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Big Traffic Author of this article: Yin Hang 2017-10-25
Zuo Yu, who focuses on cultural tourism and consumer investment,Recently making frequent moves in the entertainment industry,Maai Culture、Fantasy Forest... What is the logic of this VC fund backed by industrial funds to invest in entertainment?What are the entertainment segments that we are optimistic about?What are the abilities and qualities that we value in entrepreneurs?
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When "Three Sounds" met Zuoyu's executive director in a cafe near Dawang Road、Han Zeshi, head of VC fund investment,He cited the origin of the brand "Zuoyu", "Wang Chuchu",Drive from the left and drive forward”,Express expectations to show humility、Friendly、Win-win attitude,Grow together with entrepreneurs。In his opinion,Growth in demand for “service consumption”,Inseparable from consumption upgrading in a broad sense,Zuo Yu deploys lifestyle content with light asset investment,And heavy asset investment creates new scenarios for destinations,Improving operations and management,Thus increasing the value of destination assets,Ultimately serve the people who are upgrading their consumption。

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Zuo Yu Executive Director Han Ze (Henry)

Zuo Yu starts from the perspective of cultural tourism consumption、The logic of laying out the entertainment track is: with the post-90s generation represented、The "new generation" people who have both the ability and willingness to consume have fully entered the consumer market,They are concerned with the content、Especially the entertainment consumption demand with professional content as the core in vertical fields that urgently needs to be met,The online entertainment landscape and content pattern tend to be stable、When the cost of acquiring traffic is high,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino

Children’s fashion short video project "The Cherry Is Here"

Since this year,Zuo Yu successively invested in the children’s fashion short video team “Cherry is Coming” in the vertical field,And "Fantasy Forest", a leader in the magic industry whose main business is magic performances and magic IP creation。The two seem to belong to different fields,But in Han Ze’s view,The investment logic is actually the same - "Here Comes the Cherry" and "Fantasy Forest" both fall under the category of "service consumption",The leading company in the vertical field,Has strong content production capabilities、Integration of online and offline resources、Team with content and business integration capabilities。

The Jungle Book Team

The current era of consumption upgrade,The tourism industry, which is the core of Zuoyu’s investment and is defined as the “localization of local life”,We have also entered an era of differentiated competition that relies heavily on content and IP。Zuo Yu is supported by the tourism industry fund,There will be more opportunities to match venture capital fund projects with suitable offline conversion scenarios。This is a major feature and advantage of Zuoyu, who has entered the entertainment industry from the tourism industry,This is also an important reason why Zuo Yu values ​​​​the team’s comprehensive ability to integrate online and offline。

The following is the dialogue between "Three Sounds" and Zuo Yu:

"Three Sounds":Zuo Yu started his career in tourism industry investment,From tourism investment to content-focused entertainment industry,What is the investment logic?

Han Ze:Tourism is one of the core areas in which we invest,Our understanding of tourism is the concept of “localization of local life”。For example,Draw a circle,This circle is tourism,Its circumference will intersect with some other fields,For example, entertainment,The intersection of entertainment and tourism is theme parks and tourism performances;The intersection of education and tourism is study tour,Camp;The intersection of sports and tourism is events,Activity,Marathon, etc.。

文、Brigade、body、In the field of entertainment consumption, there are no divisions,In the end, it all comes down to lifestyle and "service consumption",We use these contents to give a new interpretation to the tourism industry。Culture and entertainment are also an important part of it。

No matter what the content is,The final exit and destination are consumption。And from a macro perspective,The service industry accounts for an increasing share of GDP,We are eating、Live、The cost above the row will be migrated to the service upgrade,In the past it was because everyone had no food、Live、Platform for solutions,Are you hungry now、Didi、These Ctrip platforms appear,Everyone will definitely enjoy more types of services in the future,Requires some manual involvement and resource combination,Give consumers a better experience。

We all grasp the pace of investment based on the overall logic of "service consumption"。Frankly speaking, we have accumulated more experience in tourism before,There are also many projects,We must plan around the main track。While expanding tourism investment in the first half of last year,We are also expanding into sports、Recreation and Education,In fact, we are progressing in these tracks together。

"Three Sounds":Under this logic, what parts is Zuo Yu most concerned about?

