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Cultural Tourism Benefits Author of this article: Mo Xiaoqi 2018-02-09
The word IP became popular in 2015,IP licensing and derivatives are also popular。
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IP is intellectual property,That is, the property rights enjoyed by the obligee of the results created by his or her intellectual labor,include flag、Name、Patent rights、Copyright and other various forms。

And when we mention IP,We emphasize the charm of its high-quality content,“Can form a community with the same interests or values。The community will activate users’ sense of participation,And eventually converted into consumption。”(from "Luo Ji Thinking")

Generalized derivatives,Refers to all IP-related products derived from non-original channels based on IP copyright,The communication pattern of IP will gradually diverge and continue to expand its influence,For example, games derived from movies、Literary works derived from film and television dramas;Derivatives in a narrow sense usually refer to licensed products,Products jointly developed with other commercial organizations based on IP copyright,authorized by franchise,IP has moved from an invisible cultural form into the category of mass consumer goods。

For the two-dimensional audience,The word "peripheral" may be more familiar than "derivatives" - toys、Consumer product brands mine elements from IP for commercialization,The audience consumes a certain amount of "peripherals" while consuming content to gain identity recognition among fans。Relative to movies、TV series and other popular entertainment forms,The two-dimensional group has more mature purchasing habits for fan-oriented "derivatives" or "peripherals"。

In Japan, where the animation industry is developed,Derivatives licensed from development、Channel sales and even second-hand transactions have formed an industrial structure with clear division of labor,In the industry chain surrounding IP development,Commodity revenue can account for 40% of the entire industry revenue。


Change trend of output value of Japanese animation subdivision industry (unit: 100 million yen)

For film works with a shorter cycle,Box office revenue only depends on the launch for 1-2 weeks,Topics and vitality are limited,The subsequent development of derivatives can effectively extend the IP life cycle,Promote IP value maximization。Refer to the American film market,Film income relies more on the post-movie market,Box office revenue accounts for no more than 1/3 of the total movie revenue。

According to data provided by NPD Group,2016 merchandise derived from Hollywood movies,Toys alone generated US$5.7 billion in sales,The overall revenue of authorized products is more than 40 billion US dollars。


Income composition of Hollywood film distributors (unit: billion U.S. dollars)

Data display from the Global Licensing and Licensing Association (LIMA),Global sales of licensed goods reached US$262.9 billion in 2016,Among them, the entertainment industry and its character image licensed products (i.e. derivatives in a narrow sense) have sales of US$118.3 billion,An increase of 4 compared with 2015.3%,Three times the global movie box office in the same year ($38.1 billion)。

A few years ago, the derivative operation of domestic film IP was almost blank,The copyright owner only produces small batches of derivatives during the promotion period to meet the material needs of promotional activities,Never scaled up、Procedural commercial operation。

”The scale of movie derivatives is too small now,The ratio of Hollywood box office to derivatives is 7:3,Domestic 9:1。9:1 may contain a large portion of popcorn,This is related to the statistical caliber。Inaccurate statistics,But it must be small。”

Such a market vacancy,Not only provides entry space for third-party independent derivatives operating companies,Major film companies have also established brand management companies or derivatives departments。

The total national movie box office in 2017 was 559.1.1 billion yuan,There is a huge incremental market for related derivatives。

No matter which form of IP,When licensing derivatives, you must consider your own characteristics and the tone of the authorized brand。Here we clarify the concepts of two derivatives。

Mention peripherals or derivatives,Most people have figurines in their minds、Gacha、Soldiers are expensive products、Collectibility is far greater than practicality、Derivatives for fans,They are very iconic in the derivatives developed around IP,Referred to as "hard peripheral"。But no matter from the domestic or foreign authorized market,Franchised derivatives for mass consumption are still the mainstream of licensing。


The "hard peripheral" soldiers of "Wolf Warrior II" (produced by Yiman)

