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Inventory of the five crazy car O2O uses

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The transformation of travel methods by mobile Internet,Set off a wave of O2O entrepreneurship in the field of automobile use,Taking a taxi、Car rental、Special car、Carpooling、Driving services have greatly enriched people’s travel,With the strong support of capital,The car market is full of competition,Should we swim naked or in a group,Just wait and see what happens。

While the way of travel is changed by the mobile Internet,It also set off a huge wave of car-based O2O entrepreneurship。By Didi at the end of 2013、The taxi subsidy war started by Kuaidi,Both sides burned a total of 1.5 billion yuan in half a year,Until the merger of the two parties in February 2015,The dominance of “Kuaidi” in the mobile taxi market has been determined,Therefore, the new war has spread to the private car market。

Uber, the originator of taxi-hailing applications, also entered China in 2013 to disrupt the situation,A year later, using capital as a link to form an alliance with Baidu。At present, it is still unclear whether the private car is legal or not,Carpooling and Hitchhiking are back。Baidu only,In recent times, it has successively invested in two ride-sharing O2O startups - 51 Yongche and Tiantian Yongche。

Taking a taxi、Special car、Carpooling/Hitchhiking、Car rental and driving as diversified ways of using cars in the city,Under the transformation of mobile Internet,The entire market is in turmoil、Renovation。Same,Capital is also quite crazy about car O2O。

The latest round of valuation of Uber, which has not yet been listed, has reached 40 billion US dollars,Huxiu made a rough count,From 2014 to present,Domestic venture capital investment in the automotive O2O field has totaled nearly 1.8 billion US dollars,Didi、Kuaida’s financing alone accounted for US$1.5 billion,More than 20 car O2O startups have publicly disclosed financing information。

While car O2O is blooming,It’s also a mess。This article is about taking a taxi、Special car、Carpooling/Hitchhiking、Car rental and driving as the entry point,Selected representative companies in the car O2O market,Undertaken an inventory analysis of its product attributes and industry characteristics,If there are any missing perspectives and companies,Comments and additions welcome。

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Going back to two years ago,In Kuai’s、Before Didi Taxi came out,There are already many taxi-hailing apps on the market。But shake、These names in Baimi have long been forgotten now,How did they decline?

On the one hand,The beginning of huge changes brought by taxi-hailing software to the traditional taxi industry,The harsh attitude 188bet sports betting app download of the regulatory authorities and the critical voices of the official media are very similar to the current questioning and suppression of private cars,The first reason is that the taxi-hailing software itself has payment reputation、Safety management and other issues。

The second is because it affects financial institutions、Benefits of call centers and other units。In this case,Some taxi-hailing software are suppressed by policy restrictions,And Didi、Kuaiti is taking the risk of uncertain policies and making frequent moves to compete in the market,Includes a large number of software recommendations to drivers、Lower the registration threshold、Order price increase、Push fake orders, etc.。

On the other hand,The crazy subsidy war has shaken the balance of the taxi market,While other companies are still thinking about profit models,Didi、I quickly put on the attitude of not thinking about profit and burning money。

The reason,Of course it’s Tencent behind it、The two giants of Alibaba continue to increase their investment,Leave aside Internet giants for mobile payments、Not to mention the layout of O2O and other aspects,Billions of dollars support Didi、Kuaidi becomes more and more happy in the price war,Dump competitors with insufficient capital directly out of the game。

One year has passed since the 2014 subsidy war,After rounds of screening,The taxi market has become increasingly stable,Like Didi、Quickly divide the world into two pieces,The two companies also announced their merger on this romantic day of Valentine’s Day。The massive subsidies for taxi-hailing apps have long since disappeared,A war in the private car market has begun again。

2. Special car: Who has the final say whether it is a black car or not?

When it is difficult to take a taxi,Private car appears with high-level service,It is popular among consumers。And "private cars" have always been in a legal gray area,The fundamental issue lies in whether the source of the vehicle and driver is a private black car。

This year’s two sessions,When the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport was asked by reporters about the issue of using private cars as special vehicles,The answer is: "Never allowed。” The Ministry of Transport has made it clear before,Only legal and compliant “rental vehicles” can provide services as “special vehicles”,So the phenomenon of “private car rental” appeared。

The "First Private Car Case" was heard in court on April 15,This case has attracted attention from all walks of life,Is considered to reflect the government’s attitude towards private cars and whether there can be deep reforms in the market。

According to regulations,Private vehicles are rented from car rental companies by private car operating companies,The number of vehicles in car rental companies is controlled by the government。But in reality,There are also private car owners who bring their cars to sign contracts with leasing 188bet app download companies,Join private car operation,Thus forming a regulatory gray area。The following will help you understand the origin of each company’s “special cars”:

Yidao Yongche, Didi Private Car

[Vehicle and driver source] Claim to cooperate with the leasing company,Choose a vehicle that meets the requirements to join,Save at least hundreds of millions of yuan in vehicle purchase and maintenance costs。

