good,Just the bottom line,instead of high line,But now treat the bottom line as the high line,Obviously there is a problem with the guidance。As the market gradually develops,These will be adjusted,This requires our management level、Operation Level、Service levels must be improved at the same time,Comprehensive promotion of service homogenization,Especially for the central and western regions,Is a more important strategic issue。

5. Short-term transfer

Short-term constraints are a concentrated expression of structural imbalance,Historical short-term constraints on tourism development are gradually shifting,This is also the process of gradually improving the structure of the tourism industry。Currently,Hotel、Transportation、Short-term constraints such as funding have basically been resolved,Now the new short-term is four aspects,Land、Environment、Technology、System。Overall,There is no shortage of money for traveling now,And land constraints have become a prominent issue,In general, how much land can be taken from one place,How much money comes in。And now the land quota is so tightly controlled,The land consolidation investigation is also very strict,The reason why a lot of money flows into the so-called tourism real estate,The fundamental motive is land enclosure。But now it is also gradually controlled,For example, the theme park needs to be controlled,Golf courses are strictly maintained。But traveling can be a blessing,This trick lies in four aspects: First, the location of the title,Come up with a good question,A large layout of key areas can be formed,Why are various places so active in holding big events?For example, Shanghai World Expo,More than a dozen、Twenty square kilometers will come down。Another example is the Guangzhou Asian Games,How many square kilometers is it?,How could it be possible without this question?

Haiyang City, Shandong,A county-level city,We want to hold the Asian Beach Games,A county-level city framework has expanded into a prefecture-level city framework,So this is called the key point of the question,Big questions require the earth,Small questions require small space,But you can always get it。The second is transfer out of the country,Through land transfer,Squeeze out part of the land,For travel use。The third is to increase the function,The so-called functional increase in land means that the nature of the land remains unchanged,But it enriches the land functions,In fact, it is equivalent to increasing the land area,For example, various camps,Basically, the functions of forest land are increased。The fourth is to create land on the ground,For example, use aerial construction,There are still crop fields below,Agricultural properties remain unchanged,But build a house on it,What should be covered can still be covered,Does not hinder agriculture,Many mountainous areas are now used in this way。Land constraints are a long-term constraint,But as far as tourism is concerned,You can do some tricks,This and industrial land、Agricultural land、Commercial land、Urban land use, etc. are different,There are so many ways to do those things,This is precisely the advantage of tourism。In addition,Environment、Technology、Systems are also three major constraints,The current situation is that technology is advancing,The system needs reform,Long-term environmental constraints。Past short-term constraints,As the development reaches a certain stage,It will pass naturally,The most difficult thing in the past,No longer a problem,But the constraints now formed,Objectively speaking, these are long-term constraints,So what should we do in the face of such long-term constraints,Really needs to study in depth。

6. Integration of culture and tourism

The rise of cultural craze under the leadership of the government,So the world is filled with culture。Adjustment of government agencies in 2018,Establishment of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism,Form a new pattern。Tourism and culture are naturally integrated,Tourism is culture。From a structural perspective,Culture and tourism are the basis of industrial structure。For now,Cultural industry is just an economic phenomenon,Not enough to form industrialization,It is the most outstanding in the field of tourism。On the other hand,Culture is created,Not made,The tourism market is just creative,Because the tourism market is relatively mature。It is precisely because of these two reasons,Cultural tourism has become the focus of the cultural industry,Tourism culture creates an emerging pattern of tourism,This must be the next important trend,As for what the results will be,Don’t know。Cultivation of an environment,Mobilize everyone’s creativity,I’m afraid this is the fundamental。

7. Improve urbanization

This is probably the more important problem we will face in the next step,Common problems in big cities,The choice should be,People are big and I am small、People are rough but I am fine、When people are in a hurry, I take it easy,To reach Xiaoerwen、Small but refined、Small but beautiful,Small life、Little enjoyment、Little fun,Although people are still crowding into big cities,But at a certain stage,Will definitely adjust it,Achieve a rapid development,Slow pace life,This is a relatively ideal state,But it is precisely because of this pattern,Created good opportunities for the improvement of many cities。

