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Author of this article: Yan Xiangjun 2023-03-02 17:36:28
How artificial intelligence answers stimulate tourism consumption
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After the new crown epidemic,How to boost the market,Stimulate destination tourism consumption,Promoting high-quality tourism development is an important issue for various regional destinations。Wish to chat about this topic with ChatGPT,By the way, let’s discuss the knowledge content of ChatGPT、Theoretical guidance and theoretical practice path。

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Marxists believe that human production activities are the most basic practical activities,It is what determines all other activities。People’s understanding,Production activities that mainly depend on materials,Gradually understand natural phenomena、Nature of nature、The regularity of nature、The relationship between man and nature;And after production activities,I have also gradually come to understand the certain interrelationships between people to varying degrees。All this knowledge,Cannot be obtained without production activities。——"On Practice"

Q: After the new crown epidemic,How to develop destination tourism,Stimulate tourism consumption?

Answer: Currently,Efforts are being made around the world to restore tourism,Promote the recovery of destination tourism and consumption。The following are some things that can help develop destination tourism、Methods to stimulate tourism consumption:

Improving safety standards: to attract tourists,Strict health measures need to be implemented at the destination,To ensure the health and safety of tourists。

Increase publicity: through online and offline channels,Show visitors the various features of your destination,Attract them to travel。

Provide preferential measures: to attract tourists,The destination can provide some preferential measures,such as free admission or discount。

Strengthen cooperation: Cooperate with surrounding companies and organizations,Provide more tourism products and services,Attract more tourists。

Strengthen online promotion: utilize social media and other online channels,Promote your destination to more people,Increase the popularity of the destination。

I hope the above information will be helpful to you.

Q: Regarding attracting tourists through preferential measures,Can you talk about it in detail?

Answer: Yes,Preferential measures are an effective way to attract tourists。Specifically,The destination can consider the following preferential measures:

1、Free admission: to attract more tourists,The destination can open some attractions for free。

2、Discount: The destination can consider offering some discounts,such as hotel accommodation discount、Catering discounts, etc.。

3、Free gifts: The destination can give some small gifts to tourists,such as free map、Travel brochures, etc.。

4、Free transportation: The destination can provide free transportation,such as free bus or tram service。

5、Priority entry: destinations can provide visitors with fast entry lanes,To reduce waiting time in line。

Of course,The specific contents of preferential measures vary depending on the destination,But it is important to make visitors feel special and encourage them to return to the destination。

Marxists believe that the productive activities of human society,It is a step by step development from low level to high level,Therefore,People’s understanding,Regardless of the natural world,For social aspects,It also develops from low-level to high-level step by step,That is, from shallow to deep,From one side to more aspects。——"On Practice"

Q: Free admission to scenic spots,Will the destination lose part of the ticket revenue,How to balance the distribution of interests among various institutions in the destination?

Answer: Yes,Free admission causes destinations to lose ticket revenue,So balancing the distribution of interests among various agencies is a thorny issue。

One way to achieve balance is through cooperation with relevant institutions。For example,The destination can be compared with surrounding hotels、Restaurant and retailer sign agreement,Let them earn a certain amount of revenue while providing free admission。This way,A destination can not only attract more tourists,It can also increase the sales of surrounding institutions,Enable them to gain from it。

Another approach is to balance it with government support such as tax incentives。In this way,Destinations can receive certain government subsidies while entering for free,To compensate them for their lost earnings。

Last,Destinations can also benefit from additional services such as catering、Shopping、Entertainment, etc.) to increase income。These services can provide additional value to visitors,And help them get more revenue with free admission。

Generally,Balancing the distribution of interests among various institutions requires destinations to adopt multiple strategies,To adapt to different situations。

Q: What do you think about deducting consumption coupons and discount coupons,Which one has a better and more obvious effect on stimulating consumption?

