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Author of this article: Taodanma 2018-08-07
There are still a large number of child sexual abuse cases in our country that may not be reported at all,What is reported by the media may be just the tip of the iceberg,The real situation of child sexual abuse in China may be much worse than we imagine。
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As I type this article, my hands are still shaking from time to time.

As a mother of a child,When the "Me Too" movement happened in the media circle、In university、Even Longquan Temple,I admit that I am a little selfish,It feels like watching from the sidelines。Because I thought it was something in the news,Still far away from myself,I’m glad I haven’t encountered it。Children are on summer vacation,I am still planning to sign up my children for summer camp activities。But yesterday when I learned about Wen Wen Jingjing in the group (to protect the privacy of the parties involved,Pseudonyms used here) After the encounter between two 12-year-old twin girls at summer camp,I finally understand,No one can stay out of this matter,Everyone can be a victim of molestation。

The evening of August 3rd,Someone in the parent group said,Something bad happened to my daughter at summer camp——

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When I clicked on the picture she sent, there was a muffled sound in my head——

I said yesterday that I would sign up my 7-year-old daughter for summer camp,This institution was also one of my alternatives。This is a company with 50 directly operated branches,A large organization focusing on children’s sports and physical training,famous in Beijing。

I hurriedly clicked on her profile picture,Sent friend request。After 11pm,The child’s parents approved my friend application——

A time and place have been agreed upon to meet,The next day (August 4) at around 7 pm,I met the two sisters and their parents。

The parents asked the two children to sit a little further away in the cafe,Keeping a distance so that we can’t hear the conversation,But look at the child from time to time。

The next incident recounted by the child’s parents completely shocked me。

This is a boarding summer camp,7 days period,After gathering at the parking lot of Juran Home on the West Third Ring Road in Beijing on July 22nd,Take the children to Laishuiye Sanpo, Hebei。

The price is not cheap, the two children spent tens of thousands of yuan in total——

The introduction page of the official WeChat public account is also quite “high-end”——

When registering,The staff promises to parents: 8 children will have one coach,And girls’ daily life is managed by dedicated female coaches。

More than 90 children went with us,29 girls,6 over 10 years old,The two sisters are 12 years old,The larger one in the middle。Discovered after entering the camp,The actual number of coaches is not as many as advertised,And there are very few female coaches。

When we arrived at Yesanpo that night, the girls did not dare to turn on the light when they were taking a shower.

Why?Because male coaches can enter the girls’ room at will。Turn on the light and you will be able to see everything。

The person involved said,I usually teach two daughters at home,Protect your body privacy。

My daughter is already 12 years old, not too young.

When the male coach broke into the house,The girls screamed and said: "Ah,Taking a bath!”

Unexpectedly, the coach was more confident than her: "What's wrong with taking a shower!”

A battalion,Most of them are ignorant children under 10 years old,Two sisters and two 9-year-old girls staying in the same room。9-year-old girl runs naked,Someone is here,They quickly put their own sun protection clothes around their little sister。

Children’s memories afterwards,Coach Sun, who is in charge of them, is particularly "ferocious",Will break into the house in the morning,Standing in front of girls’ beds to wake them up。The children were only wearing thin summer pajamas。

In the water gun session,The coach ordered all the children to attack the oldest child,Twin sisters bear the brunt。The two girls were soaked by the water,Underwear is showing through。

Water activities afterward,Sister Wenwen’s menstrual period is coming。The child thinks that asking for leave from the coach will prevent him from getting into the water,So I didn’t change into my swimming suit。

Coach Sun asked Wenwen to get into the water.

Wenwen waved his hands repeatedly and said that he was not feeling well and could not go into the water.

I didn’t expect it,Coach Sun picked up Wenwen,Throw her into the water。

Except for this very fierce Coach Sun,There is also an assistant teacher named Yu,He lets the kids call him "Coach Coke"。Graduated from a foreign economics college this year,Golf Professional。

Exactly this one,Coke coach whose name sounds very sunny,Last 2 days of summer camp,Committed the most heinous behavior to two children。

On the 28th, the last day of summer camp.

3 a.m.,Sister Wenwen felt someone touching her face in a daze。After being touched,Open your eyes and take a look,Coach Coke is sitting on the edge of the bed,Staring at myself。

The coach said to her: "I have been waiting for you here for 40 minutes."


The child slept in a daze,Thought it was dawn。The coach said he would take her out,The child got up obediently and followed the coach,Being taken all the way to the stairwell。

Wenwen’s memories,The coach took her to the corridor,Tell her what happened between him and his girlfriend。The child said she didn’t understand what the coach meant,So later when facing the police’s questioning,Cannot be reproduced。

Wenwen can’t understand the coach’s words,Want to leave,Request to go back to the house,Coke coach did not allow her to go back。

While talking, the coach touched Wenwen’s face again.

