After the "Enclosure Incident" in Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login, what did the government do?

Cultural 188bet mobile login Benefits Author of this 188bet mobile login: Chen Yao 2015-04-29
After the "Enclosure Incident" in Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login,Reflects that government departments are discussing the process of local tourism、Especially the role and positioning in the operation process involving complex and large stakeholders。

April 29,Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login welcomed the first batch of tourists during the May Day holiday amid anxiety。Days ago,The ticket collection office at the entrance of Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login Scenic Area has become “in name only”,"Whether you buy a ticket depends on your consciousness!"Tourists from the ancient 188bet mobile login said this。

The "Enclosure Incident" that looks like a farce,Introduction to the "de-commercialization" reform plan led by the Fenghuang County People's Government and the "manipulator" behind Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login - Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login Cultural Tourism Investment Co., Ltd.,Regardless of whether this "wind of reform" can make the ancient 188bet mobile login's "scattered and disorderly business model that has naturally grown for 11 years" move towards "standardized operations"。

On the crisis public relations of government departments and handling of public opinion in this incident,Reflects the crisis management capabilities of Chinese local governments in the tourism process at the current stage,And reveals the complexity of operation management and interest orientation issues in the process of tourismization of 188bet mobile login Chinese cities。

This article will start from the government crisis public relations of this "enclosure incident",Discussing the role of local governments 188bet mobile login tourismization process、Especially the role and positioning 188bet mobile login operation process involving complex and large stakeholders。

1. Demarcation of land as "prison": an introduction to "standardized operation and management" of 188bet mobile login spots

March 19, 2013,The Fenghuang County Government announced at the press conference on the integrated operation and standardized management of the Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login Scenic Area held in Changsha,The new tourism management service system of Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login Scenic Area will be officially launched on April 10:

"Integrate the two 4A-level scenic spots of Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login Scenic Area and Shenfeng Cultural Scenic Area into one product,Added tourism scope and attractions,The price is still based on the 148 yuan per person approved by the Provincial Price Bureau。

Rural tourist attractions outside the 188bet mobile login,Based on market demand and the principle of building high-quality products,Integrate 20 scenic spots into two high-quality routes,The ticket price for each line is reduced from the original 148 yuan to 100 yuan。Through this integration,Tourists spend the same or less money when traveling to Phoenix,You will get more and better travel experience。”

Collecting tickets is just an introduction,The motivation behind this is the Fenghuang County Government’s wave of reforms to “de-commercialize” and so-called “standardized operations” of Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login。

The government said: In order to build Phoenix into an internationally renowned tourist destination,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of tourists,Achieve win-win development,188bet mobile login Committee、The county government organizes the operating entities of various scenic spots in the county,Based on market demand and the actual situation of Phoenix Tourism,Formation"Integrated Management,Standard management,Building a new Phoenix 188bet mobile login service management system”’s ideas,"Phoenix Ancient 188bet mobile login Scenic Spot Management Service Co., Ltd." will be established,To Phoenix Ancient 188bet mobile login、Nanhua Mountain、Country Tour、Southern Great Wall、Qiliang Cave and other scenic spots implement the "four unifications" management and service model。

Behind the policy,These are many problems that have arisen from the rapid development of 188bet mobile login since the development of 188bet mobile login in 2001:

1、Disorderly 188bet mobile login,Shoddy as good、Price confusion、Fraudulent tourists、Soliciting without a license、Illegal operation,Tourist complaints remain high;

2、Lack of control in the core scenic spots of the ancient 188bet mobile login,Illegal travel agencies use "free Phoenix tours" to make illegal profits,Destroying industry fairness,The damage caused formal travel agencies to have less confidence in the Phoenix market;

3、Increased pressure to protect Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login,A large number of zero-negative tour fee teams are pouring into Phoenix,Management costs increase sharply,The ancient 188bet mobile login is overwhelmed。

Back in early 2012,The ancient 188bet mobile login of Fenghuang has launched a world cultural heritage application plan in the name of "Fenghuang Southwest Military Defense System"。The road to ancient 188bet mobile login protection,gradually surfaced。

At the Greater Xiangxi Cultural Tourism Industry Integrated Development Promotion Conference on October 27, 2013,Said Yan Changwen, Secretary of the 188bet mobile login Party Committee in Hunan,To celebrate the "April 8th" Flower Dance Festival of the Fenghuang Miao people、Phoenix Border Town Music Festival and other five major cultural festivals have been branded,Let Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login truly become an ancient cultural 188bet mobile login,Instead of an ancient commercial 188bet mobile login.

