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Cultural Tourism Benefits Author of this article: Dai Xiaoxi; Zou Yi 2017-10-18
British architectural designer Thomas Heatherwick,His other two works in Shanghai,The Bund Financial Center and the “1000 Trees” that will be completed next year were popular on WeChat Moments some time ago。A while ago, his latest projects: the Vessel project in New York and the "Garden Bridge", a new landscape belt on the River Thames in London, were both controversial due to their high cost,But his wild imagination and belief in constantly breaking through himself,Let him still become the magician who lights up the city。
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Today we look at the works of British architectural designer Thomas Heatherwick, who is known as the "ghost genius"。Shanghai is his blessed place,Following the British Pavilion at the 2010 Shanghai World Expo,He is world famous。His other two works in Shanghai,The Bund Financial Center and the “1000 Trees” that will be completed next year also hit the circle of friends some time ago。

A while ago, his latest projects: the Vessel project in New York and the "Garden Bridge", a new landscape belt on the River Thames in London, were both controversial due to their high cost,But his wild imagination and belief in constantly breaking through himself,Let him still become the magician who lights up the city。

From the British Pavilion at the World Expo to the Bund Financial Center,Thomas’ works can be implemented in the country,It shows that the aesthetics of the entire society is improving,The cultivation of architecture and art is improving,We are gradually willing to pay for good things,This is a good thing。 

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Shanghai Tianan Sunshine Plaza

The emerging cultural and business district in the city center

Next to M50, Shanghai Art District, Moganshan Road, Suzhou River, Shanghai,There is a place named "Tianan Sunshine Plaza",A large building with scaffolding surrounding the facade,This is what Heatherwick Studio calls “1000 Trees”。

As understood,This is actually a complex building,Building area 65115 square meters,Estimated completion date is April 18, 2018。There are four preserved historical buildings in this area,Therefore,The demand for architectural planning is to coexist harmoniously with old buildings,At the same time, it integrates the natural elements of Suzhou River。

This area on the west bank of Suzhou River is located at the junction of Putuo and Jing'an,This is Putuo District Government’s attempt to narrow the gap with other central urban areas such as Jing’an,The longevity commercial business district that we strive to build。The cultural vitality of this area has gradually taken shape,Moganshan Road Fashion and Creative Street、Changhua Road Yacht Marina、M50 etc.,The completion of “1000 trees”,Just in time to connect all cultural resources in the area such as Suzhou River landscape。


Architecture is part of the urban terrain

The building Thomas wants to make,Not independent of the city,But to become part of the urban topography。The building must have local significance,Can only be placed in specific areas。Cities around the world cannot become more and more alike,Architecture cannot become more and more similar。Architectural works must respect the local landforms and culture,To extract local characteristics。So we can see the following through the design drawings and the basically formed facade。

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“1000 trees” is 188bet app download like a green tree-covered mountain standing beside the Suzhou River。About 1,000 load-bearing columns support two mountains,This is the origin of the project name。The load-bearing columns of the building are no longer hidden in the building,It extends from inside the building,Become a symbol of "tree"。

The building rises from the river, forming its own terrain

The tree has been placed on the pillar

Tree roots are the pillars of buildings

Multiple terraces overlooking the Suzhou River

After completion,We can see a large three-dimensional forest on the Suzhou River

"Normally,The large projects we see are like big boxes,The role of the designer is to decide what kind of wrapping paper should be used on these boxes。" Thomas said when talking about the design concept of "1000 Trees",“We wanted to try to improve the workspace by extending it outdoors,So the first thing is to place these 1000 load-bearing columns。The overall building height is designed to be very low,This is to echo the low buildings around the M50。”The project contains a total of 400 terraces,Encourage outdoor meetings and socializing。

The uneven arrangement is the symbol of the entire building,Creates a natural aesthetic with trees extending out from the building

It is said,This complex will cover the main building、Podium、School、Office building、Public activity place、Hotel、Retail store and other elements。How to connect them smoothly,What Thomas is thinking。

