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Huangshan Tourism Author of this article: Zhihui 2022-05-01 09:30:00
Two lines, inside and outside, work together to reach the "focus".
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“Frankly speaking,Although we have the confidence to cope with the current predicament,But as a tourist who has worked in the tourism industry for many years,I am deeply concerned about the downward pressure currently facing the entire industry。”Chairman of the Board of Directors of Huangshan Tourism Group Co., Ltd.、Party Secretary,Secretary of the Party Committee of Huangshan Tourism Development Co., Ltd.、Chairman Zhang Dehui told us。

current,The global COVID-19 epidemic is still serious,Domestic large-scale epidemics and sporadic epidemics are intertwined,The epidemic situation is still running at a high level in some areas,The epidemic prevention and control situation remains severe and complex。The COVID-19 epidemic for three consecutive years has made it difficult for the cultural and tourism industry to operate smoothly,The impact of the current epidemic has brought a heavy burden to the cultural tourism industry。

How to get out of trouble,Survive the cold winter?Let’s take a look at the first cultural tourism stocks today——How Huangshan Tourism bucks the trend,Get out of the quagmire。

This starts with the capital layout many years ago.

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Capital operation is a tool,However, the tourism industry faces more complex situations when implementing capital operations。Many tourist attractions rely on natural resources,Existing maximum load capacity limit,Also facing the impact of low and peak seasons,When you reach a certain level, you will face ";Ceiling”。In other words,Low and peak seasons of scenic spots、There is a strong correlation during holidays and so on,The number of tourists received daily is also inseparable from the capacity of the scenic spot itself,To obtain higher valuation and more resource support,Must find another way,Find the break“shackles”The Road。

This is a new problem faced by established tourism listed companies,This is also an issue that has been facing the new leadership team of Huangshan Tourism since 2016 and needs to be solved urgently。Huangshan Tourism landed in the capital market in 1996,Issuing stocks simultaneously in A shares and B shares。There were not many listed tourism companies in that era,Log in to A at the same time、There are even fewer in the B-share market,Huangshan Tourism is also known as "Huangshan Tourism" by the industry;China’s first complete tourism concept stock”“The first tourism stock”,But it has been on the market for many years,Huangshan Tourism has limited actions in terms of capital operation,“The wonderful story has not been told yet”。

How to break the situation?For Huangshan tourism at that time,Need to improve vision pattern,You can find a new way by jumping out to see Huangshan Mountain。

February 2016,Huangshan Tourism held a closed-door meeting on strategic development,And invited to be praised as "ldquo by the industry;The Godfather of Venture Capital”,Yan Yan, chief partner of SAIF Fund, who has a broad international vision and rich investment experience, provides a pulse for the company's problems。This closed-door meeting comes from the background of the tourism industry、Industry competitive environment、Start with the challenges faced by the company,On the development status of Huangshan tourism、Natural 188bet app growth and extension、In-depth discussions and exchanges on improving capital profit rate,And gradually clarified the direction of promoting capital operation。

Afterward,Huangshan Tourism Management in the Capital Market“Successive moves”,The establishment of an industrial fund is an important step。Huangshan Tourism hopes to leverage more social resources and capital through funds,Try more ideas and possibilities,Huangshan Saifu Fund Management Co., Ltd. was established。

As understood,Huangshan Tourism has been planning to establish a tourism industry development fund since 2016,And registered and established Huangshan Saifu Fund Management Co., Ltd. on November 21, 2016,Registered capital 10 million yuan,Among them, Huangshan Tourism invested 2 million yuan,Tianjin Saifu Shengyuan Investment Management Center (Limited Partnership) invested 8 million yuan。After one year of communication and fund raising,The Huangshan Saifu Tourism and Cultural Industry Development Fund (Limited Partnership) was finally established on January 5, 2018,Fund size 1 billion yuan,Among them, Huangshan Tourism contributed 2.400 million yuan,Huangshan Saifu Fund Management Co., Ltd. invested 0.100 million yuan,With 2.500 million yuan capital to leverage funds 7.500 million yuan,Of which Bank of China Asset Management Co., Ltd. invested 3.500 million yuan,Shenzhen Jinsheng Shuoheng Venture Capital Center (Limited Partnership) invested 400 million yuan。1 billion yuan of capital was invested in one time on January 18, 2018。

