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Big Traffic Author of this article: Lisa Jiao 2015-06-24
When Didi Kuai held a machine gun,Those ride-sharing apps that are still not fully developed,Only one throwing knife in hand,To survive,Must win with one strike。
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In order to write this article about carpooling,I gave up the fast and comfortable (expensive) private car for two months,Insist on using carpooling first for every trip,Place a ride with Dida,Use your car every day,51 car,Weiwei Carpooling,Love carpooling,I’ve also tried the latest Didi ride-hailing service,Suddenly,Love Carpool announced that it is closing down,There are a few coupons that haven’t been used yet。

Can I say that I really don’t like talking to strangers (eh,Then how did I get into the reporter team)?I was not used to carpooling at first,Because many car owners give people rides just to have someone to chat with on the road。Didn’t I give up taking taxis because I couldn’t stand the talkative taxi drivers??But carpooling is indeed different。Yesterday,The owner of the carpool is a serious player of unmanned aerial vehicles,Told me all the way,I’m so happy to hear that,I wish I could immediately apply for annual leave to go fishing in the deep sea (ugh,What’s going on?)。

For example,There is a song you like very much,Turn on the radio and play it,Open your own player and play it,It feels completely different。

I know what you care about,Taxi from my home to the company is 25 yuan,Uber13 yuan,5 yuan for carpooling (use coupon)。But that’s really not the point,The car owner may not be Daniel Wu (Fan Bingbing) or Lu Han (Lin Yun),But at least he is a person who has nothing to do with your life,And he might be a bit of an interesting person。


Severe smog breaks into Hangzhou, a city backed by mountains and lakes,Can’t find the exit at the moment。

This day is May 29th,Xihu Fudi Pioneer Park,Leaving and entering every day。Fuyun Coffee on the fifth floor,Yang Yang just sent away two entrepreneurs,Sip the cool coffee,“Meeted several groups of people,Someone wants to recruit me,I’m looking for my next project。”This has been going on for more than ten days,Dark red T-shirt soaked in sweat,Yang Yang buried his whole body in the sofa,Looking tired。

Four days ago,Yang Yang and two partners (Zhu Feng、Chen Xudong) co-founded iCarpool to stop service。The oath to “save citizens from traffic nightmare” collapsed overnight。“Accidents always come too soon,The black swan effect makes people unpredictable。"Yang Yang’s reflection。

2015 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Spring Festival,Yang Yang is having a very troubled life。March,Love carpooling enters Beijing market。From 6:14 to 8:00 in the morning,Yang Yang stands at the entrance of Beijing Guomao Subway Station,Counting people coming in and out。He found,The flow of people at Guomao Metro Station in the morning is more than that of Hangzhou Railway Station in a day。But,Love Carpool is late,Nearly a year later than our friends。

Knowing the importance of Beijing as the first market,But being born in Hangzhou made Yang Yang unable to control himself。Conducting experimental field in Hangzhou,Expand to other cities after the product is fully operational and reaches a certain scale,This is Yang Yang’s established idea。Yang Yang was silent for a while,Said "It would be better to go to Beijing earlier。”

Surrounded by more than just competitors in the ride-sharing industry。After the merger of Didi Kuaidi,Express trains and free rides enter the market one after another;Uber’s People’s Uber spends huge subsidies,War escalates。"Your Monday is free,I am on Tuesday。Up to 5 times subsidy,Who can bear this in a small company?"The giant rushed over like a scourge,Yang Yang suddenly felt like he couldn’t hold it any longer。

Although there are still tens of millions of RMB on the books,But profit from ride-sharing is far away,When Yang Yang realized that he needed to speed up financing,The capital market is no longer enthusiastic。“No one will invest in a small company when two billion-dollar companies are competing fiercely。”

End of April,In internal meetings,Business advancement and decision-making have entered a state of chaos,Faced with monthly expenses of more than 10 million,The team is extremely anxious。Putting in front of Ai Carpool,There are only two ways - staying the same and actively seeking change。The team chose the latter,But soon found that there was no way to start,“Nothing to adjust”。Yang Yang thinks,There is no point in enduring it。“Can’t be the first,Just quit。”

“Is the blocking of financing the last straw?" Yang Yang was silent for a moment on this question,Said "There is still hope to continue to get money,But the problem is,What can I do if I take the money?There are question marks after it。We will not fight with giants,Useless。”

Exit from Carpooling,More like "boiling a frog in warm water"。Withdrawal of subsidy、Shrink city coverage to reduce team support,The whole process lasted for a month。The final announcement is just a formal explanation。For Yang Yang,Choosing to give up is not easy。He found investors,“It’s a stop loss for them。Failed case,They have seen too much”。The investor’s openness and understanding made him feel less stressed。