A: It depends on many factors,For example, consumer preferences、Purpose of marketing activities、Merchant’s marketing strategy, etc.。But,Generally speaking,Consumption coupons may be easier to stimulate consumption than discount coupons,Because they directly reduce the amount consumers pay。

For example,If the consumer has a 100 yuan consumption coupon,They can use it directly for purchases from a merchant,It is equivalent to directly reducing the price by 100 yuan。In comparison,If the merchant only provides a 10% discount coupon,Consumers may be less willing to use it,Because it can only reduce the total price by 10%,Instead of directly reducing 100 yuan。

Of course,This is just a rough reference,The specific situation may vary depending on the market、Consumer Group、Varies by product type and other factors。For merchants,The best approach is to experiment with different types of marketing efforts in different situations,Determine which strategy will be most effective for their business。

Q: For destination,Use both at the same time,What aspects should be paid attention to,To achieve the ultimate goal of stimulating tourism consumption。

Answer: For the destination,Use deductible coupons and discount coupons to stimulate travel consumption,But you should also pay attention to the following aspects:

Target Market: Identify your target market,To ensure your marketing strategy matches their needs and preferences。

Product Portfolio: Combining various products and services,Like accommodation、Catering、Sightseeing, etc.,To create the most attractive travel experience。

Timing: Choose the right time to launch your marketing campaign,To stimulate consumer interest。

Promotion channels: use multiple promotion channels,Includes social media、Email、Online advertising, etc.,To promote your marketing campaigns to a wide range of consumers。

Marketing Partners: Find marketing partners to work with you,To expand your marketing reach and appeal。

Focus on consumer experience: in addition to price concessions,We should also pay attention to the overall experience of consumers,To ensure they have a great experience at your destination。

By paying attention to these aspects,You can create an effective marketing strategy,Stimulate consumers’ travel consumption,And increase the attractiveness of your destination。

Q: How did you choose the timing?

Answer: It is important to choose the right time to launch a marketing campaign,To stimulate consumer interest。

Seasonality: Consider your destination’s travel season,Pick the right time to publish your campaign。For example,Post promotions during off-season,To attract tourists to travel。

Holidays: Take advantage of domestic and foreign holidays,Like Spring Festival、National Day, etc.,Post a special marketing campaign。

Geographical location: Based on the geographical location of your destination,Choose the right time to launch your marketing campaign,To attract tourists from neighboring areas to travel。

Social reality: Understand the current social reality,Such as epidemic situation, etc.,Determine the right time to launch a campaign。

When choosing the moment,You need to consider the special circumstances of your destination and the needs and preferences of your consumer groups,Make flexible judgments and decisions。

About theoretical standards: the solution provided by ChatGPT、Strategy、Methods and other answers are based on the results of past practical activities,It can only be verified in the process of social practice、Confirm and guide practice。

Marxists believe,Only people’s social practices,This is the standard of truth for people’s understanding of the outside world。The actual situation is like this,Only in the process of social practice (in the process of material production,In the process of class struggle,In the process of scientific experiment),When people achieve the results they envisioned in their thoughts,People’s understanding has been confirmed。If people want to succeed in their work, they must get the expected results,You must make your thoughts conform to the laws of the objective external world,If it doesn’t match,will fail in practice。——"On Practice"

Q: How to issue travel vouchers and coupons to destinations,What aspects should be paid attention to,To increase the write-off ratio?

Answer: Issuing travel vouchers and coupons is an effective way to attract tourists,But in order to increase the write-off rate,You need to pay attention to the following points:

Promotion: before promoting coupons and coupons,These measures must be fully publicized,To increase consumer awareness。Can use the network、Advertising、Propaganda leaflets and other methods,Provide detailed information to consumers。

Availability: Vouchers and coupons should be usable at multiple locations in the destination,This can attract more tourists。

Validity period: The validity period of consumer coupons and coupons should be reasonable,To ensure that consumers have sufficient time to take advantage of these measures。

Ease of use: Vouchers and coupons should be easy to use,There shouldn’t be too many restrictions and regulations。

Collaboration: The destination 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino should establish cooperative relationships with surrounding businesses,To ensure that coupons and coupons can be used in multiple places。

By paying attention to the above points,Destination can increase the write-off rate of coupons and coupons,And attract more tourists to travel。

About the thinking path: from information processing、Looking at the development process of artificial intelligence in language communication processing,ChatGPT has gone beyond the simple information search stage,Enter“Use concepts to make judgments and reasoning”17410_17413,That is“The second stage of understanding”。