Gather fans with “hard peripherals”,Using "soft peripherals" to penetrate the public is a common strategy of many IP parties。IP parties that are not strong enough for content,The latter is more regarded as a means of propaganda。

Yudubai is a young animation startup company in Beijing,188bet app The original animation "Daily Life in the Girls Dormitory" has been aired in its second season,The new animation "Dormitory Abnormality" will also enter the production cycle。The story takes place on campus,Currently the company is engaged in snacks、Have experience in cooperation with consumer brands in multiple beauty categories。


"Daily Life in Girls' Dormitory" Poster

“Products we work with require brand exposure,"Daily Life in Girls Dormitory" needs to be monetized。Plus our audience user portrait is matched,Cooperation is natural,The company can get patch advertising fees and sales commission。"Wang Bin, CEO of Yudubai, said this when introducing us to the cooperation between Yudubai and consumer brands。

“This model has sold a total of 7,000 boxes。”Wang Bin slid the screen,Showing a Double Eleven online collaboration on Tmall that makes perfect。From the product reviews, we can see that most of the buyers are young people,The reason for purchase is "recommended by a friend"、"Weibo/official account recommendation" and "Look at Amway in the girls dormitory"。

Wang Bin said,Although the company initially had the idea of ​​building a derivatives system,But later I found that this road was impassable。

“The theme of the animation is the girls’ dormitory,This subject determines that we are more suitable for consumer product licensing。Future animation will focus more on consumer product licensing,If authorization is done well,The third quarter can almost cover the cost,There are currently no plans to make purely fan-oriented derivatives。”

You are lucky to be able to make money from brand licensing。As understood,In order to pursue the exposure of the work,Many small and medium-sized animation companies only charge a small licensing fee or no licensing fees for brand licensing,Channels rely on consumer brands’ own channels。corresponding,Most of the cooperation models are simple labeling。

In an immature market where homogeneity and piracy are rampant,Do a good job in market matching and user matching to obtain short-term benefits,Maintaining a more lasting IP reputation is the consensus in the industry。

To gain market,Genuine IP consumer products require better design and quality control,However, not every company has the ability to systematically operate IP derivatives,In the middle,Existing challenges to content parties,Opportunities for third-party derivatives service providers have also emerged。

“Authorization is strongly controlled”

The production of derivatives from IP development to authorized agents,To production、Channel laying,To trace this long chain industry, we need to start from the upstream IP side。

The mention of molecular interactions may not be well-known at the public level,But when it comes to "Inhuman", you must have heard it more or less。

2015,When both internal accumulation and external accumulation of the company are mature,Zole Interactive, who was originally engaged in new media communication, launched the comic "Inhuman" on Weibo and ignited popularity in one fell swoop。Now the company’s business is divided into two parts: new media marketing and communication and IP incubation and development,And "Inhuman" has more than 6 million fans online,Already a well-known head IP。


Comic "Inhuman"

In the opinion of CEO Xu Bo,The business of new media marketing and communication itself is content,Because what is being spread is still the core creativity,It’s just bound to a commercial communication goal。

“I think we have commercialized many IPs very early,It’s just grafting our customers to IP,Join for business cooperation。In 2015, we felt that the time was more suitable,Including our internal accumulation and accumulation in the market,And fans’ acceptance of this form of comics,So we choose the form of comics。”

"Inhuman" went smoothly from its popularity to the development of derivatives,Because the entire profit path of IP is very clear from the beginning,Even the consideration of derivatives development has affected the content design of "Inhuman" from the beginning。

“It is a very common practice to use anime images as peripherals。We will consider the convenience of making some peripherals during the preparation stage。”

“Say I have some characters,It is a character,But it also has an animal prototype,We all know the shape of animals when making peripherals、Cuteness is actually easier to develop peripherals,The inhuman character has the form of a human being,With animal form,We first took this into consideration in the planning stage,So it’s natural to make peripheral products。”

Feirenzai has a wide variety of peripherals,Except those developed by ourselves,Inhuman and Actoys、Animate、Aiman ​​and other well-known third-party derivatives manufacturers also have close cooperation。For high-frequency authorization,Xu Bo has his own set of understanding。

“I’m not worried about overexposure,But I’m worried about low-quality exposure。”Said Xu Bo, CEO of Molecular Interactive.