Money and people are in place,Everyone is ready to roll up your sleeves and have a big fight,But new problems are before us,The duration of funds is mostly 5+2,This is inconsistent with the investment cycle of most cultural tourism projects,What should I vote for??After many studies and demonstrations by the fund team and company management,Finally, the investment target is determined to be the Internet and technology tracks that are relevant to the cultural tourism industry and can empower the cultural tourism industry in the future。

As of the end of 2021,Huangshan SAIF Fund completed investment of 1 billion yuan in 31 projects,Most projects are developing steadily,Future earnings can be expected。For example, digital technology、Big color、New Horizons and other projects have received widespread attention from the industry。Digital Technology is the leading offline big data company in China,Using crowdsourcing to collect a large number of offline locations、Indoor location data including commercial information,Via SDK、API way to connect APP、Mobile phone manufacturers, etc.,Accurately match and serve end users through these channels。Big Color tracks and analyzes the effect of content sharing by users on WeChat terminals,And conduct KOL advertising purchasing and micro-media operations based on its technology。New Vision is to provide overseas health care for mid-to-high-end customers、Physical examination travel、One-stop service travel service provider for overseas retirement care and investment property。

“Tourism Industry,Must embrace the changes in the digital and intelligent era”

While making good use of the power of capital,Another track in Huangshan’s tourism layout is digitalization、Technology、Intelligent transformation。

2020,Huangshan Tourism’s management team seizes business opportunities,around“E-commerce platform、Blockchain、Cultural Tourism Live Broadcast”and other projects carry out all-round cooperation with Alibaba and Ant Group。

2021,Anhui Tuma Technology Co., Ltd. established by Huangshan Tourism and Ant Group,Empowering smart tourism,Build based on&188bet sports betting app download ldquo;One-stop、One-click”Tourist destination service platform。And by stimulating endogenous motivation,Promote business departments to continuously“Breaking the circle”Carry out cross-border cooperation,Focusing on new technologies, a series of“New way of playing”。As understood,Through Alipay’s Five Blessings Activity at the end of 2021,Huangshan Tourism Gains Online Traffic 4.500 million;Talent challenge launched on Douyin,Also refreshing the Internet,Bring a lot of exposure to the scenic spot,Increased online traffic。During this epidemic,Huashan Mountain also joined hands with Huangshan to open the ";云游”Mode,Take you“Yunshang”Looking at the scenery,Plant grass in advance for the recovery of tourism in mountainous scenic spots。

“Online connections established based on blockchain and other technologies,Has broken the low-frequency contact model of the original scenic spot tickets,Successfully display the scenic spot in front of the public at a high frequency,Based on this through pictures、Video、Live broadcast and other methods to concretely present the wonders of Huangshan,Let the beautiful scenery here all year round be in our hearts forever,Continuously empower offline scenic spots,The data accumulated online can also provide assistance to e-commerce services and so on。Knock down this combination of punches,There is a certain space for imagination in the cultural tourism industry。”Zhang Dehui said。

Build both inside and outside,“内”It is the fundamental

If capital operation allows Huangshan tourism to reach more resources and possibilities,The internal reform of Huangshan Tourism Management has laid a solid foundation for the company’s development,Forging iron requires one’s own strength。

Two lines inside and outside,Two-pronged approach,Direct to“Lesions”。In order to better understand the current situation of the company's operation and management,The new leadership team went to the front line to visit and conduct research。Many issues began to surface during the investigation。The company’s organizational structure has not changed for several years,It is difficult to adapt to the company“Walk down the mountain、Go on”“Second Entrepreneurship”’s needs;Employees“Do more but do the same thing”,Follow the administrative salary management system,It is difficult to inspire everyone’s passion for starting a business for the second time……Facing various problems,A flame about internal reform,quietly ignited in the hearts of the leadership team members。

In order to better understand the company’s problems,The company invited the ShineWing team who had worked at Capgemini Consulting in France to conduct a comprehensive diagnosis for the company,To better identify the problem、Solve the problem,Promote the healthy development of Huangshan tourism。

Research and interview that lasted for half a year、Questionnaire survey,The consulting company gave a hundreds of pages of problem diagnosis: the structure is unreasonable、Insufficient incentives、Insufficient incentives、Shortcomings in incomplete internal control and other aspects,beating everyone’s heart like a bell。

Entrustment from superiors,Many problems in the company,Standing at“It must be changed、It won’t work without a complete change、We can’t change if we don’t hurry up”'s historical pass,The company management also fell into deep contemplation: it needs to be changed,But how to change it?Reform is a process of moving cheese,It is bound to encounter resistance from all sides,Where to start promoting reform?

