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Cultural Tourism Benefits Author of this article: Zhihui 2022-04-12
Deferred payment of tourism service quality guarantee deposit,Effectively relieve the difficulties of tourism market entities。
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April 8,According to the Kunming Municipal People’s Government website,The Kunming Municipal People's Government issued "Several Policies and Measures for Stable Growth in 2022",Involving investment、Consumption、Industrial、A total of 24 measures in 7 fields including service industry。This article will be implemented from the date of issuance,Valid until December 31, 2022。

"Measures" proposed,Support the expansion and quality improvement of the service industry。The service industry is the &ldquo that stabilizes the city's economy;Ballast Stone”,To accelerate the improvement of quality and efficiency of the service industry,Create economic development“New engine”,Research proposes 4 policy measures。

First, promote the accelerated recovery of the tourism industry。Establish a cultural tourism industry development fund with a scale of 1 billion yuan,Provide loan interest discounts for the construction of major cultural tourism projects、Instead of subsidies and other support,Implementing the scenic area upgrade project,Introducing more night parks、New cultural and tourism consumption products such as night theater。Deferred payment of tourism service quality guarantee deposit,Effectively relieve the difficulties of tourism market entities。

The second is to promote the comprehensive recovery of the exhibition industry。Full service to ensure the implementation of key exhibition projects。Provide financial subsidies to introduced exhibition projects。Support organizations to organize enterprises to participate in out-of-province (overseas) negotiation activities or participate in exhibitions。

The third is to support the rapid development of e-commerce。Build a number of e-commerce express logistics parks and express distribution centers。Support mainstream live streaming platforms to establish live streaming e-commerce service agencies (bases) in Kunming。Vigorously develop rural e-commerce,Carry out commercialization of the origin of e-commerce products。

The fourth is to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market。Introducing policies and measures to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market,Accelerate the implementation of urban renewal operations,Develop a pilot plan for flexible employment personnel to participate in the housing provident fund system,Accelerate the introduction of construction industry headquarters enterprises,Encourage high-quality construction companies from outside the province to settle in Kunming,Vigorously promote intelligent and prefabricated buildings。

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Several policy measures to stabilize growth in 2022

In order to thoroughly implement the Central Economic Work Conference、The spirit of the Economic Work Conference of the Provincial Party Committee and the Second Plenary Session of the 12th Municipal Party Committee,Support the accelerated development of the real economy,Helping market entities solve their problems,Promote stable and healthy economic development,Do your best to be the vanguard of the province’s economic and social development,Based on the actual situation of our city,Develop the following policy measures:

1. Play the key role of investment

(1) Accelerate the advancement of major projects.Vigorously promote the project work method,Form a planning group、Sign a batch、Batch of construction started、put into production、A batch of capital increase“Five batches”Normal project management,Establish and complete follow-up inspection、Contact Coordination、High-level promotion and other project promotion mechanisms。Focus on major industrial projects,Municipal Party Committee、The municipal government holds a project site promotion meeting every quarter,Concentrated start-ups of major projects are held regularly,Carry out“shine”Project、“BI”Performance activities,Form&ldquo in the city;Big project、Grab big projects”A good atmosphere for learning and catching up。Stick to good projects、Hold on to big projects,Implement hierarchical and classified management of major projects,Municipal leaders have contacted at least 1 major industrial project,Promote early implementation of projects、Early start、Early production。Coordinate and arrange the preliminary work funds of 300 million yuan project,Promote the start of 300 new projects worth over 100 million yuan throughout the year。Focus on the cultivation of advantageous industries、Urban Renewal、Ecological protection and management、Integrated development of new and old urban areas, etc.,Accelerate the planning and launch of a number of major projects,Strive to achieve an annual reserve project conversion rate of 50%。(Leading unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission、Municipal-level investment authorities in various industries)

(2) Continue to optimize the investment structure.Accelerate the implementation of the three-year industrial investment doubling plan,Vigorously boost industrial investment。Major industrialization projects that are in line with the park’s leading industrial layout and have an annual fixed asset investment of more than 100 million yuan,Based on 5% of the actual annual investment in industrial fixed assets (excluding land payment),Or a subsidy of 15% of the fixed asset investment for equipment purchase,The maximum subsidy for a single project is 50 million yuan,To be allocated in installments based on the actual investment progress of the project,The required funds will be borne 50% each by the municipal finance and the local finance where corporate tax contributions are made。Encourage technological transformation of industrial enterprises,Technical transformation project with an investment of more than 10 million yuan in fixed assets,8% of the equipment purchase fee invested according to the project,A subsidy of up to 1.5 million yuan will be provided。Moderately advance the construction of infrastructure,Arrange financial funds 58.800 million yuan for“五网”Comprehensive transportation projects and key infrastructure projects,Improve infrastructure carrying capacity。(Leading unit: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau、Municipal Transportation Bureau)

