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Cultural Tourism Benefits Author of this article: Liu Jiewu 2020-11-15
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From early 2018,With the iteration of short videos in the new media field,The trend of Internet celebrities has spread from the entertainment industry to the tourism industry,Short videos carry fewer information points,As an Internet celebrity live broadcast background, it stands out in the short video trend,Thus leading the trend of Internet celebrity scenic spots。

Internet celebrity scenic spot born in early 2018,Most of them are informative and simple、Easy to spread characteristics,For example, a painting、A set of actions can spread on the Internet,Laying the foundation for the scenic spot’s rapid popularity。1 of Internet celebrity scenic spots.Stage 0 is also very simple,Science、Highly topical,Simple message,Easy to spread。Internet celebrity scenic spot 1.0’s creation is also very stylized,That is, Internet celebrity projects or Internet celebrity activities drive the creation of Internet celebrity scenic spots。The most common ones are glass bridges、Slide、Hot air balloon、Screaming Fountain、Internet celebrity swing、Swinging Bridge、Construction of small train... and other projects,Quickly fire the scenic area mode;There are also products such as Xiamen Turkish Ice Cream、A topical activity model such as Sister Tumbler in the Everlasting City of the Tang Dynasty,Can attract attention on a certain video platform in the shortest time,Thus quickly promoted to the Internet celebrity scenic spot。

But Internet celebrity scenic spot 1.0’s shortcomings are also very prominent,With the large-scale copying of influencer projects and influencer activities,Similar projects and activities of the same level and low level flood the corresponding new media,Makes people quickly develop aesthetic/ugly fatigue,In addition, many people have played once and it is difficult to choose to come again,Internet celebrity scenic spots have also lost their beauty with the rapid cooling of Internet celebrity projects。Although,There are many scenic spots that hope to succeed in Internet celebrity projects and Internet celebrity activities,Dan Internet celebrity scenic spot 1.The era of 0 has passed quietly,Coming with it is the Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.0 debut。

So what kind of era is Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.0?

Internet celebrity scenic spot 2,Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.The core of 0 is scene dominance,Especially the concentration and creation of the scene。In other words,Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.0What is more important is the creation of the scene,Consumers consume and communicate in the scene,The overall scene effect determines whether you can become an Internet celebrity,And how far it can spread。Currently the more famous Changsha and Guangzhou Super Wenheyou、Wuhan Zhiyinhao、Datang Everlasting City、Tangshan Banquet and so on belong to this type。

Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.0 has the following characteristics:

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Internet celebrity scenic spots 1.0 compared to,Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.0The biggest feature is winning in scenes,Not just a picture,It is no longer a simple action,Or a simple internet celebrity project,Internet celebrity 188bet online sports betting scenic spot 2.0 is the concentration and reproduction of the scene,What this scene needs is to intercept a time segment to focus on the scene (Super Wenheyou),Or reproduce a certain scene in a condensed space (Zhiyinhao)。At present, the most clever way is to create nostalgic scenes,The main interception period is the Republic of China,Super Wenheyou created the memory killing scene at the beginning of reform and opening up。

The first one is to intercept a time segment and turn it into a scene。This fragment must be the common memory of most people,Or film and television works、A period of time that is subtly influenced by literary works (such as the Republic of China、Late Qing Dynasty、Tang、Song...)。This time segment itself is resonant,And the scene presented in this time segment,Must be a concentrated type,Condensing many memories of time fragments together,Different scenes constitute the overall scene of this time segment。

The most outstanding one is Super Wenheyou,No matter there are 40,000 people queuing online、Guangzhou Super Wenheyou with 20,000 people queuing offline,The Changsha Super Wenheyou who left Taiping Street flooded during National Day,These are intercepted memory fragments of the reform and opening up in the 1980s and 1990s。This time segment,The scene was not actually taken in a certain street or lane,But to artistically process the scenes in people’s memories of the 80s and 90s,Select the most representative elements to reproduce the scene,Add elements in the scene that can best activate the scene memory - food, clothing, housing,And the trendy culture at that time。

