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Cultural Tourism Benefits Author of this article: Wei Xiaoan 2017-05-11
Wei Xiaoan’s speech at the seminar on tourism journals on April 16, 2017,Eight Questions about Tourism Land。
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The issue of tourist land is indeed very complex,I summarized eight questions,Eight Questions Called Tourism Land。

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The topic of today’s meeting is very good,Land issues in tourism development。Today’s topic is not tourist land,I think this topic is indeed interesting,It’s a simple truth,If we strengthen tourism land,I can’t explain this clearly,And it’s getting increasingly unclear。There are two basic characteristics in the development of tourism land: The first is that we have been studying for many years. The most fundamental characteristic of tourism is comprehensiveness,So the land issue for tourism development,The first thing should be comprehensive,Including all aspects。So we need to discuss tourism land,That is, all the land is tourist land,Then there is no point in discussing it this way。The second is externality,This is also a feature,Externalities are different,One type is called commercial land、Construction land,One category is called public welfare land、Environmental land,It is other land use,Or land for social functions。A comprehensive,An externality,Comprehensive requirements we classify,Externalities require us to be qualitative。For example, this piece of land is called environmental land,It’s not called tourist land,This area is landscape land,It’s not called tourist land either,What exactly is tourist land?For example, what kind of building a parking lot is it??Government-built land is for public welfare use,The developer’s construction is included in the commercial land,Public land use,This is the only way to make it clear。If we don’t understand the nature of land in this matter,There is no way to say whether the land is used for tourism。

Second question: What kind of land is used for tourism?

The first category is environmental land,Landscape land,This is for public welfare。This is not the concept of land use,Strictly speaking,This is the need for tourism development,There is no such place,I can’t travel。For example, what is woodland??Can we travel outside the forest now??This is a category,It is public welfare land,Use it for tourism。

The second category is management rights land,For example, 100 square kilometers,20 years of operating rights,Don’t do this,50-year operating rights available。But only this area gives you the right to operate,You can charge a small fee for the scenic spot,Is there any land here?None。

The third category is constructive land,100 square kilometers of operating rights,Probably only 200 acres of construction land,The most important thing is the land procedures,It’s not enough if you don’t go through the land procedures。The basic law is this one,A whole 40 square meters、50 square kilometers,It’s probably good to grant you two to three hundred acres of land,100 square kilometers,It is very difficult to approve five or six hundred acres of land,And these 600 acres of land will be approved for you in 10 years,Because there is a land quota。

The third question: How much land is used for tourism?

Now racing and staking,There are no doors,Getting the operating rights is not a big problem。For example, to the northeastern forest area,1000 square kilometers for you,You come to invest,What do you mean??In fact, it is the management right。There is another benefit of Northeast woodland,The tree cannot be cut down,But you can have a small autumn harvest。For example, I met a forestry operator,He said that I was never afraid of operating in the Northeast for three months a year,Can make money,I said why?Give him 10 square kilometers of forest land,10 square kilometers of woodland,You can make a profit by relying on a small autumn harvest,I don’t think about whether the camp makes money or not。It means there is a lot of room for flexibility in terms of tourism land and how to use it,There are many loose environments。How much land is used?For example, let’s settle a batch of accounts nationwide,How much land is needed for tourism development?National tourism investment in 20161.3 trillion,It is estimated to reach 1 in 2017.5 trillion,1.What does 5 trillion have to do with land?What is the relationship between global tourism and land?Without a doubt,Full-region tourism means the expansion of tourism land,Massive investment means more land is needed。Roughly 100 million investment covers an area of ​​one square kilometer,Then we 1.5 trillion investment,15,000 square kilometers will be needed this year,These 15,000 square kilometers do not correspond to 9.6 million square kilometers of land,To correspond to our available land,What is this ratio?I don’t know how much land is available now,But I know this ratio will not be too small。So we have to calculate the ratio between funds and land,Let’s settle this account,How much land is used,There may be a plate。It doesn’t matter how much land you occupy,Just like a national nature reserve,The nature reserve occupies a land area of ​​1.6%,Now the requirement is 5%,5% are nature reserves,This is the concept of occupying land,We are talking about the concept of land use,So it must be refined。

Question 4: Whose problem? What's the problem?

