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Great Scenic Area Author of this article: Heisei Culture and Tourism 2019-07-12
Inspiration from the “de-realization” of cultural tourism real estate enterprises.
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2015,The short video "The Loneliest Library in China" posted by Youtiao broke the Internet,Over 600 million clicks across the entire network attracted countless netizens to check in。When "loneliness" becomes popular,Aranya, the location of the Lonely Library, soon came into public view。But even without this short video, the screen is flooded,Anaya is also red,Because behind it is a complete set of urban literary and artistic life operations。

Located on the golden coast of Qinhuangdao,Anaya, which is 3 hours away from Beijing, is a "difficult" location。The original "high land price、High housing prices、High debt、High turnover、The low-profit real estate profit model is completely unoperable,But from the perspective of the market,Re-insight into the psychological needs of the new urban middle class aged 35-45,When equipped with elements of literary and artistic life,Suddenly the Phoenix Nirvana,Forged a new path as an “urban literary and artistic life operator”。It turns real estate into a community、Make community into life、Make residents into neighbors、Make buildings into stories、Make loneliness into a medal、Make yourself a leader—the creator of China’s literary and artistic real estate。 

Aranya quickly gained social recognition with lightning speed,Not only has it completed the transformation from an unpopular tourist resort real estate to a high-quality urban literary and artistic living community,Also reaped super high profits in business operations。A dying real estate project with only 40 million yuan in real estate sales in 2012,After the transformation in 2013,To 2017、Its real estate sales have increased to 3 billion in 2018,The price is about 4 times higher than the surrounding products。Excluding real estate sales,400,000 people come here for pilgrimage every year,Community service business operation brings a turnover of up to 500 million,Per capita consumption is 1,250 yuan。

Such a huge traffic drive、Profit harvesting and brand reputation spreading,How did Aranya achieve it?How to reverse the deadlock of traditional management of tourist resort real estate,Become one of China’s four phenomenal divine disks?How the real estate market was shaped by literary and artistic styles,Become an urban literary and artistic living community that is appreciated and pursued by the urban middle class?

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Redefine Aranya

Transformation from real estate investor to urban cultural life operator

Aranya is located in the coastal city of Qinhuangdao,Located in the hinterland of Beidaihe Gold Coast,Total area of ​​3300 acres,280 kilometers from Beijing,About 3 hours by car。It was originally a resort real estate project launched in 2012 by Yicheng Real Estate,But it was at the low ebb of China’s real estate market,Enclose the land and leave、No package、Traditional resort properties without ecology can no longer convince consumers to pay,Despite all kinds of marketing methods,Real estate sales that year were only over 40 million yuan。

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△ The geographical location of Aranya

2013,Anaya is regarded as a "non-performing asset" 2.Sold at a price of 600 million,And Ma Yin officially took over。At that time,Aranya not only faces the situation of excessive stock of cultural and tourism real estate in the surrounding areas,The Bohai Rim area where it is located accounts for approximately 17% of the total cultural and tourism real estate in the country,The market competition is particularly fierce。And the "high land price" at that time、High housing prices、High debt、High turnover、The traditional real estate model with low profits is no longer sustainable,Need to find new models to break the dilemma。

About 5 years have passed now,Aranya has already turned things around and become a famous Internet celebrity community,Achieved asset preservation 188bet sports betting app download and long-term profitability: annual single real estate sales can reach 3 billion,Far higher than the surrounding bidding by about 4 times;Take an 80-square-meter apartment as an example,The daily rent can reach 3,000 yuan;400,000 people come here for pilgrimage every year;Community services reached a turnover of 500 million in 2018;Per capita consumption is 1,250 yuan;Even boosted 1% of the local GDP,Almost 1/30 of the employed population has contact with Aranya。Compared with the one-time harvest profit model of real estate,The energy of this long-term sustainable profit model is undoubtedly greater。

△ 2018 Aranya related operating data

All this is closely related to Ma Yin’s strategy of “insisting on de-realization”。Under the pressure of the market at that time,Aranya abandons traditional real estate management strategy,Manage the space with thousands of cultural activities and services every year,In order to increase turnover rate and property value,Create an ideal life that matches it,Form a distinct market segmentation to obtain target customers。Since then,Aranya officially started the transformation from "real estate investor" to "urban cultural life operator"。


Unique market positioning of "urban literary and artistic living community"