So far,Many leaders have come to their senses,To discover the true nature of the city,Highlight urban culture,To make the city more tasteful,Just like what Hangzhou proposed,Building a city with high quality of life。Such a transformation represents the cutting edge,Represents the trend,So it’s natural,The improvement of urbanization and even reaching the level of gentrification,It must involve the upgrading of the tourism economic structure。On the one hand is the countryside,Rural areas should be viewed with the concept of landscape,Cannot be swept away;Manage agriculture with a comprehensive concept,Improving land utilization through tourism,Increase the added value of agricultural products;Mobilizing farmers with the perspective of talents,Let farmers also become cultural inheritors,Industrial artist。On 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino the other hand is the city,We must grasp the city with the concept of tourism,Highlight humanism and difference;Use the concept of grabbing restaurants to capture scenic spots,Highlight quality and detail;Grasp leisure with the concept of grasping life,Highlight comfort and experience。

8. Maximizing happiness

Social concepts are changing,You never work if you never take a break,Come to work for leisure,The pursuit of happiness becomes a main theme。But we are used to the macro way of thinking,Immerse yourself in grand narrative,So on the one hand, there are many arguments on the Internet,Common people are like diplomats。On 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino the other hand is the real pursuit of life。Describe a well-off life,Chengdu farmers had something to say in 1995,Eat meat,Live in a building,There is still money left to travel,This is how they understand a well-off life。At that time,Chongqing citizens understand that eating Malatang,Play mahjong,Watch the crooked video,This is the different pursuit of citizens and farmers,But the actual demands are this kind of real pursuit。

In the process of almost crazy growth,It happened that the bottom line was lost,Contrary to common sense。In the memory of our nation,Oppression and humiliation are always lingering shadows,Working hard and becoming stronger is the goal we always pursue。We always talk about the national economy and people’s livelihood,Historically, the national economy has trumped people’s livelihood,So agriculture is called Xianzhipo,houzhiwo,Industry is production first,After life。Today is different,Today people’s livelihood is the national economy,And it is the largest national asset,So we need to adjust these things,If the people’s lives are not good,This country is not much stronger。So today we have to get rid of the mentality of a weak country,People-oriented,Not just the idea of ​​governing the country,Also the ultimate goal。Work for happiness,Feel happiness at work。Travel creates happiness,Travel is a happy industry,We work to create happiness,Feel happiness at work,This is probably the line we choose,Enter this line,The fundamental reason why we hope that the tourism industry will further develop。

Structural Countermeasures

Corresponding to travel bubble,Coping with the impact of the epidemic,Need structural countermeasures。 

1. Forge long plates and make up for short plates

Forging long plates is not about expanding the scale,Instead, improve the quality。Fix for weaknesses,The core is the optimized structure。Investments from all walks of life are pouring into the tourism sector,This is a good thing,But it forms a double-edged sword,The good thing is that we need to seize the opportunity to develop,Highlights the situation。On the other hand, bubbles form quickly,You will definitely suffer the consequences,How to bear the consequences?Who will bear it?I don’t know yet,You can see that the bubble is forming quickly。

2. Involving two major issues

The first is how to integrate resources,Seize the historic opportunity。The situation is different in different places,Each project is different,This all requires studying how to integrate resources。The second is how to avoid risks,Reduce project errors。Everyone is dizzy now,In this case,We must be responsible for all aspects。Now there are basically four types of tourism investors: one is the mine boss,The second is a real estate boss,Third, traditional tourism companies are now starting to make some investments,The fourth is basic government investment。Most of them are basically laymen,The bosses may not understand tourism,But I understand the project operation。If we can grasp and combine the two points of understanding and not understanding during the operation process,It is a kind of transcendence。

3. Form two major ideas

The first idea is to integrate advantages,Group development。This is about jumping out of the project analysis project,It is to study the integration of advantages of a place,This is true even around single projects,Construct the pattern of group development。The second idea is to combine the long and short,System operation。The so-called combination of long and short term means that tourism investment is generally a long-term investment,Long-term returns,But in this current situation,Especially under the bubble situation,Combining long money and short money,Combining slow money and fast money,Combination of cold money and hot money,Combining big money and small money,This is how the system operates,Risk can be avoided to a large extent。There are definitely risks,Like beating a drum to spread flowers,Whoever gets it in the end will be unlucky,If it works properly,It is possible to avoid risks。But from a macro perspective,These risks are impossible to avoid,So this also involves operational issues。

