The 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry with low gross profit margin,Can these 58 companies stand out?

Author of this 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino: Xiaoyao 2019-03-13
The number of companies in the pan-188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry far exceeds 10,000,However, there are only a handful of brands that are recognized by the public。

188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino has a history of hundreds of years around the world,Its market penetration rate in Japan is as high as 90%,10 million children participate in camp activities in the United States every year。188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino has not been in China for a long time,But when the national income level increases、Education consumption upgrade、Under the influence of national policy support and other factors,Already showing an explosive growth trend。

The number of companies in the pan-188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry far exceeds 10,000,However, there are only a handful of brands that are recognized by the public。In the "rushing period" of the industry,The author has screened some companies with great potential。What are the business models of these companies’ 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino business?Why we can stand out from many companies?

一、188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino has attracted much attention from all walks of life,Listed companies cross borders to seize the camp market


Note: The charts are incomplete statistics and are not ranked in any particular order

  • 1. The inclusive nature of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino attracts many cross-border players

In the list of listed companies with a presence in the pan-188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry,Except Century Mingde、Activists regard 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino as their main business,Other companies are developing 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino and study tour products based on their original businesses。Among them, companies that are deeply involved in the field of international education have mainly developed international study tour products,Expanding 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino business in K12 training field,Mostly considered from the perspective of corporate strategic layout。And the real estate company、Tourism companies and others rely on site advantages and student source advantages,They are also making plans for the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry。

The reason,The industrial chain of the pan-188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry covers real estate development、Venue Operations、Catering and accommodation、Course Development、Hardware configuration、Risk Control、Travel and transportation、Medical care protection、Enrollment promotion, etc.。Therefore,The 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry has attracted many cross-border players。

  • 2.The business models of “188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino+” and “+188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino” are constantly being verified

Analyze the entry modes of these listed companies in the pan-188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry,We found that the main businesses of these listed companies are more or less related to the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry,As the market size of the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry continues to expand,Especially after the policy support,The penetration rate of the campground industry is expected to increase from 5% to 20%-30% in the past three years,These listed companies are taking advantage of the trend to share the camp industry。

These listed companies may be like New Oriental,By expanding the business section layout,Or like TAL,Investment-related enterprise layout,Or like Vanke,Expand camp categories in order to promote the development of main business,More like a doer,Transformed into a youth 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino company。From their approach and business model,The models of “188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino +” and “+ 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino” are also constantly gaining attention and verification from enterprises。

Of course,Whether it is 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino or international education,Or combine it with the tourism industry or real estate,Enterprises need to combine their own advantages to verify their business models。For example, Ctrip combines the traffic advantages of its own online travel platform,Lay out a pan-campus industry online platform - Ctrip Study Tour;Vanke combines its own real estate resources and user resources,Develop outdoor camp + urban camp + community camp model。

But Vanke has a basic principle,That is, "Don't earn the last copper plate",Emphasis on doing things in a targeted manner,Focus on the main business。2018,Vanke even proposed “focusing on convergence at the business level”,Real estate development is Vanke’s fundamentals,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is just a useful supplement,Can promote real estate development、Sales、Services, etc.,The revenue of the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino section also exceeds 10 million,But in the end, Vanke is in a relatively low-profit sector,In terms of revenue contribution,may face being moderately "converged"。

  • 3. The gross profit margin is between the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino and tourism industries

Among these listed companies,Over half of the companies have been established for more than ten years,The shortest establishment time is more than 5 years。Judging from its financial report,The top two companies in terms of operating income in the pan-188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino sector in 2018 are New Oriental and Century Mingde,The operating income of New Oriental International Study Tour and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Management Center exceeds 700 million,Century Mingde Study Tour、Research、The operating income of the camp segment exceeds 500 million yuan。

The gross profit margin of the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino business of these listed companies is generally lower than that of the traditional education and training industry,Higher than the traditional tourism industry。The reason,Camp、Study Tour、The market awareness of research studies is not as high as that of the traditional education and training industry,It is not a product that is strictly needed for children’s education,And this type of enterprise needs teachers、Operating costs are higher than those in the traditional education and training industry,So the gross profit margin is lower。

Also,As the tourism industry information becomes more and more transparent,Customers are increasingly able to calculate product costs、The best value for money,Making tourism companies have to lower product unit prices,As a result, its gross profit margin has been severely compressed。while 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino、Study Tour、Although study products have some attributes of tourism products,But it also has educational attributes,With education premium,Therefore,The gross profit margin will be higher。