They thought of the park,The park is like glue that holds these elements together,But if green spaces are used on flat roofs,It will look very heavy and boring,The best way,Just plant the tree directly on the load-bearing column。

The grid is at 45 degrees to the river and street edges

The Chinese cultural intention behind “1000 trees”

Thomas confesses,“‘1000 Trees’ is the project most inspired by Chinese elements。”Work hard and fast” in real estate projects,The present moment of "one thousand buildings",“1000 trees” is like a clear stream。

rumored,Thomas once visited Suzhou personally,Drawed inspiration from Suzhou gardens and Chinese paintings,Trying to reflect the relationship between Chinese civilization and architecture in the project。He not only looks at the garden,Learn more about ancient Chinese landscaping。He firmly believes,Architecture is part of the landscape。

Oriental culture is good at abstraction and freehand brushwork,Very humane too,is full of emotions。Like Chinese calligraphy,is full of emotions;Like Chinese painting,A mountain can have no top,Maybe I can’t draw the foot of the mountain,But the mountain is right there,And the eyes will go deeper into it little by little,Attracted to him。

Only the culture in the Hexi section of Suzhou can nourish "1000 trees"

Suzhou Hexi Section,At the junction of Putuo and Jing'an,Adjacent to Shanghai Railway Station and Rail Transit 13、3、4、Line 7,Convenient transportation。Although located in the city center,But far away from the hustle and bustle of the city,It can be said to be "in the middle of the busy city",A place to live in Taoyuan”,All kinds of people and cultures meet here,Upgraded,Received the earth energy。There is transportation that makes it convenient for 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino tourists to visit,Satisfied the artist again、Designers’ requirements for a quiet working environment,Has unique geographical advantages。

Shanghai opened as a port nearly two hundred years ago,Suzhou River has always been a place full of charm。House by the water,Watermark changes,Old Shikumen Lane,Written with nostalgia。There was a song called "Suzhou Riverside" in Shanghai in the 1920s,The lyrics are particularly beautiful,From "No one can be seen by the river" to the second paragraph "There are only two of us in the world",Like writing the past life of Suzhou River、This life and the next life,Just like Taihu Lake-Suzhou River-Huangpu River-East China Sea, it progresses step by step。

Due to the convenience of river transportation in the early days,There are countless textile factories and other factories located on both sides of the Suzhou River for dozens of kilometers,It is a witness to the development of Shanghai’s industrial civilization。Except for the Huangpu section in the east, there are good buildings and shore corridors,The rest along the line is relatively pale。

With the process of urban renewal,These factories have been dismantled one by one,Now the western section of the Suzhou River, regardless of the south bank or the north bank,They are all beautifully maintained,Especially this section of Moganshan Road,Become “Art、Creativity、Life” area。“1000 trees” in such literary and artistic soil,It will surely bloom brilliantly。

2. Bund Financial Center (BFC)

Shanghai Renaissance Art Center

The king of land on the Bund coveted by countless real estate developers

Go south from Xinkaihe Road,Until Nanpu Bridge,This area is defined as the South Bund,Carries the function of the Bund financial agglomeration zone。The Bund 8-1 plot purchased for 9.2 billion 7 years ago,East to Zhongshan East 2nd Road,South to Dongmen Road,West to Renmin Road,North to Longtan Road,Occupies an area of ​​only 4.50,000 square meters,But it is precisely because it is located in the financial agglomeration zone of the Bund,Every inch of land is worth a lot of money,Attract Guo Guangchang、Pan Shiyi and other real estate giants compete for it,Early this year,The final surname of this land is "Fu",Years of fighting,The end。

7 years later,The building on this site was completed,Named "The Bund Financial Center"。Building area 420,000 square meters,Huangpu River in the east,Connected to Yuyuan Garden in the west,Across the river from Lujiazui,Designed by Foster + Partners and Thomas Heatherwick。

