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Wei Xiaoan

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Wei Xiaoan2024-09-13

From flow to retention,First stay time,Second consumption,The third culture left behind,The fourth memory remains。
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August 29,Traveling in Hebei with music·The 2nd Shijiazhuang RV Camping Conference was held in Baili Water Township, Pingshan County, Shijiazhuang City,Wei Xiaoan, general consultant of China Tourism Association Leisure and Vacation Branch, was invited to attend,And delivered a keynote speech titled "Opportunities and Challenges of Self-Driving and Camping"。

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Hello everyone,Let me first adjust the title of my speech that the host just mentioned,Because it’s an RV,I thought about it,Because I saw a self-driving car before coming、Vehicle and Campground Development Report,This is also a report commissioned by the China Tourist Vehicle and Boat Association。

I found that you cannot say that in this report,Why,Because RV and camping are basically integrated,If we study RVs and then study camping,It is equivalent to studying two aspects of one thing,Or two components。But what I want to talk about today is the opportunities and challenges of self-driving and camping。

Self-driving and camping

1. Rigid self-driving

First, let’s talk about self-driving and camping,There is an essential difference,It’s rigid self-driving and changing camping。Self-driving travel has become the mainstay of domestic tourism in China,Not just a main way of traveling,It has also become a new way of life。
According to development report,The proportion of the number of self-driving tourists nationwide in the total number of domestic travelers in 2023 is 73.6%,Very high,Almost four fifths。

I remember the first time I heard Han Qi tell me,Self-driving tours account for 60% of the country’s total population,I was surprised when I heard this number,I should say it’s higher now。The total number of self-driving passengers reaches 3.6 billion,1.7 billion more passengers than the previous year。Originally, 2023 will be a recovery growth,But it shows an explosive situation。

Specific situation,First, the highest proportion is between 20 and 30 years old,The proportion under 40 years old is 67.3%;The second is group outing activities,Companion、Family and social interaction become the main subject;Third, the ratio of men to women tends to be balanced,Each has its own division of labor,Men mainly drive,Logistics, etc.、Logistics, etc.;Fourth, the proportion of self-driving travel among low-income and lower-income families has declined;

Fifth, the travel distance is 300 to 500 kilometers, accounting for 37.1%,100 to 300 kilometers accounted for 29.1%,In other words, the main body of self-driving tours is still peripheral tours,Visitors from the self-driving club prefer longer trips;Sixth, the length of stay is stable at 60% within three days,That’s weekend、Short holiday、Winter and summer vacations have formed a pattern;

Seventh, per capita spending is 1,313 yuan,Obvious shift towards low and medium consumption,But this 1313 yuan is not low in my opinion,Self-driving travel besides spending gas money,It should be said that transportation costs are saved,But where is the money spent,Per capita spending is more than one thousand,Three days,This is already very good。

Anyway,Now self-driving travel,The first is huge and continues to grow;The second is various structural changes,But not violent,There are changes,Not violent;The third is that the market continues,Form long-term rigid demand。Conversely speaking,Accounting for 73% of our domestic travel.5% of such a section,Shouldn’t we pay attention to it,should become the main focus of our cultural and tourism departments at all levels。

2. Changing Camp

Within ten years,Camping has become a fashionable word,Campground construction has become a new issue for tourism development in various places。

What are the basic conditions?The development of China’188bet online sports betting s automobile industry,In these ten years we have become the number one in the world,Then China’s automobile consumption growth has become the second in the world,A country on wheels will inevitably give rise to car culture。Now we have reached such a big scale,But strictly speaking, car culture has not yet fully emerged,Car culture is more reflected in our campsites。

So it is an inevitable necessity for the development of camping,Three years of pandemic,Everyone lives in silence,But the camp went crazy,This is a very interesting phenomenon。3900 camps nationwide in 2020,About 7,000 in 2023,7763 homes in 2024,In general, the epidemic has doubled in the past few years。But starting from 2024,Growth rate decreases,Efficiency decline,The average area occupied by campsites has decreased,This is the current situation。

But,Investment in the camp is increasing,Average 89 million yuan,This investment is really not small,Originally I looked at the camp,One or two million would be considered a good camp,The average investment now is 89 million,Large camps have hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions,And the self-raised funds of the enterprises here have reached 97.7%。

What does it mean?Our camp had ups and downs before the epidemic,Sudden increase during the epidemic,Cliff decline after the epidemic,This cliff-like decline is mainly reflected in efficiency,Quantity has not decreased,And counting,But the efficiency dropped off a cliff,This makes it difficult to have the potential for development。

Because the campground is suitable for self-driving cars,Not strictly needed,It doesn’t mean that people driving self-driving cars must have campsites,But at least self-driving cars and camps should grow in the same direction。The past two years have been reversed,Self-driving cars are still growing,And the growth rate is very fast,But the campsite is different,Camp growth is declining。

Why is this? Several reasons.

