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Giants frequently spend money to enter the O2O entrepreneurship window? Is the end of the window period?

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Chongqing Business Daily2015-07-06

What entrepreneurs should be wary of,BAT giant is accelerating its penetration into the O2O field。Competition in the O2O field will further intensify in the second half of the year。If we only regard O2O as an entrepreneurial concept to attract investors,Then you will face an increasingly narrow living space。

O2O has become a veritable hot word for entrepreneurship in recent years,But behind the huge opportunities,Risks are also gathering。Not long ago,Leyi Home, known as "the first domestic O2O e-commerce platform for building materials and home furnishings", closed its doors and closed its doors, triggering heated discussions in the industry。Maker Commune also starts from catering、Community、Beauty、Travel、Start in 9 industries including education,Recently released a "East China O2O Project Failure Manual"。However,What is more worthy of vigilance for entrepreneurs,BAT giant is accelerating its penetration into the O2O field。Last Tuesday,Baidu CEO Robin Li threw 20 billion yuan into Nuomi。Many people in the industry believe that,Competition in the O2O field will further intensify in the second half of the year。Various signals,If we only regard O2O as an entrepreneurial concept to attract investors,Then you will face an increasingly narrow living space。

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“It is not easy to start a business in the O2O field now。”He Jian, the person in charge of Chongqing’s takeaway O2O brand “Takeaway Big Shot” said 188bet app frankly。He said,Currently doing takeout O2O, are you hungry?、Squeeze from big brands such as Meituan Takeout,Survival is more difficult。He Jian told the Business Daily reporter,A friend of his worked as a takeaway O2O in Jiangbei last year。However,As industry giants such as Meituan Takeout continue to provide heavy subsidies,Under the squeeze of price advantage,The orders his friends can receive are gradually decreasing,From thousands of previous orders,Only dozens of orders per day。Finally,The capital chain is broken。

Leyi Home Furnishing, which has recently caused heated discussions in the industry, is also a case worth pondering。When established in 2013,Leyi Home Furnishing has stated that it will open offline experience centers nationwide,Transformation to O2O。September 2014,Leyi Home Furnishing announced in a high profile: Buy my building materials,Free decoration fee。However,Less than a year,Leyi Mall suddenly closed,The reason given is "due to the mall's internal network upgrade,Closed for business”。Afterwards,Its offline experience center has also officially closed down。However,A reporter from the Commercial Daily contacted an employee of Leyi Home Furnishing who has resigned。He told the Business Daily reporter,Leyi Mall defaults on payment to merchants、The total amount of consumer money is about tens of millions of dollars。To this,Leyi Home Furnishing official has not responded publicly。But analysis by industry insiders,The reason that led to the closure of Leyi Home Furnishing was that the “stall” for offline experience was too large,O2O mode does not form a closed loop。

Environmental giants disrupt the situation and the competition becomes more intense

Last Tuesday,Baidu CEO Robin Li spent 20 188bet sports betting app download billion yuan in one move,Maximized the circle of friends。This time,Baidu Nuomi officially releases the “Member+” O2O ecological strategy,Attempting to share customer information with merchant,Form a merchant、Platform、Closed-loop ecology of users,Help merchants establish their own online membership system、Cultivate loyal users,Achieve a win-win situation between merchants and platforms。“The market Baidu Nuomi is in is not a new market,But today’s O2O is a market without technical content。All industries are throwing money,Very homogeneous。" Robin Li said bluntly at Baidu Nuomi's press conference。

Same last week,Jingdong Group CEO Liu Qiangdong, who was negotiating in Australia, said in an interview with the media,This year, my personal energy will be mainly focused on JD.com’s O2O project。In addition,Alibaba is also integrating multiple resources,Let Koubei.com come back。

Frequent actions against giants,Liu Xingliang, Director of DCCI Internet Research Institute, said in an interview with a reporter from the Commercial Daily,The O2O market has not yet been formed,So everyone thinks there may be a chance。In the opinion of industry insiders,Baidu wants to fully occupy several mainstream application scenarios to counterattack the O2O market。