“The more high-quality exposures, the better。What we produce,I want every one and it is very conscientious。I’m not here to get some money quickly,Put my image on a inferior figure,Or a shitty stuffed toy。Commodity revenue currently does not account for a particularly large proportion of total 188bet app download revenue,But every output I hope is to accumulate a good reputation。”

For this reason,Every inhuman peripheral has been carefully polished。According to Xu Bo,The boxed eggs produced under the authorization of Actoys have undergone a year of maintenance,The launch of the finished product is actually far later than the timeline set by the crowdfunding,However, the reputation brought by the quality of the products is very good,After several thousand sets were sold, we immediately increased the production of the second batch。


Inhuman box egg

But even for such a head IP,The development of derivatives is not primarily about profit。

“Derivatives currently account for 10% of IP revenue,I currently do not regard it as a very large part of my profit,But I have great expectations for it。I don’t need these thousands of sets in the early stage, so I have to make a lot of money or something,To do more peripheral work, you still need to find out everything about it,Accumulate experience and partners,Prepare for a larger IP volume in the future。That time,I may need peripherals to make more profits。” Xu Bo said。

Except for independently authorized copyright parties like Molecule Interactive,There are also some third-party copyright agencies on the market that undertake the licensing business of multiple IPs,Or be the general agent of well-known overseas IP in the country。

With the expansion and improvement of the derivatives chain,Some third-party derivatives operating companies have also merged into the business of authorized agents。They either trace upstream or extend downstream,Constitutes a diversified business form that combines authorized agency and derivatives development。

There are currently not many third-party players focusing on derivatives,Yumao is one of them。Due to the founder’s experience in the film industry,Founded in 2015, Yumao has been focusing on the development and operation of entertainment industry derivatives,From "The Return of the Great Sage" and "Tomb Robbery Notes" to "Extreme Challenge"、"The Story of Choosing Heaven",Most of what the company gets is movies、TV series、Authorization of Variety Show。

The entry point for mentioning independent third-party IP derivatives development and service companies currently on the market and Yumao,Xu Yangbin explained this:

“Everyone’s approach and way of thinking are actually different,"Xu Yangbin said,“Yu Mao starts from upstream。When we come in, we still focus on authorization,Generally, the contract is for exclusive operating rights。After obtaining exclusive derivatives rights,I can authorize,Cross-border joint marketing is possible,Can produce by yourself。”


The movie "Grand Trail" is licensed for US dollars per carat

“Authorization behavior must be strongly controlled。" Yumao CEO Xu Yangbin said,“Authorization is not a sales act,It is an act of control。”

"Authorization is not implantation,Licensing is to connect two brands together,The tone must be consistent,Quality control check,Both parties must bear the responsibility if something goes wrong,And the threshold for authorized companies is high,You must be strong and have sales channels to authorize it to you。Generally speaking,Most of our categories are still brand-based companies,Particularly cooperation with leading companies。Companies in the film industry are not personnel-intensive,There are not many people in the company,Issue、Marketing、It is impossible to make derivatives yourself。Yu Mao obtained authorization,Can help film producers manage and control authorization。”

Cooperation with leading companies not only guarantees the quality and reputation of derivatives,Can also be transformed into powerful publicity capabilities through resource replacement。The focus of Yumao is to establish the threshold for exclusive authorization upstream,Downstream has the advantage of establishing its own brand resources by deepening its connections with leading consumer goods companies,This kind of resource will eventually form a feedback to the film studio。

“The voice, advertising and energy of companies can be helpful to the film producers,This is something that cannot be achieved by directly spending tens of millions on publicity and distribution expenses for the movie。If you want to authorize derivatives,We need many brand business owners to stand with us,We will do joint replacement with the brand,We can replace this relationship interaction with outdoor media,It’s very complicated to talk about。We are not a film marketing company,But we have the ability to do such promotion。" Xu Yangbin explained。

Disney and Hollywood’s model has been proven,Opened the content、Distribution and channels have become a comprehensive entertainment media group with stronger bargaining power in the entire industry chain,The license is firmly in the hands of the copyright owner。The development of movie derivatives has now attracted the attention of major film companies,China Film、Warner、Light、Huayi and other film and television companies have established their own derivatives development departments,In this case, how much room do third-party companies still have to enter the copyright market?