November 11, 2016,This 188bet app download is the time when the work tasks at the end of the sprint are very busy,Huangshan has received its first snow this winter,In the conference room of Huangshan International Hotel under Huangshan Tourism,A problem diagnosis and reporting meeting held overnight and Huangshan Tourism“Five major systems”The reform kick-off meeting is being held。

Meeting,The company management combines its own research and understanding,Integrating the research conclusions of the ShineWing team to decide on relevant issues“Bright Sword”。specifically speaking about traveling to Huangshan,Start now“Organization、Salary、Assessment、Incentive、Internal Control”'s“Five major systems”Reform。

How to innovate through institutional mechanisms,Cultivation of new competitive advantages,Activate new development engine,make development“Potential energy”Really transformed into development“Kinetic Energy”,This is another major issue faced by Huangshan tourists in the new era!

Only by changing can we change and have a chance to overcome these problems.

From this,The curtain of internal reform has begun。The company’s management has made great efforts,Start at the critical point,Start with the hardest nut to crack,The first step in the reform of the five major systems";Optimization of salary and assessment system”Work starts first。

Although on the surface it seems that salary management is only one part of the reform,But this is a cake that will touch many people。The only way is to chew off the hard bones first,Only in order for subsequent reforms to proceed smoothly。And want to solve this problem,Focus on the fundamentals,That is, the performance appraisal system that is closely related to salary。

Whether it is the performance appraisal of the lower level,Still a higher level of organizational change,It is essentially a scientific design of rights, responsibilities and benefits。Huangshan Tourism’s reform of the performance appraisal system,One of the key contents is to design reasonable performance appraisal indicators。

For example, at that time,Although Huangshan Tourism implemented unified booking as early as 2014,Recovered the individual sales rights of each hotel,Greatly increased the revenue of the hotel on the mountain,At the same time, the customer complaint rate has also been significantly reduced,However, the assessment of hotels is still mainly based on operating indicators,Leading the hotel on the mountain to complete business performance,Still adopting some internal competition methods to win customers,Has harmed the company’s vested interests。

How to solve this problem,Becomes the first problem encountered after implementing the new performance appraisal system。

At this time,Settings“Collaboration assessment indicators”Proposed: Set an overall operating performance indicator for the six hotels on the mountain——“Total regional operating income”,The hotel on the mountain must be completed“Total regional operating income”On the basis of 16626_16641。As long as you stay in a hotel on the mountain,I don’t differentiate between you and me,They are all guests of the company。“Everyone jokingly calls this assessment system "sitting in a row";,The person in charge of the company’s business said: “The collaborative assessment has solved the chronic problem of malicious competition among hotels on the mountain,At the same time, the functional departments of the headquarters will conduct overall assessment,It also solves the inherent contradiction of unequal powers and responsibilities of functional departments。”

188bet app download In addition to solving the internal problems of the same sector,For different positions,Huangshan Tourism has also formulated different assessment standards,For example, the ropeway department on the mountain,They mainly serve door-to-door tourists,And where did these tourists come from?,What are the economic benefits obtained,It is not the focus of their assessment,The word-of-mouth effect among tourists is the best marketing,This is more effective than simply assessing the performance indicators of units in the scenic area。

After 20 years of development,On the eve of this internal reform,Huangshan tourism has been cultivated to form a scenic spot、Ropeway、Hotel、Travel agency、Anhui cuisine catering and other business sectors,The main basis for the division of this kind of business structure is the product structure、Region type,Each business unit has its own products,In a rather long historical stage,The structure settings of the business unit system are consistent with the company's diversified business development direction。But the shortcomings of the business unit system are also obvious: relatively independent markets、Relatively independent interests、Relatively independent autonomy,It is easy to breed egotism and even lose control。Long-term compartmentalized thinking、Culturalism no longer adapts to the new needs of tourists in the new era,A new concept is actively advocated in Huangshan tourism——“We share the same family”!The company requires all its hotels to sell tickets、Ropeway Ticket,Changed from the past where you could only buy tickets at the box office、The traditional way of buying ropeway tickets at the ropeway;In order to provide convenience for tourists who temporarily change their itinerary,The company requires all cableway tickets to be inspected;To cultivate a new product portfolio,Resources on the mountain and down the mountain can be bundled and sold、Package sale……

