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Industrial Investment Author of this article: Anonymous 2015-10-03
Overconfidence + Bad Partner + Useless Worry + Blind Confrontation + Over-Commitment。Although this entrepreneurial senior writes very emotionally,But very practical and practical。Before entrepreneurs prepare to “save the world”,It’s better to look at the 10 questions mentioned in this article。
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I like every entrepreneur,So I really don’t want them to make these mistakes。But before entrepreneurs prepare to “save the world”,It’s better to look at the ten questions mentioned in this article。

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I once served as a director of a company,We spent a month sorting out the company’s finances,Find out that the company has funds in the bank to sustain operations for six months。

So I immediately called the CEO of the company,However he replied,“No problem,We have six months,I will raise enough funds before they run out,And we still have contracts with many potential customers。”

No, you don't.

If you only have enough money in your pocket to support the company's operations for six months,Then you are basically standing on the edge of the cliff。Even if you have a good company,One thing to keep in mind from beginning to end,That means raising funds at least six months in advance!

You need to meet with the VC,Roadshow,Due Diligence,Follow legal procedures,Finally, funding will be confirmed,This process will take a month。It will then take two months to find new customers,It will take another two months to develop products and other work,It will take three months to finally get the benefits。And you need to know,All of this is under best-case scenarios。

As expected,After experiencing a period of emergency mode,Our company is finally finished。We are suspending all development work,Find a bank to sell the company。When the company is sold,It is estimated that we only have enough funds on hand to maintain operations for three hours。The CEO of this company went from sitting on millions of dollars,Go bankrupt in the end,That’s probably what happened in those three hours。Maybe he still doesn’t know why he failed!

Question: How to start a business in the art world,Does the six-month rule also apply??

Answer: Yes!

Yesterday,Someone said to me: I am ready to resign,Then transform into writing。I know if I can focus on writing,Then the work will definitely be published。

This man is destined to fail.

No one will wait for your masterpiece。You must have money in your bank account,And life and work can enrich your story。If you are in such a situation------"I hate my current job,I really want to get into writing as soon as possible,This will make me better!188bet app ”,Maybe it can give you more motivation。

Don’t be so naive,Have at least six months of funds in your bank account to survive。This is your first taste of freedom,Don’t go downhill。

2. Entrepreneurs are overly “confident”

People always have a cognitive bias,I feel that my excrement does not stink。

The author once founded a company,When the product is halfway through development,Suddenly discovered that five competitors appeared on the market。

I burst into tears。My business partner can’t cheer me up,My ex-wife can’t cheer me up,My best friends who used to play Scrabble with me early in the morning couldn’t cheer me up!

But my developers in Bangalore gave me encouragement,They said,“Don’t worry,We will make you better。”

But I still ask myself every day,“Am I really getting better today?Is this really the feature I want to use?This function I developed,Is it really better than similar functions on other websites?”Our final product functionality is loaded,But it’s worth it。Months before the market peaks,We sold the company,And all our competitors went bankrupt。

You need to ask yourself every day,“Am I overconfident?"Otherwise your prejudice will definitely say,“I own the best company in the world,We will never go bankrupt。”

Question: How to start a business in the art world,Is there also overconfidence??

Answer: Of course, we are always mired in self-confidence.

Scott Adams, author of the famous comic series Dilbert, told me,He previously worked in a loan company,His boss told him,"If someone says to you,He/she loves his/her job very much,Then don’t lend money to them。”

Reason: Because passion is unreliable,It will blind you,Let you not see your shortcomings,Leading up your artwork,Your product,Your company,Even your friends are lost。

But it’s really hard to do this,Even now,I sometimes become overconfident。I am looking for new opportunities every day,A lot of it makes me very excited。Hi!Hi!Hi!Hmm.....!

You need to find someone,He/she doesn’t care about what you do,But it can remind you all the time,Tell you "You are a little overconfident",At least I can reasonably question you。

3. Beware of bad partners

Your business partners are your worst enemies.

Your business partners are even worse than your competitors,Because you failed in the end,Probably not because of competitors,But because of a bad business partner。

Being with a business partner is like a marriage.

When I first started my business,I provided 10% of the company shares to my partners。But one day later,He resigned,Writing a TV series for MTV。We didn’t blame him,Damn,Such a cool thing,I almost want to work for him。

But it’s a joke,We had to borrow money to get him to give up his equity in the company。This puts a lot of pressure on everyone in the company,Of all those blamed,I bear the brunt,Because I invited him to join the company。

I just made an investment,Sold at low price。The main problem is: partners disagree。

In fact,Every company may encounter unreliable partners。Even if two people love each other,You will also encounter various problems after getting married。So you can imagine,Two people don’t love each other,And we have to work together every day,People who hope to make a fortune,How can there be no friction?