From this point of view,The starting point is “protecting culture”,Ticket collection policy released,However, it was collectively condemned by the media and the public, and the merchants 188bet mobile login scenic area closed their doors in demonstration。

Compared with this "land enclosure movement" crisis event,Changing an "ancient commercial 188bet mobile login" into an "ancient cultural 188bet mobile login" - the original intention and concept of protecting the ancient 188bet mobile login,Quietly drowning in the war of words,Judging from the government’s performance,Lack of early warning mechanism,Failure to detect signs in advance。

From the perspective of China’s tourism marketization process,The "ticket" incident has always been a "pain 188bet mobile login hearts" of Chinese people,The price of tickets to Huangshan and other famous scenic spots has increased、Golden Week "ticket price increase" wait until the state intervenes to enforce the ticket preferential policy this year,You can all see the sensitivity of the ticket incident。

For Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login, a "188bet mobile login" inhabited by aboriginal people, it is not just a simple sense、In terms of scenic spots that can be "circled",Change "free" to paid,It is bound to have a serious impact on the local famous life,Increase the difficulty of operation management-for this point,The government should take early warning and precautions,It is precisely because of the government’s negligence and lack of early warning,That’s why the war of words broke out,Out of control。

2. Online and offline "war of words": 188bet mobile login events that are getting worse

April 10th is the first day of the implementation of the new ticket policy for Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login.

April 11,Many merchants in the ancient 188bet mobile login spontaneously went on strike to protest "the entry fee has led to a sharp decrease in individual customers",Defined by Fenghuang County officials as an “unlicensed tour guide、Soliciting Personnel” Organization、Instigation。

April 12,188bet mobile login officials held discussions with more than 100 inn owners,Deputy County Magistrate Gao Xiang Wencheng,Merchant must go through the pain period,“Many people don’t care about the ticket price”。

April 14-15,Huang Tian, ​​who lives 188bet mobile login scenic spot, was stopped because he wanted to take his girlfriend home to meet his parents,Because the ticket inspector believes that "girlfriend is not included 188bet mobile login free ticket policy"。

The official response from 188bet mobile login is: normal,Once the rules are set, they should be serious。“A good girl will not marry a ‘Phoenix man’,Because every time you visit, you need to pay。”April 14,An Internet buzzword came out,Received more than 3,000 retweets in two days。

According to statistics from China Youth Public Opinion Monitoring Room,Within 6 days,The average number of daily news focusing on the "entry fee" in Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login,From more than 1,000 to more than 2,300。Daily average number of Weibo posts from 1.20,000 items climbed to 8.40,000,Nearly 500,000 netizens participated in the discussion。

The China Youth Public Opinion Monitoring Room conducted a sample analysis of 1,000 netizen messages and displayed them,Those who have a negative attitude towards the "entry fee",Accounted for 91.3%。Within the first 6 days of the incident,The crisis level of the incident evolved from a "strike" by local merchants to a nationwide "denunciation" by netizens,The situation escalates rapidly,This is closely related to the 188bet mobile login’s “extensive rhetoric” when facing a crisis。

“Unlicensed tour guide、Soliciting Personnel” Organization、Instigating a market strike、“Many people don’t care about the 188bet mobile login price” “It’s normal if my girlfriend is not within the free range,Official statements such as “rules should be taken seriously”,Undoubtedly the decisive factor that made this crisis deteriorate rapidly。

Tough attitude,Attributing merchants to “unlicensed tour guides、Solicitor”,Turn a deaf ear to the interests of the indigenous people in the ancient 188bet mobile login。“Many people don’t care about the ticket price” also attracted Xinhua News Agency’s article questioning: “Statistics show,The ticket price of 148 yuan is close to 1/4 of the monthly net income of a local farmer in Hunan。You said such a ticket price,Do ordinary tourists care?”