(3) Strengthen the protection of investment factors.Intensify occupation of cultivated land、Forest land indicators are coordinated and adjusted across the city,New construction land quotas give priority to meeting the development needs of the park。Increase land acquisition, demolition and land acquisition and supply,Completed land acquisition and storage of 20,000 acres throughout the year、Supply no less than 30,000 acres。Vigorously carry out special clearing operations for approved but unused and idle land,Ineffective handling、Initiate punitive measures in areas with lagging post-approval supervision。Exploring and implementing land for emerging industries、Diverse land supply methods such as flexible land use。Improve land use efficiency,Strictly implement“One-time planning、Land supply in installments”Principle,Resolutely put an end to major projects“Take one piece、Use a little”Phenomena。Actively strive for investment support within the central and provincial budgets,Seize the country’s policy opportunities to increase the issuance of local government special bonds and expand the scope of bond use,Planning and reserve local government special bond projects of more than 20 billion yuan,Strive for more than 20 billion yuan in superior funds。Strengthen supervision and inspection of the payment progress of budget funds and special bond funds,Make adjustments to projects with long-term funds that are unaccounted for in accordance with laws and regulations、Recover processing and report。(Leading unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission、Municipal Finance Bureau、Municipal Natural Resources Planning Bureau、Municipal Land Reserve Center)

2. Promote the continued recovery of the consumer market

(4) Organize and implement actions to promote consumption.Support large commercial complexes、Business District Shopping Street、Brand companies carry out various forms of consumption promotion activities,Provide financial support to large-scale consumption promotion activities with greater influence。Focus on the construction of 12 night economy demonstration areas,Introducing the first store of domestic and foreign brands within the year、Flagship store、Experience store、More than 50 chain stores,Support new product launches、First show and other activities。Issue Caiyun Kunming electronic consumption coupons with a total amount of no less than 50 million yuan,Encourage various merchants to issue consumer coupons,Powerfully drive consumption growth。Implementing inclusive and prudent supervision,Simplify the approval procedures for various market entities to hold outdoor promotional activities,Support merchants to use open space within the red line of commercial land to carry out promotional activities in accordance with laws and regulations,Orderly release“Outside position”Restrictions,Expand product and service display space,Improve consumer experience。(Leading unit: Municipal Commerce Bureau、Municipal Urban Management Bureau)

(5) Support the accelerated development of the commerce industry.Coordinate and consider the scale of commercial and trade market entities above designated size and commercial and trade service enterprises above designated size、Growth and contribution,A subsidy of up to 200,000 yuan will be given to each household with the highest comprehensive ranking,Among them: the top 20 companies in the catering industry above designated size,A maximum subsidy of 50,000 yuan will be given to each household;For the top 5 incremental companies in each category of commercial and trade service industries (four categories) above designated size,A maximum subsidy of 50,000 yuan will be given to each household。For market entities in the commerce and trade service industry that have upgraded regulations and adopted regulations for the first time,A one-time bonus of up to 50,000 yuan。Support physical stores、Urban Complex、Renovation and upgrade of commodity trading market,Support chain enterprises、Development of time-honored commercial and distribution enterprises。Special catering company headquartered in Kunming moves to Beijing、Previous、Guang、Opening and operating in first-tier cities in Shenzhen,A subsidy of up to 30% of the decoration cost,Maximum 300,000 yuan per store。for 2021—Rated as a national green shopping mall for the first time in 2022、From Green Hotel,A maximum of 200,000 yuan will be given respectively、One-time bonus of 100,000 yuan。Accelerate the introduction, cultivation and expansion of new retail market entities,Work hard to solve some areas“Consumption included、Out of statistics”Phenomena。(Leading unit: Municipal Commerce Bureau)