For example, this is the case with Super Wenheyou in Changsha,First, the street scene of Changsha in 1980-90,The scene of a residential area along the streets of old Changsha that is slightly messy but full of urban atmosphere,Even restored the outdoor clothesline and drying clothes on the concrete balcony,Strict scene、Compact,But it is an authentic restoration,This is in sharp contrast to areas that retain the physical landscape of the time - such as some shantytowns in Changsha。This kind of scene shows all the beauty and memories,There will be no displeasure of the confusion and messiness of reality。Plus various local snacks from the 80s and 90s,People’s taste memory is fully awakened,Add books from that time、Entertainment at that time (Qizhi Dingbing’s cross talk、A vintage billiard room...),In a time slice,The scenes are condensed and displayed together。Scenes like this have no obvious order,Enter from any scene,Then walk through the entire scene,These are all strengthening the impression of this time period,Until you walk out of this scene space。

The second is to show a dramatic scene in a condensed space。This scene can be in the past,It can also be now,It can still be the future;This scene can be realistic,Can also be fictional。This scene is a dramatic scene,It has an inherent dramatic plot and acting process,It has a main story,There are sub-plots,Whether it is the main line or the branch line,They are all unified,There is a clear sense of ritual before entering the scene,Inform you that you have entered this scene;In the scene,Each scene and the tasks in the scene serve the dramatic plot,Any layout and character settings must comply with this setting,Don’t let people make trouble;Third,There will be a clear ritual scene,Explicitly 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino inform the end of the scene,Completion of experience。

After exiting the scene,There will be a review of the scene and related derivative products of the scene。But clearly informing the end of the scene is a required process,Otherwise it is easy to confuse the sense of departure from reality with the scene,Reduce experience。Dramatic scenes are guided by processes,The process must be as smooth as possible,Because the process represents the beginning and ending of the story,Represents the accumulation of immersive experience,Confusion in the process leads to confusion in the experience。

For example, Wuhan Zhiyinhao is like this,The entire Zhiyinhao reflects the scene of Hankou Port in the Republic of China,Using a small space like a boat as a carrier,Connect several storylines in the scene (such as the old ship ticket story、The story of lovers in the Republic of China、Bar dance...),To achieve the purpose of quickly advancing the plot in a compact space。The experience on the Zhiyin starts from getting on the ship to leaving the ship,The whole is continuous,Experience is also superimposed。To the plot、Process、The scene integration of rhythm and space requires great care,To make the whole experience complete。

With ordinary ancient towns、Different ancient cities, etc.,Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.0’s scene is more condensed,Also pay more attention to details,And more concentrated。Every part of the space is exquisite,Everyone is sincere,This includes more than just the physical landscape,It also includes the people and plot design in the scene,The latter is especially rare。Compare to,The space of the ancient town is more rough,Difficult to be precise in details,It is even more difficult for the service staff inside to keep the scene dramatic at all times。

Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.0’s scene integration is also very good,Although it is an independent space,But it is often overlayed in hot traffic areas,Instead of creating independent scenic spots in isolation。Also taking Super Wenheyou as an example,In Changsha it is located in Hisense Plaza,It is on the Xiangjiang River near Wanda Plaza,This place is not far from Huangxing Road Pedestrian Street, the traditional traffic center of Changsha,The traffic reaches here effortlessly。Guangzhou Super Wenheyou is in Tianhe Center,The traffic center of Guangzhou,It blends in without any trace。

The core of the scene is cultural excavation and artistic creation

Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.0The key is scene creation and experience,The core is cultural excavation and artistic creation。Culture is the deep support of the scene,Artistic creation is the source of scene innovation。Whether it is to intercept a certain time segment to create a scene,Or condense a certain space to create a dramatic scene,There is deep cultural excavation behind it。Every new scene,Not a simple copy of the original era,It is an artistic re-creation,The precision of artistic creation determines the degree of immersion in the scene experience。