“Tickets are overcharged by ‘three to five buckets’,The number of tourists dropped by 50% to 60%,Looks like a very good calculation,But it’s like shooting yourself in the foot。”Some media lamented。Netizens have negative opinions,Questioning the official decision of 188bet mobile login not to be made public、Opaque sounds are louder,Accounted for 32.8%。Whether the "Charging Order" has gone through the hearing process?

According to Cai Long, deputy magistrate of Fenghuang County: Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login tickets are newly priced,Instead of price increase,Therefore no hearing is required。As soon as this statement came out,Immediately attracted countless "buy bricks"。The official Weibo of "Traveler Magazine" asked: "There is no doubt about the fees for attractions,Just how much is appropriate to charge?How to reasonably distribute the fees collected?It is also beneficial to the people,Still used for ancient 188bet mobile login maintenance?These are too vague。”

Netizen "Hu'er Daughter" also said: "I support appropriate charging and limiting the number of people,To protect the style of the ancient 188bet mobile login。Unacceptable,It is a vague charge flow,And the government’s arrogant defensive attitude。”

Netizen "Jieao Zhifeng" sighed: "For collecting tickets,If there is no supervision,188bet mobile login end, I still gained weight with the ‘invisible hand’…”

15th,Yuan Yulai, deputy director of the Administrative Law Professional Committee of the National Lawyers Association with 650,000 Weibo fans,With the article "The government has the right to sell the 188bet mobile login?”’s questioning Weibo,Received a response that was forwarded tens of thousands of times within 12 hours。

He questioned,It was revealed that the Fenghuang County Government formed a joint venture with a local tourism company to establish a scenic spot service company,Government holds 49% shares,Travel company holds 51% shares。“Phoenix officials insist on forcing the ‘188bet mobile login entry fee’,Preparing for the company’s listing?”“The government is not the ‘owner’ of Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login,What right does it have to control and divide Phoenix’s private transactions?”

Order 43.6% of netizens are dissatisfied,This is what is hiding behind this “public-private partnership”—are 188bet mobile login officials ignoring government functions,Determined to compete with the people for profit?A seemingly simple “enclosure incident”,This interaction between the government and the people finally evolved into a discussion on the issue of "interest distribution" and an interrogation of government functions in the process of tourism resource development。

Netizen "Xuerun Wuhen" said: "An ordinary scenic spot charging incident can trigger a public backlash across the country,Fundamentally because of the "beautiful ancient cultural 188bet mobile login of Xiangxi",Reduced to the government squeezing the living space of businesses and residents、Capitalize the interests of tourists。Phoenix seeking nirvana for free,Will eventually become a chicken that is beheaded to obtain eggs。”

In the opinion of netizen "Gangnam FM",There is only one legal prerequisite for Fenghuang County to “sell” a 188bet mobile login: “It must be approved by the vote of all residents and merchants in the ancient 188bet mobile login,Since the entire ancient 188bet mobile login is packaged and marketed,All residents and businesses in the 188bet mobile login should have the right to distribute marketing income。”

“The 188bet mobile login should be the market regulator,Not offside, not missing,This is what a modern 188bet mobile login should do。The picturesque border town in western Hunan should not bear such hustle and bustle。Changes in 188bet mobile login functions,Looking forward to Phoenix Nirvana。” People’s Daily’s Weibo comment said。

After,The 188bet mobile login Government responded to the ticket collection issue that attracted public attention,Although member of the Standing Committee of 188bet mobile login Party Committee、Deputy County Magistrate Cai Long speaks frankly、"Sincerely requesting everyone's tolerance and understanding" in a low profile,Commitment to "make efforts to improve the deficiencies",and disclosed,Although Phoenix currently does not have the conditions for free,However, in the future, we will gradually consider reducing the price until it is free。

Micro interview of just one hour,Onlookers don’t seem to buy it。Many netizens think that the answer is nothing new,Too many cliche official words,Avoid the important and take the easy approach。Fenghuang Ancient Town does have plans to go public,But collecting tickets has nothing to do with listing。Afternoon of the 16th,Phoenix Ancient 188bet mobile login official responded on Weibo,The vast majority of people in Fenghuang County are in favor of and support charging fees。

