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Cultural Tourism Benefits Author of this article: Zhu Qiqi 2014-12-13
Big Ben has witnessed too much history and vicissitudes,At the same time, it also witnessed a beautiful and touching love。This story is now unknown,But its spirit has always moved people today。
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As a London landmark and a national symbol of the United Kingdom,150Over the years,Big Ben witnesses the prosperity and decline of the empire with its rich and long bells。Diameter7Meter clock dial,305Kilogram pendulum,13.5Weight in tons,Accurate timekeeping,This Big Mac ranks first in the world in the history of watch making,It is still sending its sonorous and clear voice to the whole world to this day。

The century has changed, but people are still keen on spending time at night10Standing under Big Ben on time,Looking forward to lucky things happening。This is the story about Big Ben,It’s not just about Frederick the Builder·Dent is closely connected,Also inherits the power of love behind Big Ben——

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  1856Year5month,In a watch manufacturing factory in London,Edward, the top watchmaker in the UK·The Dent family welcomed a distinguished guest,Benjamin, King’s Minister for Works·Sir Hall。Just seated,Hall couldn’t wait to take out a design drawing of a super large clock: I hope Dent can complete a special historical mission as soon as possible。

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Original, since1840Since the reconstruction of the British Parliament Buildings,Building an iconic clock on top of the building became the obvious choice for this proposal。No other reason,The invention of clocks rewrote human history。And London,Has the world-famous Greenwich Observatory,This big clock will convey the British Empire’s Greenwich time to the world。Represents the emerging British Empire as the first country in the world to achieve industrialization,Looking at the world and the future with great ambition。

Dent picked up the design drawings,Can’t help but gasp。This design concept is too advanced。Dial diameter reaches7Meters, the lengths of the hour and minute hands are2.75Mihe4.27meter,There are four clock faces,Such a huge clock was unheard of in Dent’s manufacturing career,Not to mention the complicated internal gear structure of assembly。A little carelessness,A slight difference is a huge mistake。

This project is time-consuming and laborious,In the watch industry,Which of the other manufacturers coveting the status of the Dent family is not ready to make a move。If failed……Dent hesitated. around26year-old son Frederick·Dent shouted eagerly:“Sir Hall, we would like to try.Dent 188bet sports betting app download sighed and bowed to Hall,The Dent family is willing to serve Her Majesty the Queen.

Old Dent knows his son too well。Since childhood,He followed himself and started learning watchmaking。His world,It also seems to be made of those ticking machines。Such a century-old opportunity,He won’t let it go。

  1856Year8month,On the building site at the north corner of the Capitol,The construction of the bell tower and the bell started almost at the same time,Dent and his son both ate and slept at the construction site,Hall also set up a tent on the construction site。

This day,A gorgeously dressed aristocratic girl came to the construction site,She wandered curiously among the gear steel bars on the ground。In a blink of an eye,She saw Sir Hall not far away,Yelling with excitementDad,Run towards Hall。Unexpectedly,The skirt with the whale skeleton was suddenly caught by something,She fell down involuntarily——The front end is a straight steel bar!Everyone exclaimed,The critical moment,A pair of strong hands held her back。The girl is in shock,Hall has already rushed to the front,Continuously asking questions,Emma, ​​how are you? Not hurt?

It turns out that she is Hall18year-old only daughter Emma,Just passing by the construction site,Come to meet someone who hasn’t been home for a long timeFather, in the excitement, something almost happened.

Everyone surrounds Emma,Emma’s eyes were fixed on the young man who saved her,He is tall and broad-shouldered,The messy beard cannot block the handsome features。blood,flowed down his bare arms……

Emma ran towards Frederick。In desperation,She wrapped the silk handkerchief in her hand tightly around the wound,Eye-to-eye contact。Under the winter sun,Frederick saw an elf wandering in the world,The smile that gently raised at the corner of the mouth,Left him stunned,After Emma motioned him to cover the wound,Just turned and left。

Hall sends Emma out of the construction site,He accused Emma of using personal accessories to cover the injuries of low-level workers,And prohibit her from coming to the construction site again。

Since then she came almost every day,Every time I come to the construction site,She will always hang around Frederick。As time goes by,Everyone noticed something strange: Emma's face turned red when she saw Frederick,And what about Frederick,Also in a hurry,The workers made a joke among themselves,DerekMarriedFor Emma, ​​you can also be knighted!Hall was furious when he heard it,How can he tolerate such a thing with his strong sense of hierarchy!While he ordered the housekeeper to lock Emma at home,While scolding old Dent to take care of his son,Don’t be wishful thinking。

Frederick, who tasted love for the first time, did not see Emma for half a month,It’s really hard to sleep 188bet app and eat well。After finishing work in the evening,He quietly walked along the Thames to the outside of the Lord's Palace,Wind and snowy days,He lingered there for a long time。

I don’t know how long,Emma suddenly appeared on the balcony,They look at each other through the air,Frederick has an idea,He put a penny into the silk handkerchief,Tie it up and throw it into the courtyard wall。Emma goes downstairs to pick it up,Long time no see。Snowflakes have accumulated on both shoulders,Frederick then left in the wind and snow。

The next day,Frederick developed a high fever,Old Dent is getting older,The core manual skills are all mastered by Frederick,The whole project had to be stopped,He was ill for more than half a month,Hall jumped anxiously,Their construction period is consistent with the progress of the clock tower,This way we can ensure that when the bell tower is completed,Place the four-sided bell high95meter of roof.