(6) Promote the consumption of bulk commodities.Strengthen the construction of public parking lots,1 new motor vehicle parking spaces added during the year.50,000,Strive to promote traffic congestion management,Unleash the potential of automobile consumption。Accelerate the promotion and application of new energy vehicles,Speed ​​up charging infrastructure construction,Strive to basically realize the fully electric cruising taxis in the five districts of the main city within this year。Vigorously promote“Auto + Refined Oil”Linkage promotion,Carry out“New car souvenir”and“98#Exclusive Gift”and other series of promotions。Actively develop automotive appliances“Trade old for new”Waiting for consumption promotion activities,Organize the development of automobiles、Furniture and home appliances going to the countryside promotion event。(Leading unit: Municipal Commerce Bureau、Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau、Municipal Transportation Bureau、Municipal Development and Reform Commission、Municipal Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Detachment)

3. Consolidate the foundation for industrial economic growth

(7) Cultivate and expand industrial growth.Implement the action plan for cultivating industrial enterprises above designated size,Ensure that more than 100 industrial enterprises above designated size will be added within the year。Make great efforts to implement the annual new production and entry regulations,A bonus of 200,000 yuan will be given to manufacturing enterprises that are newly established and put into operation within the year,Those with an output value of 100 million yuan and above in the year of entry will be given a reward of 500,000 yuan,Those with an output value of 500 million yuan and above in the year of entry into the regulations will be given a reward of 2.5 million yuan,If the output value reaches 1 billion yuan or more in the year of entry into the regulations, a reward of 5 million yuan will be given。For the new output value in the year when the off-site relocation project is completed,Refer to the above subsidy standards。(Leading unit: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau)

(8) Promote industrial chain extension and strengthening.Actively strive for provincial key industry investment funds to support the development of key industries and emerging industries in our city。Accelerate the introduction of key enterprises in the industry chain,Arrange special funds of 10 million yuan,Strengthen early investment、Link to high-quality resources、Carry out targeted investment promotion,Key planning and introduction 3—5 major industrial and information industry projects exceeding 5 billion yuan。Establish and improve early warning mechanism for industrial chain and supply chain problems,Implementing industrial chains in key areas、Supply chain connection project。Actively explore industrial land“Standardly”Supply,Scientific preparation of the city’s special industrial map plan。(Leading unit: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau、Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau、Municipal Natural Resources Planning Bureau)

(9) Promote the deep integration of informatization and industrialization.Promote digital empowerment of traditional industries,Improving industrial digitalization、Network、Intelligent development level。Extensive expansion of digital economy application scenarios,Encourage and support tobacco、Traditional heavy chemical industry、Enterprises in equipment manufacturing and other industries use 5G、Artificial Intelligence、Industrial Internet and other new generation information technologies are deeply integrated into the entire manufacturing process、Full industry chain and product life cycle,Guide leading companies in subdivided industries to accelerate industrial digital transformation,Focus on supporting new digital economy technologies that have a significant impact on local industries、New product、New business format、New model demonstration project,A subsidy of up to 1 million yuan will be provided based on 20% of the actual investment。The Internet that is included in the calculation of the first regulation upgrade、Software company gives 100,000 yuan bonus;For Internet companies with operating income of more than 50 million yuan、Software companies provide step-by-step growth incentives,Growth at 20%—50% bonus of 100,000 yuan,50%—100% bonus of 200,000 yuan,100% or more bonus of 300,000 yuan。(Leading unit: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau)

(10) Accelerate the construction of a green manufacturing system.Encourage new energy vehicle manufacturers in Kunming to accelerate product iteration。For new energy passenger vehicles newly announced by the country (production and sales of more than 1,000 units)、Passenger cars (production and sales of more than 100 units)、Other models (production and sales of more than 200 vehicles) will be given 2 million yuan to the manufacturers respectively、1 million yuan、1 million yuan bonus。Enter the creation of a national list、Green park on the provincial green manufacturing list,RMB 500,000 each、One-time bonus of 250,000 yuan;Enter the creation of a national list、Provincial green factory (green supply chain management enterprise) enterprise,300,000 yuan each、One-time bonus of 150,000 yuan。Encourage enterprises to carry out cleaner production,Evaluation on passing the voluntary cleaner production audit、Enterprises that have passed the provincial clean production inspection,RMB 50,000 each、100,000 yuan bonus。Establish and improve policies and measures to promote the comprehensive utilization of phosphogypsum,Increase financial support,Implement relevant reward and subsidy policies,Strive to improve the comprehensive utilization level of phosphogypsum。Encourage enterprises to carry out energy-saving and low-carbon transformation,A subsidy of up to 2 million yuan will be given to a single project based on project energy saving (300 yuan/ton of standard coal)。Recognized as national level、Provincial level“Energy Efficiency Leader”'s company,RMB 500,000 each、One-time bonus of 300,000 yuan。Accelerate the elimination of backward production capacity,Enterprises will be given a subsidy of up to 500,000 yuan for every outdated production line they eliminate。(Leading unit: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau)