There are two solutions here:

1、Everyone needs to have a clear role,Never set up a position like "Co-CEO" in the company。Make a good division of labor in advance,You do this,I do this。

2、If the partner has not invested money in the company,Then their shares should be gradually diluted ----- meaning over time,Their shares will become less and less。Usually four years is a time period。If they resign or quit,They can only own a small portion of the shares,Not even any shares。

4. Entrepreneurs recruit bad employees

Sometimes,You need to recruit talents。But please think twice before you act。The so-called asking God is easy,It’s difficult to send God away。

If there are some things you can do yourself,Then it’s best not to recruit people to do it。Give an example,If you want to book a flight or book a hotel,Then there is no need to find a secretary to do it,You can do it yourself。

We are also recruiting sales staff,The founder of the company should be the first salesperson of the company,And the first 10 million income must be earned by the founder himself。

Don’t hire five programmers。Research shows,One good programmer is definitely much better than ten poor programmers,One can be worth ten。

So,Recruiting someone,You need to make sure he/she is good enough,I would rather pay more to an excellent programmer,Don’t pay for five mediocre programmers。

Want to make the business successful,Want to be successful in networking,In fact,Success in any field,The key is to see what kind of people are around you。

If some people are not the best,Then don’t recruit them,They may become very good in the future,But don’t hire them when they’re not good enough。

If you don’t have enough funds in your bank account to sustain the company for six months,Then don’t recruit。

5. Bad entrepreneurs always worry about useless things

Your company should be a joint stock company,Still a small company?Who cares。

Do you want to design a Logo,Or publish a company mission statement?Who cares。

Before I sold my second company,I never felt that I had founded a very successful company。Does my company have a logo,Or business card?I don’t remember at all。

As a startup,What you really have to worry about is whether your product can really help users,Do you also have enough funds in your bank account to keep the company running for six months。

Of course,You have to keep asking yourself whether you are too confident in the above two questions。

So what do you need to worry about?188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Give an example,What would cause you to have insufficient funds in your bank account to sustain your company for six months?Also,Which unreliable employees should you fire?

These are the things worth worrying about.

This will force you to build better relationships with your customers,Ensure the company has a stable flow of funds。At the same time,It will also force you to constantly track the company’s financial status,Make sure to test all product features before running out of funds。

6. Bad entrepreneurs always take desperate risks

There are numbers to prove it,Entrepreneurs are risk takers。This is why 85% of entrepreneurs fail。They believe in the power of numbers,They were also informed,Their lives are like "bulldogs",Can survive any situation。

Okay,Making people happy is not easy。It’s easy to cook a delicious meal at home,But it is very difficult to open a restaurant on the street。Developing a website to attract people to log in is easy,But develop a platform like Twitter,It is difficult for everyone to visit。

A very good friend of mine once had a very good business idea。Protein water,Add 10 grams of protein to purified water,High quality protein,It will be very beneficial when people drink protein water like this after exercising。

Subsequently,WholeFoods, a well-known organic supermarket, has begun selling this protein water,Everything seems to be going very smoothly。

But,He never tested whether people would actually buy the drink。

Pin an ad to the top of your Facebook page,"Pure protein water,10g protein,0 calories。”If someone clicks,Just send them a page,Describe the benefits of this drink in detail,Then add them to your email marketing list。

If a lot of people click on your page,Maybe your business will do well,Then quickly develop products。

If no one clicks, change careers quickly.

My friend ended up going bankrupt.

Company bankruptcy is not a child’s play,It’s not for you to “learn from experience”,It's really painful,It makes people feel like they are going to die。

What I want to say next,Probably the most unspeakable thing in the world。

7. Bad entrepreneurs sleep with their employees

Believe it or not, I see this happening all the time.

Company CEO,Basically they are all personable,But when they start hanging out with employees,Basically declared this company to be a “death penalty”。

When the CEO of a company cheats on his wife (or her husband),I will definitely not invest in such a company。

This is not to say that they are not trustworthy,This is not the reason why I don’t invest in them,I have no intention of commenting,I don’t want to get involved in other people’s lives。

But there is one thing I can confirm,That means their private lives will definitely be a mess,As an investor,I will not invest money in a person who cannot concentrate on starting a business。

If you don’t listen to my advice,I want to invest in these 188bet app people,Then after you have suffered a loss,Best Appointment。I still stick to my opinion on this matter。

8. They forgot their loyalty

Most entrepreneurs are not good people.