Frederick is so sick that he is confused,But I vaguely heard Emma’s voice from the construction site。I don’t know where the strength comes from,He got out of bed and ran out,I bumped into someone head-on。This person turns out to be Emma。The two hugged each other tightly。

 The choice of elopement and reputation

Frederick’s illness recovered without treatment。With Emma by your side,The gears forged by Frederick himself are more delicate and smooth than ever before。In view of this,Hall can only turn a blind eye to their intimacy,No longer intervene as forcefully as before。

Understanding the watchmaking process,Emma now understands why he gave her a penny。The movement of the pendulum uses the principle of leverage,The mechanism that activates it is the small pendulum that is pressed above the pendulum。For weight accuracy to micrograms,Clockmakers often use pennies instead of pendulums,To keep the time accurate。

The penny Emma received,is the one that Frederick rubs all the time,In the lower left corner of the coin,He also carefully carved a small letterE,Those are the initials of Emma’s name。Emma can’t put it down,She took out the silk from her silk handkerchief and woven it into a small bracelet,Wrap that penny tightly,Then wrap it around your wrist,She dare not wear it on her chest,Afraid of being seen by father。

Winter passes and spring comes,1858Year4month,The production of the bell has entered the most important installation period,The clock tower in the north of the Parliament Building has been basically completed,Countless spare parts are being transported continuously90The top of the meter-high tower,Assembled in a small space by Dent Sr. and Frederick。

Father and son never sleep,Sweating like rain,Working in a closed environment for most of the year,The prototype of the big clock has begun to take shape:13.5Tons of clock bases have been installed,Latin inscription engraved on the base of the bell,O God,Please keep our Queen Victoria I wellhas also been carefully carved by craftsmen,Only the final pendulum installation and gear combination remaining。And these things,Just let old Dent supervise the production。

  SuccessIn sight,Excited Frederick asked Hall for leave,He hasn’t seen his beloved Emma for more than half a year,He wants to share the joy of success with her。Unexpectedly, Hall said coldly:boy,Do you really think you are worthy of Emma?If it weren’t for your father’s plea,Not because you are the only one who can make a big clock,How could Emma appear in such a vulgar occasion。Don’t be wishful thinking,She will marry the Duke soon!

Original,When Frederick is seriously ill,Old Dent for the family’s reputation,Begging Hall to agree to Emma coming to the construction site。Because of Emma’s love,Frederick can make full use of his casting talent。And now,Frederick is no longer needed,Hall no longer has any scruples。

The distraught Frederick rushed to the Jazz Mansion,But was kicked out by the bodyguards,Can’t take another step closer to Jazz Mansion。Sad Frederick gets drunk every day,Just want to forget everything while getting drunk。The most talented craftsman becomes an alcoholic,Frederick became the laughingstock of his peers。Old Dent is worried,But I don’t dare to delay the construction period,We can only let him go。

  1859Year7One night in the month,Frederick is wandering on the street,Unexpectedly, at the street corner,Unexpectedly, at the street corner,He was stopped by a man in a cloak。Take a closer look,Frederick’s blood surges,It’s Emma!Original,Emma escaped from home,Frederick hugged her tightly,Holding her hand,Getting into a carriage,Sail towards their happiness。

Emma’s elopement made Hall furious,He forced old Dent to reveal their whereabouts,Mounted guards again,Arrest him as soon as he installs four clock faces。Without Frederick’s assistance,Experience everything personally,Plus old age,Hot weather,When Old Dent hung the hundred kilogram pendulum on the hook,Heartburning,Died of sudden illness。The spare northern clock face turns the bell tower into a giant with one eye blind。

The death of old Dent,The disappearance of Frederick,For a while, no one in the whole country dared to come out to complete this final project。Hall ordered a nationwide search for Frederick and Emma,But they are like mud cows entering the sea,Missing。

The angry Hall could no longer care about his face,Ordered to publish news of Old Dent’s death in newspapers,And called Frederick a coward。

In a moment,Frederic and Emma’s elopement became a topic of national gossip,Hall has also become the object of ridicule among the nobles,The busybody gave him a nickname——Daben 188bet sports betting app download means that he lost for his positionDaughterLost face again.

