How Internet companies 188bet sports betting app download weaken their “Achilles’ heel”

Author of 188bet sports betting app download article: TMTpost Media 2015-06-28
Every major Internet technology company has its own shortcomings,Managers regard 188bet sports betting app download as their “Achilles’ heel,How to weaken or even eliminate it is a difficult problem,But is there really a perfect company in the world?

The recent article is very interesting,It’s about that every major Internet technology company has its own shortcomings,And for these shortcomings,Every major company regards it as its "Achilles' heel",Quite concerned。For example,Google is concerned that it can no longer obtain data directly from users,And Apple is afraid that developers will leave in large numbers;Domestic Xiaomi is afraid that it will not be able to continue to dominate the mobile phone market,Alibaba is worried that its e-commerce cannot provide a high-quality user experience,Even more interesting is,Saying that Baidu is afraid of Google “returning to China”。There should be many cases of companies with similar concerns,If you want to understand why so many companies are worried,You need to zoom in a little bit,Do not regard 188bet sports betting app download kind of thing as a simple fierce competition mode but also as a state of enterprise change。

The "Achilles' heel" mentioned here should not be fatal yet,It is a weakness that may be defeated by competitors through technology or marketing or innovative UI design,To be more precise, it can be said to be the “slight flaws” within the company。Remember that the "Twin Cities" robot in the movie "Iron Fist" has two heads that can rotate 360 ​​degrees simultaneously,Flexible operation without blind spots,Almost invulnerable,But its only flaw is that the joints jitter a little when you swing your arms,It was 188bet sports betting app download flaw that ruined its undefeated myth。

The current development momentum of domestic Internet companies is also very strong,At the height of the sun。But calm down and analyze,There are still many weaknesses that are easily discovered by opponents and concentrated firepower attacks。The hardware is good but the software is a bit better;The software is remarkable, but the security is unsatisfactory;Looks comfortable in appearance,The operating experience is only so-so。So,Products from many companies (whether physical products or software apps,Especially the former) will bring dissatisfaction to users during the use cycle,Causing complaints,These are the most important factors affecting the company's image and reputation,188bet sports betting app download is also something the company needs to make up for urgently、The long-standing “Achilles’ heel”。

A sense of crisis is an indispensable condition for resolving the "Achilles' 188bet sports betting app download"

In fact,I have said so much that Internet companies are afraid of 188bet sports betting app download and that,All indirectly express that in today’s fiercely competitive market, no one is without a sense of crisis。From a historical perspective,The final fate of enterprises without a sense of crisis and foresight is the same、Disgusting。188bet sports betting app download trend also inspires companies to continue to innovate、The motivation to continuously break through one’s own bottlenecks。

For example,Microsoft acquired Skype Technologies S for approximately US.5 billion in May 2011.A,Voice via Skype integration、Video and sharing services strengthen its enterprise collaboration market,And make up for the shortcomings of the Windows mobile operating system。Looking at the details,The merger clearly shows that Microsoft has already realized that it has taken some detours,And don’t want to fall too behind in the late mobile Internet market。From a strategic point of view,The arrival of the mobile Internet era,Making Skype more valuable than ever,It not only becomes part of the desktop,Also supports various mobile devices,188bet sports betting app download is exactly the value that Microsoft values。Through mergers and acquisitions,Microsoft may occupy a large territory in the mobile Internet field,Seize the beachhead,188bet sports betting app download can be regarded as Microsoft’s remedy for itself,To avoid stepping into Motorola、Nokia and other heroes are following in the footsteps。

Previous advantages,Maybe it seems like a disadvantage today,At 188bet sports betting app download time of great change in the fortunes of the Internet,Keeping up with the times is the key to re-emergence。It’s a good thing to discover your weaknesses,It doesn’t matter if you take detours,The key point is to find ways to take shortcuts,Catch up with competitors and the industry。

Having a sense of crisis 188bet sports betting app download avoid being subverted

Ma Huateng said,Only those companies with a sense of crisis can avoid being disrupted。Inside Tencent,Since the birth of WeChat,The status of mobile QQ has become very embarrassing。Later,Tencent’s senior management clearly breaks down the “Tencent Ecosystem” into two parts: “QQ Ecosystem” and “WeChat Ecosystem”。Can be seen now,WeChat and QQ are competing internally in many aspects,For example, both parties have red envelopes、Life services and other products。188bet sports betting app download intensifies the level of competition within Tencent,The "Red Team" and "Blue Team" in the same unit confront each other during exercises,Improve your practical experience and level,Only when the troops reach the real battlefield will their chances of winning be higher。