First、The camp is expanding too fast,Hot-headed,After a great rise, there must be a great fall

A piece of grass to set up a tent is considered a camp,This is how I feel these past two years,So it’s impossible to count when there are too many,But some people in the industry say,When there are many, our camp reaches 100,000 families,What is Shiwanjia??It’s all like this,A fishy eye mixed with pearls,So this kind of big drop is normal。

Star Hunting Nanshan Orion Broad Camp Source: Orion can now be included in the statistical range,Those who can enter the research scope are relatively stable、Better,Those messy ones can’t get in。Build a campground this year and sell it next year,Maybe it will go bankrupt next year,A camp could originally be sold for five million,Can’t sell even half a million yuan now,This is our market。

Second、The maturity of self-driving cars creates alternatives,Experienced、Equipment and facility configuration、High degree of freedom

Today’s self-driving cars are basically equivalent to their own small campsites,Microcamp,As soon as the trunk is opened,The ceiling has also been put up,The table is also set up,Then the barbecue rack was also brought out,Find a place and start。I just came back from Qinghai,There are countless such behaviors along the Qinghai Lake。

Of course we also saw some large camps,Travel Photography Base,I also saw a lot。But I mostly see camping,This means that due to the maturity of self-driving drivers,Demand for campsites is actually declining。So this can explain why self-driving cars are growing so rapidly,But our camp is declining。

Third, improve public services and improve convenience

This should be said to be a good thing done by the government,But the government’s good thing is for self-driving cars,Affected the camp,Nothing else to say,Charging、Sewage discharge、Add water and these things,Public services can be provided,Reduced need for campsites。

The fourth is the lack of capital support

Little fight,But it created a market。That’s what I just said,Self-driving cars are highly autonomous,Camp camp is a highly market-oriented industry。Very high marketization,Generally speaking, capital will enter,But we just lack capital support,So 188bet sports betting app download 97% of our funds are self-raised。That means the bank’s money is not used much,Use less capital。

In reverse,What is the other reason?That’s why we lack leading companies,How to support the lack of capital from leading companies。Say there are thousands of them,Who do I want to enter to cooperate with??How to enter?So there is a problem involved,It’s the concentration problem in our camp,If our campground industry develops,Slowly forming a leading enterprise,It’s easy to connect with capital,Whether it is an enterprise in the supply chain,Still an operating company,These are two major categories,Both of these two categories need to form leading companies,Then seek capital connection。

3. The relationship between self-driving cars and campsites

Self-driving and camping are closely intertwined,But not entirely consistent,The development of self-driving tours is the soil for the development of campsites,Camp life is the focus of self-driving travel,So self-driving travel is the mainstay,Camp is the focus,Everyone has their own needs,Each has its own difficulties。
The core of self-driving travel lies first in public services,Second in series service,It should be said that our public services have been greatly improved now,The series of services are not yet complete,Then there is base service,Camp is a kind of base service,Meet some needs,also in mid-to-high-end demand。

Speaking of which,We have to find a spot,Who does the camp serve?,RVs are mid- to high-end,For self-driving tours, there are also some mid- to high-end ones,So we deal with mid-to-high-end products,Speak less to the public,Can’t even support the public,The real public cannot afford to serve them when they come,Large quantity。

So don’t think that large traffic is a good thing,Sometimes the traffic is heavy,It should be said that the negative effect is very large,So corresponding to the diversification of needs,The campground is also developing in a diversified way,This needs to be dealt with separately。

For example, Baili Water Village Camp,Strictly speaking,The campground is a subsidiary,The whole area is a resort area,There is a campground in this resort,But if we position this Baili water town as a camp,Just belittled Burley Water Village,In fact, it has made a new pattern,This is my first question,About self-driving tours and campsites。