Frederic and Emma hiding in the countryside,Tasting the happiest time in life。However,He has always been thinking about his father and the big clock。Soon,When he was shopping in the market,I saw an expired newspaper,The news of his father’s death is clearly written。In a flash,Father’s death,Family’s Glory,The construction period of the big clock,They all came over heavily,Make him breathless。

Finally,After weighing and thinking,One week later,Frederick left a letter,Leave without saying goodbye。He is going back to London,To complete the final installation of the big clock。He knows where to go,Hall will follow the trail to find Emma,Yihor’s personality,It is absolutely impossible for him to see Emma again。However, he has to go,As a man,As the heir to the Dent family,He must defend the honor of his family,He can’t let Emma bear such humiliation with him。

He only took the coin bracelet with him when he left,He walked quickly and kissed the bracelet,As if kissing goodbye to your lover。That day,Distance from their elopement,entire100Days.

  The amazing love behind Big Ben

Frederick completed the assembly of the final clock face under the push of the guards。The historic day has finally arrived。1859Year10month,A grand bell-ringing ceremony was held in London,People are coming from all directions,Even the Thames Bridge was full of people。Frederick and Hall climbed the bell tower,Frederick stacked three piles of pennies as small hammers on the tray at the top of the pendulum,Pallet Press Down,Start the pendulum,The big clock hands will start moving,Unexpectedly,The pendulum just swung a little,But stopped。A moment of complete silence,Everyone holds their breath,Frederick probed various organs,After confirming everything is correct,He thought for a moment,Take out the coin bracelet from your pocket,After opening it, put the penny on it。Instant,The sound of clicking sounded,305The kilogram pendulum begins to swing,The huge gear begins to rotate,The big clock clearly sounded a huge buzzing sound,The sound is long and lasting,Resonant and pleasant sound,The crowd cheered。Frederick shed tears that had been accumulated for a long time,He thought silently:Emma, ​​did you hear it? That is my love language to you!The construction of the bell is completed,Frederick was thrown into prison by Hall,Hall is a powerful supervisor,Proposed by the Queen to use hisBenjaminnames the bell,But there are ministers who are familiar with Frederick’s affairs who are dissatisfied,It is inconvenient to offend Hall,Euphemistic suggestionBig BenName the bell. andBigThe word is exactly what is strong in the Queen’s heartThe sun never sets on the Empire of Great Britainbig,Inserted into Benjamin’s nickname book,The Queen readily agreed upon hearing this,Hall knew it was secretly humiliating,But I can only pretend to be deaf and thank the Queen for the name。

Frederick sat in prison for the whole time10Released after one year in prison,After he was released from prison, he fell into the bad habit of drinking again,Soon, his health was completely destroyed and he died in depression,A generation of famous craftsmen fell away。

  1905Year5month27The evening of the day10O'clock,A white-haired old lady came to the top of the open bell tower,She is Emma,She asked to enter the internal mechanical room for a visit。Given that she is Hall’s daughter,The administrator gave her permission to enter。

After standing for a long time,She took the penny on top。The manager asked her what she was doing,She answered the question incorrectly,I heard it’s night10Stand under Big Ben at one o'clock, and happiness will come.Because there is nothing unusual about Big Ben,The young administrator did not study this coin in detail。

Since that day Frederick left without saying goodbye,Emma was soon captured by the guards sent by her father,Her struggle only resulted in Frederick’s imprisonment。To protect the one you love,She had to compromise with her father,Follow his arrangements,Married,Having a child,Enjoying the wealth and honor in the world。However, she misses her lover all the time。Times change,The spirit wandering the world has turned into an old woman,Before I knew I was going to die not long ago,She came to Big Ben,Retrieved the coin that belonged to her——HersYouth, her love.

Emma passed away soon,The coin went to heaven with her。However, a legend began to spread among the people,If it’s night10Stand under Big Ben at o’clock, happiness will come, became the most famous legend in Britain.

Since the day Big Ben is activated, every time3The sky needs someone to wind it up and adjust it,Except for a few minor repairs,The hands have been running normally for more than a hundred years,Every1The time is told to the whole world once every hour, however,2005Year5month27Sunday evening10O'clock,Big Ben suddenly stopped without warning,It took an hour and a half to return to normal。

After inspection,There is nothing unusual about the big clock body,For this bizarre suspension,There are all kinds of guesses,The most famous corollary is that the pendulum is missing the weight of one coin。Someone will remember Emma from a hundred years ago·Connect the coin Hall took away,It is rumored that the clock automatically stopped to commemorate their century-old relationship。

As a miracle in the history of human clock casting,The world’s largest clock that faces four directions simultaneously,The magnificent Big Ben has become a landmark of London,has gradually become the national symbol 188bet sports betting app download of Britain,After a hundred years of ups and downs,As a representative of the achievements of the Industrial Revolution,Transmitter of Greenwich Time,It witnesses the rise and fall of the British Empire on which the sun never sets,And what’s hidden behind itRomanticLove will always echo in the world with its unique bells.

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