Today,The reform results of Huangshan tourism are outstanding,But grassroots reform still needs efforts。As understood,This year Huangshan tourism will still focus on ";Strong marketization、Promote standardization”Target,Further promote the reform of grassroots sectors,Promote the reform of the hometown system of Huizhou merchants,Promote regional responsibility management model;Promote the reform of travel agency governance system and business sectors,Changing the traditional travel agency operating model,Explore customized travel mode;Promote the reform of the five major systems of the cableway sector,Building a modern ropeway operation and management model and light asset output model;Promote the reform of five major systems in the hotel sector,Explore the hotel segment sharing system, etc.;In Tuma Technology、Companies such as Cloud Upstream are exploring and promoting employee stock ownership pilots。

After years of hard work,“Stable and accurate parallelism、Combination of long and short、Build both inside and outside”’s development ideas have been fully implemented,“Shanshui Village Cave”’s strategic layout is slowly unfolding,“Travel+”’s development path is gradually constructed,Saif Fund with a scale of 1 billion yuan has grown rapidly,The future is promising。

In recent years,Huangshan tourism business is in the scenic area、Ropeway、Hotel、Travel agency、In addition to the five traditional sectors such as Anhui cuisine and catering, e-commerce has been expanded、Fund、Town、Rural Revitalization、Tea Travel、New retail、Supply chain、Sports、Night 188bet sports betting app download Tour Performance、Top ten emerging business sectors including live streaming。

Under the epidemic,“Stable”Zi Dang Tou

Although Huangshan tourism development momentum is booming,But in the face of this epidemic,Some industries also had to suspend operations,To save money。“Although we have the strength to survive this difficulty,But facing the uncertainty of the epidemic,Facing the impact of unexpected changes on our country’s economy,We still have to act steadily,Seeking development while maintaining stability。”Zhang Dehui said。

Also,Under the influence of the current epidemic,On the one hand, the company actively speaks for the industry,Calling on relevant departments to formulate and introduce a series of relief measures,On the one hand, we actively grasp the favorable policies,Get through the difficulties。For example,2020,Huangshan City has formulated and promulgated the "Policies and Measures to Support Small, Medium and Micro Enterprises in Responding to the New Coronavirus Epidemic and Overcoming Difficulties Together" and "Policies and Measures to Support Cultural and Tourism Enterprises in Responding to the New Coronavirus Epidemic and Overcoming Difficulties Together" (referred to as "ldquo;Double Ten Articles”) etc.,Social security exemptions and refunds have been formulated、Stabilizing employment subsidy、Water, electricity, etc. fee exemption、Rent reduction、Tax relief、Travel agency deposit temporarily refunded、Land rent postponement、Marketing Subsidy、Preferential policies such as subsidies for tourism market development and cultivation;At the same time,Connect with the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau、The labor union and other relevant departments have won subsidies for supporting enterprises to stabilize jobs and providing work-in-training subsidies、Employment Risk Reserve、Trainee Subsidy、Public welfare job subsidy、Trade union funds replenishment funds, etc.。These“Real money”’s favorable policies,Played an important role in relieving tourism enterprises and employees, including Huangshan Tourism, during the epidemic。

“Don’t waste a crisis。”Every crisis hides an opportunity,Churchill’s famous saying has become the self-encouragement words of the current Huangshan tourism management team。Under the epidemic,Sudden drop in tourists、Operations suspended,Starting to practice internal strength when traveling to Huangshan,During the travel window,Huashan World returns in full dress、The cloud-discharging brigade makes a gorgeous turn、New improvements to Shilin Cliff House、Comprehensive renovation of Beihai Hotel。In the past few years,Huangshan Tourism has made great efforts in product improvement,I believe these products will have greater value after the epidemic。

The future is here,The Metaverse is waving to us,The welcoming pine on the top of Huangshan Mountain steps on the pulse of the times,Already arrived“New Universe”Welcome visitors from all directions。《Welcoming the World·Welcoming Songchun" and "Intangible Cultural Heritage·Jinling Gold Foil Welcoming Pine" Two digital collections sold out within 5 seconds after going online,Not only shows the outstanding grace of Huangshan,And it opens a new door connecting Huangshan Mountain to the outside world。

Huangshan Tourism has lost funds、TUMA、Huangshan IP and many other experts,Advance and retreat in an orderly manner,The formation is complete,We will wait and see what happens next……

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