4. Support the expansion and quality improvement of the service industry

(11) Promote the recovery of tourism industry.In-depth implementation“Three-year action plan for high-quality tourism development”。Establish a cultural tourism industry development fund with a scale of 1 billion yuan,Support the construction of major cultural tourism projects。Introduced special fund management measures for cultural tourism development,Provide loan interest discounts for the construction of major cultural tourism projects、Support through awards instead of subsidies。Implementing the scenic area upgrade project,Accelerate the construction of large-scale cultural tourism projects in new formats,Built a number of mid-level (boutique) hotels at a high level。Launch“Kunming people visit Kunming”Series of activities,Accelerate promotion“Diverse Kunming Beautiful Homes”Popular tourist check-in map,Packaging and launching a batch of new travel routes and new ways to play。Increase night tour routes and product promotion,Introducing more night parks、New cultural and tourism consumption products such as night theater。Helping tourism market entities to relieve difficulties and reduce burdens,The deadline for travel agencies that are allowed to temporarily refund tourism service quality deposits to replenish the deposits has been extended to December 31, 2022。(Leading unit: Municipal Culture and Tourism Bureau)

(12) Promote the comprehensive recovery of the exhibition industry.Simplify the approval process in accordance with the law,Improving approval efficiency,Full service to ensure the implementation of key exhibition projects。Introducing non-designated exhibition projects in Kunming,A one-time grant of 100,000 yuan based on the exhibition area—800,000 yuan subsidy;Introducing designated exhibition projects to be held in Kunming,As well as the exhibition projects organized by local exhibition organizers in Kunming,A one-time grant of 300,000 yuan based on the exhibition area—1.2 million yuan subsidy。For organizational units that organize enterprises to participate in out-of-province (overseas) negotiation activities or participate in exhibitions,Subsidy for personnel costs and booth costs will be provided in accordance with relevant policies。(Leading unit: Municipal Commerce Bureau)

(13) Support the rapid development of e-commerce.Accelerate the construction of e-commerce express park,Build a number of e-commerce express logistics parks and express distribution centers。Support mainstream live streaming platforms to establish live streaming e-commerce service agencies (bases) in Kunming,Carry out e-commerce product selection、Live broadcast marketing、Anchor training and other services,A maximum reward of 400,000 yuan per household will be given to institutions (bases) with outstanding performance。Vigorously develop rural e-commerce,Improve rural e-commerce infrastructure,Support the construction of distribution centers and origin warehouses in major producing areas of superior agricultural products,Carry out commercialization of the origin of e-commerce products,A subsidy of up to 600,000 yuan will be provided to each distribution center (origin warehouse) that achieves economies of scale。(Leading unit: Municipal Commerce Bureau、Municipal Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau)

(14) Promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market.persistence“House for living, not for speculation”Positioning,Strive to stabilize land prices、Stabilizing housing prices、Stable expectations。Study and formulate policies and measures to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market,Support the commercial housing market to better meet the reasonable housing needs of home buyers。Accelerate the implementation of urban renewal and transformation operations,Reduce land development costs,Attract more social capital to participate in urban renewal,Actively strive for policy and financial support from provincial departments,Start a batch of high standards“Village in the City”Renovation Project,Strive to fully resolve the existing projects of unfinished buildings within the year。Introducing a pilot program for flexible employment personnel to participate in the housing provident fund system,Improving the coverage of provident fund system。Study and introduce support policies for commercial real estate destocking and multi-functional utilization,Guide to community care for the elderly、Community Medical、Conversion of three-dimensional park。Increase support for the construction of affordable housing。Strengthen the monitoring of real estate market and enterprise operations,Proactively prevent and resolve potential risks。Implement the cultivation plan to promote the doubling of market entities in the construction industry,Accelerate the introduction of construction industry headquarters enterprises,Encourage high-quality construction companies from outside the province to settle in Kunming,Simplify the qualification categories and levels of engineering construction enterprises,Reduce unnecessary qualification certification,Vigorously promote intelligent and prefabricated buildings。(Leading unit: Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau、Municipal Natural Resources Planning Bureau、Municipal Land Reserve Center、Municipal Housing Provident Fund Center)