Two hours later,There seems to be some movement in the boys room,Someone comes out。Coke only told his sister,Go back。(According to Wenwen’188bet sports betting app download s mother,After reporting the crime,The hotel surveillance video of the day retrieved by the police,Bring Wenwen to the end of the hotel corridor at three o'clock in the morning,Bring Wenwen back to his residence at five o'clock in the morning。)

However, he did not let Wenwen go back to the house alone,He followed Wenwen back to their house。

My sister was quietly awakened by the noise entering the house.

Jingjing injured her foot during activities during the day,The coach reached out and touched Jingjing’s face,And pulled her hair away。

The child was unsuspecting, turned around, and continued to sleep.

At this time, another girl in the same room woke up,Want to get out of bed。The coach squats down immediately,The girl got out of bed and opened the curtains,It is already dark outside now,She saw the coach squatting beside the bed——

Asked in surprise: "Coach Coke, why are you here?"

The coach can’t hide,Stand up,Commanded: "Go back to sleep!”。

Then they left their house.

It’s not over.

During lunch on the 28th,The Coke coach named Yu quietly said to his sister: "Come here。”

Jingjing’s foot was injured during the activity,Thought the coach was going to give himself medicine。

Sister is worried,Staring in the direction my sister is going。The coach led his sister to the blind spot of the surveillance。

Sister cannot see sister.

She doesn’t know that her sister has experienced something scarier than her last night in these few minutes。

That was the last day of summer camp,We gathered together and went home after lunch。My sister has been in a bad mood since she came back from the coach,Sister asks sister to whisper,Asked several times。

Evening of July 28th,Two sisters returned home。The parents found the two sisters whispering together behind their backs,The mood is also very strange。

The parents separated the two sisters,Chatted with them alone。Finally asked what happened——

Noon on July 28th,Coach surnamed Yu took his sister to a surveillance blind spot,Hold the child against the wall,Pressing her shoulders。

Forcibly kissed the child mouth to mouth for about ten seconds.

Ask why you don’t resist,The child said,Her mind was blank at that time,Want to resist,But the strength is too small。Until the coach lets her go,She only used the uninjured foot,Jump out as hard as you can。

After leaving the summer camp on the 28th,Coach surnamed Yu also instigated his children to tell him their home address on QQ,Even help children find GPS on their iPhones that were not originally enabled,Turn on the positioning function of children’s QQ。

1:00 a.m. on the 30th,Parents report,The police station officially opened the case。

The child’s ID card was used during registration,The coach knows that the child’s birthday is in the near future,In QQ,Coach Coke said he was going to find the child that day,Give them birthday gifts,Invite them to dinner。

When I heard this, I felt a chill.

If this summer camp is not a week,But two weeks,Longer and more sufficient time,What will happen?The coach’s surname is Yu’s bad motive for 188bet app download asking children to send their addresses,It’s not difficult to guess。

Before reporting the crime on the 30th,The parents of the child call the CEO of the organization,The CEO said he was on a business trip,Not in Beijing,A manager has been assigned to handle this matter。

After this manager accompanied them to file the case,Arrange for them to stay in a hotel near the police station and wait for news。

Morning on the 31st,Parents of children go to this institution,I learned that the company signed a document expelling coach Yu the day before——

Immediately afterwards, the negative impact of the incident on the child began to appear.

Time to report and record statements,Children must put everything through,Recall accurately to minutes and seconds。

This bad memory tortures the child's spirit over and over again.

The parents discovered that the right side of my sister’s face was starting to look a little abnormal,The eyes always blink frequently and unconsciously。

Hurry up and take your child to the Children’s Research Institute for registration,The doctor said it was suspected to be caused by excessive stress recently,Need to do EEG for further diagnosis。

In less than a few days, I spent thousands of yuan on medical treatment.

Parents called the agency CEO again,Who knew the CEO’s attitude would suddenly change。

He said,They will not bear the cost,They have fired the coach,The company has no relationship with this person。

The CEO of the organization made it clear——

He is also the injured party.

Hit his lawyer for everything.

The child’s parent said: “I was very angry at the time,He asked us to find a lawyer,We are just ordinary people,The responsibility lies with the training institution,What to tell the lawyer?”

I asked: "Did the lawyer contact you later?"

The child’s parent said: “Just before I came here,His lawyer called us。”

“We are so angry these days,I posted this in some groups and maternal and child forums,Warning to other girls signing up for their summer camp,May have caused some impact。He said,Our behavior has caused them a lot、Loss of two million。”

The victim has not yet received a fair answer,Agency that hires and trains criminal suspects,But he plausibly said that he had no responsibility at all,On the contrary, the victims lost millions。

The parents of their children who have always been very restrained couldn’t help but raise their voices:

“I said,This happened,It is inseparable from your chaotic management。You need to suspend business for rectification,Otherwise more children will be harmed,Are you planning to continue doing the next summer camp like this?”