Standing at different angles,The problem is different,For example, from the government’s perspective,I hope there will be more land indicators,In this way, basically there will be as much fiscal revenue as there are land quotas,So the government hopes to obtain more land,This is the government’s problem。Developers hope to approve more land for construction,This is the developer’s problem。What about the farmers’ problem?The problem for farmers is not to lose their jobs、Don’t lose your home、The "Three Don'ts" of not losing ground,We can only choose one or two out of the three without losing anything,For example, there is no problem if farmers are not unemployed,No problem if you don’t lose your home,Change a place for you,There is still a house。But it can’t be done without losing ground,No ground lost,Why are developers going??If farmers’ land can be invested in shares,This can also be understood as a way of not losing ground,But the essence has been lost,Because the use of the land has changed。So,We need to figure out whose problem,What issues need to be clarified,We can open a question list,You 188bet app will know just by pulling out this list。There are some government problems that are not problems,Some of them are problems in the development stage, but they are not problems,Farmers’ problems are the fundamental problem,The developer’s problem is also a fundamental problem,If no benefits are given to developers,Why is he here?I’m full?This interest is very important, land interest。So many places across the country to choose from,Why should I choose your place?For developers,Just a comparison。And there is also a development and construction process here,Everything is changing during this process。For example, at the beginning, the government must stand on the side of developers,Because if you don’t stand on the developer’s side, you won’t be able to attract business,Cannot attract funding。But the farmers had some regrets in the process,There are so many benefits here,Farmers started to cause trouble,Farmers make trouble,The government’s butt begins to turn to the farmers,Then the developer said that what the government said does not count,In fact, it is not a policy change,The interest relationship is changing in this process。We need to sort out these issues and understand them,For example, the Ministry of Land and Resources has its own problems,Has his perspective,He has his concerns。The National Tourism Administration has a problem with the National Tourism Administration,He has his concerns。Concerns between departments come together,Must make everyone confused,But it’s falling layer by layer,What does the county government even care about,What does the township government care about,What does the village committee care about,Village Party Secretary、What does the village chief care about,What do people care about,What things do you want to understand,I think this matter can be sorted out,Obviously it’s not okay to say this all now。

Fifth question: What are the characteristics of tourist land?

Tourism land is very flexible,There is a lot of room for development,We don’t need a whole lot of land。Cannot use industrialization ideas to respond to tourism development,You can use industrialized methods to do tourism,Concentrate efforts to do big things,This is the approach of industrial law,But the ideas are different,No need for complete outfit。For example, there are mountains surrounding the rice fields,There are egrets in the rice fields,Very beautiful,The developer thinks the land in the middle is very good,I don’t think so,I recommend doing it in the surrounding mountains,Let everyone still see this rice field,You can also see egrets flying here。This land is not easy to use,The more basic farmland,The more the land is renovated, the less suitable it is for tourism。The most suitable place for traveling is Qianshan hills,So we can use mountains,Can use slopes,Can use borderland,Can use beach,You can even use Yadi,Build a hotel next to the cliff,Can even be used as a ground floor,The basic farmland remains unchanged,Put it up,It’s time to plant rice below,This kind of wheat breeds wheat,Build a farm on the farmland,Farmland and farmland are just changes in height,Our ancients had this wisdom,This is what stilted buildings do,The ancient method of building a stilted building,Can we move to farmland today?Does not occupy a single farmland,Make a farm,Also create 188bet app download a unique farm。These are the advantages of traveling,It’s not okay to engage in industry or anything like that,Only when traveling you can do this,Starting from this characteristic,This means we have a lot of room for development。But if we still look at this from an industrial perspective,This is not possible,Just can’t do it。

Question Six: How to reduce the risk of selling dog meat over others?