5. Accelerate the cultivation and expansion of market entities

(15) Vigorously develop the headquarters economy.Study and introduce more attractive support policies for headquarters enterprises,Encourage large enterprises and group companies to settle accounts、Sales、Investment、R&D and other core functions are deployed in our city。Focus on producer service enterprises,Further increase support for newly introduced headquarters companies and industry leading companies,Rewards and subsidies to existing headquarters companies based on their economic contribution。Rewards and subsidies for local registration of large-scale foreign (chain) enterprises with economic activities in Kunming。For companies whose headquarters and main business are both successfully listed in Kunming,A subsidy of up to 5 million yuan will be provided in phases。(Leading unit: Municipal Commerce Bureau、Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau、Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau、Municipal Finance Office)

(16) Implementation“Market entities doubled”Plan。Organize and carry out&ldquo throughout the city;Upgrading regulations, incorporating restrictions into the system”Operation Attack,Counties (cities) and districts、Development (resort) areas and municipal departments should regard promoting the entry of market entities into the library as an important starting point for annual economic growth,Clear“Sishang Enterprise”(Industrial enterprises above designated size、Qualification level construction enterprise、Wholesale and retail accommodation and catering enterprises above designated size、Annual cultivation goals for service industry enterprises above designated size,Establish market entities“Increase regulations and accept limits”Cultivation Library,Increase policy and financial support,Ensure that“Sishang Enterprise”Quantity increased by more than 17%,Form strong support for economic growth throughout the year。(Leading unit: Municipal Market Supervision Bureau、Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau、Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau、Municipal Commerce Bureau、Municipal Development and Reform Commission and other municipal departments)

(17) Increase efforts to attract industrial investment.In-depth implementation of the industrial chain“Chain length system”,Establish an industrial chain“Customer database”and“Project Library”,Carry out targeted investment promotion around key industrial chains。Study and introduce supporting policies for industrial investment promotion,Strong driving ability、Great development potential、Major investment promotion project with high technological content,“One enterprise, one policy”Give policy support,Similar projects are subject to preferential conditions that other regions in the country can provide,In principle, it can be provided as a comparison。Further develop the industrial guidance fund“Capital chain + industrial chain”investment promotion function,Actively attract social capital to establish special funds,Enlarging the leverage of industrial guidance funds。Fully promote market-oriented investment promotion,Encourage counties (cities) and districts、Exploring the establishment of a market-oriented investment company in development (resort) areas,Actively carry out entrusted investment promotion、Intermediary Investment Recruitment,Select well-known entrepreneurs、The president of the Chamber of Commerce and others serve as the city’s investment ambassadors。Vigorously promote business-based investment promotion,Play“Chain Master”Key role in attracting investment in the industrial chain,Intensify efforts to attract“head goose”Enterprise。Strengthen investment network construction,Complete coverage of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei、Yangtze River Delta、Zhejiang and Fujian、Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area、Overseas investment promotion agencies in key areas such as Chengdu and Chongqing。Reforming industrial investment evaluation methods,Focus on assessing the quality and quantity of investment projects,Increase the assessment of the contribution of industrial projects to the city’s economy,Establish a mechanism to link the evaluation results of investment promotion and the selection of cadres,Establish a clear motivational orientation for cadre selection and employment in the city,Promote industrial investment to comprehensively improve quality and efficiency。(Leading unit: Municipal Investment Promotion Bureau、Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau、Municipal Development and Reform Commission、Municipal State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission、Municipal Party Committee Organization Department and other municipal departments)

6. Make every effort to help enterprises to alleviate their difficulties

(18) Strictly implement the tax reduction and fee reduction policy.Implement and cancel the tax reduction and fee reduction policies issued by the country and province、Suspended、Exemption、Reduction of administrative fees policy,Focus on relief for small, medium and micro enterprises、Tax burden for individual businesses and enterprises in difficulty,Continue to stimulate the vitality of market entities。Continue to implement the one-time reduction of the basic pension insurance policy for urban employees,The unit payment ratio is reduced to 16%。Continue to implement the phased reduction of unemployment insurance、Work-related injury insurance rate policy。(Leading unit: Municipal Development and Reform Commission、Municipal Taxation Bureau、Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau、Municipal Finance Bureau)