Wang Wei, Director of the Department of Social Development of the National Development and Reform Commission, said in response to the price increase in Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login,Natural Culture、Precious heritage,One is a masterpiece of nature,One is the legacy of our ancestors,Should be all Chinese people,Even people all over the world should enjoy it。The line should not be drawn based on whether you have money or not,I hope everyone can appreciate it、Everyone can feel this masterpiece,There will definitely be gradual price reduction or low-ticket system in the future。

Wang Wei emphasized,Tickets cannot be used as a tool for small groups or individuals to seek benefits,Nature and the beautiful resources left by our ancestors should be allowed to serve the broad masses of the people。For the development of public opinion,The local 188bet mobile login’s tough attitude and inappropriate remarks,Not only does it not effectively guide public opinion,On the contrary, this crisis is getting worse。

Public opinion’s focus has been upgraded from tickets to profit distribution、The torture of 188bet mobile login functions,The scope has been upgraded from some netizens to all netizens and local merchants、During this period, there was even more fuel from the central media,The overall direction of public opinion is due to the lack of and inappropriate 188bet mobile login speech,Leading public opinion to be “one-sided”,Making the 188bet mobile login’s apology seem ineffective。

Not only that,There is a huge difference between the official data and the actual business conditions of merchants: according to the data released by the 188bet mobile login Government as of April 13,Ticket revenue exceeded 2.27 million yuan in 4 days。In comparison,According to media reports,The vendor selling souvenirs on the street only sold 18 yuan a day。

This will undoubtedly make the already helpless merchants in the scenic spot even worse。At this time,The long-announced "Misty Phoenix" project has surfaced due to the interests of merchants,This tourism project is positioned to divert passenger flow in Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login,Considered by merchants in the ancient 188bet mobile login as a "dark cloud hanging over their heads"。

15th,The local government announced the ticket-free policy: Hunan Xiangxi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture adjacent to Fenghuang County、Huaihua 188bet mobile login, Hunan、Residents in the three districts of Tongren 188bet mobile login, Guizhou Province can enjoy free treatment when visiting Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login;From April 20th,The ticket price for students nationwide to travel to Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login has been reduced from 80 yuan to 20 yuan。

Today,Farmer boat dock near Tuojiang Bridge,Hundreds of farm boats are still parked on the shore,No guest。This is in sharp contrast to the bustle 188bet mobile login North Gate Pier upstream,There are long lines of tourists who spent 148 yuan to buy a pass and wait for the "Tuojiang River Rafting"。

According to media reports,In this ticket charge,The interests of merchants and boatmen have been seriously damaged。It is reported,In the full price of 148 yuan for the Phoenix Scenic Area,Including Tuojiang River Rafting,However, this activity is fully contracted out to Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login Scenic Area Service Management Co., Ltd. and its affiliated fleet,The boatmen who used to make a living from this had nothing to do。

15th,Representatives of farm boats in the lower reaches of Fenghuang Tuojiang River separately communicated with the People’s Government of Tuojiang Town, Fenghuang County、Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login Scenic Spot Tourism Management Service Co., Ltd. signed the "Framework Agreement on Cooperation to Establish Taohua Island Farm Boat Company" and the "Framework Agreement on Cooperation Operations",Change the past history of going ashore to solicit customers,Building shares in ships to implement corporate operations。

As understood,The newly established Taohua Island Farm Shipping Company will implement joint-stock operations in accordance with the agreement,Ticketing and sales are uniformly operated by Fenghuang County Ancient 188bet mobile login Scenic Area Tourism Service Management Company [4]。Days ago,The ticket office at the entrance of the ancient 188bet mobile login is “in name only”。This farce,Seems to end as the media noise gradually calms down。

Three. 188bet mobile login-Citizen Interaction: Complex Stakeholders

From the perspective of the above development process,The stakeholders in the “enclosure incident” in Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login are very obvious,Play different roles in the incident,The government’s interaction and response also reflect the local government’s ability to handle crisis events to a certain extent。The specific situation is as follows:

In summary,Throughout the crisis,Netizen、Local people、Mainstream media、Opinion leaders such as major Weibo users and merchants in 188bet mobile login spots、Investors are all playing different roles: the public opinion of netizens is "one-sided" combined with the events that happened on the spot among local people (merchants),Making the entire public sentiment and opinion direction obviously one-sided。