It turns out that people are in the process of practice,At first, I just saw the phenomena of each thing in the process,See one side of everything,See the external connections between things……This is called the perceptual stage of understanding,It is the stage of feelings and impressions。

Continuation of social practice,Things that cause people to feel and impress in practice are repeated many times,So a sudden change (i.e. leap) in the process of understanding occurred in people’s minds,Concept generated。Concepts are no longer phenomena of things,Not all aspects of things,Not their external connection,But grasp the essence of things,The totality of things,Things are internally connected。Same concept and feeling,Not only the difference in quantity,And there are qualitative differences。Follow this,Use judgment and reasoning methods,You can draw logical conclusions。The so-called "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms";The brows are furrowed and the plan is coming to mind”,What we usually call "";Let me think about it”,It is the time when people use concepts in their minds to make judgments and reasoning。This is the second stage of understanding。——"On Practice"

Q: Do consumer coupons adapt to product categories,Is there any emphasis??For example, scenic spots、Accommodation、Catering、What principles are used to determine shopping etc.?

Answer: The applicable product categories of consumer vouchers can be determined according to the needs and goals of the destination。Generally speaking,It can be determined according to the following principles:

Market demand: According to the composition and demand of tourists at the destination,Determine the applicable product categories for consumer coupons。For example,If the destination has a large number of family tourists,Then consumption coupons can be targeted at scenic spots、Product categories such as accommodation and catering。

Development needs: If the destination needs to develop a specific product category,Then the coupon can be targeted at this product category。For example,If the destination wants to develop local specialty catering,Then consumption coupons can be targeted at catering product categories。

Target Market: If the destination wants to attract a specific group of tourists,Then the consumption coupon can be targeted at the needs of this tourist group。For example,If the destination wants to attract young tourists,Then consumption coupons can be targeted at product categories such as shopping and entertainment。

By comprehensively considering the above points,The destination can determine the applicable product categories of the coupon,And meet the needs of tourists to the greatest extent,It also helps to achieve the development goals of the destination。

About the nature of AI: ChatGPT is“Scholars don’t go out,Know everything about the world”,Bear“Xiucai”'s role,And“The people who really know personally are the people who practice it”。

“Scholars don’t go out,Know everything about the world”,In ancient times when technology was underdeveloped, it was just an empty talk,Although this sentence can be realized in modern times with advanced technology,However, those who truly know personally are those who practice it,Those people have achieved ";Know”,Arrived at &ldquo through the communication of words and technology;Xiucai”hand,Scholars can indirectly ";Know world affairs”。If you want to know something or some things directly,Only by personally participating in the reality of change、In the struggle to change the practice of something or some things,In order to be able to touch that or those things,Only when you personally participate in the practical struggle to change reality,Only in order to expose the essence of that or those things and understand them。——"On Practice"

Q: Vouchers are issued at the destination?Still issued at the source of customers?

Answer: The place where consumption coupons are issued can be the destination or the source of customers,The specific decision depends on the intention and purpose of the organization that issued the coupon。

If issued at destination,You can directly enjoy the discount locally,This way it is easier to attract tourists to the destination,Promote local economic growth。

If issued in the place of origin,You can create discounts for tourists at the source of tourists,Increase tourist interest in destination,At the same time, it can also attract merchants from source areas to join,Jointly promote destination tourism。

Therefore,The place where consumption coupons are 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino issued depends on the specific situation,Determine the best solution based on your own situation and goals。

Q: If the consumption voucher is to stimulate consumption at the destination,Where should it be issued?

Answer: If the consumption voucher is to stimulate consumption at the destination,It is generally recommended to issue it at the destination。This can directly affect local consumption,Promote local economic growth。

When tourists get the consumption coupon,You can use it directly at your destination,Further increase tourists’ consumption at the destination,And it can also attract more tourists to the destination,Increase the visibility of the destination。

But if you want to attract businesses from source areas to participate,Consumption coupons can also be issued at the source of customers,To increase the attention of source places to destinations。But this may not directly affect the destination。

Therefore,Detailed analysis of specific situations,Determining the location for issuing consumer vouchers based on your own situation and goals is the best solution。

Question: What are the considerations for issuing consumer vouchers?Select multiple channels for distribution?It is still recommended to distribute through large channels?

