Visitor complaints dropped significantly 188bet sports betting app download Golden Week,Increased willingness to “secondary consumption”

Cultural 188bet sports betting app download Benefits Authors of this article: Chen Aiping, Yu Junjie 2020-10-12
Overall tourist satisfaction 85.71 points,Satisfaction with the scenic spot is 86 points。

National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival 8-day holiday,my country’s 188bet sports betting app download market is accelerating its recovery,Many scenic spots reappear "people follow the crowd",It’s as lively as the Chinese New Year。For the 188bet sports betting app download industry that has experienced the war, "epidemic" and "nirvana" rebirth,How many points consumers choose to give?

Tourist satisfaction increased and the number of 188bet sports betting app download-related complaints dropped sharply in many places

China 188bet sports betting app download Academy (Ministry of Culture and 188bet sports betting app download Data Center) data display,This year’s National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival,Overall tourist satisfaction 85.71 points,Satisfaction with the scenic spot is 86 points,further improved from 85 points during the Dragon Boat Festival holiday。

According to Beijing Municipal Culture and 188bet sports betting app download Bureau,Double Festival period,There are no travel safety incidents in this place、No travel-related outbreak、No major travel-related complaints、No major negative public opinion related to 188bet sports betting app download,Illegal “one-day tour” maintains zero complaints。News from Shanghai Culture and 188bet sports betting app download Bureau,No major travel safety accidents or mass complaints occurred during the holiday,And the number of complaint calls received by the Shanghai 188bet sports betting app download Consultation Hotline and Shanghai 188bet sports betting app download Quality Supervision dropped significantly year-on-year,Reflects people’s increased satisfaction with traveling in Shanghai。

“The festival is exciting,Just like Chinese New Year!There are many people in the scenic area but the order is not chaotic。”This is the feeling of Zhang Lu, a tourist in 188bet sports betting app download and Chongqing。

China 188bet sports betting app download Academy survey data shows,During the long holiday,85% of tourists participated in various cultural and leisure activities,Visit historical and cultural districts among them、Museum、The proportion of visitors to the art museum is 41.8%、40.5% and 27.1%。

In Hunan,Red 188bet sports betting app download is highly sought after,Hometown Tour、Family Tour、Self-driving travel is heating up,The driving force of cultural 188bet sports betting app download consumption is further enhanced。20 quality rural leisure 188bet sports betting app download routes launched by Xinjiang,Attracted many tourists from far and wide。Shanghai cultural and 188bet sports betting app download departments at all levels have joined forces with cultural and 188bet sports betting app download enterprises to launch more than 140 festivals around the themes of "culture and folk customs", "urban 188bet sports betting app download", "close to nature" and "enjoyment at farmhouses"、Cultural and 188bet sports betting app download activities,Let local citizens and foreign tourists share the beauty and joy。

In addition,Use of high-tech means in various places,By appointment、Current limiting、Improving service levels through diversion and other methods,Improved tourist experience。According to statistics,The number of scenic spots nationwide that implement real-name reservations during the long holiday increased by 3.5 times,Except for some open ticket-free scenic spots,More than 94% of 5A tourist attractions implement time-sharing reservation system。China 188bet sports betting app download Academy survey shows,82 during the long holiday.8% of tourists have experienced reservations to varying degrees,Only 2.5% of tourists expressed negative comments about the reservation experience。

“Second consumption” becomes the new favorite, 188bet sports betting app download consumption accelerates recovery

The 188bet sports betting app download market is booming in both supply and demand,A new phenomenon has emerged during this year’s National Day and Mid-Autumn Festival: many people go on a second short trip or multiple local leisure trips after returning in the middle of the holiday。According to statistics,Within 8 days of vacation,Tourist travel radius reached its lowest on October 5,Expanded again to 200 starting on the 6th.1km,The month-on-month expansion is 10.6%,Continuing to expand on a 7-day basis。

