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Cultural Tourism Benefits Author of this article: Wu Bihu 2015-09-01
If heritage revitalization is the endogenous basis for solving the development of Yongshun tourism industry,Then global tourism is to deepen product development、Extend visitor stay、A higher-level construction and development strategy to fully unleash the vitality of county economy。
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1. Comprehensive improvement of the development status of tourism under the new normal

Since 2015,China’s economy has entered a new normal period,The economy shifts from high-speed growth to medium-high-speed growth。Under the development trend of overall slowdown in economic growth,The advantages of traditional leading industries are no longer obvious,Our country will usher in a new round of transition period in production methods and structural adjustment。Under the pressure of the national economic downturn,The tourism industry has shown an upward trend against the market,Entering a new period of development strategic opportunities。

Since 2013,The service industry has begun to become the main driving force of urbanization,The development of tourism has become the focus of the government、Promote social employment、An important way to cater to the living needs of the middle class;China’s tourism industry experienced disruptive changes in 2014; Li Jinzao proposed the 515 strategy at the 2015 National Tourism Work Conference,Recently the State Council issued "Several Opinions on Further Promoting Tourism Investment and Consumption",All this shows that China’s economic and social development has entered a period of simultaneous industrialization and post-industrialization。

1.1 Industrial urbanization land characteristics

In the early decades of reform and opening up,Manufacturing、Industry-led urbanization is an important path for my country to promote modern economic development。The biggest feature of the industrial-led urbanization development model,It has always had priority in land use。From 2000 to 2010,About 24% of urban construction land is used for industrial development。

Picture 1 Proportion of industrial land in urban construction land in China

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But at the same time we have to notice,With the deepening of reform,Continuous changes in the mode and structure of life and production,The output value per unit area of ​​industrial land and the contribution rate of industrial production to GDP are both declining。

Picture 2 Chart of the contribution rate of China’s secondary industry and industry to GDP from 1990 to 2009

Picture 3 China’s industrial real estate value per unit and its growth rate from 2000 to 2009

1.2 The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee: Deepening the Reform of the Ecological Civilization System

When the contribution of industrial-led production methods to the urbanization rate is declining,When the problems and contradictions accumulated in the early extensive industrial production cannot be ignored,The central government has begun to implement the ecological civilization development strategy from top to bottom。November 8, 2013,The Third Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China made the "Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reform",Revolving around the goal of building a beautiful China,Deepen the reform of the ecological civilization system。

Accelerate the establishment of an ecological civilization 188bet app system,Improving domestic space development,Construction resource conservation and utilization、Institutional mechanism of ecological environment protection,Promote the formation of a new pattern of modernization and harmonious development between man and nature。Under the guidance of the development concept of ecological civilization,Industrial、The methods and methods of agricultural production have also ushered in fundamental changes,Entering a new era in which both output and quality are the fundamental development goals。

1.3 The driving force of urbanization changes from industry-led to service-led

In the context of economic globalization,Industry tends to be concentrated,A large number of people rely on the modern service industry to integrate into the production and consumption army,Tourism and leisure will account for more than half of employment opportunities and GDP share 。China’s services purchasing managers’ index (PMI) rose to 53 in July 2015.8,The service industry has become the first driving force of urbanization。China’s GDP in 2013 was 56,884.5 billion yuan,The tertiary industry accounts for 46% of GDP.1%,The proportion of the tertiary industry exceeded the secondary industry for the first time,This means that the service industry has become the first advantageous industry to promote social development under the new normal。

Picture 4 Three industrial structures of employment from 1980 to 2010

2. The core connotation of tourism-based urbanization

Tourism urbanization emerged in Western developed countries in the late 20th century,Based on the postmodernist consumption view and urban view (focusing on pleasure,pleasure) an urban form,Is an urbanization model based on hedonic sales and consumption (Mullins)。

Tourism urbanization is based on tourism、The development of leisure drives the population、Capital, material and other productivity factors accumulate and spread to tourism-dependent areas,Thus driving the process of continuous advancement and extension of urban areas,It includes two aspects: expanding the scale of the city and improving the quality of the city,At the same time, the role of cities in people’s tourism activities is gradually increasing。

2.1 Development opportunities of tourism-based urbanization

China has entered a leisure society。The leisure society has the following characteristics: automation、Informatization level increases,Reduced labor demand;Improvement of medical health level,Extended average life span;Increase in education years;About half of the population does not need employment;Employed people do not need to work nearly half the time;Extended leisure years after retirement;The cost of creating jobs is higher than the cost of providing leisure vacations。