It is precisely from this development trend,We need to pay special attention to structural issues now,And the next five years,If the structural problem can be solved,China’s tourism is truly healthy,Truly Sustainable。Some industries are not afraid of bubbles,Not afraid of risks,Why?Because these industries are unshakable,Irreplaceable。For example, agriculture suffered a disaster,The country must be protected no matter what,Another example is the financial crisis,Impact on foreign trade,The government will also come out。But tourism is different,Tourism projects have collapsed,The country will not bear these things,But tourism cannot withstand such fluctuations。Tourism can withstand the storms of the market,Thirty years of China’s tourism development,Generally, there will be a market disturbance every three to four years,Some are big,The impact is very severe,Some are smaller,Past,These can withstand,But if there is a big disturbance in investment and development,No replacement。In areas where tourism economy becomes the mainstay,The government has to clean up the situation,But in other areas,It can only lead to the marginalization of tourism。

4. Strengthen tourism public services

This is the real shortcoming,Including service agencies,Service facilities,Service items。1983,The National Tourism Administration held the first national tourism toilet work conference,2000,Proposed tourism toilet revolution。2013,This problem is finally solved。This is the issue of tourism public services,Last for 30 years,Easier said than done。Now,Mainly individual travelers,Mostly self-driving cars,Generating a large demand for public services,Must satisfy。But,Public services are mainly the task of the government,It can also be solved through government procurement or entrustment and cooperation。

5. Seize opportunities and create new points

Now there are two aspects,This creates a major opportunity for China’s tourism development in the next step。

The first is urban renewal,First, organic urban renewal means that our focus turns to stock,Especially city leaders,Because real estate has reached the ceiling,What to do if the increment cannot be done?Mining stock。The second is the city’s humanistic pursuit,For example, Pingjiang Road in Suzhou,Yuhefang in Hangzhou,This is all the result of the renovation of the old city。The third is the excavation of urban culture,How to combine tradition and modernity,How to combine local culture and fashion culture,How to combine consumption and market。The fourth is the consumption transformation of cities,Now called subdivision、Verticalization,Form a large market。In the process of urban transformation,These four phenomena have begun to occur,And becoming more and more prominent。In this process,Tourism companies can fully intervene,Full force。I inspected more than 30 urban renewal projects in more than a dozen cities this year,Half of them are commissioned by the government,Travel business management,No one failed。But,Tourism investment projects seen in recent years,Especially traditional projects,Rarely successful。

The second is rural revitalization。After the historic mission of poverty alleviation is completed,Quickly shift to rural revitalization。No. 1 in industrial revitalization,Tourism revitalization 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino pioneer,Development trend has been formed。This is a good time for small and medium-sized tourism companies to enter,It is also an opportunity to cultivate asset-light operations。

High quality development

Results of structural optimization,Must be the pursuit of quality。“14th Five-Year Plan”The keynote of planning is from high speed to high quality。How to understand the high quality of tourism?

First,High quality decision making。High-quality decision-making is the science of macro-decision-making。has three meanings,First, macroscopic decision-making science,Especially local leaders,We must understand that tourism development is regular,If you don’t respect the rules, it’s not science。Second, respect market entities。The third is to optimize the business environment。Only when three factors are combined can we talk about high-quality decision-making。But now our leaders often slap us on the head,This is a good thing,Let’s do it。Sometimes the government and enterprises compete with each other,It is a pity that good things cannot be done and some projects are not possible,Just one breath,You can make money by staring。But this breath cannot make up for it,This project has been stopped,He might even die。So make high-quality decisions first。Next step,Especially“14th Five-Year Plan”Period,This question is more important。Because the decision-making process is a very complicated process,Some are also very professional processes,The leader will feel it。But the real process of decision-making,Experts may not play a big role。Anyway, I have a basic attitude now,This is the next development of tourism,Don’t talk about big investments,The more investment, the greater the damage。Because the more investment you make,The greater the scope for leaders to make random decisions,This means the more tuition you will pay。

Second,High quality planning。High quality planning,There is a series inside。First, planning,How to do this project?If the planning is not accurate,A lot of things are wrong。The second is planning implementation。Planning is about implementation,In fact, the more important issue is the nature of the land、Plot allocation problem。The third is design features,The fourth is to promote activities。Basically these few concepts put together,Only in order to form high-quality planning。So it is systematic。Requesting to avoid detours,Pay less。It should be said that we took fewer detours when we had no money,Now I feel rich because of many places,Many investors also feel that they are very rich,So the detours and costs we have seen in recent years,More prominent than ever before in history,Even some projects,Project with investment of more than 20 billion yuan,Vote as soon as you say,If you say die, die,This was unthinkable before。