It is impossible to say that Tencent has nothing to fear,The 3Q war five years ago had a great influence,But fundamentally speaking,There are no real winners and losers,Only those who reap the benefits。From the perspective of interests,The direct trigger of the war is that the interest chain is touched by latecomers,188bet sports betting app download will inevitably develop into a life-and-death fight。So has Tencent learned any lessons from 188bet sports betting app download incident,I personally think 188bet sports betting app download kind of thing will happen again in the future,But the severity will be relatively less,188bet sports betting app download requires considering the time cost、Energy cost、Capital costs and impact on the outside world,In particular, beware of factors such as potential competitors taking every opportunity to encroach on Tencent’s market share,188bet sports betting app download is also a representative case that Tencent and even more companies should take warning from。I think,Tencent management is not only afraid that 188bet sports betting app download kind of thing will happen again,The most worrying thing is that there will be something similar to QQ、The emergence of mobile social tools such as WeChat,Or the emergence of some online games with lower fees,These are all worries that can prevent Ma Huateng from being upright and worry-free。

The invisible and visible “Achilles’ 188bet sports betting app download”

The tangible and intangible "Achilles heels" of Internet 188bet sports betting app download must be viewed separately,Visible shortcomings such as an ugly appearance or short battery life of a mobile phone are all tangible,The quality of user experience and operating performance is invisible。Of course,How to weaken the dissatisfaction they bring to users,The method is different。

188bet sports betting app download is not difficult to understand,Let’s take the simplest and purest example to illustrate。

For example, HTC’s classic pointed chin phone,Perhaps HTC’s industrial design is somewhat representative in the Android camp,But since M7 to M8 and then to M9,People have complained a lot about HTC’s traditional “three chins”, “four chins” and “five chins” designs,Actually, 188bet sports betting app download is not a matter of aesthetic orientation,It’s a historical question。A look at HTC’s recent smartphones,A large number of people have the problem of "top-light and foot-heavy",The most criticized thing is the eye-catching “logo kelp strip” in the middle。Because of the functional inaction of the logo position,At the same time, 188bet sports betting app download also causes the operation method to be anti-human,So the vast majority of users are not particularly fond of 188bet sports betting app download design。

Such a tangible "Achilles' heel" is very detrimental to HTC's sales and reputation,But there is a good solution to 188bet sports betting app download problem,The choice before HTC is actually very simple,Or sacrifice the placement of the logo that can be used as a promotional highlight,Leave space inside,Shorten the length of the main page,Essential visual effects,Or suffer the pain of public opinion caused by kelp strips。

The other is the invisible "Achilles' heel",To put it bluntly, the user experience is poor、Poor reputation、Unfavorable buyers, low repeat customers, etc. The negative impact brought to the enterprise by wrong strategies,As a result, enterprises are constantly exposed to external shocks,Business decline,In the end I can only sit back and wait for death。A typical example is the decline of Polaroid,It was founded by Edwin Herbert Land,188bet sports betting app download person values ​​the meaning of learning more than others。

Polaroid went bankrupt in October 2001。Even if there is a lack of operating resources,Compared to competitors,Polaroid is not at a disadvantage。Not only that,It also has a strong brand and excellent technical personnel,And develop logistics and sales operations globally。In fact,The company also began investing in digital photography in the early 1980s,is the first company to invest in 188bet sports betting app download business。The company's sudden bankruptcy was due to a miscalculation of the digital photo business。

We haven’t had time to see the outcome of 188bet sports betting app download tragedy at Polaroid,An unprecedented crisis has swept the film industry。May 2005,Germany’s Agfa, the world’s three largest film brand, files for bankruptcy,Previously,The film it produces, along with Eastman, Kodak and Fujifilm, are known as the three major brands of film in the world。The rise of digital cameras has caused sluggish performance of old companies that maintain traditional film businesses。a few years ago,Who could have predicted that half of all mobile phones would have digital camera capabilities?

Afterwards,Even Kodak and Fujifilm, which have already established a foothold in the industry,We must also withstand the stormy waves of the digital network revolution,It is no longer possible to keep up with the speed of industry development through layoffs。I don’t know when,A certain industry will suddenly disappear,No strategic theory can work at 188bet sports betting app download time。

Compared to the visible disadvantages,Intangible disadvantages are more elusive and difficult to avoid,188bet sports betting app download is also an excellent time to test how strong a company’s core competitiveness is。The development of the Internet industry to 188bet sports betting app download day,A very serious problem is "the depletion of the demand pool"。

Product making is of course driven by user needs,But you know what needs are left,What others don’t know;What you can satisfy but others cannot?In the current social and technological environment,There are very few clear and specific feasible requirements left,So much so that we often do not make products based on user needs,But make products based on your own imagination,Faced with vague needs like mist、Potential demand、Low frequency requirements,It goes without saying that the failure rate is high。Faced with 188bet sports betting app download panic market atmosphere,The most important thing that Internet companies should not ignore is not to expose their "Achilles' heel",Perhaps 188bet sports betting app download phenomenon cannot be avoided theoretically,But everyone beats the drum,To regroup,The best way is to become a living horse doctor。

Fear leads 188bet sports betting app download to different endings

From a psychological analysis perspective,Fear does make people shrink back,Once a company starts to feel fear of its competitors,Just like a hunting dog involuntarily retreating when 188bet sports betting app download sees a lion,Don’t dare to take the initiative even if you don’t retreat。When the so-called large companies that have been around for decades have more than enough intentions but not enough power,Also choose to give up in an avoidant manner。

