Corruption, internal friction, and cannon fodder: the barbaric history 188bet mobile evolution of O2O organizations

Author of 188bet mobile article: Li Likai 2015-06-18
The ideal organization always follows the organizational goals,Quick communication and response mechanisms are a must,Especially 188bet mobile ever-changing Internet industry。

In recent days,A certain boss of mine has been waiting on the sidelines for many years,Finally I couldn’t stand the temptation 188bet mobile O2O trend,Joined an O2O entrepreneurial project。He asked me about the organizational structure 188bet mobile local branch,I just happen to plan to write something about this,Just write a complete article。Every little bit of experience and lessons are picked out from cannon fodder,Someone only found out after paying enough price。

When the Internet enters the O2O era,Previous technology、The product-led situation will become history,Offline accounts for half 188bet mobile country。The picture used when Groupon was launched describes it very well,,Half is a chip,Half is muscle,Is the most vivid portrayal of O2O。

Not mentioned in the online part,How to make offline muscles work better,188bet mobile organizational structure needs continuous evolution。Come and see how many years have passed,What changes have occurred in 188bet mobile organizations、Which evolutions。Among these changes,Many people have become “cannon fodder”。

The early days of 188bet mobile: the reckless era of sales

When 188bet mobile was first established as a branch,It is a very typical sales-led model。A city manager I know described it this way,He was assigned to develop a market in a new city,Hundreds of thousands in cash in the bag,Except renting、Beyond recruiting troops,We still need to get a buffet in a city as quickly as possible、cinema,This can ensure that the city’s trading performance improves quickly。

Get the cinema、The fastest way to have a buffet is to underwrite,It is equivalent to wholesale these products and sell them on the 188bet mobile website。Cinemas and buffets can get cash flow,When underwriting is more exaggerated in the later period,There are merchants who can use underwriting funds to open branches。

This centralized advantage is still in effect today,All buffets in one city、Transaction volume of cinemas,Often accounts for more than one-third of 188bet mobile transactions in a city。In the 188bet mobile war,The era of reckless heroes,The first-line salesmen have a strong sense of traditional industry sales,That’s it,Get customers,Can handle everything。

Personal heroism of making an alliance with blood,The ability to quickly acquire top local merchants,This is the advantage of top sales,But the problem that comes with it is corruption。The biggest difference between sales in the 188bet mobile industry and sales in traditional industries is,188bet mobile sales do not rely on the value you create for the company to obtain income,But through something that looks incredible,Measured by transaction volume rather than profit。This kind of motivation is like letting a shark smell blood,Various weird ways to cheat orders、Corruption is endless。For example, sales team up with the cinema market to use group purchase tickets to make the difference,The salesman purchases the group purchase order to cheat the reward,blah blah blah。

Expelled、Changing blood is not enough to scare these salespeople,With the overall decline of the 188bet mobile industry,The reward is not that high,The pace of this crazy movement has slowed down。188bet mobile salespeople have a new name,Call BD,BusinessDevelop。Business Development,But many front-line business personnel do not agree with this new name,They still call themselves sales。

Also,With the increasing number of 188bet mobile coupons at 188bet mobile stations,Local functions are gradually improving,The sales-led era enters branch office mode,That is, the local branch takes on more markets besides sales、Operation and other work。From one-way breakthrough to several carriages running in parallel,From recklessness to organization。

Transformation stage: the pros and cons 188bet mobile branch model

As 188bet mobile substations need to handle more and more work,Headquarters coordination is gradually unable to solve the problem of differentiated needs,For example, the weather in Shanghai is pleasant in October,Snowflakes may already be falling in Harbin,The content that needs to be recommended is naturally completely different。

Local sub-stations begin to improve functions,Responsible for signing the contract、BD that maintains merchant 188bet mobile packages,Convert the package from contract to online coupon operation,Customer service responsible for resolving local disputes,There is also a local market,Can be branded locally、Advertising,Or organize some marketing activities in conjunction with local merchants。

This organizational structure echoes the corresponding departments in the headquarters,Form matrix management。For example, the headquarters marketing department coordinates the work of sub-station marketing personnel,The BD 188bet mobile headquarters and the BD 188bet mobile branch station,Operation Management Operation。Whenever the vertical relationship is vertical enough and smooth,It is inevitable that problems will arise in the horizontal direction。For example,When there is a conflict between the opinions 188bet mobile marketing department at the headquarters and the person in charge 188bet mobile branch,Who do you listen to??

This kind of organization forms two factions,One 188bet mobile is the person in charge of the sub-station who has the greatest authority,All core processes must be handled by the person in charge of the branch before they can go smoothly。The other faction is,In order to prevent the person in charge of the sub-station from over-concentrating power,Through decentralization、"The soldiers leave the general、Divide the troops by leaving the army"。

Both have their own pros and cons,Centralized sub-station communication is more efficient,Can fully develop,But the risk is that a failed city leader can destroy a city,The wasted time and opportunities will never come back。Decentralization can easily cause internal friction,For example, operations、Sales、The market can join forces to completely eliminate the city manager,The internal friction of many 188bet mobile sub-stations at that time was to pay for this organizational structure。or,The new person in charge will check and balance the old employees by attracting new employees,Many sub-stations of Dianping have experienced this kind of running-in pain,Local sales can ignore the city manager,In half a year anyway,The other party is gone,I am still here。