“China’s copyright market is very chaotic," Xu Yangbin explained,"Example Hollywood,It is unlikely that you 188bet app will see the six major movies produced at the same time,Each movie has a strong tag,This movie is from Disney,That one is from Paramount。But in China,Many producers,The upstream agreement itself is very unclear,When signing the investment agreement, there was no agreement on who would do this。”

“Some film companies have established such derivatives departments,Finally realized that the cost was too high,No profit。Our help to copyright owners is management,We are a third party,Plus our professionalism,In fact, management is stricter than the copyright owner itself。This complete set of management processes,Everything is replicable for us。”

Mentioning that Xu Yangbin is very confident about the future,“China’s film and television companies themselves have not yet reached the stage of monopoly,movie、TV dramas are in a period of shock。This market is actually very big,As long as you can keep doing it。”

But in the final analysis, Yumao’s current business model is more upstream。“Yu Mao thinks about issues from the perspective of IP itself,Help him find a partner,Help him cash out。We will not use manufacturers to define ourselves,Manufacturers correspond more to factories or supply chains,Although we also have supply chain management,But more of them correspond to brand companies,Especially the leading companies。”

In addition, intervention has long been a characteristic of derivatives companies such as Yumao that enter from upstream。In the past movie business model,Lack of overall planning for derivatives development,The film is often finished cutting,The derivatives plan was hastily launched before the release。This kind of cooperation experience has given Yumao a lot of inspiration and lessons。A derivatives company as an upstream entry,Yu Mao has the opportunity to stretch the chain longer,Participate in discussions during the creative stage。

"Like our involvement in "The Chosen One",We got involved before the script was filmed。We will discuss with the director,Chen Changsheng, can you please not send stones,Give me a piece of jewelry,Can I give you a bracelet that is not made of straw?,How to sell straw woven ones?Will communicate like this。" Xu Yangbin said with a smile。

Different from Yumao, which opens up the supply chain from upstream to downstream,Founded in Shenzhen, Mengqi adopts another business model。The first authorized USB flash drive produced by Mengqi, founded in 2013, comes from the famous cartoon character Zhang Xiaohe,In the following years, Mengqi and Youku reached a strategic cooperation,Acquired Miss Puff、Devil Cat、Authorization of famous image IPs such as Uncle Tongdao。

“Mengqi is engaged in IP consumer products。"CEO Lin Wufeng introduces his company like this,“Mainly consumer goods and soft peripherals。There are many resources in small and medium-sized manufacturers and our downstream。”

Image IP is different from movies、TV and other content IP,File Hellokitty,Lazy Dandan,It may be difficult for you to think of the character and story of this character,But the popular design concept of the image IP makes it have viral properties that please most young people,The distinctive image itself is a refined design element,Whether it is for fashionable things、Clothing、Cultural and creative products or other consumer goods,Image IP naturally has attributes suitable for commercialization。

Mengqi’s products,Most of them rely on such image IP,Make “trendy” products that meet the aesthetic and personal needs of young people。

When it comes to IP authorization management, Lin Wufeng describes it this way: “As a visionary or an IP that has become a famous brand,There are reasons when choosing authorization,The IP party is not overdrafting the brand,They are also paying attention to image and the growth of their brand。And mature brands such as Mengqi,I can do his brand positioning,Then match channels and groups,So the IP side is not too worried。”

