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Launched only one year ago,188bet app Group recently announced,Additional branded flights specially launched for Millennial passengers will be withdrawnJoon。
188bet app said in a statement,Company wants to simplify product portfolio and focus on Air France brand。The company has signed an agreement with Joon on behalf of the cabin crew and the union,To study the future of the Joon brand,And the question of how Joon’s staff and aircraft are integrated。
Joon is part of former 188bet app CEO Jean-Marc Janaillac's strategy to boost earnings amid fierce competition。Its previous codename was Boost,Mainly serving adults aged 18 to 35。Joon is the same as the French word “jeune”,Means "young",Aimed at low ticket prices、Organic food and video streaming to get more Millennial passengers。It also marks a lifestyle brand designed for young passengers around the world。However,188bet app says,Despite the many positive influences Joon has had,But it was difficult to be a customer from the beginning、Company employee、The market and investors truly understand。
Joon officially started operations in December 2017。After this cancellation,Its 13 aircraft and 600 crew members will be integrated into the rest of 188bet app’s fleet。
This move is also one of the first major strategic moves by new 188bet app CEO Ben Smith after taking office。He was previously an executive at Air Canada,Took office in September last year。 Ben Smith must resolve tensions between Air France, a unit of 188bet app, and its more profitable Dutch counterpart KLM。Canceling Joon will help him improve Air France's performance,Also looking for other strategies with budget airlines EasyJet Plc and Ryanair Holdings Plc. Competition。
Air France says: “Simplifying product portfolio,Also leveraging the brand of parent company 188bet app,To our employees、Important to customers and all stakeholders。Withdrawing Joon will also allow Air France to complete this integration without affecting the efficiency of the parent company。”
The move also represents Ben Smith’s repudiation of the previous strategy of former 188bet app CEO Jean-Marc Janaillac,The latter resigned over pay conflicts with French unions。The Joon brand originally planned to expand its fleet to 28 aircraft by 2020,Includes some Airbus A350 models。Company representation,The Airbus 350 aircraft that have been ordered will be integrated into the Air France fleet in the future。
*Source of this 188bet app: Luxe.CO,Author: Yang Taosheng,Original title: "Launched only one year,188bet app will cancel Joon, a sub-branded flight targeting Millennial passengers》.
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