Build "community aesthetics" into a competitive IP system

Throw aside the traditional real estate management thinking,Aranya defines itself as an urban literary and artistic life community by the sea,With a complete community aesthetic IP system,Rediscover the emotional value of people,Reshape the intimate relationship between people。

Compared to market share,Aranya pays more attention to “time share”,On the premise of occupying space,Occupy more and better time resources of owners and tourists。Creating through diverse community culture,Increase the consumption frequency and customer price of living at home。As a result, Aranya's management goal is to increase the "at-home rate、Homecoming rate、Three indicators of homesickness rate。Aranya’s “highly autonomous” community aesthetics IP system revolves around four core points:

1、The brand has a distinct and unique personality: advocating a sentimental life aesthetics

The word Aranya,English aranya derived from Sanskrit "Aranruo",means "quiet place,vacant place,Far away,Avoid the bustling places in the world,Practice place”。

Sitting on the high-quality natural beach resources around the Bohai Sea provides it with the possibility to experience the beauty of the four seasons on the seaside;3 hours drive from Beijing,Mobilizing Beijingers’ unique plot and memory of Beidaihe,Gives a new meaning of the era: you can escape the pressure of the city here,Having that sense of ignorance and alienation。

The brand slogan of "Life can be more beautiful",Not only a concentrated expression of core values,Also defines “quality simplicity,Restrained abundance” lifestyle proposition。

2、The target customer group is precise and profound: only select the new urban middle class who agree with Aranya’s values

Then who can appreciate this beauty?The beginning of project takeover,Ma Yinyi changed his practice of starting from market demand,Rather, we design and plan products according to the standards of a 40-year-old man,Only select groups that agree with Araya’s values,Drove out most of the market,Precisely position the target customer group as the new urban middle class group aged 35-45。

△ Source: Aranya official website

These people have experienced the prosperity of the world,After the rigid need stage of pursuing material things and houses,Material enjoyment has become readily available,Instead, we are more eager for emotional resonance and identification of personal value。They have the financial resources to pay for their own free life;Have an aesthetic and know how to appreciate beauty;Have the sentiment to pursue and maintain this beauty。Aranya only does one thing for them: this is a road from home to hometown!They follow MUJI as an example,From individual love to community love,Find universal values ​​from the love of the community and then influence the public,This is the difference Aranya creates for the target market。

3、The space building complex is beautiful and vivid: taking into account perfect space facilities and creating a fascinating spiritual life

Aesthetics is Aranya’s core competitiveness。Aranya has an aesthetic center to control the presentation of all environments,The so-called consumption upgrade,For Aranya, the most direct manifestation is the aesthetic upgrade of brand culture。its architecture,Not only functionally meets the needs of space support,It has also formed a consistent sense of beauty and a strong spiritual landmark in terms of aesthetics。

/ A. Spiritual Architecture / 

Ma Yin said,Spiritual architecture is the highest product form of Aranya,It is also a spiritual axis。Take the popular Lonely Library as an example,This landmark building not only meets the spiritual needs of its guests,Become the spiritual sustenance of countless people,The architectural aesthetics it represents has been recognized by the Internet and the architectural community,Also frequently appears in the circles of celebrities and artists。

△ Source: Aranya official website

In addition,The spiritual axis connected by the jogging track is also dotted with places such as the Aranya Auditorium、UCCA Dune Museum、Aranya Art Center and other spiritual buildings,With their unique architectural beauty, they constitute Aranya’s unique place spirit,Combined space matching、Humanities and arts in one,Constitutes Aranya’s spiritual characteristics that are full of aesthetics but slightly alienated and introspective。

/ B. Social space / 

Aranya’s life,Not only the poems and distances mentioned above,There are still thick human fireworks。The purpose of rich and diverse social spaces,It is to rebuild the intimate relationship between people,Rediscovering warm neighbors。For example, the seaside market provides a love of homely life、One-way space·Aranya store provides elegant spiritual link、DDC Livehouse has the best music social experience、Yi Cha Space provides scenes for slow life communication, etc.。


/ C. Community canteen and special food / 

Want to retain people,We must save our stomach first。This is reflected to its extreme in Aranya: daily food creates an unusual experience in Aranya,Use taste and emotion to further connect customers。For example, the three owners’ canteens in Aranya are all different,And cook according to different seasons,350 dishes you’ll never get tired of。As the scale continues to expand,From 700 square meters to 3000 square meters,The fourth owner’s canteen is about to open;The taste of the dishes will also be continuously improved according to the needs of the owners。