Connected the IP copyright owner and downstream manufacturers from the middle end,After accumulation, Mengqi is also making efforts in upstream IP operations。

“Because Mengqi has been monetizing IP,There are many resources in small and medium-sized manufacturers and our downstream,This allows us to do IP operations now。IP operation includes IP authorization,We cooperate with Hunan Satellite TV and other Internet giants、Film and television giants all have such an agreement。This part of the business is increasing,Mengqi will go in this direction and turn the authorized agent into a business。”

Also,Relying on its derivatives development experience and strong channels,Mengqi is also helping some start-up IPs with early development and fan operations。 

“Even if an IP is not famous,But we feel his tone、The style and his character itself are better,We will pilot it on a small scale first。Character IP,We can achieve a relatively large promotion effect by starting with products。”

How to obtain added value

What to produce,How much to produce,What’s the pricing?,The risk of being bound to IP makes authorized derivatives more uncertain than other consumer products。

In the field of derivatives,It’s not that there are many IP users、The purchasing power will be converted more,Whether you have selected an IP suitable for commercialization and a matching product category,Influences end consumers’ consumption choices of derivatives。If the design is rough and simple,Not only cannot make full use of the appeal of IP,It will also put genuine derivatives into the embarrassing situation of homogeneous competition with pirated merchants。

In the early stages of market development when derivatives categories are highly homogeneous,Mengqi Culture, which is positioned as an IP consumer goods company, chose digital accessories from the beginning。From the first Zhang Xiaobox U disk to now,3C digital accessories and plush toys have always been the two most important categories。


Cute Devil Cat Headphones

For mature and mature categories,Through brand characteristics and industry conditions,Sales can basically be predicted very accurately,This relieves a lot of burden on inventory management,It is also convenient to cooperate with downstream manufacturers。Newly developed new categories,Production requires more cautious small batch shipments。

“A company that locks down a category is a product company,Not IP Consumer Products Company。" CEO Lin Wufeng said,“Every company has its own categories that it is good at,Because different categories have different consumption locations、Consumer group、Supply chains all have specific requirements。But we will continue to expand categories,Consumer groups considering IP、Channel、Supply chain,Try one by one slowly。”

Lin Wufeng has always emphasized,The sale of genuine derivatives must solve two problems,One cannot be bought,One cannot afford it。Currently looking at China’s derivatives market,Although users are already willing to pay for IP derivatives,But you still won’t pay double the cost,This places very high demands on the design and quality of the product itself。

“Company that makes derivatives,You have to make it cost-effective,Your quality is better than others,Only you can sell it more expensively than others。" Lin Wufeng said。

Based on the current market consumption habits,IP will not create high brand premiums because of its own appeal,Also a third-party derivatives company,Yumao also feels deeply about the importance of “cost-effectiveness”。

Because the docking object is not the manufacturer but the mature consumer product brand,Yu Mao CEO Xu Yangbin has another pricing strategy。

“We insist on the concept of entertainment、After adding new image,The price is not higher than the price of the original product,Even lower than it。If this is not possible,In fact, this market will be very tight in the end,The brand’s 99 yuan cup is sold at an increased price of 200 yuan,It’s over。”

“Foreign understanding of copyright has formed the habit of paying,There is no such consumption habit in China,Consumers do not think of it as an image,Intangible assets should cost a lot of money。This is difficult to change,This is how Chinese people perceive consumption,There is no right or wrong。”

According to Xu Yangbin,Except the brand,Currently there are more than 700 downstream factories that have various types of cooperation with Yumao,Derivatives independently produced by Service Entertainment Cat。

“Sounds plush and simple,So many factories,Anyone can do it,But it is not easy to create a sense of quality。"Xu Yangbin recalled the 2015 hit "The Return of the Great Sage",“39 Yuan Little Kong Kong Doll,It only took two months to make proofs。We require products that can sit still,Can concave shape,Playable,This is the value of communication。”