二、The 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is in the "rushing period" on the eve of the market outbreak,These new potential players may be out of position

In addition to the above listed companies that have attracted much attention in the pan-188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry,There are many cutting-edge 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino companies that are developing well,There are many companies with revenue exceeding 30 million,The author also sorted out the larger revenue scale in the industry for everyone、Enterprises with high market recognition,And discuss with you why these companies have development potential。


Note: The charts are incomplete statistics and are not ranked in any particular order

  • 1.Many high-quality 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino companies have received capital favor

Number of investment and financing cases in the field of pan-188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Compared with other quality education tracks, the number of financing cases obtained is relatively small,And the amount of financing obtained is not high、Most financing rounds are in the early stage。According to incomplete statistics,No more than 30 domestic pan-camp educational institutions have received Pre-A round and above financing。


In this environment,A pan-188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino educational institution that can be "accredited" by the employer,its business model、Enterprise Team、The curriculum system and other aspects are relatively more competitive in the industry。

Although there are fewer institutions to obtain financing for camp companies,But the pan-188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry is a sunrise industry,Especially in the past two years, it has developed rapidly,Making employers pay attention to the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry。Before investing in 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Investors usually have the following concerns。

One is,Most 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino companies are in the trial and error stage,There is no particularly mature and proven business model yet,Investment risk is relatively high;

The second is,The 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry is a slow industry,It usually takes 3 to 5 years for a company to become truly profitable,The return period is relatively long;

Three is,The 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry is a cross-border industry,Therefore, it is difficult to define the competent department of the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino enterprise as the education department,It’s still the tourism department,Or other departments,This will inevitably affect its related listing,As a result, some investors lack certain exit opportunities。

  • 2. 80% of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino with specialty products

The pan-188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry is an industry that attaches great importance to operations,Operational efficiency、Customer experience、Course quality,For whether the enterprise can be profitable、Success is crucial。As parents’ awareness of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino increases,We are also increasingly pursuing real high-quality camp activities,This makes product research and development capabilities an element that cannot be ignored in corporate competition。

And these companies on the list,More than 80% have their own special products and popular products。Its strong product research and development capabilities,Putting these companies in the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry where product homogeneity is extremely serious,Having strong corporate competitiveness。

  • 3.More than 95% of companies in the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino are B、Customer acquisition at both ends of C

Enterprises in the education industry have students,It is its survival、Prerequisite for continued development。And 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino companies are springing up like mushrooms after a rain,Market demand shows 2 times growth rate,The number of enterprises increased by 4 times,This will inevitably lead to many companies facing huge pressure to survive and recruit students。

Acquiring customers through the C-side is easy to establish a reputation,Win users’ minds,When there is scale effect, the cost of acquiring customers is also lower than acquiring customers on the B-side,But the customer acquisition speed is slow。Acquiring customers through the B-side can open up the market relatively quickly,Enrollment pressure is also less。Therefore,Currently, more than 95% of the companies in the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino are B、Customer acquisition at both ends of C。

Among the campground companies on the list,Only Star is only targeting C-side customer acquisition,Not yet expanding the market through B-side customer acquisition。The rest of the camp companies are B、Customer acquisition at both ends of C,There are also traffic-based companies that are platforms or companies with their own education industry through internal diversion,Assist the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino business in user conversion。

  • 4.188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino resources have become one of the industry thresholds,Most high-quality companies have campsites

188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is called "school without fences",Most camp activities need to be carried out in places different from traditional campuses。These places are closer to nature than traditional campus requirements,More suitable for a variety of outdoor activities。The campground company owns the campground site,In order to more effectively ensure the quality of camp activities、Children’s experience of participating in activities、Safety during camper activities, etc.。And the campground companies want to build and cooperate with these campsites that meet the requirements,Need higher financial and resource support。This has virtually raised the competitive threshold of the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry。

Among the companies in the list,The proportion of companies with self-built camps or cooperative camps accounts for nearly 75%,Many of these companies have multiple campsites,Ruqixing、Youmei、Yitong、Champions 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino etc.。

"2018 China Study Tour and 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Industry Development Research Report" released,The "Report" is based on survey data from 188 institutions,In-depth explanation of the current status of industry development and corporate competition logic,And put forward industry development suggestions based on the current status of integrated development of culture and tourism。Click for details

*Source of this 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino: WeChatPublic platform "Yingyouyan9" (ID: yyy9-yyy9),Author of this 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino:Xiaoyao, original title: "Inventory!The 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry with low gross profit margin,Can these 58 companies stand out?》.

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