Another set of skylines along the Huangpu River

The Bund Financial Center contains 8 buildings,Covering 2 landmark towers with a height of 108 meters、Office building、A boutique hotel,A cultural and arts center and a large public landscape square。It is one of the core masterpieces of Fosun Real Estate’s “Hive City” project。It is the end point of the historical buildings on the Bund and the starting point of the financial gathering belt on the South Bund,Start from it,Jingjiushi Building、Golden Bund,Extended to Dongjiadu,Ending at Nanpu Bridge。

Building complex in the Bund Financial Center,Destined to shoulder the mission of connecting old and new cultures。So we see that there are 188bet online sports betting two landmark Grade A office buildings towering into the sky in this group of buildings,Another building in harmony with the 19th century style architecture,The lower layer along the river,High and low,Like the ups and downs of the Huangpu River,Constitute a new skyline by the river。

The intersection of old and new cultures

The location of the Bund Financial Center is extremely unique,It is not only the center of the international building complex and financial gathering belt on the horizontal axis,On the vertical axis, it is also an important point connecting Yuyuan Old Town and Lujiazui Financial District。Shanghai’s hundreds of years of history are perfectly integrated here,Classic and modern converge into one line。

Such a geographical location,Making the overall design of the building complex,We must take into account the texture of historical buildings from all over the world,Copper-clad granite is used on the outer edges of all buildings。Stones are used in different buildings、Copper and glass,Forms the unique texture of the building complex,Inheriting the history and culture of the Bund,Also gives the building a noble style。Elements of "masonry",Make the building reveal its "power"、"Stable"、"Eternal"、The meaning of "classic"。

The unique three facade materials show different textures

Architecture that is integrated into culture can become the soul of the city

Fosun Art Center designed by Thomas,It can be said to be the most eye-catching one in the entire building complex。Located in the "heart" of the building complex,is the iconic square and entrance to the entire site。

Thomas said: “This used to be an important river pass leading from old Shanghai to the old city,We have a responsibility to find new ways to connect with our amazing architectural heritage,Creating a meaningful public place for thousands of people to come together and work。”

The core function of the Fuxing Literature and Art Center is a cultural and art center,It is also a place where major brands hold events。The "stage" of the Old Town God's Temple,is the inspiration for this building,The three-story building adopts bronze tube curtain wall。Brass-colored building,surrounded by an active curtain,Standing on the balcony,As the curtain opens、Rotate,The beautiful river view across Pudong is like a wonderful drama。Pedestrians standing on the Bund,Looking up at the building,It’s like the audience is enjoying a good show on the stage。

The exterior of the building was designed in collaboration with engineers from Tongji University,In order to reflect the effect of "old stage curtain",A mechanical device that affects the three-layer tube curtain realizes the opening of the curtain、The effect of rotation。The curtains are distributed along three tracks,Composed of 675 independent magnesium alloy tubes,The length of these magnesium alloy tubes ranges from 2 meters to 16 meters,Can move individually within each track,The curtain will rotate as the tubes overlap,Produce different visual effects and transparency。The curtain turns,Flowing clouds and flowing water,Like a thin gauze curtain,It also looks like a swaying skirt。Its design concept comes from "tassel"-a traditional Chinese bridal headwear。

The first floor 188bet app of Fuxing Cultural Center is a public open space,There is a Cloud Cafe serving coffee and light meals。A huge space,Tables, chairs and bookshelves are arranged in an orderly manner,For tourists coming and going to take a break。

The second and third floors are a multi-functional space,In addition to hosting selected high-quality art exhibitions,Also committed to organizing various public education activities,Through lecture、Forum、Movie screening、Workshops and other forms provide the public with opportunities to have close contact with culture and art。simultaneously,Also undertakes various international conferences、Brand events and small performances。

Digital control garden on the top rooftop,Designed by the famous Japanese artist Tatsuo Miyajima。The entire work is composed of 300 digital lights。Numbers from 9 to 1 , Flashing quickly or slowly in sequence。These beating numbers symbolize different individuals with different personalities,Shine the light of different lives; The five different colors reflect different races、Different cultures。