Third,High quality project。What is a high-quality project?Spend less、Do more、Do good things、Easy to do。Don’t think that spending a lot of money means high quality。Spending a lot of money can buy you magnificence,Spending a lot of money can buy luxury,But you can’t buy quality。That’s too many words,You have money,You can buy obedience,But you can’t buy respect。You can buy a lot of books,But you can’t buy knowledge。You can even buy knowledge,But you can’t buy wisdom,So money is not everything。But we should not say much about our high-quality projects,Not much indeed。But every time I see such a high-quality project, I feel happy,Why?It’s because I see that the country has made progress again,This place has improved again,The field of cultural tourism has made progress again,I feel so relieved to see such a good project。

There is a Langyuan in Beijing,It was done by Beijing Capital Group,Three urban renewal projects have been completed in Beijing。They say we are a fusion of culture, business and tourism。I said it wrong,Lowered your own position。Projects like this are new growth in urban space,New growth in city value,Positioning this project。Similarly, many things are like this now,We all need to get to know each other again。Because this is the only way to get things done。The so-called good things are done during the progress of the project,If everything is beneficial,Everyone can support you。So such a pattern,Under market economy conditions, all interests must be shared,Don’t say you eat meat and let others chew the bones,The meat must be distributed to others,This is natural。Such a high-quality project,We don’t talk about design、Building these issues,Because now when it comes to design, it is top-notch in the world,This is the saying everywhere,Every design is like this。When it comes to construction, it means luxury,Refreshing,Become iconic,These are all words。But how much positive effect can this kind of thing really have??

Fourth,High quality product。So-called high-quality products,It does not mean that the higher the quality of the product, the better。This kind of high quality first depends on the reasonable allocation of resources,Or this is the fundamental。As a place,As a project,There must be limitations。But under this limited condition,Optimal resource allocation,Achieved marketization、Systematization、rationalization,This is a high-quality product。Same,High-quality products are not a competition to spend money。On the other hand,Tourism products also have various structural problems,Among them,The rationalization of the hierarchical structure of high-end and mid-range people is the key point,Everything is superior,Everything is sophisticated,Obviously the structure is wrong,It’s impossible。

Fifth,High quality operation。First, high operational efficiency,Second, the market effect is good,Third, the economic benefits are reasonable。High operational efficiency is an inevitable pursuit,Good market effect is relatively easy to achieve,But it is difficult to achieve reasonable economic benefits。40 years ago,When I first entered the tourism field,At that time, there was a saying called “Small tourism investment、Quick results、More foreign exchange earnings、High efficiency”。Later I worked at the Beijing Tourism Bureau,I doubt this statement。Because we were building several hotels at that time,That is capital intensive,The investment amount is very large。Later I thought about it again,I understand,Actually, the saying about tourism at that time was also correct,What are you talking about?It’s a travel agency。Travel agency has small investment、Quick results、High efficiency、More foreign exchange earnings。I can’t say that now,For example, China National Tourism Administration,What was the revenue profit rate of CITS before 1988?reach 60%。That is to say, a profit of 60 yuan from 100 yuan,And it’s really asset-light,It’s just a bunch of external liaison tour guides who are tossing。But we also say that tourism is a comprehensive industry,Must be comprehensively analyzed。So analyze it according to this idea,Discover long-term tourism investment,Long-term returns。So don’t say the investment is small、Quick results、High efficiency。

so many years,Very few people have made a fuss about the analysis of economic benefits of tourism。When I was the Director of Accounting and Finance at the National Tourism Administration,No matter finance,But I am in charge of a few things in the Finance Department。I want to make an economic analysis of China’s tourism,So we collected information on more than 3,000 companies from various places,Just 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino analyze according to this set of financial indicators。Analyze it,I will compare this set of results with other industries,I found that tourism is called lower middle from the perspective of investment efficiency。This is an objective situation,This is also determined by the nature of tourism,Don’t attribute all these things to work。This matter,called "China Tourism Financial Information Report",About five years in a row。But experts generally don’t know,Even if you know it, you don’t take it seriously,No one uses the information,This is a pity。It is equal to the task assigned by me,In the end I used it。But as an industry,No financial analysis,No return on investment analysis,Unable to achieve reasonable economic benefits,What kind of industry is that??So it cannot be said that tourism has high economic benefits,That’s impossible。High economic benefits are against the laws of tourism development,But reasonableness should always be achieved。If we talk about an industry,Most companies are losing money,He also said how good this industry is,I can’t think of it。

Sixth,High quality service。Three types of services should be studied: the first type is called basic services。Basic services are available in all service industries,This is a set of basic things。The second type is called adaptive services。Adaptive service is higher,Adapt to changing market needs。The third category is developmental services,It can lead the demand。Of course,Demand creates supply,Supply can also lead demand。So high-quality services should fall into these three categories。Some companies fail to provide basic services,Let’s start talking about innovation and innovation,What is new?