Rapidly growing tourism demand。China’s per capita income has exceeded US$6,000,Demand for vacations is growing rapidly,2013,The number of domestic tourists in my country reaches 32.600 million visitors,Total tourism revenue reaches 2.9 trillion yuan (outbound consumption 128.6 billion US dollars,Chinese people travel on average 2 times.5 times,It is expected to reach 4 by 2020.5 times。

my country’s holiday system and holiday supply have not yet adapted to the needs of the leisure society。115 legal holidays,104 days are weekends,National holidays 11 days,The national holiday is based on the tradition of agricultural society,Obvious introversion (family reunion),Inherit traditional culture,Obvious political meaning (National Day and Communist Labor Day)。

The conflict between agricultural social lifestyle and post-industrial lifestyle;Resistance to the promotion and implementation of the paid leave system: reducing the burden on 188bet sports betting app download enterprises、Closely related to the optimization of the entrepreneurial environment;Insufficient total holiday supply: increasing demand for national holidays in the context of collectivism;Nationally unified holiday arrangements cannot reflect geographical differences and low-carbon requirements;Insufficient understanding of the positive significance of improving supply in the service industry。

Picture 5 my country’s per capita GDP from 2005 to 2013

2.2 Advantages of tourism-led urbanization

Tourism helps transform the way of economic development。"Communique" and "Decision" of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Third Plenary Session of the CPC Central Committee,They have repeatedly emphasized “transforming the mode of economic development”;A large number of rural people are gathering in large and medium-sized cities、Tourism can help achieve the goal of “citizenization of agricultural transfer population”;Ecological Risks of Industrialization and Lifetime Environmental Responsibility,Prompt local governments to choose safer tourism。

Tourism promotes population employment。Urbanization requires cultivating industries to absorb population employment;Not just sightseeing、Leisure tourism creates employment,Business tourism is also an important area ;The tourism service industry is a labor-intensive industry,More entrepreneurship available、Employment Opportunities;Low technical requirements for employees,Absorbing a large number of new citizens with low and medium education levels into employment;1+3 industrial development model can promote local urbanization of farmers、Urbanization in the village、Modernization。

Tourism promotes the protection of traditional villages and pastoral landscapes。The rural 1+3 industrial development model can promote local urbanization of farmers、Urbanization in the village、Modernization;Rural tourism that generates direct economic benefits、Ancient village tourism terminated by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development、The Ministry of Land and Resources’ one-size-fits-all policy is “one household, one house”、The devastating demolition of traditional villages in the “Demolish the Old and Build the New” and the local government’s “New Socialist Countryside” movement,Tourism protects old villages。The existing rural land system is not suitable for the mixed development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries (non-agricultural land use lacks land use policy support)、Not suitable for long-term entrepreneurial investment incentives。

2. Heritage revitalization: tourism urbanization path selection

The concept of China’s cultural protection law is very backward,Cannot keep up with international advanced cultural relics protection concepts,It cannot meet the current actual needs of domestic cultural relics protection。

1.Establish fair use、Heritage Revitalization、Modern development concept that emphasizes both protection and utilization

The current Chinese cultural relics protection theory only pays attention to the value of cultural relics in physical space、Protect individual buildings in isolation、Once included in the protection, exclusive protection and utilization are emphasized。Pay attention to dead buildings,Ignore living culture,It is the embodiment of the current concept of exclusive cultural preservation。 The fundamental purpose of cultural relics protection is for the public to accept and spread historical culture。

Only the intangible culture in protected buildings and areas and the residents living in them are also considered to be protected objects,Allows use by modern occupiers,Only by truly protecting historical heritage。In China,Cultural relics are mostly sealed,188bet sports betting app download Loss of opening up to the public and achieving education、Conditions for spreading culture。

Efforts should be made to both protect and use,Fang Wei Chang Ce。Cultural relics break through exclusive use,Integrate with modern life,This is the only way to preserve it for a long time 。The core connotation of this theory refers to the premise of not affecting protection,Activation to provide services to society,Highlight its cultural heritage value during dynamic use,Instead of the current exhibition,Unavailable protection rule。

2. "Tourism Law" coordinates resource utilization,Promote "simultaneous protection and utilization" of resources

Due to special institutional reasons,China sightseeing tour、Outdoor Education、Leisure vacation and other tourism resources,Management rights belong to more than ten departments。 The "Cultural Law" stipulates that the use of culture can only be protected、Display、Three major ways to exhibit。

In the context of the Tourism Law,All tourism resources have two basic management objectives: providing resource protection capabilities and providing national recreational utilization opportunities。