We all know that BlackBerry is a very competitive communications company,The main products are portable communication devices BlackBerry,However,188bet sports betting app download is such a once-powerful enterprise,Its mobile phone business will also be shocked by the launch of Apple’s iPhone in 2007,Then he gave up the struggle in the mobile phone business,Safety selected、Privacy、Business software and intelligent applications are strategic priorities。

Former BlackBerry co-CEO Jim Balsillie said previously,Apple’s launch of the iPhone smartphone and BlackBerry’s eagerness to compete with Apple,Brought a devastating experience to BlackBerry, a former industry benchmark company。Some people later said that BlackBerry was completely intimidated by Apple,There is no way to shake the Apple tree 188bet sports betting app download mobile phone business,In an era when touch screens have become mainstream,BlackBerry has not given up on the design concept of physical keyboard,The reason is that BlackBerry is afraid of not being able to catch up with Apple in touch screen design,So with the mentality of retaining those nostalgic users, I continue to run tiredly 188bet sports betting app download "dead end",We have seen the subsequent results。

Opposite,Sometimes fear will make people more frustrated and courageous,The element of strength plays a large role here,Let’s take Huawei’s expansion into the European market at the beginning of the century as an example。Europe is GSM、The birthplace of 3G technology,Alcatel was there、Ericsson、Siemens、Nokia, 4 telecom equipment giants are 188bet sports betting app download same position as the dragon。When Huawei enters the European market,Europeans regard Huawei as a scam company,Don’t give Huawei the slightest chance,Huawei cannot open the door to the European market。Fortunately,Not long after finally infiltrating the business of Telfort, the smallest operator 188bet sports betting app download Netherlands at the time,KPN, the largest local operator, acquired Telfort,Huawei paid a heavy price - all network equipment was thrown away。

There was a report at that time,Huawei enters Europe,Just like Isoroku Yamamoto’s attack on Pearl Harbor,Will surely destroy itself。Maybe at that time,Huawei really fulfills 188bet sports betting app download sentence,The fact is that the insertion is completely seamless。But Huawei did not give up,Finally the opportunity has come,In 2006, Vodafone, the world’s largest operator, encountered a difficulty,Its mainnet in Spain,Cannot compete with local leader Telefonica。At 188bet sports betting app download time,Vodafone thought of Huawei’s distributed base stations。With 188bet sports betting app download,Huawei’s dream of entering Europe has finally become a reality。

Proof of fact,Huawei is not scared by European big guys,But firmly established a foothold in Europe。I have to mention Huawei’s firm stance in 188bet sports betting app download battle: any bidding project,As long as Huawei does not get the first place in terms of technical standards,The project leader must step down。Huawei faces strong squeeze from European companies,The right to speak that Huawei has is its absolute leadership in technology,The base station at that time required plug-in boards,Ericsson plugs in 12 boards,Huawei only needs to plug in 3 boards。

The reason why Huawei is cited,I don’t mean to pour water,The main thing I want to talk about is the increasingly fierce fighting,Only by being ahead of the opponent in all aspects can we suppress the opponent,Huawei’s current market share in Europe exceeds 10%,Will continue to rise in the next few years,And plans to enter the US market。From a strategic analysis perspective,Huawei has weakened its weaknesses,Focus on showing your stronger side,The weakness lies in its relatively low-key publicity,Not well known,Why don’t you ask for directions when you have nowhere to go??Whether it is in communication business or mobile phone business,Huawei is a solid businessman,Won’t choose cooperation to increase influence and gimmicks in the social market,Perhaps 188bet sports betting app download has something to do with its inherent arrogance。

But then again,If I had a diamond,Why should I go to get porcelain work with others?Huawei’s technology leadership,188bet sports betting app download is precisely such conditions that create a person who is not afraid of death、Big companies that never give up。

Write 188bet sports betting app download end

I said a lot above,Mainly explains that in an era when risks and failure rates are very high,No company’s development model is impregnable、The one who will always be the best,However, the companies that can survive are those that avoid the important and take the easy view、The truth of utilizing strengths and avoiding weaknesses,Play to your strengths,How Internet companies can weaken their own shortcomings,Don’t give competitors an opportunity to take advantage,188bet sports betting app download final analysis, we must face up to user needs、Continuously create "demand pool"、Leading industry market。

The big environment and the small environment are all dilemmas,Ingenuity, ambition and passion can turn dumb bombs into loud cannons。Only when you have a sense of crisis can you find the gap,Microsoft、Linux、How software companies such as Oracle and SAP achieve success?Why can Cisco and Dell stand out from the crowd without factories and warehouses?Why are LVMH and Richemont Group, which own many high-end brands, known for their high profits?Why can Coca-Cola and McDonald’s develop globally?All these are the effects 188bet sports betting app download intangible assets 188bet sports betting app download Internet。Maybe,Proper use 188bet sports betting app download Internet itself can help companies overcome their "Achilles' heel"!

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