Seventh,High quality technology,Same reason,The cultural tourism industry is not a high-tech industry,Just the application of scientific and technological achievements。Applicable technology first,What technologies can be used,Don’t always pursue excellence。The second is mature technology。Mature technology is commonly used by us,Then high-tech。If we really look at it from a technical perspective,The technical content in the cultural field actually exceeds that in the tourism field。Comparatively speaking from various industries,Technical content in the tourism field,Strictly speaking at the end,Not even reaching the technical content of agriculture。Agriculture has grown over the years,Institutional factors come first,Technical factors second。There is now a robot in the hotel and everyone thinks it’s great,Technology,Not technology at all。But our mature technology、How about adapting to technology?

Eighth,High quality talents。So-called high-quality talents,It is necessary to form a reasonable structural system,Form a reasonable flow,Formation of craftsman spirit,Open up room for growth。In this way, it is possible to form a high-quality talent system。The so-called high-quality talent system,It is definitely not a highly educated talent system。I met the boss and said ";I don’t need to be a student in one class”,Because the students just came in,I will leave after a while。“Students with second degree can consider using it”,The best students are college students。College students also learn professionally,Work as soon as you come,And feel at ease,Study this matter in a down-to-earth manner,You can do it very well。So a student,Graduate student studying tourism、PhD student,I don’t know what they are doing,I don’t need it anyway,I heard more than one boss tell me this。

So first is a reasonable system,The flow of people in the industry is inevitable,But a reasonable flow must also be formed。It’s basically the spirit of craftsmanship,But the spirit of craftsmanship requires that he be given room for improvement。If you work hard all your life, you will be a great chef,Where is the room for growth?Of course,Being at the top level must have room for improvement,But create a room for growth,This is how we can retain high-quality talents。

Ninth,High quality public services。It should be said that this is our current shortcoming。Public products must be improved,Public services in place,Public space formation。I’m afraid this shortcoming requires us to“14th Five-Year Plan”Work hard to overcome it during the period。

Tenth,High-quality development pattern。What is the so-called high-quality development pattern?Slow down the construction of homogeneity,Create a differentiated pattern。Because there is such a problem now,For example, the development of natural scenic spots and the development of some cultural scenic spots,Nature is a differentiated pattern,Because it is based on resources。Same as a mountain,But the three mountains and five mountains are all different。But what we are facing now,For example, a theme park,It’s good to expand the city’s leisure space,These things that can be regenerated organically in the city are also good,It’s easy to reach homogeneity。For example, we are in the city now,Tell me about this place Fangsuo Bookstore、Pioneer Bookstore,These are all necessary,Then a bunch of so-called cultural elements,A must-have wherever you go,So what is the difference between this and that? 

Another aspect is to slow down the ups and downs,Form a stable pattern。I am also worried about this kind of ups and downs。Should say,The economic situation is not good,Can’t get up when I’m old。So when the economic situation is bad,It is a stable pattern for cultural tourism。What I’m afraid of is that the economic situation is too good,Everyone is going crazy,Every ups and downs must come,This is what I’m afraid of。And it’s different now than before,Today’s projects are always big ones。

These ten aspects together constitute the pattern of high-quality development。It is high-quality implementation in development,It is systematic。

Logically speaking,Economic development should be gradual。Scale expansion is followed by structural optimization,Even expansion requires structural optimization。Structural optimization is the basis for quality improvement,Quality improvement has become a condition for increased efficiency。But,China’s tourism lacks the lesson of structural optimization。With structure,Not optimized,So in terms of high-quality development,First of all, make up lessons。Focus on optimizing the structure,Undertake comprehensive transformation。

(Author of this article: Wei Xiaoan,Chief Expert of World Tourism Cities Federation、President of Leisure and Vacation Branch of China Tourism Association)

The source of this article is Zhihui, and the copyright belongs to the original author. Original title:Wei Xiaoan

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