Creating a scene for a certain period of time,Need to sort out the culture of this time period,Find the building of this time period、Decoration、Life、Habit、Entertainment、The trend...and then reorganize these things,Sort out the cultural representatives of this time period、Life symbols,Then recreate it using design,Form small theme scene spaces,Every theme scene space is an 188bet app artistic re-creation。Take Super Wenheyou as an example,Young people do not miss the real past,Just want to experience the past they imagined。

And display a dramatic scene in a condensed space,Requires a thorough understanding of acting,The entire dramatic scene,In fact, it is the implementation space of immersive performing arts,This kind of immersive performance,For dramatic performance、To the theme culture、Control the flow and rhythm of performing arts、Design and layout of stage space、A very deep understanding of actor management is required,Not enough cultural heritage,No refinement of artistic creation and presentation,It is difficult to complete this type of product。For example, Wuhan Tourism Investment asked Fan Yue’s team to build the Zhiyin account,Without Wuhan Tourism Investment’s precise grasp of the Wuhan market for many years,Without Fan Yue’s team’s deep understanding of acting,No combination of cultural connotation and artistic creation,It is difficult to produce similar products。

The breadth of cultural organization,The depth of cultural excavation,And the effect of artistic re-creation is what determines the Internet celebrity scenic spots 2.0The key to sustainable development。These are often beyond the control of traditional tourist attractions,So cross-border cooperation is needed,Joint development is also needed。Judging from existing cases,Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.0Most of them are the result of cross-border development,Food companies create cultural scenes、A company that specializes in culture creates immersive performances... breaking out of traditional tourism barriers,Start with culture,Artistic re-creation,brings this torrent to tourism and leisure。

Also because of its high requirements for culture and art,So Internet celebrity scenic spots 2.0 is not created overnight,It cannot be accomplished by temporarily stacking several projects,Companies that engage in this type of exploration often have continuous cultural attempts and explorations。Take Super Wenheyou as an example,Wenheyou Company Crayfish、stinky tofu begins,Various folk foods in Changsha,Like sugar and oil daddy、Big sausages and more,Discover Changsha folk culture step by step,Finally launched the Super Wenheyou scene experience,Nearly 10 years of exploration and accumulation,Not a day’s work。

New media comprehensive communication

Internet celebrity scenic spot 1.The era of 0,A lot of this is because a certain new media is rapidly seizing the market,Those who took advantage of the expanded benefits of this new media and became unexpectedly popular。For example, in 2018 Douyin software became the popular software in the short video category,In the process of expanding its market,A large number of scenic spots have become popular due to their rapid rise,This is the Internet celebrity effect brought about by a single new media iteration,Before this, the WeChat public account popularized a number of scenic spots,The re-emergence of Weibo has also led to the popularity of a number of scenic spots,The same is true for the subsequent popularity of Xiaohongshu,So in Internet celebrity scenic spot 1.0 era,If you focus on a rising new media APP, you can catch the express train of success。

But since the end of 2019,The pattern of new media is basically stable,Douyin’s siege is gradually slowing down、Xiaohongshu has also filled its target group,New exploration of Weibo has also slowed 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino down,The influence of WeChat public accounts also continues to decline,Although bilibili continues to make moves, it has never made a layout in the tourism field,Various new media have become relatively stable in their respective markets。In this case,It is already difficult to achieve popularity by relying on a new media。

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Therefore,Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.0 is often not supported by a single APP,It is a comprehensive integrated communication of a series of new media。Short videos are still a key area,But Douyin is no longer the only territory,Tik Tok、Bilibili、Weibo、小红书、Volcano、Good video、Kuaishou and other video APPs join the battle,WeChat public account、Zhihu、Wukong Q&A、Toutiao and other graphic apps also assist in dissemination,Form a comprehensive communication effect。Also,Internet celebrity scenic spots 1.In the 0 era, many internet celebrity scenic spots became unexpectedly popular,Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.Most of the popular scenic spots in the 0 era became popular because they were well versed in the spread and development of Internet celebrity scenic spots,Behind every hit,They all have an accurate grasp of network communication。

Young people are still the leader

Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.0 is still dominated by young people,The consumption iteration brought by new groups is rapidly replacing the original consumer products and brands,This can be seen from this year’s Double Eleven,The top 1 brand in Double Eleven sales in the picture below,I don’t know how many of you know?