“I regret so much,Why should I sign her up for this summer camp?When registering,I want my children to exercise during the summer vacation,Participate in more outdoor sports;I think this is the largest organization in Beijing,I didn’t expect that... they would send us pictures of their children every day,Let’s see the children are doing well,Very happy。You must not enroll your children in summer camp,Especially girls。”

“Do you know?Their summer camp,Said he takes pictures every day to show to his parents,Let parents know about their children。Later we found out after asking the children carefully,Every sport is staged,Just like taking wedding photos。Say it’s rock climbing,Let the children put on their tools and lie down there,Take some photos,Substitute the next group of children and start again,Special leave。”

"And their fire prevention training,Children are asked to put on fire uniforms, take a few photos and then take them off,Didn’t teach any fire prevention knowledge。There really was a fire later,The children don’t know what to do either

"First aid training,bandaging or something,All are staged。Use the minimum cost,Make the maximum profit。I think this industry may be quite chaotic as a whole,It’s just parents who don’t know。This is true for such a large organization,What about the others?”

The child’s parents sent me the registration promotion article from the organization’s official public account,There is indeed a promise here,Upload a lot of photos of children every day,And we promise that the ratio of staff to children will not be less than 1:10。

What the child’s parents said,There are other girls reporting,Woke up in the middle of the night by a male coach covering him with a quilt。And their staff promised when they signed up,Female coaches take care of female students。After all, it is such a big organization,I didn’t ask too many questions,I believe it——

What the child’s parents said,I originally planned to take my children to Europe this summer,All groups have been withdrawn now,Because I think the child cannot leave my sight for a minute。

I feel like no matter how much money I spend, I can never get that sense of security back.

When the parents of the two sisters went to report the crime,The police station director said this must be a criminal case。After the Hebei criminal police questioned the child,Take a long breath,You can imagine the psychological shock。

Coach surnamed Yu has been arrested,According to parents,80% of Yu’s testimony is consistent with the child’s confession。

But he denied that he had any motive to molest children,He insisted that he was motivated by caring for his children。

He did it out of love for a 12-year-old child,Sitting in front of the child’s bed for 40 minutes at 3 o’clock in the middle of the night,Take the kids to the corridor to chat for 2 hours,Touch the child’s face,Forcibly kissed another child the next day,Also asked the child to send him his address。

But will this matter end with Coach Yu?

Why did the accident happen at the summer camp?

On the official website of the institution,I noticed,This agency only takes 2 and a half days,You can train a "qualified" children's coach,Presumably Coach Coke is also produced on such an assembly line——

After the training is completed, the coach will be issued a certification certificate.

About the teaching staff,What do they promise to their children’s parents?In an article titled "Estimated Completion 1.188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino 600 million revenue,How XX Journey rapidly expanded in the children’s physical fitness market?》Reporting,That’s what they said——

About the fact that there are many male coaches,One of the founders of the organization said,This is filling the gap in the male market of early childhood education,Let the children feel the care like "father's love"——

We will continue to pay attention to the progress of reporting on this matter,We share the same philosophy with the parents of the victimized children——

1.Remind every girl,Remind every girl’s parents,When sending children to other training institutions during the summer,Be sure to let your children master the necessary common sense to prevent infringement;

2.Summer camp is no better than school、Kindergarten,There is also education department management,At present, most summer camps of commercial organizations are purely profit-making organizations,Parents must keep their eyes open before choosing;

3.In addition to the parties pursuing Yu’s illegal behavior,In addition to the parties pursuing Yu’s illegal behavior,It is necessary to rectify the organization,Prevent such incidents from happening again。

Hope one day,Our children are protected from evil,Not because of luck,But through our own actions,Trace the problem,Secret mine eliminated。

We fight all the way,Not to change the world,But to prevent the world from changing us。

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The coach took the child out of the house at 3 am,Parents asked their children angrily afterwards,Why should you listen to the coach?

The child replied: "You didn't call me,Do you want to listen to the teacher?”

What the child’s parents said,I didn’t know what to say at that moment,Aching heart。

This is a kid’s version of “Me Too”,Different from “Me Too” for adults,The victim may not even know they have been violated。

I checked the data,2015,On average, 160 children are recorded being sexually abused every day in the United States,China’s data is less than one percent,Facing this,Should we be happy or worried?

In this matter,The child’s parents bravely came forward,Remind more people,But there must be many parents who don’t realize that their children have been sexually abused,There are also parents who choose to "keep it private" to keep things quiet。

There are still a large number of child sexual abuse cases in our country that may not be reported at all,What is reported by the media may be just the tip of the iceberg,The real situation of child sexual abuse in China may be much worse than we imagine。

The truth of this world is so unbearable,But I still believe - you and I will do it for the children,Fight to the last bullet。

*Source of this article: WeChat ID "The Growth Story of Xiaoshengchu Niuwa (ID: The-end-0f-the-world)",Author: Taodanma , original title: "When #MeToo happened at children’s summer camp,My daughter。” 》.

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