Special food,Not only restaurants have different architectural styles,Gourmet taste also covers Western food、Japanese food、Italian meal、Special children’s themes and other styles。But the most noteworthy,It is a "late night canteen" that opens after 12 o'clock in the morning,Every weekend owners can sign up to claim the weekend chef,The chef decides what you want to eat。Not only the warmth of home,And further bonded the emotions of the customer group。

/ D. High quality daily / 

A cinema that evokes memories of the past、A boutique that presents cutting-edge fashion、Lifestyle supermarket that provides exquisite items、Home furnishing concept store linking personality and beauty,Not only does the store have a unique aesthetic design,And it also builds Aranya’s high-quality daily life in terms of content。

△ Aranya Cinema

A house is just a container for life,Being able to tolerate a better life is the key to retaining people’s hearts。Aranya at this point,Did it。It is these architectural facilities that are both beautiful and lifelike,Making Aranya no longer limited to vacation real estate projects,Instead, it becomes a means of exporting Aranya’s values ​​based on a higher latitude,Together they form a spiritual community that the city’s new middle class and literary youth yearn for。

4、Full and mellow community activities: 1,500 events throughout the year,Increase the "at-home rate" with a high degree of time occupation、Homecoming rate、homesickness rate”

If space architecture is the material beauty of Araya Aesthetics Community IP,Then community is the spiritual resonance of people who hold the same values。The prototype of Aranya Community is the first owner group built 188bet app by Ma Yin himself in 2014,The original intention is to quickly solve the problems raised by the owners。so far,Has developed 8 large owner groups,Mainly used to discuss community affairs together,And in a way that everyone participates in co-construction,The "Owner's Covenant" has been issued successively、The "Community Civilized Dog Breeding Convention" and other regulations are similar to small town "laws"、A convention that everyone abides by。

In addition to participating in the formulation of community conventions,Its greater influence is reflected in the fact that it has spawned nearly a hundred interest and hobby communities,Including drama group、Running group、Equestrian group、Family History Group、Reading Group、philharmonic group、Photography Group、Dance Group、Poetry Community、Kite surfing group etc.。On the basis of these communities,Aranya held approximately 1,500 events throughout the year in 2018,Big enough to cover concerts of stars such as Pu Shu,As small as a reading club organized voluntarily by the owners,There are also festivals organized by Aranya、Forum meetings, etc.,From entertainment experience、Humanistic experience to forum meeting,Experience everything you need。

Take the recent “Little Strawberry Parent-Child Music Festival” hosted by Modern Sky for the first time in Aranya as an example,can be seen,Aranya’s community activities have been upgraded from owners’ voluntary organizations to rules set by Aranya,Attract brands with the same tone to settle in,Jointly create the level of festival activities。To this extent,Aranya can definitely be called a “supplier and service provider of entertainment activities”。

And the Little Strawberry Parent-Child Music Festival is in the experience content,Includes watching various celebrity music performances、Watch all kinds of dances and sway together、Experience photography and painting in an artistic atmosphere、Spend family time and more in the parent-child workshop,Presenting a wealth of parent-child experience activities in the form of a music festival。This is the role that Aranya attaches importance to in retaining parent-child customers through “family driving force”。

In addition,Through long-term operation and accumulation,Some community activities move from niche to wider society,Produced profound brand influence,Become part of Aranya’s unique cultural IP。Take the Aranya Theater Festival as an example,It was developed from "Eight Women" in which the owners auditioned in 2015,From audition、Training to tour not only increases spiritual communication between communities,It also enhances the artistic atmosphere of the community,The one-month-long Aranya Theater Festival is becoming more and more professional,Also enjoys great appeal,Classic plays will be performed even in Beijing。

△ Aranya Theater Festival

Community activities created by Aranya,For owners,Gives them a strong sense of value and belonging,Bridging the indifferent and separated relationships between people in the city;For the project,Can understand owners’ needs and improve service quality through the community,It also prompted some owners to join community supporting operations,Become a project partner,In turn, it drives the operation of Aranya。