Ding Daoshi, president of Sutu Research Institute, thinks,Baidu’s entry is a good thing for the entire industry,However, competition in the entire industry will become more intense。

Investigation Half Seawater Half Fire Yesterday,Business Daily reporter saw it on the "East China O2O Project Failure Manual" released by Maker Commune,O2O entrepreneurship is showing two extreme sides。On the one hand,188bet online sports betting O2O Entrepreneurship Crazy,Many capitals come to contact them with checkbooks in hand。Last week,There is E bag for washing、Downstairs 100、Bopai Car Care and other O2O projects have received huge amounts of venture capital。

The other side of the coin is,There are not many O2O projects that truly stand out,It is difficult for most companies to obtain Series C financing。And,The swarm of O2O projects faces serious homogeneity、Insufficient offline resources and capital chain problems。Industry insiders speak frankly,Due to low barriers in some industries,Many entrepreneurs choose fields that do not have bargaining power,In addition,Many entrepreneurs only focus on online and ignore offline experience;In addition, giants frequently enter various O2O segments,Many small businesses eventually went out of business。

And giants frequently enter,The life of the original small businesses will become increasingly difficult。Recent,Former employee of Alibaba、The autobiography of Yang Yang, the founder of iCarpool─"How we fell from the limelight" has attracted much attention,“Didi、Quickly merged,Uber launches subsidies,Enter carpooling business,Investors are no longer confident either,No capital support,This money-consuming project can only be abandoned。" Diao Ye, a well-known O2O entrepreneur, believes: "The window period for O2O entrepreneurship may have ended。”

Ding Daoshi thinks,Driven by funds,A large number of O2O companies are flocking here。Due to weak initial competition,Basically all companies make money,But with the amplification of the money-making effect,More and more companies are joining in,Competition is becoming increasingly 188bet online sports betting fierce,The emergence of large-scale bankruptcies is also a sequelae of everyone’s pursuit of land。

Shen Yunyun, an analyst at China Electronic Commerce Research Institute, said,“Almost all O2O companies are currently stuck in the stage of burning money and grabbing the market。Eighty percent of O2O companies are currently unprofitable,No profit model found yet,The final result is to be eliminated by the market。Like the group buying websites that sprouted everywhere at the beginning,In the end, it is inevitable to experience a reshuffle。”


How do entrepreneurial companies find their living space?

1Don’t follow the trend blindly

Shen Yunyun, analyst at China E-Commerce Research Institute,For O2O entrepreneurs,The most important thing is to find a new market segment。In fact, it is not difficult to enter a market,If you want to enter an O2O market, you have to burn money initially,But if you don’t have a proper business model, it will be difficult to survive for a long time。What’s more, some small entrepreneurs occupy the market if there are giants coming later,Small entrepreneurs are actually easily eliminated。So you can’t blindly follow the trend。

2Find the pain points and make products

Shen Yunyun thinks,Competing with the giants in the markets they have entered,Not wise。She said,For example, like takeout、Tourism industries,The giants have carved up this industry,But there are some industries where the O2O model has not yet been formed,In other words, its model is not very mature yet,You can actually try it at this time。The premise is that you must also have some foundation。Such as automobile O2O field,Ruyiche.com、Industry-leading O2O companies such as Autohome are still 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino in the process of exploration。For such an industry,Big brands are also exploring,The automotive industry also has a large market share,The amount of funds is also large,If possible, I can eat it,The profit from this area is very considerable。

3 Leverage the platform provided by giants

Ding Daoshi said,It is better for entrepreneurs to embrace giants than to fight against them,Accumulate your own users,Become part of the giant industry chain。“Like Baidu if you want to do nail art business,There is absolutely no need to do it yourself,It can cooperate with other companies doing this business。This leaves opportunities for entrepreneurs。”

This article comes from Chongqing Commercial Daily, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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