Good IP derivatives cannot rely solely on the appeal of the IP itself,How much can be converted into purchasing power still depends on the product,With or without IP attachment,This is the common logic of all consumer goods industries。

For product channels,Depending on IP characteristics and product categories,Different players have different playing styles。

Although offline distribution seems cautious,But the combination of different IP entertainment cats has its own channel positioning。“Qiang Channel” is the copyright owner of its services、Part of the overall development and coordination of IP derivatives,“Strategic analysis after obtaining each IP is the most important。"Xu Yangbin said。

"Tomb Raiders" released in 2016,Yimao obtained the exclusive authorization to produce a series of peripherals for the film crew,The most important popular products are the protagonist’s “Sanskrit Magic Flute” and “Black Gold Ancient Sword”,Authorized to develop into precious metal derivatives and divided into pure gold version and special silver,Exclusively sold by China Merchants Bank,Spread to more than 1,000 outlets across the country。

“China Merchants Bank has so many branches,There are roll-ups on site、When the poster promotes the movie, of course it must also promote our derivatives,This is a channel we will develop ourselves。What we want is this kind of strong channel,Strong management,Capture the most critical vitality in this industry,Get the IP,Get the IP,Finished the sales channel、Road and promotional resources。”

According to Yumao,Currently, its online channels are laid out using distribution logic,Entertainment industry IP derivatives under the concept of big entertainment,Time Network、Cat Eyes、Baidu Nuomi,Even Meituan、NetEase Kaola Overseas Shopping will open relevant areas for purchasing related categories。

And more important for the mode、A mid- to downstream third-party derivatives company,Will pay more attention to Tmall、Large platforms such as JD.com open their own online channels,Mainly based on two-dimensional IP、Focus on the development of mass consumer products、Aiman ​​in trendy toys and other categories、Derivatives companies such as Mengqi have established their own counters and agency points offline。

According to Mengqi,It has more than 2,000 offline agency points,Basically covering shopping malls and airports in provincial capital cities、High-speed rail station。“In fact, offline is bigger than online。" Lin Wufeng said。

But Lin Wufeng thinks,IP needs to be experienced,The conversion rate will be higher after the experience,The form of agency point is insufficient experience,Must build an experience place。Therefore,Lin Wufeng speeds up the realization of the concept of "Animation Life Center",Currently,13 offline physical stores under the Mengqi brand have been opened,It is expected to grow to more than 40 companies in the second half of the year。


Mengqi’s offline experience store

The establishment of offline channels has also optimized the operational services provided by Mengqi to IP parties。“Mengqi cooperates with most commercial entities,We will help him conduct on-site activities or online activities in various places,I will also learn from other IPs to give him some suggestions,This is also very important,Help IP parties avoid many detours。”

In addition,Ai Man has also emerged in the two-dimensional field、Anitoys and other vertical fields online derivatives mall,Animate, Japan’s largest animation peripheral retail chain, has also opened many outlets in first-tier cities,And more and more cooperation with domestic IP is introduced。For the two-dimensional vertical field,The cooperation between such professional platforms and IP parties will become increasingly close。

For early derivatives development,Lack of early planning、Scattered channels、High sinking resistance is a common problem。Based on IP characteristics and crowds,Different categories of products need corresponding channels,Currently, the promotion effect of professional platforms and specialty stores on IP parties has already appeared,It is expected to have better development in the future。

How content empowers brands

Except authorized physical consumer goods,Intangible IP is coming into life in another way of connection-as a form of IP authorization,Cooperating with IP to develop theme stores has become a method of offline stores in recent years。

The theme store is hardly a new method,But it is true that the mainland market has only exploded in recent years。2017,McDonald’s and the full-time master、KFC and Onmyoji、Bestore and the well-known constellation IP fellow uncles have jointly launched theme experience stores。And in December,"Inhuman" also joined hands with Pizza Hut to start a four-month cooperation before and after the Chinese New Year。