Shanghai is a city made up of various scales and styles,With the evolution of history,A diverse tradition was born here、Colony、Communism and "postmodern" architecture,Expresses Shanghai’s unique identity。The Bund Financial Center building complex combines large and small scales、Local and International、Hard structures and soft elements、Natural and man-made architectural forms,It is a unique and easily identifiable new landmark in Shanghai,And represents the rich culture of the city。 

It is separated from Yuyuan Old Town by a road,Business from over there,Small and narrow alley,The transition to this side is spacious、A massive public square,Suddenly enlightened、No sense of violation at all。The previous life spirit was instantly sublimated into a noble and elegant urban temperament here。

3. Renovation of Pacific Place, Hong Kong

Shopping malls must flow

Flow is the main concept of Pacific Place design。Thomas wants to soften the silhouette of the shopping mall,Use of ripples and flowing lines in stone exterior and interior design,With streamlined wood and natural stone as the main design elements,With warm bronze and flexible use of materials with rich and solid texture。

The stone facade is like a gurgling flowing wave

Streamlined design throughout the storeField. Toilet’s design abandons traditional rigid intervals,Using the original wavy dark brown template,Cleverly combined into a continuous plane。

Transparent lift,Using curved glass panels,The effect of forming a waterfall。

Pacific Place Road on the 4th floor is the biggest change in the optimization project,This unused space turned into comfort、Bright、A square full of green plants。The original pyramid skylights were transformed into 100 flat skylights。While providing consumers with a relaxing space,Natural light shines from top to bottom,Light up the entire shopping mall on the lower floor。

Italian restaurant designed by Thomas himself,A ribbon-like device on the top,Like soft flowing white paint。

4. Shunde “God’s Will Garden”

There is a kind of silk in ancient China,Homemade silk as raw material,After woven into fabric,Dips multiple times with 188bet sports betting app download the tuber juice of a unique plant, Dioscorea oleifera、After drying,Made in front black、Brown fabric on the bottom,It is an expensive gauze product,Regarded as the finest Chinese silk。The production process of angustifolia silk was almost extinct in the 1980s。

Fashion designer Liang Zi,Reviving this ancient skill,And invited Thomas to design the "Nampuron Silk Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection Base" - Tianyi Danyuan Garden。

The project is located in a flat countryside near the Shunde River,Next to it is a large rectangular fish pond。The studio’s idea is to build the “God’s Will Garden” in the middle of the pond,To enhance the unique landscape of the fish pond。Looking from a distance,A building composed of straight lines and waves surrounded by water。But,When you get closer,You will find,Middle of the building,Split into two。The two halves separated,No matter from the window,The entrance is still the terrace,The facade can be fully snapped,As if a building was zipped open。

The interior is a warm terracotta color,Contrasts with the steel color of the facade,Reflects the color of Dioscorea oleifera during the silk dyeing process。


Cut the building in half,Also isolate areas for private and public activities。Public activity area located in the center of the building,is the center of the entire building,Full of green plants。Also the main entrance of the building,And connected to the water's edge。

After viewing Thomas’s architecture,I extracted these keywords "natural"、"Green"、"Cultural",Whether it is realistic or an expression of intention,There is greenery in his buildings,This may be related to his genes from London,The British are probably the most green-loving people in the world,People who are obsessed with gardens and parks。

Liang Sicheng has a classic discussion of architecture: The Beginning of Architecture,Generated from actual needs,Subject to natural physics,Unintentionally created form,It doesn’t matter the faction。The system of its structure,And the factions of the form,It is formed by its material environment。

We should thank designers like Thomas Heatherwick,He uses materials according to the local area,Integration with local culture。The shape of his building is unique,But not sensationalizing,But deeply spiritual。Although the building is new,But you can find traditional and ancient elements in it。

This reminds me of another sentence: Successful design is about how to make people feel,They have some control over their environment。

*Source of this article: WeChatPublic account "Real Estate Observer" (ID: realestatereview),Author: Dai Xiaoxi、Zou Yi,Original title: "The Bund Financial Center、1000 trees,This contemporary Leonardo da Vinci has far more projects in China than these two! 》.

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