"Tourism Law": Under the premise of protection,Encourage the rational use of tourism resources;Maintain and inherit local traditional culture and customs,Protect the integrity of culture、Representative landscape;Clearly propose to protect tourism resources in accordance with the law,And enable it to be fully and reasonably utilized;Established that tourism development adheres to social benefits、The principle of unifying economic benefits and environmental benefits。

The sustainable development of tourism depends on scenic resources、Cultural Relics Resources、Simultaneous protection and utilization of intangible cultural resources、The principle of "protecting dual drives",Protective and exploitative laws each have their own responsibilities。At present, our country has enacted more than 20 laws and regulations,Focus on nature、Protection of human resources,Tourism activities should fulfill protection obligations in accordance with the law,Under the premise of protection,The "Tourism Law" has more coordination resource utilization issues。

Protection is not isolation,Don’t “dead cultural relics”,Should be activated for use,Efforts should be made to both protect and use。 Cappadocia World Heritage Site, Türkiye,A unique weathered landscape formed on the basis of volcanic ashstone,The tradition of living in caves on rock walls and mountains has existed since 200 to 300 BC。Different from China’s heritage sites and cultural relic protection sites,The Aboriginal people here still use these caves。

The Dutch Paradise Bookstore transformed an 800-year-old ancient church into a bookstore,The solemn and solemn atmosphere of the church coincides with the theme atmosphere of the bookstore,The entire bookstore combines modern elements with Gothic architectural style,Not only maintains the historical appearance of the Dominican church,It also brings a peaceful shopping and resting place to modern people。

3. Cultural relics reconstruction theory from a multidisciplinary perspective

From the perspective of cultural relics protection,The word "Reconstruction" is almost defined as a capital crime。From an architectural perspective,Sometimes,For cultural and commercial needs,It is not absolutely forbidden to carry out "non-restorative" reconstruction on individual ruins that do not have special historical value...it should be discussed outside the context of protection (Evergreen,2009); From a tourism perspective,The reconstruction of cultural relics can satisfy the experience of external and internal cultural landscapes and the provision 188bet online sports betting of external tourism service functions 。

Take the Yellow Crane Tower as an example,Yellow Crane Tower was built during the Three Kingdoms period,Repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt,All were rebuilt in the Tang, Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties,In the Ming and Qing Dynasties alone, 7 were destroyed and 10 were repaired,The current Yellow Crane Tower was built in 1985。But it has more attractive value and cultural inheritance value than most cultural relics buildings。Therefore,The statement that it cannot be reconstructed is neither academic nor legal。

Table 1 The historical reconstruction of cultural relics protection units

4. Heritage revitalization theory and revitalization model

Reconstruction Principles: Inheriting History、Respect the grid; Clear era、Program reversible、Response to contemporary、Legacy Descendants。

Connotation of heritage activation: transforming heritage resources into products with modern functions (tourism、Culture) without affecting the protection and inheritance of heritage。

A country’s effective use of cultural relics,Reflects the development level of cultural and creative industries、National cultural competitiveness、National soft power。The concept of cultural relic protection and utilization needs to respond to the requirements of the times for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。 Only by allowing local people to benefit from heritage protection can the dynamic protection of heritage be truly realized。

Similarities and differences between Chinese and Western heritage revitalization: Europe values ​​the authenticity of heritage carrier preservation,Advocates the distinction between old and new,Maintain the authenticity,And European stone buildings remain long lasting,Emphatic and easy to achieve authenticity;China attaches great importance to the authenticity of information, In the eyes of the Chinese,There is no eternally authentic carrier in the world (Yu Xuecai,2010)。Traditional Chinese buildings are civil structures,Keep short,Requires continuous updates,Decided to only maintain dynamic authenticity。

Heritage revitalization is the key to heritage protection,It is not only the need to diversify the industrial structure of modern cities,It is also the need for cultural revitalization。In the process of activation, in addition to closely and reasonably combining the ancient form with today’s life,At the same time, it must also be combined with local characteristics,Highlight some of these themes,Carry out differentiated development。

Construction of heritage protection activation model

Figure 6 Heritage revitalization path

Mode 1: Static Museum Mode 。Applicable to cultural relics that require strict protection、Historic Sites。

Mode 2: Real scene reproduction mode。Perform selective reconstruction。Key points include rebuilding the old structure,Reappearing the material landscape,Achieve visual impact;Adopting traditional architectural style,Modern construction technology,Avoid becoming empty shell。

The reconstruction of ancient buildings is actually one of the ways to reproduce the real scene,Reconstruction of ancient buildings on an urban scale,Contemporary China has also seen the rise of a large-scale "imitation ancient city movement";As of 2011,At least 30 ancient cities are currently building or have announced plans to build "ancient cities"。But the reconstruction of the ancient city cannot be equated with the inheritance of urban culture,The focus of reconstruction is "reappearance",Not in "Rebuild"。