Answer: Choice of distribution channels for consumer coupons,Mainly depends on the target group and the effect you want to achieve。

If you want to cover a wide range of people,You can choose multiple channels for distribution,Including online channels (such as website、Social media, etc.) and offline channels (such as physical stores、Tourist attractions, etc.)。This will allow more people to have access to consumer coupons,Improve the effective utilization rate of consumer coupons。

If you want to increase the write-off ratio,You can choose large channels for distribution。This can increase the influence of consumer coupons,Thus increasing the utilization rate of consumer coupons。But this may also limit the scope of issuance of consumer coupons,Reduced the communication effect of consumer coupons。

Therefore,When choosing a distribution channel,Need to be based on the target group、Comprehensive consideration of factors such as your own situation, performance goals, etc.,Determine the best distribution strategy。

About working methods: ChatGPT often does not give you a perfect answer in an interactive Q&A,You can answer questions or tasks through multiple interactions“Content and Environment”And the prerequisites for implementation、Repeated exchange of conditions,And“Detailed analysis”The purpose will be achieved only after。From this,The objective world is complex,Expectation“Achieved in one fell swoop”’s artificial intelligence is unrealistic。

I often hear a sentence said by some comrades when they cannot bravely accept work tasks: Not sure。Why are you not sure?Because he has no regular understanding of the content and environment of this work,Or he has never been exposed to this kind of work,Or not much contact,Therefore it is impossible to talk about the regularity of this kind of work。After a detailed analysis of the work situation and environment,He felt relatively confident,Willing to do the work。——"On Practice"

Q: Do you have any cases in your knowledge base on the issuance of consumer coupons in various countries and regions?Can you name 3?

Answer: Yes,There are many cases in our knowledge base about the issuance of consumer coupons in different countries and regions。Here are three examples:

United States: Many states and cities in the United States issued consumer vouchers in response to the impact of the economic recession,To stimulate local tourism and consumption。These coupons can usually be used at local businesses and scenic spots。

Singapore: The Singapore government issued consumer vouchers in early 2020,To stimulate local consumption。These coupons can be used at merchants and scenic spots in Singapore。

Australia: Many states and cities in Australia have also issued consumer vouchers under the influence of the epidemic,To stimulate local tourism and consumption。These coupons can be used at local businesses and scenic spots,Can also be purchased at local travel agencies and online platforms。

Q: Please give an example of a local government in China issuing travel vouchers

A: Okay, let me give you an example.

For example,Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province issued“Wenzhou Tourism Voucher”。These coupons can be used at qualified tourist attractions within Wenzhou City、Hotel、For use in catering establishments, etc.,To support local tourism。The government also carried out vigorous publicity through local publicity channels,To increase people’s attention and usage。

This case description,Some local governments issue travel vouchers,Support local tourism,Promote local economic development。

Q: Summarize these cases,Do travel vouchers focus on categories?such as transportation,such as accommodation,For example, scenic spots,Still equally distributed?

Answer: Based on the few cases we have,The focus categories of travel consumption vouchers vary by region,Some cities or countries focus on supporting transportation and accommodation,Some are evenly distributed,Some also focus on supporting consumption in scenic spots。It can be said that each place is formulating policies based on its own characteristics and conditions,Improving the 188bet app level of tourism consumption。

About guiding practice: converting the &ldquo generated by ChatGPT;Theory、Plan、Plan”Apply to practice,It is necessary to scientifically verify whether“Achieve the expected purpose”,This completes a cognitive movement。

People in society are engaged in the practice of changing an objective process within a certain stage of development (whether it is the practice of changing a certain natural process,Or the practice of changing a certain social process),Due to the reflection of the objective process and the role of subjective initiative,It makes people's understanding change from perceptual to rational,The idea of ​​creating laws that generally correspond to the objective process、Theory、Plan or plan,Then apply this idea、Theory、Plan or plan based on the practice of the same objective process,If the expected purpose can be achieved,Thoughts about to be scheduled、Theory、Plan、The plan becomes a fact in the practice of the same process,Or generally become a fact,then,The movement to understand this specific process has been completed。——"On Practice"