Selling dog meat as sheep's head,In fact, it is the relationship between tourism and real estate。I never agree with the concept of tourist real estate,Because the concept of tourism real estate is wrong in theory,You can have leisure real estate,Cannot have tourist real estate。But for many years,The more tourism real estate is going through, the more exciting it becomes。But this matter is how to classify、How to differentiate、How to subdivide,Separate these。Many local governments understand now,Tourism real estate can be done,Do tourism first, then real estate,Can’t do travel,Region classification is done。At the beginning, I watched the tourism industry start up,You can move to real estate,But the tourism construction period is very long,The real estate construction period is very short,I’ve sold out my real estate and quit traveling,Then the local government learned it again,Only after the tourism is completed are you allowed to engage in real estate,In fact, there are different interests and demands。But now it’s basically impossible to do tourism real estate,For example, Hainan,I went to Hainan two years ago,10 people eating together,9 people taking business cards,They are all real estate developers,10 people went to Hainan for dinner last year,It’s still the same group of people,9 people are tourism developers,I asked you why you are all traveling now?Said we might meet the mayor if we take the business card of a tourism development company,If you have a real estate business card, you can’t even see the village chief。Everyone is smarter,Everyone is learning in this process,Everyone has grown up。

The next change is tourist towns,Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development、NDRC、Three departments of the Ministry of Finance deceived,Building 1,000 small towns across the country,The first batch of 127 lists was released,The basic requirement is 3 square kilometers,The larger one is 5 square kilometers。A small town has a basic investment of 3 billion,More than 50、6 billion,This is generally the concept now,Also talking about industrial towns,I analyzed it,Industrial towns are useless,In the future, eight or nine hundred of these 1,000 small towns may be tourist towns、Leisure Town、Resort Town,Cultural Town、Sports Town、Healthy Town,It’s all about tourism,This means that a big investment in tourism will shift here。Another question is involved here,Land issue,These 1000 small towns,I think at least three to five thousand square kilometers,Add to expand the surrounding areas,Another 10,000 square kilometers。Actually, I don’t think things like this are called selling sheep’s meat,Any kind of meat can be sold through a faucet,The leader is tourism,We are not sheep heads,We are the leader,Sheephead belittled us,Any kind of meat sold below is fine。It is true to get benefits from the local area,It is true that the common people get benefits,As long as these two items can be guaranteed。The market 188bet online sports betting has market power,We have planned everything now,Hope the market will follow our lead,This thing itself is called unethical,Violation of rules,How can something without virtue be done?DeDaoDuoZhu,The unjust and few helpers。

Question 7: Is there a business model?

How to evaluate value?Ecological value、Landscape value,Various values,Let’s talk about the value a lot,It’s very lively,But there were two in the end,One is environmental value,One is the land value。Environmental value requires beautiful scenery、Fresh air、No smog,The value of land is that we want differential land rent。Xinjiang’s environmental value is excellent,The value of land in the Great Gobi is equal to zero,The closer to the city, the higher the land value,How to convert such an extremely poor land rent?So understand the value analysis,Let’s talk about the price。Price has price realization method,Evaluation method with price,The land procedures are very strict now,Even if it’s bid rigging,You also have to go through the procedures,So it’s against the rules now、Don’t be afraid of breaking the law,But it’s not okay to violate discipline。As long as officials do not violate discipline,Just do it regardless,Then let’s ask in the name of the people,Whose benefit is it in the end?Environmental value、Land value,These two will naturally involve investment、Development、Operation,Now one step further,There is also the question of how to exit the investment,A series of links,There is a value chain in this link,This value chain will form a benefit chain,So we have a clear grasp of the chain of interests,This matter will be easier to handle。

Question 8: What kind of operating model?