Mode 3: Stage activation mode。The core points include the symbolization of historical locations 、Presenting historical information on a stage、Modern features provided、Joint participation of residents and tourists、Innovation in architectural 188bet app style and material technology、Technology Application。

Table 2 The scope of application and judgment criteria of the six heritage revitalization methods

5. Yongshun tourism development path under the theory of heritage activation

At the advent of tourism-oriented urbanization,Development opportunities relying on the successful selection of World Cultural Heritage,“Tourism-oriented heritage revitalization” is the most suitable development path for Yongshun。Under the guidance of this path,The development strategy of Yongshun Laosicheng can be positioned as a "Tale of Two Cities,Dasicheng”,This requires the preparation of a series of tourism-oriented development plans,Such as urban renewal planning Cultural Protection and Revitalization Planning Industrial Structure Adjustment Planning,Old city reconstruction plan,Better meet the actual needs of Yongshun heritage tourism development through scientific planning integrating multiple regulations。

3. All-region tourism: Construction of cultural tourism destinations in western Hunan

If heritage revitalization is the endogenous basis for solving the development of Yongshun tourism industry,Then global tourism is to deepen product development、Extend visitor stay、A higher-level construction and development strategy to fully unleash the vitality of county economy。

1. Global tourism theoretical system

Connotation: Global Tourism,is a response to sightseeing puzzle tourism、The ecological environment of tourist destinations under the conditions of comprehensive development of leisure vacation tourism and business exhibition tourism、Infrastructure、Tourist attraction、Regulations and policies、Overall requirements for public services and safety and comfort 。Treat a city or a region as an overall destination,Reach government-led、Comprehensive governance goals with the participation of the whole society,To achieve comprehensive satisfaction of all aspects of services and experiences that foreign tourists receive in the destination。

Assessment indicators: Monitor and diagnose global destination development indicators,Indicators include but are not limited to: Integration of tourism planning and urban and rural planning ;Full coverage of infrastructure and tourism services;Multilateral collaboration among tourism-related government agencies;Compatibility and extension of tourism industry and upstream and downstream industries;Harmonious exchanges between foreign visitors and local residents;Comprehensive guarantee of market order and itinerary safety。

The construction of global tourism destinations requires the integration of multiple regulations。Tourism planning is a plan in the specialized field that arranges tourism development and related matters。 

The "Tourism Law" focuses on the provisions on the connection between tourism planning, national economic development planning and related special planning,Requires tourism planning and land use master plan、Urban and Rural Planning、Environmental Protection Planning、Two-way coordination of cultural relics protection planning and other planning,Technically promote the realization of the goal of coordinating the values ​​and interests of multiple stakeholders in accordance with the law

Table 3 Relevant planning regulations and their conflicting values

2. Construction of global tourism destinations supported by planning

Destination planning and construction and service system guarantee、Tourist destination marketing is a public good;Destination at each level,such as provincial destination、Tourist City、Tourist counties and large tourist areas (scenic areas)、Nature reserves, etc.),Tourism development plan should be prepared;According to each region、Various destinations、The development stages of each scenic spot are different,Can prepare product development 188bet online sports betting plans with different focuses、Destination management planning and destination marketing planning and other tourism planning with different orientations。

3. Yongshun tourism development positioning under the goal of global tourism

In the era of tourism,Phoenix Ancient City and Zhangjiajie are both well-known tourist destinations,Yongshun’s natural sightseeing tourism is not competitive in western Hunan。Entering the new normal period of tourism,Yongshun gets a promotion opportunity after being approved as a world cultural heritage,Yongshun has become as important as Zhangjiajie in the strategic position of tourism development,Relying on the construction of world heritage to become a world-class well-known tourist destination。

Yongshun tourism development must first solve the problem of how to balance the relationship between cultural protection and revitalization,How to improve the core attraction to tourists,Three major issues on how to introduce market operation mechanisms to attract investors;Furthermore, we must straighten out the Tusi City and Tujia people,Protection and Utilization,Three major relationships between Laosicheng and Yongshun County,While realizing the traditional tourism inheritance function, it also realizes the revitalization and development of heritage。Therefore, Yongshun’s tourism development is positioned as a cultural tourism destination that emphasizes place experience and modern functions 。

IV. Conclusion

County tourism has become an important urbanization paradigm;

Developing tourism in World Heritage sites needs to be promoted through heritage revitalization;

Full-region tourism is a systematic project to realize cultural tourism destinations.

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