Han Ze: Summed up in one sentence: Pay attention to the new generation、New consumption and new value。

We believe that the new generation is a consumption-conscious generation,For example, the cherry blossom project we invested in,Who is the new generation it corresponds to?Maybe these are mothers born in the 80s or 90s,Currently in our entire consumption upgrade wave,In addition to simple food and clothing,There must be products that can improve children’s quality of life,Like cherries coming,Focus on quality services and supplies in children’s fashion,Help with quality content、Guide users to consume。

Seize the new generation,Satisfy it with new consumption patterns,New value will be generated。An important feature of new consumption is experiential consumption,The core of experiential consumption is the user’s own deep participation and interaction with the content,And generate new "content"。Cherry is here for this project,It has already spawned many experiential offline scenes,In the last press conference, you may have seen that there was an area for children to make plasticine,There are many cartoon images of pinched cherries in it,Children can imitate and pinch it,There are also some scenes where children can play stickball,There are also some scenes of parent-child games,Content offline is a must,Even in the future, if it is rich enough, it can be coordinated with parent-child themed offline industries。

The new value must be generated under the new consumption model based on the "new needs" of the new generation,So it also has an unprecedented sense of experience。With the rise of new consumption,A new value system is being shaped,The business model based on the new value system is more open on the one hand,On the one hand, be more self-conscious;Link everything on one hand,On the other hand, efficiency is important;Both vertical and cross-border,More professional and more interesting,Present a diverse and rich state。

"Three Sounds":Specifically speaking, this segment of the entertainment field,As a young fund,How do you enter and determine the direction of the main attack?

Han Ze:Now in the entire cultural tourism consumption circuit,We have more than 2000 targets,Their information is structured,Includes background of founding team、Business Model、Main products、Sales channel、Operation level、Revenue in the past two years、Growth、Competitive Landscape、Financing status, etc.,It is a very systematic set of analysis。This work is done every day,We will code the companies in each track into our corresponding ecological map,Gradually replenish the shape of our entire ecological map。

This makes our investment logic to screen in a networked industry,Instead of grabbing the explosive point at a single point。After this comprehensive study based on the industrial chain and supply and demand relationship,We found many regular things,These are the key elements that help us discover where the opportunities are in the industry。

Specifically,In the field of entertainment,We pay more attention to emerging industries、The leading company in the segment。In the field of entertainment,Subdivided categories are developing and upgrading very rapidly,You may not have paid enough attention to these opportunities yet,I missed the investment opportunity,IP in vertical fields has high value,Because it has its own barriers。But we are not just investing in the logic of IP,IP is just a link,We value the team’s product production and continuous exploration of content in addition to IP production and incubation、Comprehensive capabilities in operational content。For example, The Jungle Book,Magic is very novel and suitable for all ages,There are more mature models and rich SKUs。After developing the 2C market,We believe there is huge room for growth on the C side。

Another logic is the offline ability of entertainment content,We also have an industrial fund layout,So when investing, we will consider whether this content can have some interaction with the destination resources deployed by our industrial funds in the future development。Everyone knows that in Japan and South Korea,Hello Kitty、These images of LINE have penetrated into offline scenes,Whether it’s a cafe,Or some other scenarios,In addition to more traditional performing arts,We are also looking at whether it is possible to create new scenes in new entertainment content,It can empower offline and at the same time feed back the IP itself。

"Three Sounds":Is there any particularly typical case to share with us?