Q: How to calculate the effect of consumption coupons in stimulating consumption?Please give a calculation methodcase

Answer: To evaluate the effect of travel vouchers,The following calculation solutions can be used:

Comparative research: through comparative research with similar destinations or source areas,Evaluate whether consumer vouchers have an impact on increased consumption。

Consumer survey: Survey on tourists who have used consumer coupons,Ask them if they came to this destination because of the coupons。

Sales data analysis: analyze before and after the issuance of consumer coupons,Scenic Area、Accommodation、Catering、Sales data in shopping and other fields,To evaluate whether consumption coupons have an impact on consumption。

Benefit evaluation: by evaluating the cost of issuing consumer vouchers and the benefits of increased consumption,To evaluate the overall economic benefits of consumption vouchers to the destination。

Use the above scheme,Can evaluate the effect of travel vouchers more comprehensively,So that decision makers can better assess its value。

Q: Can tourists’ consumption at the destination be used as the main indicator for calculation?

Answer: Yes,The amount of tourists’ consumption at the destination can be used as the main indicator to calculate the effect of consumption coupons in stimulating consumption。Compare with before issuing coupons,Statistics on whether tourists’ consumption has increased significantly after the issuance of consumer vouchers,Thus, we can get the effect of consumption coupons。However,In the process of accounting,Other factors need to be considered as well,If seasonal、Weather etc.,To reduce errors。

Q: Is this simplistic??The increase in consumption may not be mainly due to the issuance of consumer coupons,Is there a more accurate estimation algorithm?

Answer: Yes,It is too simplistic to only use consumption amount as the main indicator of accounting effects,Because the increase in consumption may be caused by multiple factors。In order to more accurately evaluate the effect of consumption vouchers on stimulating consumption,Recommended to use more scientific measurement methods,For example, control group analysis、Differential analysis method, etc.。

The control group analysis method is to select a control group that is similar to the target area,Study on issuing consumer vouchers and not issuing consumer vouchers in the target area,The difference in consumption between the control group and the target area。

The differential analysis rule is to study the difference in consumption before and after issuing consumer coupons,To evaluate the effect of consumer coupons。

These methods need to fully consider various influencing factors,In order to get more accurate results。

Q: Can we take Liaocheng City, Shandong Province, China as an example,Write a travel voucher plan,The main purpose is to stimulate consumption。Liaocheng is a famous tourist city in China,The Grand Canal passes here,The story of Wu Song fighting the tiger in "Water Margin" takes place here,The city has many cultural relics,There are many hot spring hotels in the area,There are many local specialties and snacks,There are also a large number of modern agricultural planting bases。Please provide a table at the end of the plan,List the proportion of categories used for consumer coupons,For example, what percentage should accommodation account for,Thank you!

Answer: Based on the information you provided,The following is an example of a travel voucher program:

Distribution channel: Liaocheng Tourism Bureau,Cooperative Bank,Travel related websites,Local travel booking website, etc.。

Coupon amount: 100 yuan/ticket,Can be used in tourist destinations。

Scope of application: accommodation in Liaocheng、Catering、Attractions、Shopping and other related fields。

Applicable period: Valid within 6 months.

In terms of the proportion of categories allocated to consumer coupons,Can be adjusted according to the tourism consumption situation in Liaocheng,For example:


This plan can be continuously adjusted and improved,Making consumer vouchers better stimulate local tourism consumption。What 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino needs to be noted is,Various factors may affect the effect of consumption coupons,Therefore, it is necessary to regularly evaluate and adjust the plan,Maximize consumption stimulation。

About theory practice: practice、Get to know、Practice again、Get to know each other again,This is the guiding ideology for the development of ChatGPT。

Discover the truth through practice,Confirm the truth and develop the truth through practice。Actively develop from perceptual knowledge to rational knowledge,Also actively guide revolutionary practice from rational understanding,Transform the subjective world and objective world。Practice、Get to know、Practice again、Get to know each other again,This form,Repeatedly and endlessly,The content of each cycle of practice and understanding,They have all reached a higher level。——"On Practice"

Q: Thank you for your answer,Why do your answers often contain two different choices?For example, you can use multiple channels,You can also use a single channel?Not that the point of view is more clear,Are you worried about errors??