In order to prevent the regional director from having too much power,Meituan learns from Alibaba,Started the "political commissar" system,Separate personnel rights from the hands 188bet mobile sub-station manager。Originally the political commissar system was quite good,There were differences within Meituan at that time,After all, the top leadership 188bet mobile political commissar is the sales founder A-Gump,There is still someone else,In the end, Meituan chose Wang Xing’s wife to be the chief political commissar,As a result, this system that could have helped more failed to achieve its originally expected effect。

In the era of branch office model,A large number of 188bet mobile companies died,Once raised 60 million US dollars,The Ding Ding discount at the city branch that opened more than 40 cities was also killed at this stage。

Enter the mobile era,The branch organization has evolved again,The most striking feature is that 188bet mobile has a smaller size、A more mobile team,Efficiency has been greatly improved。

O2O era: flexible small 188bet mobile

Various differences arose in the later stages 188bet mobile branch model,In fact, it has something to do with the development 188bet mobile entire O2O industry entering a relatively slow period,When efficiency and fighting are not the first needs,Internal friction will rear its head。

With industry segmentation, O2O is promoted to local sub-stations,With changes in organizational goals,The organizational structure has been improved again。For example, the position at Kuaishou local branch is not called BD,It’s not called sales either,It’s called operations。It does not rent office buildings,Instead, find a street store with a parking space in front 188bet mobile door,Be able to show yourself,Can complete more interactions with the driver。Keep front-line employees with drivers at all times。’s organizational structure is also worth mentioning,Just like when Meituan was different from other 188bet mobile,Recruited many young people directly,Rather than people with industry experience。’s frontline staff call the market,Responsible for the dual responsibilities of sales and marketing,Even includes some operational work。The tissue granularity is smaller,Based on an area,A group of two or three people,This group is responsible for cultivating a certain area,Including signing、local push、He proposed localization reward policy suggestions。The job content actually covers sales、Operation、Jobs in all market categories。

A young girl I interviewed from went from the Beijing market to the person in charge of Ningxia and then to the southwest region in a very short time,Growing very fast,188bet mobile is closely related to the leadership style of,Completely use young people’s methods to boldly delegate power,Bold trial and error,Created a young team,A ground team that can compete head-on with Meituan。

Another organizational structure worth mentioning is Uber’s “three people, one 188bet mobile”,It adopts a three-person structure of 188bet mobile manager + operation + market,Complement each other,Flexible advancement。Respectively responsible for local drivers、Client operation related work,The market is responsible for external brand linkage work。

The advantage of a small organization is efficiency,But the disadvantages are still the same as mentioned before,Bad city leaders will ruin a city。The risk of reusing young people like is,Its current advantage lies in vision motivation,The company is also expanding rapidly,The foreseeable risk should occur when the company's development encounters obstacles or stagnation,This time has not come yet,But I’ll be back sooner or later。Meituan is already experiencing boredom among its old employees、Lack of work or even collective resignation。Of course,Some of them are done by Meituan themselves to get rid 188bet mobile burden,Promote turnover in disguised form by reducing reward performance。

Uber’s small organization may also cause external chaos,I feel like any Uber employee can be interviewed,A lot of information is inconsistent。If you put 188bet mobile into your daily work,I’m afraid Uber’s user and driver experience will be even worse,In fact, there are many complaints about Uber。

What should an ideal 188bet mobile look like?

My former boss asked me,Does the 188bet mobile manager want to deliver food??Because I was struggling with it myself at the time,Do you want to spend more time on the front line?I think once or twice is okay,But he should do more important things。

For example, a city manager wants to build an organization to achieve organizational goals,Rather than fighting alone。Let me sweep the streets,I’ll probably sign a dozen orders after exhausting work,But enough people are recruited,I control their basic processes,Just ensure the result。So the city manager should undertake tasks at different stages according to different stages,Kneel down to lay network cables,The station 188bet mobile speak PPT,You 188bet mobile come up with a plan,188bet mobile talk about customers。In short,Need to coordinate various resources to serve organizational goals。

The ideal organization always follows the organizational goals,If denser granularity is required,Then make the organizational units smaller,If a phase change occurs,Organizations with moderate flexibility are more capable,Among them,Quick communication and response mechanisms are a must,Especially 188bet mobile ever-changing Internet industry。Since the goal is difficult to quantify,Recruiting the right people and delegating power appropriately is a necessary choice。

Let those who 188bet mobile hear the gunfire make decisions,If the senior management wants to know more,Then it’s best to go to the front line and listen to the artillery fire together,Instead of letting local governments report to the headquarters。Also,Parallel communication is also important,Many cities 188bet mobile learn from each other’s trials and errors,After all, a trial and error 188bet mobile stop in one city,There is no need to pay tuition in each city。

Anyway,No organization is perfect,Only an evolving organization。Also,Does what you want to do have potential,Or whether the business model itself is feasible,188bet mobile matter is more critical。Both raising children and raising monkeys requires a lot of experience,But the results a few years later were very similar。And the Internet is developing too fast,Verify a pattern in a very short time,Many things,Either do it or do it,That’s it,Either do it or do it,Just died。

Of course,Some lessons are worth reading,Because I saw some companies building sub-stations later,No lesson learned。In the first three months of building the sub-site, a lot of junk content was put online just to maximize the quantity,I spent most 188bet mobile next six months paying the price for these three months,Some branches have gone through several major changes。

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