From the perspective of operating model, I summarized it in four sentences:

First,Subject Comprehensive。Who is the main developer?Should be comprehensive,But it won’t work if the interests are not considered。For example, I visited a fishing village in Yancheng, Jiangsu last year,They drew a very beautiful plan,I’ll just say that you can’t do this,Because that village is a living village,Not a hollow village。Thousands of households live in the village,How to relocate thousands of households?The local government said we can relocate if we are determined,The government can do this,What should the common people do?Where to move?I walked around the village,I saw a lot of public housing,Granary and the like,Take care of these grain depots,Made into several B&Bs,Guests are coming,Then the farmers will naturally follow suit,He can adjust his own house,But it was flattened,Then make something like this according to this planned painting,Also known as building a water town in northern Jiangsu,I will drop it on the spot。During the meeting,I explained this in detail,Absolutely not do this,There is no integration of interests from all aspects,No guidance from market forces,You can’t do your thing,In the end it was a mess。Something awesome,For example, Tongxiang, Zhejiang,One Wuzhen was successful,Follow me and make a Puyuan ancient town,More than 3 billion was spent on demolition,More than 1,000 households demolished,Nothing happened during the demolition process,Very smooth,This is profit-oriented,Anyway, whoever leaves early will be paid more。Another 7 billion will be invested to rebuild this ancient 188bet sports betting app download town,Total 10 billion,10 billion to build a Puyuan ancient town,How brave。If something like this develops like this,I don’t think it is a blessing to the country,Not even a blessing to the people。

Second,Integration of interests。No integration of interests of all parties,No one can do it,This is no longer the case of the government bullying the people。Times have changed now,So not only must we consider the integration of interests,We must also consider the integration of changing interests in development。For example, Zhongkun Group develops Hongcun,Hongcun was not up yet when we entered,I did something big afterwards,It is to apply for world cultural heritage,Declaration successful,It became popular immediately。Farmers quit working,But I signed the agreement,The money that should be given to the farmers has been given,If farmers don’t do it, there are farmers’ tricks,Guests are coming,Farmers just throw garbage on the road,Pooped on the road。It turns out that their method is that the company takes 70%,Farmers get 30%,The government takes 10%,Then regressed,Retreat to the end and the company will get 40%,Farmers get 40%,The government takes 30%,Don’t retreat to this step,The value of the house has also increased,The value of land has increased。So we must consider the integration of interests,In fact, a large part of this interest is the main interest,Especially after this place is built,The value of land has increased,The value of the house has also increased,Farmers began to have strong interest demands,The relationship becomes more complicated at this time。But it’s different now,Basically in the early stages of development,Farmers have come to their senses,Not like the original,It turns out that I only got over it after doing a little bit。

Third,Functional integration。There is still a lot of room for functional integration in tourist land,Let’s make good use of this leeway。A principle,No need for basic farmland at all。For example, there are several fields in a ravine,Farmers are still planting these fields,We can’t move,But you can make a big deal if you are nearby,Just take the shallow mountains and hills as mine,This is a game process。So I think our tourism land should make a big difference in functional integration,There are so many things that you don’t have to fight for,This flat land,Must strive to travel,Isn’t it because you are full after eating??Not suitable for traveling,I just strive for these if I want to do real estate。If you really want to travel,Do not pursue basic farmland,Pursue basic farmland,The developer must be trying to sell dog meat,This is unmistakable,So how to judge?That’s it,It is a criterion。

Fourth,Diverse land。Do we have to grow crops in our fields?In fact, China has developed to this stage,The real development of land is valuing it,The country has a granary,Ensuring food security。Hainan proposes to be self-sufficient in food,Why should we be self-sufficient?Just a little bit in total,Why not do it,Not developed yet?This idea is wrong,Go buy cheap food,Land is the value maximization,Why not do it?In fact, when it comes down to it, we still have to go back to Marx,Enhanced differential land rent,Differential land rent and diversified land use,This is the fundamental problem of our tourism land。

*Author of this article: Wei Xiaoan,Expert Author,188bet sports betting app download Special researcher at the Tourism Research Center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences。

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