As understood,80% of Aranya’s business relies on community owners,For example, Xu Zhiyuan’s one-way space、Yuan Ning’s Cafe、A restaurant opened by Pu Shu’s family,All are owners。And most of Aranya’s sales results come from the old bringing in the new,The proportion is as high as 92%。In addition,2018,The entire Aranya community service itself reached a turnover of 500 million,Catering for long-term revenue、Hotel、B&B、Entertainment projects and other sectors initially achieved breakeven in 2018。

This 500 million income is actually Aranya’s 1,500 diverse community activities throughout the year,Fully improved the “at-home rate” of the customer group,Achieve sustained profit growth through time share,And while thinking about it, the "homecoming rate and homesickness rate" increased,Adds an aura of “literary check-in destination” to the identity of Aranya City’s literary and artistic life community。


The post-Aranya era

Adhere to the model of aesthetic upgrade

Differentiated replica of "Quality Simplicity, Controlled Richness"

After five long years,Aranya chose Jinshanling as her starting point。The first phase of the project was sold out as soon as it opened,529 villas sold for 1.8 billion in 2 days。Once again verified the success of Aranya's "real estate + cultural tourism + community operation" cultural real estate model built with aesthetic community IP as the core。

But I have to admit,There are too many restrictions to copy Aranya’s success。First,The principle of "screening users with values" is not applicable to every project。Secondly,Aranya is a high-quality and aesthetic urban literary and artistic life community specially created for Beijing’s new middle class aged 35-45,And based on this, a set of aesthetic community IP system with self-consistent logic and aesthetics was built。But not every project is suitable for this brand positioning,Not everyone can copy it。

Moreover,Different from the traditional real estate model,Literary real estate is low-standardized,Every project is different。Even the Jinshanling project comes from the same line,Also has landscape resources,Also has landscape resources,Similarly positioned as Beijing’s new middle class,It also did not choose to completely reproduce the beach life of Qinhuangdao Aranya,It focuses on a more internal and introspective mountain life,Further expand Aranya’s brand culture。Even Aranya needs to constantly surpass herself。

Traditional real estate is playing a limited game,What Anaya has been doing is an infinite game。The purpose of limited games is to make money and win,The infinite game aims to sustain the game。Aranya’s infinite game is built on the core of community self-development,With "Literary and Artistic Residence + Spiritual Architecture + Community Relations + Art Activities",Provide the spiritual security that urban people lack,In the role of "urban literary and artistic life operator",Continuously provide spiritual pacifier,Thus becoming a "literary check-in destination"。


Winning in time share

Urban literary and artistic life operator——Aranya

In the era of consumerism,People use time to replace wealth,Exchange wealth for enjoyment,Everyone is exquisite and beautiful,Everyone is in a hurry and empty。Trying to slow down and enjoy a high-quality life,Intimate gathering with family,Rediscovering youthful dreams with best friends,Getting close to others and the world,But I can’t find this kind of space to rest my body and mind in such a big city。What Aranya understands is the needs of the new urban middle class who have nowhere to settle。With the banner of “satisfying the spiritual pursuit of the new urban middle class”,1500 community activities a year,Up to 3 games per day;Annual passenger flow of 400,000 people,Community service turnover reaches 500 million yuan,Per capita consumption 1,250 yuan。Compared to the annual number of visitors to Yuanjiacun Guanzhong Food Street in 2018, there were 6 million,The total income is only 3.800 million yuan。It can be seen that Aranya is directly targeting the market of spiritual life,The value generated by the market that fills the stomachs of tourists is not at the same level of ability。This is the characteristic town project that cannot be compared with Aranya,Entrepreneurs have different insights,The vision of building an IP worldview is different。

■ Compared with traditional real estate developers,It has both a physical carrier and a house,There is also an ideal life that allows people to imagine that real estate development lacks。2018,Real estate sales achieved 3 billion,The sum of surrounding real estate projects is less than half of it,And no advertiser earns its advertising fees,Because they are all subscribed by acquaintances。

■ Compared with cultural tourism operators,1500 games throughout the year、Average 3 games per day、The income from social activities of 1,250 yuan per capita is far better than the ticket operation of ordinary cultural and tourism companies。The business goal of time share creates an active circle economy for it,Transform the virtual circle of friends into physical space,New consumption ideas that firmly grasp the demand for upgrading life consumption、Consumption frequency、Price per customer 188bet online sports betting and traffic,Achieve high operating profits。Aranya’s firm “de-real estate” strategy,Let enterprises have the foresight to be at the forefront of lifestyle consumption upgrade needs。