In this situation,Because the local 188bet mobile login has not adopted any media public relations strategy,Mainstream media adhere to the social responsibility of fairness,Siding with the people,Questioning the market-oriented functions of local 188bet mobile login in a clear tone,And stand at the height of human development (National Development and Reform Commission) to set standards for the issue of "enclosure" of tourism resources,In addition, other media follow suit,Plays a key role in controlling the entire direction of public opinion。

In addition to offline actions such as going on strike and closing the market to protest,Its role is also reflected through media interviews,Their concerns about being “deprived” of their own interests、Concerns about another land enclosure project "Misty 188bet mobile login", etc.,All lead to the deeper reasons behind it at different levels。

Media - local people (businesses) - netizens "three-wheel drive",Continue to escalate this crisis,The seemingly simple "ticket incident" evolved into a torture of 188bet mobile login functions and interest mechanisms。

And among them,The government’s communication with stakeholders seemed tough and weak: 188bet mobile login early stages of the incident,Does not respond to most comments,Didn’t speak out until the merchants 188bet mobile login scenic spot went on strike,However,A series of remarks that seem to disregard the interests of the people (although they seem to be correct to a certain extent),Rapidly escalate this crisis。

188bet mobile login middle of the development of the incident,Distribution of interests 188bet mobile login face of public opinion、The torture of government functions,The government is speechless again,Investors who stand on the “united front” with the government also point their “fingertips” at the government,Although a formal apology has been made to the public,But due to previous negative attitude,The apology seems feeble at this time。

However,From the 188bet mobile login’s communication with merchants in scenic spots,Whether the "Phoenix" project monopolized by private capital will deprive existing merchants of their interests,Regardless of whether the 188bet mobile login’s policy of “unified management and standardized operation” will harm the interests of merchants in scenic spots。

Relatively speaking,The communication effect is slightly better than the communication effect with the 188bet mobile login: immediately after the merchant strike broke out, the merchants were called to a meeting,Soothing emotions,And deal with the "idle problem" of boat workers in a timely manner,Adopt relatively appropriate methods (encouraging shares) to incorporate merchants into a unified operating system。

IV. summary

Not just “PR” the whole thing,It is not so much a crisis public relations interaction between the 188bet mobile login and the people,It’s better to say it’s the 188bet mobile login、People、The game between merchants and media。

188bet mobile login process of tourism development with the Chinese government as the main body,The tourism resources that should belong to the people are being carried out by interest groups in a "land enclosure movement",The development and operation of scenic spots requires huge costs,No profit,Where do development funds come from?Do you charge tickets or not,Not important,The key depends on how to collect it,There is nothing wrong with obtaining benefits,The key is how to make profits,Let whom、How many people benefited。

In the process of tourism development,“Collusion between government and business” is no longer a rare thing,In the minds of tourists,Charging tickets——I’m not used to it anymore,It could have been accepted relatively peacefully,However, because of the inappropriate remarks and response of the 188bet mobile login Government, this "standardized management" policy evolved into a public opinion crisis,Today when social media is so popular,The flow of information is even faster,Phoenix official Weibo not only failed to respond in time to this incident。

Opposite,His tough response,Information rather than “communication”,Spread subjective assumptions (at least in the eyes of netizens) such as "The vast majority of people in 188bet mobile login are in favor of and support toll collection"。

188bet mobile login final analysis,This is due to the local government’s livelihood awareness issues,Did not consider the interests of the people、Merchant’s interests come first,But insists on having his own way,Always communicate with the public with a tough attitude,Even challenging the limits of people’s consciousness。However,Finally the government proposed a free ticket policy。

However,Can the "enclosure fee" of an open ancient 188bet mobile login really distinguish locals from outsiders so easily?Realistic operability,Another problem with this free ticket policy。The current ticket office of the scenic spot is “in name only”

Proof again,The failure of the ticket collection policy and the decline in the credibility of the local government。"Small Rain Phoenix" is still going on,Where will the ancient 188bet mobile login of Phoenix go??On the road of transformation from an ancient commercial 188bet mobile login to an ancient cultural 188bet mobile login,How far can Fenghuang Ancient 188bet mobile login go?Local government,There is a long way to go。

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