As understood,“Rental vehicles” actually include private cars。When joining as a private car driver,Will sign a contract with another car rental company,Entrust the car to the rental company;Sign a contract with a labor dispatch company,Become a driver yourself,This is the separation of people and vehicles to meet the policy。


[Vehicle and driver source]When Uber entered the Chinese market, it directly cooperated with car rental companies,The driver is a former car rental company employee。These car rental companies cooperate with hotels all year round,Provide residents with business-oriented services such as airport pick-up and drop-off。

Uber just takes those rental company cars,Rented out,Then split into many times,Give rides to different people,That’s all。So,Uber drivers have better habits,Users can enjoy high-quality offline experience。

 China Private Car, No. 1 Private Car, AA Car Rental

[Vehicle and driver source]Their model is basically consistent with the "rental vehicle" policy stipulated by the Ministry of Transportation,Has natural advantages。Build your own fleet,Training drivers,Own all。China Private Car is a large scale,It is said that there are 5,000 special cars in Beijing。

As of September 30, 2014,China car rental fleet size reaches 57745 vehicles,Exceeds the sum of the second to tenth places in the industry,The largest in the country,This number is still growing steadily。

In terms of experience,Users focus on the speed of hailing a ride、Price and driving service。

[Ride speed】Users do not need to enter their destination when requesting a ride with Uber,Nearby vehicles will not pick orders。And Shenzhou、Yidao has more vehicle resource advantages。

[Price】Although the subsidies in the private car market are not as prosperous as the taxi subsidies in 2014,But he also takes action frequently,And each company’s discount methods are different。

[Driving service】The model of self-built fleets such as Shenzhou Special Vehicles,Have standardized training、Vehicle Requirements,The driving experience is relatively good。

3. Carpooling/Hitchhiking: ushering in policy dividends

The development of private cars is limited,Carpooling service has received favorable policies。Recently,Beijing issued the "Opinions on Shared Passenger Car Travel",Ridesharing becomes legal and compliant;Also,During the two sessions this year,Minister of Transport Yang Chuantang also expressed his position,Encourage carpooling。One time,Ridesharing 188bet app download service welcomes many good news。

The advantage of carpooling is to make full use of resources、Low price、Alleviate traffic congestion problem to a certain extent,The government has encouraged it,How can a company not follow the trend??

51 cars, daily cars

[Ride-hailing method】Car owners set their own routes,After the passenger enters the route, the system matches some similar car owners,Car owners grab orders based on demand。Hitchhiking to and from work,Each vehicle can only accept two orders per day (one order each in the morning and afternoon)。

[Billing mode】There is a unified standard for billing,Economic type (POLO)、Comfortable (Accord)、Luxury type (Audi),Economic model only costs 30 yuan for 20 kilometers,Less than half the taxi fare。

[Social】Car owners must provide one-to-one service,Encourage passengers to sit in the front passenger seat,Greatly increases the opportunities for in-depth communication between car owners and passengers。Tiantian Yongche also added “Industry Circle” in the APP,Real name required、Company Certification。

Weiwei Carpooling

[Ride-hailing method】Users can publish their own commute routes and long-distance travel routes,The system performs intelligent matching based on geographical location and time,And recommend the most suitable route to users。Passengers choose a satisfactory route,and send a carpool application to the other party。

[Billing mode】Passengers can choose to share the fare within a certain range.

Haha Carpooling

[Ride-hailing method】Passengers can post carpool requests,Place in the community,Waiting for car owner’s quotation;Passengers can also search for carpooling routes posted by car owners。The biggest feature of Haha is charging by seat (one-to-many allowed),And you can carpool long distances across cities。

[Billing mode]After a passenger posts a ride-sharing request,Car owners provide quotations according to their wishes;Car owners can set their own prices when publishing routes。

[Social】The group function has been added to the APP,Group takes route as dimension,Can gather people who share the same commute route。Passengers and car owners can communicate in the chat window,Car owners can also set up a group chat with several passengers。

Dida Carpooling

[Ride-hailing method] is roughly the same as 51 and every day.

[Billing mode】All models have the same price。For example: pick-up fee in Beijing is 10 yuan,1 yuan per kilometer sharing fee,Cap 99。

[Social] is roughly the same as 51 and every day.