Opportunities and Challenges

First of all, opportunities are always there

First, the central government held a national tourism development conference,The General Secretary has important instructions,Clear tourism development strategy,Requires full implementation;The second is the basis of rigid market demand。

2023,The tourism market is called prosperous but not prosperous,2024 is called increasing revenue but not profit,So the market is hot,The market is actually not that optimistic,But basic consumption is always supporting。Because everything has two sides,It is not good to say that prosperity is not prosperous,It’s better than not having Wangding,If you don’t even have Wangding,How to do this。It is not good to say that it is not good to increase income without increasing profits,But there is a basis for increasing income,It means increasing income, at least our costs can be covered,At least our employees are fed。

As for increasing profits, that is a matter for the market,It’s hard to say now。For example, 88% of companies in Beijing’s catering industry lost money in the first half of this year,Profit rate 0.37%,Such a low profit,In other words, Beijing’s catering industry suffered almost a total loss in the first half of this year,Countless people quit,Countless bankruptcies,This is also a market condition,And this market situation is determined by the general economic situation。Same,In this economic situation,Our campsite is very good?I can’t see that。

The third is the national economic difficulties,Whenever there are difficulties, the status of tourism will be improved,This is a regular phenomenon,46 years of China’s tourism development,As long as there is financial difficulty,The status of tourism will definitely improve,So we don’t need to say that the government now attaches great importance 188bet sports betting app download to tourism,No one pays attention to tourism when the economic situation is good;The fourth is to improve the infrastructure,Increased convenience,From a constraint to a facilitator。There are always opportunities,I never believe that opportunities cannot be missed,Time will never come again,It depends on how we know each other,How to grasp。

The second is government measures

Because the torrent of self-driving cars is rolling,Second, supporting facilities,Gradually matched、Gradually improve,First, information support,Second, supporting facilities、Complete service area、Base-based development。Now the highway service areas have reached the level of leisure areas,The best one is Shajiabang Service Area,It’s simply a scenic spot,A business district,A leisure area,I feel stupid looking at it,But it’s good if it can be maintained。

The third is management support, combining the government and enterprises.

So it’s natural,The development of camping is going smoothly,Because of demand,So the association promotes,Enterprise deepening,Government support。79 4C and 5C level camps have been rated nationwide,Set an example,formed a pattern of standardized development,This should be a big thing for the association,With leveled camps,Everyone has a goal to pursue,There is a direction for development,Have a model for learning。

But the challenge lies in quality.The life attitude and lifestyle of the ancients,Modern living facilities and future orientation,This is the future life。Self-driving tours and campsites are an important part of a good life,So what is one benefit of arriving at the camp,Loose it down,Just a sense of relaxation。But,It can’t be the living facilities of the ancients,That is unacceptable。

So we need to study the certainty of these two,We must have the artistic conception of the ancients,But it must be modern life,Needless to say anything else,Can the children accept that there is no bathroom??Said there is no restroom in this place,Absolutely not going,This is the most basic、The most basic requirements。

1983,The country holds the world’s first tourist toilet work conference,We still didn’t understand it at the time,Why are foreigners so picky about toilets,In fact, it is the difference between economic development stage and lifestyle,Now we fully understand。So it’s natural,This new way of life is all about quality,Because car owners are becoming more and more experienced,So their demands are increasing as the tide goes up,It turns out that we thought we could handle it with two tents,Not now,Not at all,Competition is becoming increasingly fierce,In fact, from competition of projects to competition of destinations。

I had an experience this time in Shijiazhuang,It turns out we are at a camp,I’m looking at how this camp looks like,Not just looking at campsites now,You must look around,See overall,This is converted into,Elevated to a destination competition。Price competition as primary competition,This has become common,There is no consensus yet on quality competition as a high-level competition。

The competition of self-driving cars is the environment,The second is public services,The third is local characteristics。Competition in the camp,It’s all about lifestyle,The direction is scenario-based competition,Everyone is an audience,Everywhere is a stage,Everyone is an audience,Everyone is an audience,Immersive、Participatory,This is a new life and new feeling,This is also a new phenomenon in China’s tourism in the past two years,It is also the new direction for the future。

So study scenario-based competition,This is the new direction of the camp。Creating a scene does not require spending a lot of money,But it requires a big investment of wisdom,Requires large investment in culture,We should not think that everything we do requires spending a lot of money,Wrong,What’s more, the rich man’s family has no food left now,Who can afford the money,But at this time we must develop and pay attention to soft development。

