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Great Scenic Area Author of this article: Zhihui 2022-07-18
It’s time for cultural tourism real estate to change its way of life!
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Under the overturned nest,An Youwan egg?This sentence cannot be more appropriate to describe the relationship between real estate and cultural tourism today。Recently, the keywords surrounding real estate have been “Thunderstorm”、“Broken loan”Screen refreshed。On one side, many real estate developers are frightened,Broken jar, broken jar,On the other side is the mountain-like weight that the dust of the times has placed on many individuals and families,Economic downturn,It’s not easy for all living beings,It can be seen。

Since the second half of 2021,Thunderstorm real estate companies can be said to have continued one after another,According to incomplete statistics,There are currently more than 60 real estate companies experiencing thunderstorms,There are many well-known enterprises with a scale of over 100 billion yuan,Evergrande、Kaisa、Country Garden、World Trade Organization、Jianye、Sunac、Baoneng、Aoyuan,Sunshine City、This list is very long。These giant real estate companies have another thing in common,Almost all of them have planned cultural tourism projects,Children’s World、Cultural Tourism City、Drama Fantasy City、Ice and Snow World、Movie Town、Chocolate Town、Shenkeng Hotel, etc.。

This one,The one with the greatest social and industry influence is undoubtedly Evergrande, which was hit by thunder on August 10, 2021,From selling assets to being interviewed by the central bank and the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission;Redebt default、Stocks plummeted,Subsequently, the government took back 8 plots of land in Haikou City for free、Demolish some illegal buildings on Haihua Island。The collapse of Evergrande means that real estate companies“Too big to fail”’s bankruptcy,Also represents the failure of the high-leverage model of real estate。

This risk has begun to spread further recently,Since July,Owners of unfinished buildings in many places issued a collective open letter,If the property purchased does not resume construction as soon as possible, the loan will be forcibly suspended。Zhihui sorted out information based on public information on the Internet,The number of properties involved has reached 106,Involving Henan、Shanxi、Jiangxi、Hunan、Hubei、Guangxi and many other provinces。

The real estate house leaked and it rained all night,Cultural and tourism real estate has lost its skin and how can its generals be attached,The model evolution of cultural tourism real estate has also gone through several different stages。

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Fake culture and tourism, real real estate(1994-2018)

The model of cultural tourism real estate at this stage was born out of the golden twenty years 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino of real estate development,This process is part of the magnificent development picture of China’s 40 years of reform and opening up。

September 1978,Deng Xiaoping’s instructions were conveyed to the urban residential construction meeting: “Is there a broader way to solve the housing problem,For example, allowing private construction or public assistance,Instalment payment……”The real estate reform has since kicked off,Those who are familiar with the development history of China’s tourism industry will remember that Deng Xiaoping’s Huangshan speech in July 1979 also kicked off the modern development of China’s tourism industry。The development of real estate and cultural tourism has already reached its peak,Foreshadowing。

The following years from 1980 to 2001,A range of lands、Finance、Fiscal and taxation policy reforms are coming。Academic circles call this period of institutional reform characterized by the commercialization of housing "";A housing reform”。


January 8, 1980,Shenzhen Housing Authority established China’s first real estate company。The next few years,A large number of real estate companies were born in China,“National Team”、“Folk Team”Enter one after another。OCT was established in 1985,Wanda was established in 1988,Country Garden was established in 1992,Aoyuan was established in 1996,Evergrande was established in 1997……

Many real estate developers were basically born at that time,In the future, they will also enter the cultural tourism industry,Admission order depends on morning and evening,But the intersection between real estate and culture and tourism has long been destined。Today’s cultural tourism real estate model“The initiator”OCT Group was founded in 1985,OCT has a clear positioning“Use tourism to expand social impact,Use real estate income to support tourism,Achieve positive interaction”。The completion and opening of Shenzhen Window of the World in 1994 marked the beginning of this model。The pioneer of private enterprises is Wanda,First try in the cultural tourism industry,It goes back to August 2009,First attempt at cultural tourism complex development in Changbai Mountain project,Constructing Changbai Mountain International Tourism Resort covering an area of ​​21 square kilometers。Of course in the golden age of real estate,This fake cultural tourism and real real estate model is easy to succeed no matter what,No matter how weak the cultural tourism industry is,Under the real estate tree,Culture and tourism are good to enjoy the cool air,Just do the general ledger calculation。