When you are an employee,Just do whatever the boss asks you to do,You can also help at the same time,When you leave the office,That means the day’s work is done。

When you become an entrepreneur, you have to do:

l、Always keep customers happy,It means you need to get up at three o'clock every morning to reply to customer emails,And promptly comment on customer reviews。

2. Ensure employees are motivated and creative.This doesn’t mean you have to always say pep talks,This means you need to help employees find something meaningful to do,And understand them,Helping every employee find a balance between work and life,Make sure they are disciplined while observing it,You can also feel happy physically and mentally。

3、Keep shareholders happy,This may be when you don’t have enough funds to maintain the company’s operations for six months,They will write you an emergency check。

The above items are the tasks you have to do every day,At the same time,As CEO,Chief Sales Officer,Chief Marketing Officer,Project Manager for all projects,You must have the ability to handle everything。

So what does “getting it all done” mean??It does not mean that you already have enough funds in your bank account to run the company for half a year,This is too childish。It means you have enough money in your bank account to run your company for at least two years,And there must be a stable source of customers。

Then again,For those starting a business in the art and writing world,Does this also apply?

Of course,If I write,Then the "customer" is the reader。I have to talk to the marketing people,Designer,Researcher,Amazon,Other writers,Podcast,Talk show,Mentor,And any other marketing channel cooperation。

This means you need to constantly communicate,I collaborate during the day,Then the afternoon is my "business time"。

Create a loyalty list,This loyalty does not allow you to "fish for three days",Two days to post the Internet”,The people in this list are those who can help you succeed。You must remain loyal to them,In order to achieve final success。

Every day,No matter what method is used,You need to get in touch with them。Not just in the moment,This is a constant law that remains unchanged through the ages。

9. Bad entrepreneurs will blindly choose confrontation

I often ask entrepreneurs,Who are their competitors,How is the performance,Did you know?The worst answer is what they said,“My competition is terrible。”

Do you know what the best answer is?“Oh,Yes,I just had breakfast with the CEO of my biggest competitor。”You and me,We have been in the same industry for a long time,We will grow together。

Sometimes,Your employees will become your competitors,They might even become 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino your boss。When their company was acquired,They might come back and buy your company,Sometimes,They will come back and be your employees again。

You need to learn from your competitors,Get entrepreneurial inspiration from each other。

Animation company Pixar may have learned how to tell stories from Disney,Disney learned how to use technology from Pixar。After knowing they merged,Disney’s stock price doubled。

PayPal created by Peter Thiel and X created by Elon Musk.com is always competing,Until they merge,Then acquired by their biggest competitor Ebay。

Now?Look at the “PayPal Mafia” already ruling Silicon Valley。(see chart)

1970s and 1980s,Francis Ford Coppola (famous director) and Martin Scorsese (American director) have been "running" each other。One filmed "The Godfather",Another filmed "Taxi Driver";One filmed "The Cotton Club",Another filmed "The Color of Money"。Do they hate each other?Of course not。Scorsese even wrote a theme song for Coppola's film "The Outsider",The two of them also collaborated with Woody Allen,Filmed the movie "New York Story"。

Your competitors are actually like a mirror,So we must respect our opponents!

I found,Those who failed in the end,Or entrepreneurs who disappear completely,They are never around themselves,Or build a community with your peers,Don’t talk about friendship。

十、Finally arrived at Article 10,Entrepreneurs should not over-promise,Don’t cash in too much。

The author wants to tell a story of his own,So I'm going to think about it。

I’m not the best entrepreneur,I am not the worst entrepreneur。But I see many。I created 20 companies,17 of them ended in failure。I have invested in more than 30 companies。I also ran a venture capital company。I have seen countless companies fail,Many people burst into tears。

I hope people can succeed,Because then there will be a magical feeling,You must look familiar,"That's it!This will really succeed!”

The feeling at that moment was really great!I can see how people feel,Their lives have changed。

Recent,I found a company I invested in,Their income was once 0,But it only took eight months to hit $10 million,And achieved profitability。Now they can plan for the future。

They can plan new products,Helping others,Every day they receive letters of thanks from those who have received help。

In fact,Many thank you letters are sent by their competitors,Because they work together,There are also some letters sent by shareholders,Because they want help。

Once they get over the first peak,New problems also arise,However, this matter will be explained in detail in a future article。

Today, I am going to visit  Susan Cain, author of “Quiet”,And put the interview with her on my podcast。

I feel a little embarrassed,Because,I don’t know if I want to be quieter than her?Should I look at my feet?Podcasting is now 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino part of my job。I hope to be interviewed live every time,This makes me feel confident。

Artist,Employee,There are also entrepreneurs,They ask themselves every night,“Who helped me today?”The answer to this question will help you solve the above problem。

If you fail,Don’t commit suicide,You can start over。

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