(19) Reduce the cost of land use for the real economy.Insist on comprehensive regional land development costs、Dynamic Balance,Implement differentiated regional policies for industrial land,Reduce land costs for real economy enterprises。Support enterprises to adopt long-term leasing、Rent first, then let、Concession combination、Use land through flexible term transfer and other methods。Encourage state-owned enterprises、Private enterprises with ";Recruitment, auction and listing”Obtaining industrial land through transfer,Build a standard factory building and lease it to industrial investment enterprises。Support enterprises in complying with plans、Without changing the purpose,Increase the utilization intensity of existing industrial land、Increase floor area ratio,No more land payment。For the clear use of existing real estate in the industrial land policy、Land resources development state-supported industries、Industry,Enjoy the transition period support policy that does not change the land use subject and planning conditions within a certain period。(Leading unit: Municipal Natural Resources Planning Bureau、Municipal Land Reserve Center)

(20) Focus on reducing logistics costs.Researching the old、China-Europe freight train logistics support policy,Ensure smooth operation of trains in both directions。Increase policy guidance and financial support,Encourage the joint development of road passenger and freight transportation and logistics and express delivery,Make full use of existing passenger terminals to carry out logistics distribution business,Sharing rural passenger transport operating costs,Improving the rural logistics and distribution system。Provide access convenience for new energy distribution vehicles and cold chain distribution vehicles,Pure electric trucks except during peak hours and urban elevated sections,All restricted areas allowed。Comprehensive implementation of differentiated highway tolling policies。Strictly implement the project to streamline railway freight miscellaneous charges、Reduce the gold standard for late delivery of freight and miscellaneous charges、Cancel freight change fee and other policies。Introduction of route cultivation support policy,Improving the freight service capabilities of Kunming International Aviation Hub,Promote the healthy development of the air transport market。(Leading unit: Municipal Commerce Bureau、Municipal Transportation Bureau、Municipal Public Security Bureau Traffic Police Detachment)

(21) Increase efforts to provide relief and assistance to small, medium and micro enterprises.Implement various relief policies for small, medium and micro enterprises,Formulate and implement policies and measures to support the accelerated development of small, medium and micro enterprises。Vigorously cultivate specialized, specialized, and new small and medium-sized enterprises,Select a batch of competitive ones、High-growth, specialized and new small and medium-sized enterprises will be given a subsidy of 300,000 yuan。Increase government procurement to support the development of small and medium-sized enterprises,Ensure that the proportion of government procurement reserved for small, medium and micro enterprises is no less than 30% of the total annual government procurement project budget,The proportion reserved for small and micro enterprises is no less than 60%。Guide financial institutions to increase support for the real economy, especially small and micro enterprises,Ensure that the annual growth rate of inclusive small and micro enterprise loans in the city is not less than 30%。Support small, medium and micro enterprises to obtain loans on credit,Encourage financial institutions to issue credit loans to small, medium and micro enterprises registered in Kunming。Accelerate Kunming Financial Comprehensive Service Platform、“Xinyidai”Platform promotion application,Promote accurate docking of financing needs between financial institutions and enterprises,Building a new channel for credit financing for small, medium and micro enterprises。For qualified entrepreneurs、Small and micro enterprises will be given up to 200,000 yuan each、3 million yuan of entrepreneurial guaranteed loan support,And interest discounts will be provided in accordance with relevant regulations。(Leading unit: Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau、Municipal Finance Bureau、Municipal Affairs Bureau、Municipal Finance Office、Municipal Development and Reform Commission、Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau)