Han Ze:Fantasy Forest is a company that particularly conforms to Zuoyu’s investment logic。As just mentioned,Zuo Yu has always paid attention to the explosive opportunities in subdivided fields,First,In terms of vertical content, The Jungle Book is the well-deserved NO.1 on the Chinese magic track.1,We would think that he is more similar to Happy Mahua,The Jungle Book itself has its own content,2B、2C’s performance magic training and magic prop production,Future performances will also form a series of influential magic performing arts IP。And the magic SKU is extremely rich,And suitable for all ages,There may be parent-child magic、Magic for families,There will also be special sessions for couples, etc.,His audience is larger than Happy Twist。Happy Twist has landed on the New Third Board and is applying for transfer,We feel that the development space of Fantasy Forest must be no less than that of Happy Twist。

The currently released "Who Am I" is already a complete magic drama。And we don’t just look at it from the perspective of pursuing IP,As mentioned before,IP is just a link,The most important thing is the commercialization and operation level,We see that The Jungle Book has the ability to mass produce 2B and 2C entertainment products,And has very strong commercialization capabilities。Offline entertainment is very popular this year,About more than 300 music festivals,Some of the top projects of these companies have very strong liquidity,The Fantasy Jungle is a typical representative of offline entertainment,High net profit,Very beautiful in early stage companies。

One more important thing is,Offline entertainment companies like The Jungle Book,Look in this direction and find out,It is indeed suitable for linkage and matching with some layouts of our industrial funds。The Jungle Book itself also values ​​the resources and help we can provide at this point。This is also the advantage of having industrial funds,I will elaborate next。

Also,We are on the entertainment track,I will definitely vote for a project that may have explosive growth,I will also vote for The Jungle Book and play it steadily、High growth team。People like Liang Ming started doing magic in college,Later founded the Beijing University Magic Alliance,Do it step by step,Twelve years to sharpen a sword,That’s why the Jungle Book became what it is today。You can see his focus and persistence,From early operations to cash flow generation,He was involved in the whole process,And in the most difficult times, you can use your own money to try every means to keep the project alive,This is the outstanding entrepreneur we are looking for who is fully committed and has experience and resources。

Of course we also visit frequently、Continue to let the Jungle Book know our strengths,has contributed to this win-win investment。And Zuoyu has been doing a lot in post-investment services,Include PR、Finance、Legal affairs sorting, etc. will provide help to our team。The name "Zuo Yu" also illustrates this point。

"Three Sounds":The characteristic of Zuoyu is that it has strong industrial funds as its backing,This asset-heavy industrial fund,What is the significance of venture capital funds that focus on investment and light assets?Will your investment projects match it as much as possible?

Hanze: first,Make it clear that industrial funds do not participate in VC project investment,But there are many ways of interaction between industrial funds and VC funds。First, for example, industrial funds can participate in some destinations、Scenic Area Project,Scenic spot resources can connect projects invested by VC funds with some offline scenarios,Just like the Jungle Book and the destination、Theme Park、Scenic Area Cooperation,Formation of a new type of tourism performing arts;In addition, many destinations can introduce new content according to local conditions during the project planning stage,Suitable VC projects can be given priority。

This is also what many entrepreneurs value,Including some of our current reserve projects in entertainment,When communicating,The other party said that we value your industrial fund background,Because you have many offline scenes that can carry our IP。

But overall,Industrial funds are the icing on the cake for VC projects、Do things that add value。This logic must be corrected,First of all, we don’t fit in for the sake of fit,Whether the VC project will be linked with industrial funds is not a necessary condition for our investment。Even without linkage,If it is a high-quality, high-growth project,Head project belonging to the niche field,We will still vote。Maybe there is no linkage at this stage,But he grew up,For example, two or three years later,We found out that he is very powerful,Already have offline operation experience,We will do the matching at that time。Some high-quality offline projects,Like The Jungle Book,We will definitely use the resources of the industrial fund to help the project grow,We will not say that there must be a linkage before investing。

"Three Sounds":Head content in the investment segment,What kind of crowd are captured?What is the value of this group of people?