around 1997,Under the influence of the Asian financial crisis,China’s import and export、Foreign investment has been severely affected。At that time,The driving role of real estate in the economy has begun to become more prominent,The proportion of real estate added value in GDP has begun to rise rapidly。August 2003,The State Council issued the "Notice on Promoting the Sustained and Healthy Development of the Real Estate Market",Officially defines real estate as “The pillar industry of the national economy&188bet sports betting app download rdquo;。There is another big background,1998~2018,China’s urbanization rate increased from 33.4% increased to 59.6%,China’s urban per capita disposable income has grown at an average annual rate of 11%。These two factors have created historic development opportunities for real estate companies,2004,“The birth of a tens-billion real estate company”。The entire real estate market has developed crazily for ten years amid control and adjustment,This decade was also the decade when housing prices rose the fastest,Until 2017,Unprecedented real estate regulation is coming,In order to realize“House for living, not for speculation”,Comprehensive upgrade of China’s property market regulation,“Purchase limit、Limited loan、Restricted sale、Visa only、Limited departure、Limit price、Business only”There are endless policies such as this,Real estate has basically entered the cold winter period。


Zhen Wen Lv Zhen Real Estate(2018-2021)

Under strict control,Real estate developers are transforming one after another,Culture and tourism have become the best packaging method,Major real estate developers have entered the stage of real cultural tourism and real real estate。Those with a keen sense of smell made the layout a few years ago。

In the industry’s view,2017 is the year when the scale war in the real estate industry takes off,2018 is the year of decisive battle of scale,And 2019 is the year when the dust settles on the scale war。A scale of 100 billion is the minimum threshold to participate in the competition for the top,No one has sales of 100 billion,Basically surrendered。Because in the competition for the top,Without scale, there is no opportunity。There is a more magical phenomenon in 2018,Renaming war for real estate companies,Diversified development to maintain corporate scale,On paper,The land acquisition model of cultural tourism real estate has reached its peak。

In this change of name and flag,In a desperate battle,Cultural travel industry has become a breakthrough direction that coincides with each other。They all euphemistically called it “Towards a better life”。Evergrande Cultural Tourism was established in 2015,Jianye Cultural Tourism was established in 2012,Sunac Cultural Tourism 2018 established,Country Garden Cultural Tourism was established in 2018,Vanke Cultural Tourism was established in 2018,R&F Cultural Tourism was established in 2018,Kaisa Cultural Tourism was established in 2018,Weiguang Huitong Cultural Tourism was established in 2016,Fosun Tourism was established in 2018,Other real estate companies have followed suit,Almost all established cultural tourism companies,Some even directly add the suffix cultural tourism。

These cultural tourism real estate developers were in the period of real cultural tourism and real real estate,Some cultural tourism projects are still done seriously,But the biggest pursuit is still real estate,Get low-priced land from,Financial support and government support,Cultural tourism has become a common word in their mouth,But no matter how it is packaged,This cultural tourism still needs quotation marks,Regardless of investment scale,Still operational guarantee,Even the most basic product creation,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino It can be said that these cultural tourism real estate developers basically fail。Buy IP、Build a team、Telling stories,Fake operation,The main thing I’m thinking about is how to sell a house,Once decontamination is complete,No matter the flood behind him,Leaving the local government with a mess to clean up。

These phenomena are all reflections of how cultural and tourism real estate is struggling to transform under the guise of cultural tourism,Of course, few of these cultural, tourism and land developers have succeeded in their transformation,With individual successful projects,We have encountered many difficulties and challenges in large-scale replication,Fosun Tourism since the success of Atlantis project,Fosun Tourism since the success of Atlantis project,Can’t say it has been successful,Sunac Tourism City model takes over the mantle of Wanda,Old projects have insufficient operational stamina,Lots of problems,It is extremely difficult to add new projects,It will be even more difficult to survive after the thunderstorm,Jianye Cultural Tourism basically sold its cultural tourism projects to survive,In a sense, it is also a relief,The Weiguang Huitong ancient town model is also facing operations、Huge challenges in funding and model, China Cultural Tourism Group, a subsidiary of Aoyuan, tried to go public four times but failed,Disbanding the cultural and tourism team is also a helpless move,The 30 billion Kaisa cultural tourism project was taken over by state-owned assets,The WTO cultural tourism project is basically unsustainable。Actually, Wanda is extremely lucky to sell all its cultural and tourism projects and exit early,Not only escaped the epidemic,Completed the lightweight transformation by accident。The world is confusing,The impermanence of nature,The thrill may only be experienced by the person involved。


The epidemic broke out at the end of 2019,August 20, 2020,Central Bank、The Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development has issued "Fund Monitoring and Financing Management Guidelines for Key Real Estate Enterprises";Three red lines”Policy。Respectively: after excluding advance receipts, the asset-liability ratio does not exceed 70%、Net debt ratio does not exceed 100%、Cash short-term debt ratio is greater than 1。These three tightening curses,Tightly restraining cultural and tourism real estate developers。In accordance with regulatory requirements,By the end of June 2023,&ldquo of 12 pilot housing companies;Three red lines”Indicators must all meet the standards,All real estate companies will meet the standards by the end of 2023。at“Three red lines”Under policy requirements,“Downshift”It has become the top priority for real estate companies to avoid risks。In fact, judging from the results,These cultural and tourism real estate developers have already made dangerous foreshadowings,Thunderstorm is only a matter of time。