“I just left the group。"Yang Yang shook his phone at me。WeChat group chat with more than 10 people,188bet app The group owner is Weiwei Carpooling CEO Wang Yong,Group friends include 51 Yongche CEO Li Huabing、Zhai Guanglong, CEO of Tiantian Yongche and Song Zhongjie, CEO of Dida Carpooling, etc.。Before leaving the group,Yang Yang said goodbye to everyone,They all said,“Retired too early,What a pity。”

Yang Yang turned to look at the window seat of the cafe,There is still a bit of reluctance in the eyes,“The love of carpooling started at that table,One table becomes two,I moved out of this cafe later。”he said,Entrepreneurship is like a snowball,The better you do, the bigger the snowball will be,It is inevitable that some scum will fall out when bumping into each other。

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Love carpooling and sudden death,The giants enter,Capital tightening,It’s just a trailer for the fate of the ride-sharing industry。

According to the "Special Research Report on China's Internet Ride Sharing Industry" released by Analysys Think Tank,The average daily active user coverage of domestic Internet carpooling APPs in April this year,Dida Carpooling、51 Yongcar and Tiantian Yongcar,Accounting for 59 respectively.88%、21.71% and 15.27%。

The top three carpoolers holding on to their “game tickets”,Still unable to escape a narrow escape。In this war,There is no love story in which Cinderella meets the prince and rescues her,Some are just "be awesome or die" ambition。

September last year,Li Huabing and four executives from 51 used cars to go to the desert for training,There is a climb on the way、There are camel thorns in the salt-alkali land,The journey of nearly 40 kilometers took 5 hours and 30 minutes。He recalled,“I have my tactics,Bite tight when it’s time to follow,Quickly overtake the opponent when they are slacking,Keep a safe distance of 500 meters。Little players need Li Yunlong’s “Sword-Bright Spirit”,Facing powerful opponents,You have to fight even though you know you are losing。

Sitting on US$1.3 billion in Series D financing、Sina Weibo 1.USD 4.2 billion strategic investment、Ten billion dollar valuation,Backed by the two mountains of Alibaba and Tencent,Didi Kuaidi will continue to be “willful with money” in the ride-sharing market,Provoke money-burning wars that it is good at。This is the first level that young players encounter。

On the day that iCarpool stopped publishing routes and grabbing orders,Didi Hitchhiking is online。

End of April this year,Liu Qing, the president of Didi Kuaishou, said frankly: “If Didi hadn’t started researching carpooling half a year ago,How passive now。”As early as September last year,Didi poached Tencent Weibo’s product manager Huang Jieli,Manage Didi Hitchhiking business。

Didi enters the game,For entrepreneurs and investors,means huge risk and extremely low winning rate。Li Huabing claims to be ready,“51 will spend all his money 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino on the car,Follow me to the end”。After the Spring Festival,The number of people in the product and technical departments of 51 Auto has doubled。

“Even if Didi comes, it can’t be stopped,All we can do is run faster。”The ride-sharing market has a big hurdle every three days,A small bump every day,Zhai Guanglong is used to this rhythm by driving every day。Work at least 15 hours a day,When we met,He has not been home for three weeks in a row,Stay in a budget hotel near the company。

Clearing tactics against giants,Li Huabing and Zhai Guanglong chose to form an alliance with Baidu,Both companies received Baidu-led investment in April、Sequoia’s tens of millions of dollars in Series C financing。“Investors are very concerned,What should you do if Didi Kuaidi comes in。”Recalling the process of contact with investors,Zhai Guanglong said,Every financing for Tiantian Car is very confusing,Baidu especially,The negotiations lasted for two or three months。

The second half of the war in the ride-sharing market,Obviously a proxy war,BAT has been assembled。Such a situation,For Song Zhongjie of Dida Carpool,A little embarrassed。Dida Carpooling has also had contact with Baidu,But he eventually accepted the financial investment,He thinks Dida is still small,Before BAT has not seen the market clearly,No need to take sides。

Li Huabing does not agree。"If there is no alliance,Ridesharing companies are a dead end。”He thinks,The enemy of my enemy is my friend,Just like Liu Bei、Sun Quan joins forces to fight against Cao。In the Series C financing of 51 Yongche,Financial consultant Hanergy Group CEO Chen Honggong is indispensable,His other identity is Li Huabing’s former boss。"Chen Honghe Baidu LBS Department、The investment department and even Robin Li himself are very familiar with it,Many things can be done with just a phone call。”

Lei Jun, an early investor in 51 Yongche, is Li’s “entrepreneurial mentor”,He suggested “playing it slow and steady”。Early before the Spring Festival,Lei Jun has done a lot of work on Baidu’s investment in 51。The day after the financing was finalized,Li led the team to expand training in the suburbs of Beijing。No surprises and no cheers,"Just a breather"。

The fact that Internet companies have a big hand is a double-edged sword。"Premature nesting is likely to be suppressed,Once a giant takes the helm,It is difficult for a small company to run fast。If you don’t hold your thighs, you will experience a strong impact。"Yang Yang thinks,The best result is like Momo or UC,Be with the giants when you grow up。

