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August 21,188bet mobile login Development Co., Ltd. announced its 2019 interim results report。During the reporting period,188bet mobile login achieves revenue 4.HK.7 billion,18 year-on-year increase.2%;Gross profit 3.HK.2 billion,Decreased by 0 year-on-year.13%;Profit attributable to owners of the parent company is 3968.HKD 50,000,Down 90% year-on-year。
188bet mobile login said,The company's revenue growth during the reporting period was mainly due to the increase in property sales revenue from the sale of the remaining inventory of the Guilin project,And this was partially offset by the decrease in hotel design and construction management fee income。
The decrease in the company's profit during the reporting period was mainly due to the net valuation loss of Hengli City investment properties of approximately HK.4 million,The net valuation gain for the same period in 2018 was approximately HK.5 million;The Guilin project generated higher land value-added tax during this period,Resulting in an increase in tax expenses of approximately HK.9 million;Chicago project and additional intermediate holding company interest-bearing loans arising from the unpaid acquisition consideration of 188bet mobile login Liquor Management (Hong Kong),Resulting in an increase in financing costs of approximately 1 during the period.HKD 7.1 billion,Offset by an increase in net other income of HK.8 million,Mainly due to the derecognition of income due to an intermediate holding company of approximately HK.7 million。
As of the end of the reporting period,The company manages a total of 75 hotels that have been opened,Has signed a contract to manage 62 hotels under construction but not yet open。
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