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Online 188bet online sports betting Author of 188bet online sports betting article: Song Chenglong 2015-11-12 17:09:42
Zhiyoula has experienced a transformation from big data algorithms to providing personalized routes,Finally use the T2O model to attract customers for the platform,Use the sharing economy to integrate the fragmented resources of the destination,is 80、Provide more personalized 188bet online sports betting routes and services for the post-90s generation。

November 9,Zhihui 188bet online sports betting interviewed the young founder and CEO of Zhiyoula Wang Bo,Two hours of discussion,Before this communication,Zhihui 188bet online sports betting was once the only designated information release platform on Zhiyoula.com,Carried the content manuscript for its first online product launch。Wang Bo, born in 1989, graduated from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, majoring in computer science and mathematics,Technical background,Zhiyoula is Wang Bo’s first venture。

Zhiyoula was established in 2012,The initial model is big data analysis and mining,The early APP can capture the real-time updated 188bet online sports betting notes of more than 30 domestic and foreign websites、Guidelines and photos,Use technology to identify keywords,Calculate user value based on keyword-intensive capacity in a paragraph,Also label this paragraph,Disassemble structured 188bet online sports betting content。

2014,Wang Bo found that the usage rate and retention rate of early APP users were relatively low,Based on the low frequency and pure content side of 188bet online sports betting itself, the monetization cycle chain is very long,The team rethought the model。Wang Bo confessed,Although big data analysis has not brought a better business model to Zhiyoula,But it helped the team see clearly the trends of this market and the current status of the industry。The transformed platform uses PGC as its core production content,By fixed food、stay、POI video content of entertainment three-dimensional production destination,Capture loyal users through videos,Import traffic to your own platform。Currently the platform has launched destination products。

Changing crowds reduce the value of homogeneous 188bet online sports betting products

Behind the market changes,Make the platform see 80、The post-90s generation has gradually become the main force among tourism consumers,It is not difficult to find by analyzing this group of people, Young people are gradually giving up traditional group tours,Pursue a more personalized one,Experience more in-depth free 188bet online sports betting gameplay,Personalized independent 188bet online sports betting products will gradually become a new and more popular mainstream 188bet online sports betting product, 80、90 will become the main consumer group。

And the changes in tourist groups,It also prompts tourism products to actively adjust their posture,Catering to the tastes of today’s crowd,At the same time, because of the changes in the crowd,Users have put forward higher standards for the overall demand for personalized 188bet online sports betting products,188bet online sports betting products that resonate with personal attitudes will be more popular。Homogeneous routes and content have gradually presented a more boring 188bet online sports betting experience,And this is its fatal weakness。Objective display through data,188bet online sports betting products and consulting content are highly homogeneous,Such problems represented by OTA are more serious,Most tourism products generated through data algorithms are more homogeneous。

For example,Zhangzhou, Xiamen, Quanzhou, the birthplace of southern Fujian culture,According to local statistics,There are still original earth buildings that have not been demolished,5800 natural ancient villages。More scenic spots worth experiencing have not yet been discovered,Making 188bet online sports betting resources limited and slow to develop,In addition to the national-level planning cycle issue,More pain lies in the unmobilized idle 188bet online sports betting resources。

Founder and CEO of 188bet online sports betting: Wang Bo

Double blast of user experience

(1) Release a large number of idle tourism resources,Increase personalized 188bet online sports betting product categories

Wang Bo said,The homogeneity of tourism products is reflected in the inability to find more personalized ones,Experience better gaming products,To address this pain point, the founders drew on the currently popular sharing economic model,Proposed to release a larger stock of resources for local residents of the destination,Mobilize the initiative of local tourism experts。In the framework of the entire personalized line mining system,Zhiyoula proposes three important tourism roles: 188bet online sports betting planner、Local lifestyle home and successor。These three types of roles have different divisions of labor,But Wang Bo emphasized the importance of 188bet online sports betting planners,This role determines the personalization and experience of 188bet online sports betting products on the platform,To promote the entry of a large number of 188bet online sports betting planners,This is also a bold attempt made by Zhiyoula in the sharing economy model,Integrate a large number of 188bet online sports betting planners with Zhiyoula’s evaluation standards on its own platform,Product packaging。Mobilize idle resources at destinations through the operating model of the sharing economy,Work together,Exploring the last mile of personalized 188bet online sports betting products,Full 188bet online sports betting routes on its platform,Filtering criteria through different dimensions,To ensure that users experience the platform’s 188bet online sports betting productsSatisfaction.

(2) Series action,Video has become a way of user experience and traffic diversion for 188bet online sports betting

In terms of obtaining platform traffic,Zhiyoula uses videos to present fragmented 188bet online sports betting information,The shooting team is all the platform’s own team,Control presentation quality。Positioning based on platform PGC content,In fact, Zhiyoula has put a lot of effort into controlling the objective authenticity of video content at the source。Wang Bo said,The reason why we decided to use videos to present fragmented tourism products is that there are currently not many competitors using this mode to display,Using videos to display tourism products is a reflection of model differentiation,Secondly, videos have a display effect that text and pictures cannot match,Display the POI provided by each local lifestyle home incisively and vividly,The transmission of information is also the most intuitive and effective,In Wang Bo’s words,Video is rich media,The dynamic presentation of rich media and the most direct stimulation of the audience’s senses,Comprehensively improve the emotional mobilization of users by the content。And video serves as the only entrance for traffic to the entire Zhiyoula platform,It has been called an equally important link with the production of tourist routes。The author of Zhihui 188bet online sports betting Expert is based on his understanding of the traffic pouring model of Zhiyoula,Drew a traffic diversion flow chart for Zhiyoula:

The 188bet online sports betting still needs to be settled, think calmly and realize bigger ideas

In the future, PGC content will surely have more reference value,T2O is a relatively new diversion method,Because the model is newer,So the degree of user acceptance still needs the practice of all parties to settle a relatively calm conclusion,Can see it,The founder controls every detail,They are all pursuing personalized presentation,It is understandable that Wang Bo wants to guide the personalization of products through different processes,From a macro perspective,The advantages and disadvantages presented by PGC content are relatively obvious,And video PGC cannot avoid the high production cost,The pain point of long production cycle。Learn about Zhihui 188bet online sports betting,Currently, the way that Zhiyoula directs traffic to the official website and WeChat platform through videos is to ask viewers to scan the two-second QR code at the end of the video after watching the video on the video delivery channel,Although the popularity of smartphones is already very high,But the entrance is still relatively single,What’s more important is that the quality of the video content itself determines the user’s jump。Secondly, explore personalized products,The platform is also subject to the expansion of the role of 188bet online sports betting planners。Interviewing,Wang Bo revealed to Zhihui 188bet online sports betting,Next, Zhiyou.com will launch a series of actions to recruit and screen 188bet online sports betting planners,I must have seen the problem of large-scale expansion,The team of 188bet online sports betting planners for each destination is gradually growing,Only in this way can we truly explore and gather more personalized 188bet online sports betting routes to destinations,finally 80、Provide more comprehensive 188bet online sports betting route services for post-90s users。

*Author of this article: Song Chenglong,Zhihui 188bet online sports betting expert author,Personal WeChat ID: dalong080917,Welcome to follow,Please indicate [name + unit + position] when adding for convenience,Thank you very much for your support!

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The source of this article is 188bet online sports betting, and the copyright belongs to the original author.
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