According to the introduction of Xu Bo, CEO of Molecule Interactive,The entire cooperation cycle is very rich in content。Including animated advertisements customized for brands in the early stage、Comics implant,At the same time, Pizza Hut Shanghai Southern Mall will be decorated into a non-human themed store,And launch related peripheral and theme consumption cards,Offline activities will be held at that time。


Feirenzai’s theme store in cooperation with Pizza Hut

“Choose “Inhuman” firstly because of its magnitude,The second reason is because our world view is joyful,Actually very suitable for festivals。Including this year is the Year of the Dog,You can use the comic character Xiaotian (dog) as the second wave of publicity leader。These cooperations give content to products,Or give it a scene。For customers,Consumption is more than simply coming to eat your food,You can also obtain other spiritual pleasures,This is a consumption upgrade that I understand。”Xu Bo said.

In Xu Bo’s opinion,If the restaurant can hire celebrities to be public spokespersons,It is natural to cooperate with virtual images。

"If you have any judgment on this matter、Dare to walk in front,This is currently a relatively high dividend period。”Xu Bo said.

When IP has become a way of life,Consumers are willing to pay a higher premium for content and copyright。Novel、Audio and video、Games...the common development of multiple forms of IP,In the future, there will inevitably be more connections with new consumption。


The market for IP derivatives is actually very large,Differences in IP types、Differences in production categories,In the words of Yumao CEO Xu Yangbin:“It is the intersection of countless markets.”

From copyright agency to derivative services to channel laying,This long-chain industry has multiple profit-seeking points,No matter the IP party、In terms of derivatives brand manufacturers or third-party operating service platforms,The development and operation of derivatives must be streamlined and scaled,Collaboration to open up the entire industry chain can develop the greatest value of IP。

As understood,The current domestic independent content IP,The sales generated 188bet app download by authorized derivatives can reach a maximum of 300 million yuan。Highly popular、The absence of long-term national IP,Make it difficult to break through this ceiling in the short term,This is the first feature of the derivatives industry in the short term。

Whether short-term IPs can explode is often highly random,Affected by this,文博、Sports, etc. are cyclically long、Cultural IP with higher national appeal will become a new expansion area in the future,This is the second characteristic of the derivatives industry;

Led by the most popular Palace Museum,National Museum、Su Bo、Henan museums have strengthened their licensing brand transformation,The high-quality user base of sports events also has strong conversion power,The market potential has been verified in mature markets。Currently,The upgrading and transformation of the derivatives market requires the development of more user bases, high-quality and long-term diversified types of IP。

The third characteristic: business diversification、A comprehensive third-party derivatives company will have greater resource integration advantages。

Future third-party derivatives companies cannot escape two major development directions。One is to cut in from the upstream,Thinking about problems from the perspective of IP,Helping IP diversified realization;One is to reload and cut into narrow categories,A brand enterprise that eventually became a derivative。

Anyway,Planning、Design、Supply chain、Sales is difficult for most content companies to get through,It will still be handed over to a professional company in the end。

The overall derivatives market is still in the early stages of development,Relatively small scale。Even for the header IP,Income still comes from traditional advertising、Mainly box office。Firstly, the consumption habit of paying for knowledge is still in the cultivation stage,Second, IP-related industries have just started,The value of derivatives has just been valued。

“Japan’s IP-related output value accounts for 10% of the national economy,China is now even two thousandths、Not even three thousandths。”

Currently, profit from derivatives is not the main pursuit for IP parties,But on the one hand, it can expand publicity through channels of consumer goods brands,On the other hand, accumulating operational experience can further prepare for scale expansion。When the market has passed the cultivation period,Derivatives will definitely target the size of mature markets。

And for consumer goods companies,Thinking about how to use IP to drive brand image to match existing users、Improve experience。About new consumption or consumption upgrade,I hope this article can bring some inspiration to readers。

*thisWen LaiSource:i黑马网, author: Mo Xiaoqi, originalTitle:《10,000-word decoded IP derivatives arena: How intellectual property “lurks” in the blue ocean of tens of billions of consumer goods?

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