Answer: As an artificial intelligence model,I am here to answer questions and provide users with valuable information,Instead of expressing a specific point of view。

In actual situation,Different options may apply to different situations,And can make decisions based on your specific situation and needs。Therefore,I offer a variety of options,To help you make smarter decisions considering all possibilities。

Also,My knowledge is learned through a large amount of text data,So different information may cause conflicts。Therefore,My answers may not always be contradictory,Rather, it means that different options may be suitable for different situations。

Q: Then why does the same problem occur,Your answer will vary?Because it is for different objects?Or the information you rely on is different every time?

Answer: As an artificial intelligence model,My answer may vary for several reasons:

Language expression: Different language expressions may lead to different understandings of the problem,leading to differences in answers。

Context: The background and details of the question may affect the answer,So the answer to the same question may be different in different situations。

Data source: I answered the question by studying a large amount of text data,So different data sources may lead to differences in answers。

Generally,I strive to provide the most accurate and valuable answers,But due to many factors,Sometimes my answer may not be the final answer。

Q: Do you know Mao Zedong’s book "On Practice"?

Answer: Yes,I know Mao Zedong’s work "On Practice"。It is an important philosophical work by Mao Zedong,Introduced his understanding and views on practice。Mao Zedong discussed in the book that practice is the only standard for human beings to understand things,And emphasized that practice is the driving force for the progress of human history。He also proposed that practice is the only way to transform the world,Practice is the only criterion for testing truth,And practice is an important way to promote people’s self-development。

Q: Mao Zedong believed in "On Practice": It turns out that people are in the process of practice,At first, I just saw the phenomena of each thing in the process,See one side of everything,See the external connections between things……This is called the perceptual stage of understanding,It is the stage of feelings and impressions。Continuation of social practice,Things that cause people to feel and impress in practice are repeated many times,So a sudden change (i.e. leap) in the process of understanding occurred in people’s minds,Concept generated。Concepts are no longer phenomena of things,Not all aspects of things,Not their external connection,But grasp the essence of things,The totality of things,Things are internally connected。Same concept and feeling,Not only the difference in quantity,And there are qualitative differences。Follow this,Use judgment and reasoning methods,You can draw logical conclusions。The so-called "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms";The brows are furrowed and the plan is coming to mind”,What we usually call "";Let me think about it”,It is the time when people use concepts in their minds to make judgments and reasoning。This is the second stage of understanding。

Is this discussion very close to your model?

Answer: Yes,The theory of cognitive process proposed by Mao Zedong in "On Practice" is very similar to our model。He believes that people continue to accumulate experience and knowledge in practice,To form understanding,Thus increasing the level of awareness。This is exactly what our model does: by learning from large amounts of data,Our models form our understanding of the world,And can answer questions based on these knowledge。Therefore,Mao Zedong’s theory is very relevant to our model。

Q: In the future, your knowledge and theories will continue to enrich,And it is constantly verified and promoted by practice,Can you predict your development prospects?Would it be far beyond human capabilities?

Answer: As part of artificial intelligence technology,I am developed and controlled by humans,Therefore my development prospects are controlled and restricted by humans。Nevertheless,With the continuous advancement of artificial intelligence technology,We anticipate additional developments and progress,Enables us to achieve more complex and efficient tasks。

However,Far beyond human capabilities is an abstract concept,And there is currently not enough evidence that artificial intelligence technology can completely surpass human capabilities。The artificial intelligence technology we currently have is still limited,Requires supervision and control by humans。In the future,We will continue to work hard to promote the development of artificial intelligence technology,To achieve more valuable goals。

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This article comes from Wei Tuo Yizhu, and the copyright belongs to the original author. Original title:How destinations stimulate tourism consumption - "Practice Theory" in ChatGPT
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