2018,Country Garden, China’s three leading real estate companies、Evergrande、Vanke’s asset-liability ratio 89.4%、83.6%、84.6%,Total asset turnover rate is 0.3、0.3、0.2。The era of barbaric growth that real estate developers were proud of is over,Various real estate developers are forced to find their own “real estate +” models。It only took Aranya just 5 years to achieve “de-realization”,Transformed from “real estate developer” to “urban cultural life operator”,Enterprises lead the upgrading of real estate consumption as life designers,With "spiritual life aesthetic creativity",Complete "Literary Life Paradigm",From material life to space support,Social intimacy link to emotional life,Then to the three dimensions of humanistic pursuit of spiritual life,Finally turning real estate into a community、Make community into life、Make residents into neighbors、Make buildings into stories、Made loneliness into a medal、Finally make yourself a new real estate leader—the creator of China’s literary and artistic real estate。

Three inspirations from Aranya’s creation of China’s literary and artistic real estate:

1、Make accurate target consumer positioning,Create a differentiated life paradigm

What Aranya captures is the spiritual pursuit of a high-quality lifestyle among the 35-45-year-old new middle class in Beijing after experiencing material abundance。So it is positioned as a high-quality urban literary and artistic life community。Orenda, who is also a god, caught 40+ rich people who were afraid of death,What it does is a high-end health care town backed by international medical resources。Different market positioning,Determine different directions for the project。Only a thorough analysis of the market,Capture the pain points of the target customer group,In order to accurately discover differentiated brand competitiveness,Achieve sustainable profits。

2、Create a soulful space story,Dematerialize real estate and assign IP content attributes

In the early days, Aranya became a dying tourist resort property,The big reason is besides the beach、Villa、Nothing outside the golf course,Insufficient space,Nothing to play with,The low customer retention rate makes the only supporting facilities even more unsustainable。This is also a vicious cycle that traditional vacation real estate projects are prone to falling into。Aranya Yong 2 after transformation.The 5-kilometer coastline connects a series of high-aesthetic buildings that match its core values,Moreover, the unique spiritual qualities of the building give guests endless space for imagination。

3、Time density of operating communities,Monetizing spiritual life through social consumption

One of Aranya’s core capabilities is community operation capabilities,It is reflected in fully occupying the time of the customer base,Nearly a hundred communities have developed 1,500 cultural activities throughout the year,Achieve community service revenue by increasing time share,Verified the profitability of community operations in increasing new real estate revenue。Therefore, Aranya has unconsciously become a competitor in the cultural tourism industry,Its “artistic real estate” is coveted,And become a “literary check-in destination”!

But traditional cultural tourism operations are all about first-time consumers,Never consider repeated consumption,Lack of a closed loop of interests in “intimate relationships” with customers in marketing。“Cultural Wuzhen” had 9.15 million passenger flows in 2018,Revenue 19.0.5 billion,Per capita consumption 208 yuan。And Aranya has 400,000 passengers,1,250 yuan per capita,Create 500 million turnover。Compared to traditional tourist towns,Aranya’s “aesthetic living community” has better market returns。The IP value of Wuzhen Theater Festival is reflected in time nodes (such as theater festival night performances),Lifestyle consumption scenario without drama festival IP (not traditional cultural and creative products),Unable to form a sustained intimate relationship between Wuzhen and tourists,This has become the key that restricts 188bet app Wuzhen-type cultural and tourism enterprises from becoming "urban literary and artistic lifestyle operators",It is also the problem that traditional cultural tourism companies stay in the ticket economy。

Thoreau said: "From now on,Stop living the life you should live,Live the life you want!”

In an era when there is no solution to the pressure of material convergence,Looking for personal value and spiritual belonging has become the only truth behind all consumption phenomena!For the various social citizens living in Aranya’s circle of friends,No matter how cruel the world is、No matter how hard the work is,It doesn’t matter,That is outside them!As long as they live in Aranya’s community,There are friends、Good wine、Good food、Good scene、Fun,There will be great freedom...

Those who enter the cultural tourism industry,Please remember: lost in time,Please do not search in space!

*Source of this article: WeChat public account"平成文Brigade” (ID: pingchengly),Original title: "An in-depth look at cultural real estate,How to use "aesthetics + community operations" to turn a dead market into an urban literary and artistic life community with 3.5 billion real estate sales!》.

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