Other products have iterations,Tourism consumption also has iterations,Take scenic spots as an example,A large number of A-level scenic spots were 10 years ago,Even 20 years ago、Built 30 years ago,Product、Content、Many of the services were built according to the trends of the time,Even an A-level scenic spot 10 years ago,Also represents the consumption trend of those born in the 80s and 90s,Now born in the 90s、After the rise of post-00,We need new tourism consumer products,So there is an Internet celebrity scenic spot 1.0Challenge to traditional scenic spots,And the young people did not stop their pace。At the Internet celebrity scenic spot 1.After a brief taste of the products of the 0 era,Quickly enter the Internet celebrity scenic spots focusing on scene consumption 2.0 era,Therefore,We can also see that a large number of Internet celebrity scenic spots that rose rapidly in 2018 have already disappeared from the public。

Internet celebrity scenic spot 1.0,Starting from new media communication,Finally shoddy workmanship or poor service。And Internet celebrity scenic spots 2.0You can see young people’s pursuit of quality and consumer demand for scenic spot products。If it were 3 years ago、Treat them according to the consumption standards of 5 years ago,The most likely result is to be abandoned by them。Embrace young people,Embrace their consumption concepts and habits,It is a continuous Internet celebrity scenic spot,Done,It is a continuous Internet celebrity scenic spot,Not good,Just a thing of yesterday。

The rise of local communication and regional breakthroughs

Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.0 and Internet celebrity scenic spots 1.0Similarly, it still uses local spread to drive regional breakthroughs,This is under the current epidemic,especially outstanding。

In the current development of new media,Decentralization is a significant feature,Decentralization means the dissemination of media 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino content,It’s not that you can spread bigger and faster just because you are an authoritative department or authority or a central city in the traditional sense,Algorithm decides everything。And algorithm,The current focus is on the characteristics of the content。This brings opportunities to non-central and non-authoritative regions and people。

As long as the content is unique enough,And it can trigger enough focus within a small circle,can be noticed by the filtering algorithm and trigger push,As long as there is enough content on the same topic,can attract the attention of search algorithms,Thus quickly becoming a hot search list,And then promote the spread of content。

Under this mechanism,A small amount of spread from other places is difficult to trigger a high-aggregation spread effect,The continuous production of distinctive content and continuous local attention will bring the focus of new media,The continuous production of featured content requires continuous follow-up on this matter,People in this area naturally know these things best and are the most convenient to do them,The other is the continued attention of this region,It is also required that the content adequately meets the needs of the region。Once these two conditions are met,The new media algorithm will discover this content and this demand group,To boost algorithms and search,Finally with the help of APP,Break geographical restrictions,Become a national hot spot,Regional breakthrough。

(self-drawn by Liu Jiewu)

So local communication is becoming more and more important,The local market is the most important carrier of local communication,Only local consumers like it,Spontaneous spread,Only in this way can we continuously produce high-quality content on the content side,Only in order to continuously form hot spots on the Internet。This is also the reason why areas like Zhangjiajie have always occupied an important position among Internet celebrity scenic spots,Because there are a large number of local people in Zhangjiajie who spontaneously produce content,Then forming a continuous supply of hot content in Zhangjiajie on the Internet,Making its spread everlasting,Also enables it to break through the constraints of backward areas,It has long occupied an important position in the spread of developed areas such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen。   


Internet celebrity scenic spot 2.The era of 0 has arrived,Product iteration is accelerating,Those who enter first are already enjoying the blue ocean market first。However, this era is no longer simple copying,It requires a full understanding of the youth market,Has considerable skill in cultural excavation,Once again, artistic creation must have a certain level,You also need to be able to control the local market,And then achieve iterative fission,It takes considerable accumulation to make the trip,Future,Those who can continue on this path,They are all a combination of big capital and deep cultivators。

Original title: "Internet Celebrity Scenic Area Entering 2.0 era: scene dominance》

(The content of this article is the independent opinion of the author,Does not represent favoritism。)

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