First half of 2021,Under the ongoing epidemic and intensive policy control,Real estate is gradually entering a cold winter,September 30,National Development and Reform Commission、Ministry of Commerce、Ten departments 188bet app including the Ministry of Culture and Tourism jointly develop characteristic towns。The National Bureau of Statistics released housing price data for 70 cities across the country,Displayed according to the results,First-tier cities led the gains slightly,The number of housing price increases in other cities is not only continuing to decrease,And the increase in house prices continues to narrow。

The good days of cultural tourism real estate have finally come to an end。If we look at the current impact of the epidemic、China-US trade friction、Today’s global geopolitical turmoil,Are you amazed by the reincarnation and drama of history,But the difference is real estate“The pillar status of the national economy”No longer exists,The 20 years of rapid development of cultural tourism real estate also came to an abrupt end,The future of cultural tourism real estate is about to enter a new stage。


Real estate will not die,But cultural tourism must return to its essence

Nearly twenty years,The status of real estate in the national economy and people’s livelihood is second only to manufacturing,The real estate cultural tourism model has also been supporting a large part of China’s cultural tourism industry,So much so that a unique real estate plus cultural tourism model was derived: star hotel + real estate、Resort+Real Estate、Theme Park + Real Estate、Special town + real estate。The good thing is that the development of cultural tourism projects has received relatively strong financial support,But the other side is that this model with Chinese characteristics has completely turned cultural tourism into a vassal of real estate,Cultural tourism has basically become a tool for real estate land acquisition,Real estate has become a fig leaf for cultural tourism to balance cash flow,Be“Care”’s cultural tourism has completely lost its independent spirit and status,Two industries with completely different business models because of the land factor、Bundled by financial support and close integration with destination resources。


Big investment in cultural tourism、Long cycle、Slow return、Focus on product experience and service,Essentially a consumer product;And big investment in real estate、Short period、High leverage、Slow return,Focus on efficiency and turnover,Essentially a financial product。If we talk about the connection and difference between cultural tourism real estate and simple real estate,The biggest thing in common is that they all require large investments,But cultural tourism real estate will test several core capabilities:

1. The ability to obtain scarce resources of land and space;

2、Cultural Mining,Content format design,The comprehensive ability to shape core attractions;

3. Product creation and service system construction capabilities;

4. Operation and management capabilities;

5. Talent support ability;

6. The ability to evolve from brand to IP.

Measure from the abilities in these six aspects,We will find out,There are very few cultural and tourism real estate developers that are truly equipped。But can we still do cultural tourism without real estate??The investment logic of cultural tourism is like this,You must consider the return on investment,Consider the issue of 188bet app fund balance,But as the country tightens its real estate policy,Loan from bank,To land supply,To remove the limit,The good days of real estate are difficult to continue,The routines and methods of acquiring land for cultural tourism real estate are basically well known by the destination government,layers of restrictions,For example, cultural tourism real estate companies are required to clarify their investment entities,Is it a real estate company or a cultural tourism company,Clear source of funds,Is it your own funds or a bank loan,And the argument of operational logic,Land supply still needs to be approved at various levels,Sub-effect supply,This greatly increases the difficulty for cultural tourism real estate companies to obtain low-priced land,It also has a great impact on cultural tourism investment。

How to do cultural tourism in the future?I think we still need to return to the essence and basic laws of the industry,First, control the amount of investment,Cultural tourism must require larger investments,But is it really necessary to spend billions or tens of billions?If there is no more thought of real estate,Should we return to rationality?The second is to seriously create products and services,The essence of cultural tourism is consumer goods,It is a product that touches people’s hearts,It is difficult for luxury hardware to gain real vitality without its soul;Third, cultural tourism must continue to operate iterative products,Only in order to obtain long-term benefits in an average of ten years,This profit will not be quick,Not as huge profits as real estate,Long flow,But it brings comprehensive benefits to the destination,It is a long-term win-win situation between investors and destinations。

The cultural tourism model supported by real estate has experienced fake cultural tourism and real real estate、Zhen Wen Lv Zhen Real Estate,I will go to Zhenwenlv Semi-Real Estate in the future,Certain supporting real estate is used to better support the development of cultural tourism and the appreciation of resource factors,A truly benign win-win situation can only last long。

Cultural Tourism Real Estate“End of life in a bad way”,It’s time to change your way of life!

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The source of this article is Zhihui, and the copyright belongs to the original author. Original title:Thunderstorms, loan suspensions spread, cultural tourism real estate "ends of life" drama
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