7. Continuously enhance the vitality of economic development

(22) Optimize the business environment and enhance the sense of gain for enterprises.Insist on optimizing the business environment and focusing on serving the development of market entities、Support project construction and enhance investment attractiveness。Establish a system for market entities to directly evaluate the business environment,Improving government services“Good bad reviews”Mechanism。Further streamlining the approval process、Compressed approval time,Vigorously promote the notification and commitment system in the approval service process,Further reduce investment approval、Construction project approval、Property registration approval time limit,Improve the convenience of utility bills and installations,Realize&ldquo on a larger scale;One-stop service、One-stop service、Trans-provincial service”and“Zero door-to-door、Zero approval、Zero investment”,Ensure that the online availability rate of government service matters is no less than 98%,The entire online processing rate is not less than 90%。Comprehensively implement the free assistance agency system for the entire administrative approval process,Make full use of the market、Functional advantages of county-level investment service centers,All administrative approval matters for foreign-invested enterprises will be handled free of charge,Reduce business service costs。(Leading unit: Municipal Affairs Bureau、Municipal Development and Reform Commission、Municipal Natural Resources Planning Bureau、Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau、Municipal Water Affairs Bureau、Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau and other municipal departments)

(23) Improve the level of open economic development.Actively benchmark RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement) rules、Regulations and Standards,Prepare and issue an action plan for high-quality implementation of RCEP。Accelerate the construction of Kunming Railway International Train Customs Supervision Site、China-Laos cross-border multimodal transport comprehensive service platform,Actively build the freight train assembly center of Wangjiaying West Station。Improving the cross-border logistics system along the China-Laos railway,Promote Kun products to leave Yunnan and Southeast Asian agricultural products to enter Yunnan。Establishment of joint innovation joint venture,Participate in the market-oriented development, operation and management of the China-Laos Cooperation Zone。Support enterprises to build comprehensive foreign trade service platforms,Financing provided、Cleared、Tax Refund、Logistics and insurance, etc“One-stop”Service,Wide range of services、A comprehensive foreign trade service platform with strong driving capabilities,Rewards and subsidies will be given according to the proportion of import and export volume achieved by service enterprises,The maximum reward for each comprehensive foreign trade service platform is 500,000 yuan。Support foreign trade companies to explore international markets,Provide cost subsidies for foreign trade enterprises to participate in international exhibitions held in China。(Leading unit: Municipal Commerce Bureau)

(24) Strongly support entrepreneurship and innovation.Increase support for the construction of entrepreneurial carriers,Recognized as national level、Provincial Entrepreneurship Incubation Base,300,000 yuan each、One-time financial subsidy of 200,000 yuan。Recognized as a municipal-level young college student entrepreneurship demonstration park、New Entrepreneurship Innovation Incubation Service Park,Or take the initiative to reduce or reduce the rental fees for college graduate entrepreneurs (teams),Funds will be awarded according to relevant standards。Support enterprise technological innovation,Enterprises that realize industrialization of technology research and development,10% of the R&D investment or technology transfer amount,A subsidy of up to 1.5 million yuan will be provided。Newly identified as national and provincial、Municipal Enterprise Technology Center、Technological Innovation Demonstration Enterprise、Manufacturing Innovation Center、Quality Benchmark for Industrial Enterprises、Company of Industrial Design Center,A one-time grant of NT$1 million each、400,000 yuan、200,000 yuan bonus;Duixin is recognized as a national and provincial service-oriented manufacturing demonstration enterprise (platform、project),A one-time grant of NT$500,000 each、300,000 yuan bonus。Carry out intellectual property pilot demonstration project,Listed as Kunming Intellectual Property Demonstration Enterprise、Kunming Intellectual Property Pilot Enterprise,A one-time subsidy of 80,000 yuan will be given、100,000 yuan bonus。Establish“Kunming Intellectual Property Operation Fund”,Accelerate the commercial transformation of intellectual property and patented technology achievements,Promote the development of strategic emerging industries and key industries。Encourage intellectual property pledge loans for technology-based enterprises,Granting 100% fiscal interest subsidy based on the loan interest rate to qualified technology enterprises,Discount interest rate up to 5%,The maximum annual subsidy amount is 2 million yuan。(Leading unit: Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau、Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau、Municipal Science and Technology Bureau、Municipal Market Supervision Bureau)

All departments at all levels in the city must improve their political stance,Put steady growth in a more prominent position,Strengthen economic operation monitoring, early warning, analysis and dispatch,Proactively guide market expectations,Strive to keep the economy operating within a reasonable range。We must actively introduce policies that are conducive to economic stability,Prudently introduce policies that have a contractionary effect,Strengthen the publicity, interpretation and implementation of various policies,Proactively announce policy support directions to the public、Declaration process and consultation hotline,Implement online public handling of financial funds for market entities,Effectively solve the policy implementation“The last mile”Question。

This article will be implemented from the date of issuance,Valid until December 31, 2022。

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