Han Ze: In fact, it covers a lot of relatively professional audiences through vertical segmentation,For example, previous folk songs and current electronic music, etc.,Find this circle through content like this,This group of people tends to have higher stickiness than users of pan-content consumption platforms。Especially if you do offline content,You will find that offline itself is a traffic entrance。Compare now with online,The cost of acquiring customers through offline channels is not that high,And if the experience is good, the stickiness will be very strong。

After seizing this circle through the offline entrance,Can do many other things。For example, maybe users of music festivals will also be users of other lifestyle products in the future,For example, users at music festivals may participate in music-themed outbound trips,etc.。

"Three Sounds":For entrepreneurs,What abilities and qualities do you value most?

Han Ze: First of all, we believe that investing in projects means investing in people,An entrepreneur’s sunshine、front、The basic quality of being fully committed to entrepreneurship is what we must require;Secondly,We prefer entrepreneurs who bring their own resources,This means that he has more experience and accumulation in this field。Xiao Jing, the founder of Here Comes Cherry, was born in the radio and television system,Knows both how to create content and how to sell,Liang Ming of the Fantasy Forest also said it clearly above,A professional and tenacious entrepreneur。

One’s own hematopoietic ability and the ability to integrate online and offline closed loops are also important。It is normal for the investment environment to fluctuate,For start-up teams,If you can make blood yourself, your ability to resist external risks will be much stronger。You must survive first before talking about ideals,Let’s talk about vision again,Let’s talk about feelings,We hope you will show your strength to prove that you survived,Rather than relying on capital to provide blood。

The cash flow in The Jungle Book is great,Financing is actually a way to help them quickly reach the next milestone;The cherries come earlier,But you can also achieve million-level revenue on your own,What we are more interested in is the possibility of children’s fashion short videos igniting children’s fashion consumption。

There must also be phased goals,And have strong execution ability。When your strategy falters,The movement may have been deformed,So what we value is focus and persistence。Of course,The current basic direction of the entire entertainment industry is good,Seizing the opportunity during the trend period is also one of the abilities of entrepreneurs。 Finally,Nowadays, teams that are excellent in experiential content and consumption should have offline genes。

"Three Sounds":Comparing the entrepreneurial differences between China and the United States,In an area with a relatively mature business society,Industry innovation is often driven by good technology、Creativity、Promoted by products,But our current content entrepreneurship ecosystem, especially the offline ecosystem,It seems that there is a bit too much emphasis on monetization and business models,On the contrary, the polishing of products and services is not enough,Many transitional products have appeared。How Zuo Yu views this phenomenon?

Han Ze:This has a premise,The huge difference between China and the US market,It’s not just the venture capital environment that is different,But the entire social form、The entire consumption structure is also different,So look backWhy many Chinese companies do not have technical barriers in the early stage、The business model is simple but successful,Because there is a huge market and consumer demand behind it,Simple and direct business model is easier to succeed。

This is also a stage that must be passed,It is this environment that gives entrepreneurs opportunities。And we have a huge consumer market,From insufficient supply to gradually abundant product (service) categories,Once consumer products are abundant,People have the ability to discern,After the consumption gradient is formed,You will find existing companies based on mass consumption,Another leader in consumer segmentation,In this process, the development of technology is gradually improved。

There is room for transitional products in the current state,But as needs change,Continuous upgrading and adjustment,Just like the magic project we voted for,Liang Ming told me,He also has transitional properties、Experimental product,But once the product is finalized, it will be available to the public,It must withstand the test of the market for a relatively long period of time。Some transitional products are market-appropriate at this stage,Although imperfect,But it solves the pain points of consumers,But never regard the production of transitional products as a business model。

Products must be continuously iteratively upgraded、Nearly perfect、Perfect,Our service consumer market is still very rudimentary and extensive,In particular, entertainment content consumption has great potential,It is too early to talk about the outcome in this situation。

*Source of this article: WeChat public account “Zuo Yu” (ID: zuoyucapital1),Author: Sansheng,Original title: "Zuo Yu Hanze: Entering into entertainment investment from the perspective of 188bet online sports betting service consumption,“I prefer teams and content that can form a closed loop online and offline”

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