Didi Chairman Cheng Wei revealed,As of May,The total number of users of Didi Kuaidi’s APP is 1.600 million,With 1.35 million active drivers,400,000 private car drivers。Taxi business covers 360 cities across the country,Providing 188bet app an average of 4 million trips per day;Private car business launched in 61 cities,1.5 million trips provided every day。

Didi Kuaidi’s multi-business line collaborative operations,Creating a second hurdle for ride-sharing companies。

Although small players have gathered a large number of users,But lacks stickiness and loyalty,Brand recognition and team size are also at a disadvantage。

Li Huabing likes "Prison Break",He believes that the key to success is to find the critical path。“51 cars don’t have that many sledgehammers,Only Xiao Li’s flying knife。”efficiency、Focus、Alliance is Li Huabing’s three weapons。For this fierce battle,Li Huabing thinks he has a 90% chance of winning。“It used to take four or five years to see the outcome of a war,This ride-sharing war will be over by the end of the year”。When Didi Kuai held a machine gun,With only one throwing knife, he must win with one blow。How to fight?Li Huabing chuckled,“I can’t tell you yet。”But he revealed,It must be differentiated competition。

“Many people ask me how to surpass Didi,I said no, I want to transcend it,It’s Didi Hitchhiker who wants to overtake me first。"Song Zhongjie said,Dida’s core competitiveness is focus,No baggage from other business lines。Currently Didi Kuaidi has only completed the integration at the shareholder level,There are still many problems with internal integration,For example,After the launch of No. 1 Express,Why do we still want to do Didi Express?The same products compete with each other?

The giants are certainly scary,But it is inevitable that there will be times when you take a nap。“The stall is too big and it’s a headache,Didi Kuaidi’s private cars and express trains have begun to compete with each other。" Zhai Guanglong thinks,The outside world has exaggerated Didi’s energy。Nevertheless,Using a car every day will still cost you ALL your life,Because he only has this。Travel is a service with a very short chain,Tiantian Yongche’s strategy is to maximize the core business and then differentiate it。The ride-sharing market is an Internet-based service,That is, when you need it,The first group that comes to mind。

“The homogeneity of each company’s products is serious。" Zhai Guanglong said,The technical barriers to ride-sharing software are almost zero,Every player hopes to establish scale barriers as soon as possible。“Growth speed is what investors value most。”Currently Tiantian Car has entered less than 20 cities,The goal by the end of this year is 60。As of May,Dida Carpooling has covered 13 cities,Has 300,000 certified car owners,Over 4.3 million users,The number of daily orders is about 150,000。

How to differentiate?Everyone gave the same answer: play the social card。But in the opinion of Didi Hitchhiker Huang Jieli,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino The industry circles of Dida Plaza and Tiantian Yongche remain at a shallow level of understanding,The essence of social networking is links。After connecting with WeChat,The social attribute that other carpool players are looking for,One-click completion on Didi Hitch platform。

"Social thing,Must grasp the scale。" Yang Yang said frankly,It’s easy to be hacked if you don’t grasp it well。You will definitely think of the jokes circulating in the market,“It wasn’t WeChat that defeated Momo,Uber”。

Song Zhongjie settled such an account,There are 5.4 million motor vehicles in Beijing,4 million private cars,3 million of them are sedan or hatchback family cars。If 1/10 joins the carpooling platform, that is 300,000 vehicles,One person takes at least two orders a day,That’s 600,000 orders。This is a terrifying number。

“This is a rapidly becoming giant market,Maybe two giants in the future,It may also be 721 (distribution ratio),In short, it is a network attribute、Industries with strong aggregation attributes。The outcome is likely to be determined within a year。"Song Zhongjie said,Just like e-commerce,Behind the giant Alibaba,There is still JD.com、VIP.COM、The living space of vertical e-commerce companies such as Jumei Youpin,The same goes for the ride-sharing market。

However,There are inherent differences between ride-sharing and e-commerce。Existing clothing、Food,There is another department store、Electronic e-commerce,Can meet multiple needs of one user,But travel is the user’s single need from point A to point B。Although when the concurrency increases suddenly,Didi Kuaidi and Uber will inevitably experience local supply shortages,The surplus supply of small players can be filled in time。But,Not a long-term solution。

Maybe,Little players want to win,It’s not all about shopping。Bumblebee, the taxi-hailing software that once dominated Shanghai,Made a smart choice,In the case of Kuaidi and Didi respectively making acquisition offers,Bumblebee quickly completed a million-dollar financing,Forcibly raised his price。

Ridesharing Market,Will giants acquire small players?“Only things that big companies can’t handle,Only money can be used to solve the problem。”Yang Yang feels that the possibility of acquisition is not high,Unless young players take social attributes or other aspects to the extreme。“Decide whether you die or not is up to you,Not a giant。”In Yang Yang’s opinion,Little players only need to survive these six months,I will wait for the second spring of carpooling。

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