The third is to cultivate a new type of life

Need to re-understand camping,I have said this before,So I won’t say more。

188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Cultivation of a new type of life is a national requirement,Because from a national perspective,Nowadays, tourism is positioned as a happiness industry,We always think that tourism drives consumption,Strictly speaking, it cannot stimulate much consumption,Even if this year is ideal,Six trillion for the whole year,That is six trillion consumption。

But what are the benefits of traveling?It makes our lives more colorful,So that people can express some grievances through traveling,What grievances do you have,Everyone is released as soon as they go on tour,There is no need to find the government to vent such grievances。So many times,Unintentional planting of willow trees,Local government focuses on the consumption effect brought by tourism,actually more,Let’s talk about Wangding,Because Wangding at least reflects the liveliness of this place。

Why I don’t agree with internet celebrities,Because Internet celebrities only pursue customer traffic,For example, a certain project,Hundreds of millions of people enter this street every year,That is the ceiling for internet celebrities across the country,But not making money,This platform company loses money every year,Now their group probably has a loss of 1.800 million,Why?It is the result of internet celebrity。Go to the site to have a look,Countless people check in,No one spends money,Punch in and leave,Even the vendors on both sides of the road can’t sell anything,So the shops on both sides、Not even restaurants。

I had a meal at a nearby restaurant last time,No one there,I asked the boss what happened,He said you should take a look,That’s it at first glance,This is the other side of Internet celebrities。ButWe are not pursuing Internet celebrities,Must pursue long red,The pursuit of long-term success is fundamental,What does this kind of redness depend on?Rely on quality、Rely on characteristics、Rely on culture,We rely on us to constantly come up with new tricks,This is the fundamental。

So I just said,Instead of pursuing Internet celebrity, it is better to pursue long-term popularity,Instead of pursuing the number of people flowing,It is better to pursue the amount of time left。So the first flow goes to the second reserve,What to leave behind?First stay time,Second consumption,The third culture left behind,The fourth memory remains,These four stay。

Because the scenic spot likes to say a word,It’s Match 2,Strengthen the second elimination of scenic spots,One thing to say and two things to do is to do cultural creation。I will tell you what is the essence of the second elimination in scenic spots?It is time consumption,Everyone is rushing to the scenic spot,Take a turn and leave,What to cancel,Nothing to eliminate。But he must be able to leave time,Consume naturally to stay。

Same,We might as well drive ourselves,Our campsite is also good,Also related to this issue。Especially the campsite,Because the camp cultivates a new way of life,It should be natural for people to stay,Let people stay here,Making people want to spend money,Let people pursue enjoyment,This is a more fundamental question。

Hebei and Shijiazhuang

Because today we mainly visit the four provinces of Shanhe and Shanhe,plus Beijing and Tianjin,I think everyone may have this problem,A lot of people have been discussing this these past two days。

From Hebei,So everyone said that Hebei is guarding Beijing、Two big cities like Tianjin,Why can’t I get benefits?A root cause inside,That’s what attracts Beijing、Guests from Tianjin?What are the original benefits,Just following Beijing and Tianjin,Do something,This was the case in the early 1980s,At that time, Beijing strictly restricted tourist buses from Hebei from entering Beijing,That is as a kind of protection for Beijing,Strictly restricted。That was the case at that time,Everyone is letting go now,No restrictions on anyone,At this time, it depends on our market competitiveness。

So it’s natural,Hebei’s content needs further in-depth exploration。For example, we have done a project on the leisure zone around Beijing and Tianjin in Hebei Province,Finish this topic,Seven key leisure development 188bet sports betting app download areas have been determined,But what I found is that no one does it,No one implements it。Everyone said this report was great,Who will implement it?I don’t know who will implement it,So I can’t get up。

But now is the time,Because now,Follow the rules of self-driving cars just mentioned,People from Beijing and Tianjin want to play,A kick of oil came out,Hebei,That’s why we’re talking,So close,So beautiful,Going to Hebei on the weekend,That’s why I have this sentence。This sentence is very relevant to the market,It is very corresponding to the market,This has also led to the upgrade of Hebei tourism in recent years,With vitality。But,Just being close to the beauty is not enough,This is still the traditional way of sightseeing。