On the road to development of ride-sharing applications,Preventing "staleness" is particularly critical。Number of carpools per day,The method and sequence of information transmission between passengers and car owners,These subtle changes may breed the soil for black car operations。

The business model of ride-sharing applications must be based on scale,Because there is no user base, it is difficult to find car owners and 188bet sports betting app download passengers who take the same route as yourself。So the number of users is the biggest bottleneck for ride-sharing applications,A large number of applications on the market are bound to have some of them eliminated。

Applications with investment from giants will receive more technical support、Marketing,Thus gaining a certain advantage in this competition。In addition,The fresh social experience brought by carpooling also adds a lot to this mode of travel。

4. Car rental: mobile “sharing” becomes mainstream

EHI Car Rental, China Car Rental

The vehicle is owned by the company,Has strong offline network resources。Users can pick up their cars at offline stores,You can also choose door-to-door service。

Door-to-door car delivery service: the vehicle can be delivered to the designated location,Car rental procedures on site。

Door-to-door car pick-up service: end of lease,Go to the designated location to pick up the rental vehicle,Return the car on site。

Off-site car return service: the vehicle can be returned at any service outlet nationwide。

 PP Car Rental

P2P mode,Users can find nearby cars for rent and place an order,The transaction will be completed after the car owner agrees,You can open the car door with your mobile phone。Use the owner’s idle vehicle resources,And help them rent out their idle cars to make money。This model also depends on the number of users,The key to attracting car owners to provide idle resources,When the number of users increases, it is possible to rent cars in the same community。

In comparison,The P2P car rental model has broken the geographical restrictions of offline store rentals,Also a representative model of the “sharing economy”,So in the context of mobile Internet,Rent a car to Shenzhou、EHI Car Rental goes online,The channel method of offline store operation poses a threat。However,The latter two are in terms of vehicle source and condition protection,It will have advantages over PP car rental。

5. Driving: the labor market in the car sector

Before the advent of mobile driving apps,The Internet driving model only provides information about the driving company,Similar to 58.com and other platforms,Just acting as an agent for offline driving companies。

and e-driving、Love driving、Mobile applications such as micro-driving companies bypass driving companies,Directly recruit drivers,Establishing transparent service standards will force industry changes,Traditional telephone appointment、Company dispatch is about to disappear。

The ordering process of the LBS-based driver application is: the driver opens the client and enters the order receiving mode,Users can view nearby drivers and request a ride in real time,You can also choose the time and location to make an appointment,After placing the order, the driver will take the order and go to the car owner’s location to start driving。

Compared with a large number of traditional driving companies,Having information is more transparent、The process is simpler、Higher density of drivers、The advantage of less commission,But we still face the following problems:

1)Number of users on the platform,Issues that all car applications cannot avoid。If there are not enough drivers near the user,The driver needs to spend a long time on the road,A small platform often has a low order quantity,Therefore the orders received by the driver are also very limited。Drivers often use several different software at the same time。

2)Standardized management of services,Involves whether it can be provided to users、Transparent fee standards for drivers,Establishing driver service standards and assessment、Rating system,How to avoid private transactions between drivers and passengers。eDriving recently released the "Internet Driving Service Security White Paper",Trying to establish higher standards。

6. Summary: Every future is different

With the merger of Didi Kuaishou, it is almost a monopoly on mobile taxi-hailing,New car-based O2O entrepreneurs have few opportunities in the taxi-hailing field。There is no taxi subsidy,Taxi drivers have gradually lost their initial enthusiasm for taking taxis,The mobile taxi market in first-tier cities is maturing,But in third- and fourth-tier cities, it needs to be cultivated。

Didi Private Car seizes the market with “0 yuan starting price”,China Private Car relies on the car source advantage of the car rental business,Crazy advertising in second-tier cities、circle user,The two are closing in on Yidao Yongche in terms of private car momentum,But these car O2Os have a common problem - policy restrictions,The suspicion of black cars becoming special vehicles cannot be eradicated。

On the other hand,Taxi drivers see that most private car drivers invest less than them,The income is much higher than them,Calls for reducing “share money” increase。Due to low income levels in third and fourth tier cities,There is a huge gap between the demand for local private cars and the demand for taxis,Therefore, private car services will still be concentrated in first- and second-tier cities。

The reasons why carpooling has become a new hot spot for car-using O2O can be roughly divided into two aspects: on the one hand, it comes from the favorable momentum of the policy environment - for example, Beijing recognized carpooling as legal,The reason is that this can alleviate traffic congestion in the area to a certain extent,But if this regulation is relaxed in other regions,The chaos of black cars flooding into the market is still unavoidable。

On the other hand,Carpooling and P2P car rental models are in line with the characteristics of the "sharing economy",No inventory risk,The efficiency of scheduling idle resources based on geographical location demand is significantly higher than the traditional method。There is also the fact that there are no giants in the ride-sharing field yet,New entrants have opportunities。Private 188bet online sports betting cars registered on the carpooling platform with their real names,Free ride accident insurance,It will become standard in the situation of car-sharing O2O competition。

Car rental and driving service are vehicle rental and labor employment in the field of car use respectively,Taking a taxi、Special car、There is a big difference in purchasing ridesharing services。In comparison,Car rental、Driving is not a high-frequency consumption,Not in popular demand,The usage scenarios are relatively fixed,So the competition for car rentals and driving services will be weaker than that of taxi rides、Special car、Carpooling。

Move as background,Capital boosts car O2O,After low tide,Either naked swimming or group hugging,Just wait and see what happens。

This article comes from Huxiu.com, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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