Different from previous long-term domestic travel or outbound travel,Shanghai citizen Cheng Bai stayed at two B&Bs in Suzhou and Shanghai Jinshan for two nights this 188bet sports betting app download。“The purpose of this arrangement is to eat authentically、Comfortable stay、Completely relax,Experienced different folk customs and services。”

“188bet sports betting app download consumption confidence has fully recovered,The development potential of the industry is being fully released。The National Day holiday has become an important engine for accelerating the recovery of domestic consumption。" said Dai Bin, President of China 188bet sports betting app download Academy。

Cheng Chaogong, chief researcher of Tongcheng Research Institute, also thinks that,The long holiday continues the overall recovery trend of the 188bet sports betting app download market since the summer,Laid a solid foundation for further recovery of domestic 188bet sports betting app download。On the city’s Yilong platform,Hotel bookings during the holiday increased by 43% compared with the same period last year;Hotel bookings in third-tier and below cities increased by more than 55% year-on-year,The above data has exceeded historical highs。

Industry insiders generally maintain optimistic expectations for the recovery of the 188bet sports betting app download market and industry revitalization in the fourth quarter,It is a high probability that the 188bet sports betting app download economy will recover and revitalize in a "U-shaped" manner throughout the year。

Further increase the supply of 188bet sports betting app download and leisure products to meet the needs of a better life

However,As “people follow the herd” reappears in many places,Some tourists still encounter some "bad things"。188bet sports betting app download citizens who traveled to Yangzhou came to express their opinions,The queue time at a well-known local tea house is “astonishingly long”,Around 6 o'clock in the morning, some restaurants stopped queuing due to too many customers。On social platforms,The video of a tourist wearing a raincoat standing in a long queue at Huangshan Scenic Area and shouting "I want to go home" resonated with many netizens;"Dali Shuanglang Ancient Town,The video of insulting tourists if they don’t buy drums” also attracted widespread attention。

According to the 188bet sports betting app download Municipal Administration for Market Regulation,The 12315 hotline platform is receiving complaints,The problems reflected in complaints about catering, accommodation and transportation are concentrated in hotel accommodation online booking disputes、Online ordering service delayed and delayed、Disputes over online passenger refunds, changes, etc.。

Analysis by He Jianmin, Professor of Shanghai University of Finance and Economics,As our residents’ pursuit of a better life continues to increase,Safety of 188bet sports betting app download products、Experience、Quality requirements are also further improved。Time-honored restaurant、The “cluster” of consumers in classic scenic spots reflects that the domestic supply of high-quality 188bet sports betting app download and leisure products is still insufficient,Regions should be based on holiday 188bet sports betting app download data,Guide the industry to innovate business formats,Optimize product supply。

“Relevant departments have certain regulatory gaps regarding the increasing number of ‘pre-order consumption’”,Professor Lou Jiajun of East China Normal University said,Online travel platforms should be further monitored、188bet sports betting app download service providers strengthen guidance and supervision,Punishment on companies that deliberately break promises and breach of trust。

In addition,188bet sports betting app download Golden Week,Safety accidents causing casualties have also occurred in some places and scenic spots,This warns us,The string of safety must be tightened at all times,Never be indifferent to hidden dangers。

Now entering the autumn and winter season,Expand the supply of high-quality winter 188bet sports betting app download products,Continue to create consumer demand,Consolidate the positive fundamentals of 188bet sports betting app download economic recovery。Dai Bin said: “Areas rich in ice and snow resources should pay attention to winter ice and snow、Avoid the cold、Rural 188bet sports betting app download、Changes in demand for sports 188bet sports betting app download, etc.,Combining local characteristics and B&B、Sports、Vacation、Hot Springs、Develop new winter 188bet sports betting app download projects and products with themes such as research。”

*Source of this article: Xinhuanet,Author:Chen Aiping, Yu Junjie,OriginalTitleVisitor complaints dropped significantly 188bet sports betting app download Golden Week,Increased willingness to “secondary consumption” 》.

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