So health care is the first priority,It turns out that it is incredible to say that Hebei does health care,Hebei is a major coal province,It is a big steel province,The world’s steel production is basically in China,China’s steel production is basically in Hebei。How can such a place be healthy?It’s different now,Now the industrial structure has been adjusted,Industrial Upgrading,Hebei has reached a new level,So the conditions in this area are getting better and better,For example, the hot spring belt in southern Beijing,For example, this area in Shijiazhuang,The same is true,This is a。

What is the second one,Doing sports,Doing exercise,We always feel like a Winter Olympics,Zhangjiakou is up,In fact, Zhangjiakou cannot be built,Zhangjiakou is an internet celebrity,It’s hard to succeed,Why?Because the quality is not good,The key to skiing is the quality of the snow,Snow trails in Zhangjiakou that rely on artificial snow,Suitable for beginner skiers,As long as there is some skill, don’t come,So it is difficult to grow red。But this road to East Taihang,Hebei is doing sports,The base camp for mountain sports。I will give two examples to illustrate this matter。

Finally, let me talk about Shijiazhuang,Because I have been here many times,Tell the truth,I came to Shijiazhuang just for a meeting,Nothing to see in Shijiazhuang,Nothing to play either。But it’s different now,It turned out to be the best village in the world,This is a derogatory term,But now,Shijiazhuang has become a city of youth in just a few years、Fashion City、Music City,This is a new image of Shijiazhuang。So for Shijiazhuang,I say five sentences。

The first sentence is to create something out of nothing,It should be said that Shijiazhuang has already achieved this,What I am talking about refers to tourism products rather than tourism resources,Every place in our country is rich in tourism resources,But I ask you what do you have for everyone to play with?I’m asking about the product,There is basically no original Shijiazhuang,But it already exists,Just something out of nothing,This step has been reached。

The second step is to make good things happen,Something good will come of it now and it’s in progress now,It should be said that my feeling during these two visits is that I am getting better step by step。

The third is called the best from the best, which is high-quality development,High-quality development is a process,High-quality development is also a goal,But there is one thing here,Generally speaking, high-quality development is not enough,Very simple,High quality requires high cost,High cost means high price。

What do we mean by high quality and low price,This is all nonsense,It goes against the laws of economics,Good and cheap,How can there be such a thing in the world,What kind of quality must come at what kind of cost,What kind of price。But Shijiazhuang is a price depression,So it’s natural,There must be some high-quality products,Even high-quality products to pull,Drive this market,Let everyone know to enjoy this stuff,You have to pay this price。

For example, the most expensive hotel in China is Amanfayun in Shanghai,Six rooms in one courtyard,Eighty thousand yuan a night,But after staying here, everyone felt that the 80,000 yuan was worth it,The average room price is 12,000 yuan,Everyone thinks my money is worth it,The price/performance ratio is comparable。

But we always feel that 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Shijiazhuang is local、Shijiazhuang is backward,It has to be cheap,Cheap price,The guests attracted can only be public guests,Even low-end customers,Even a troublemaker,Is this good for your development?But we have to increase the price step by step,Only in order to ensure that the quality increases step by step。

The fourth sentence is called excellence among students,It is to form our characteristics,In fact fashion、Romantic、Youth、Music,These things have formed our characteristics,Especially in cities,If cities are combined with suburbs,The characteristics are even more prominent;

The fifth sentence is called special product,What product is it,The first is quality,The second is brand,Is it possible to form a Shijiazhuang brand,Just like everyone says that you don’t want to see Mount Huangshan when you return,Don’t look at the water after returning from Jiuzhaigou,This is the brand coming out。Should say,Shimen returns without listening to songs,Shimen returns without entertainment,Because all entertainment needs are released in Shijiazhuang,The name Shijiazhuang is almost meaningless,I think it’s called Shimen,In terms of tourism, it can be called Shimen,Shimen can have many explanations,For example, the Battle of Shimen during the War of Liberation,For example, the stone gate opens,There is a sense of mystery in the opening of Shimen,Tourism can be different。

Overall,This era is an era in which our culture and tourism are highly integrated,Future market opportunities still exist,It just changes in every period,So if this is the case,We seize the opportunity,Create conditions,Seeking new changes,Seeking new development。

The source of this article is Zhihui, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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