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Zhihui Private Meeting · Shanghai Station

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Exclusive travel2016-01-26

January 20, 2016,The third stop of the exclusive city tour will be held as scheduled at Shanghai Huating Hotel。Nearly 20 guests focused on the theme of "Acceleration of Tourism Supply",brought a wonderful sharing discussion and intense brainstorming to nearly 300 viewers。This article is the content of the roundtable discussion,The text is compiled based on the on-site recording。(Roundtable topic: How to improve the efficiency of the Internet + tourism supply side)

188bet online sports betting The topic discussed today is the improvement of tourism supply-side efficiency,I have done a lot of discussions on this topic before,But it is better for everyone to communicate face to face and express their original opinions。First,Give each guest 1 minute to introduce themselves and the company they represent,Let’s start with Zeng Jun, General Manager of Donkey Mama。

Zeng Jun:I just spent 1 minute introducing myself in the speech session,My mother and I have been starting a business together for 7 years。Lvmama is the first tourism company to sell domestic scenic spot tickets online;Secondly,Mother Donkey is in the industry,In addition to scenic spot tickets, there are many innovations;Again,Lvmama is an OTA focusing on independent travel products。

Liu Zhaohui:Let me talk about the issues to be discussed today,Dear guests, think about it。I have prepared 3 questions,The first question today is about demand and supply。I have summarized a few key words: the first one is what you have discovered has changed and stayed the same;The second one is that everyone can choose an angle,From demand,Three aspects of supply innovation and efficiency improvement,Guests can choose any field and angle in which they are good at,Come and share。Then let’s continue the introduction。

Liu Yi:Hello everyone,I am the co-founder of Huizhi Car,My name is Liu Yi。Hui Car Rental is based on the service needs of Chinese people for outbound travel,Then provide users with travel solutions for different countries,And integrate foreign car rental resources through operations,Thus achieving efficient supply,I am very happy to communicate with you today。

Zheng Nairui:Hello everyone,I am a partner of Chunshi Capital,My name is Zheng Nairui,Zhihui Travel invited me to participate in a private event,I mainly participated with a learning attitude。Because Chunshi Capital is a new recruit in the tourism industry,Including me and other partners, we don’t have much contact in investment,I’m here today mainly to learn from you,Discuss with you。We have also made some small attempts in the tourism industry,Also invested in several start-up companies,Some are with Mother Donkey,Hui Car Rental’s business is very similar,I will ask some questions from the user’s perspective in a moment,Let’s discuss。

Ding Weijie:I am the chairman of Hengshun Travel,My name is Ding Weijie。Our company was established in 1998,is registered in Xuhui District,Our business is actually very simple,Just doing the company’s business,I personally do very little。The first business is to provide travel services for the company;The second business is to provide exhibition and tourism services for the company。Currently we have about 200 employees,Sales in 2015 were nearly 700 million yuan。For us,We combine online and offline services,Providing air tickets and hotels to our current 2000 corporate clients,Currently we do not have any capital injection。Our model is also very simple,To me our positioning is very precise,Just doing company business,We don’t do personal business。Just like the "three good things" mentioned by the big guys just now,I think it is very important for a company to have a good business model,The second best is the best product,The third best is good service。Be a product that satisfies consumers,A company that satisfies investors,Thank you everyone。

Hu Zhijian:Good afternoon everyone,My experience is a little different from everyone else,My home is in the United States,I have studied and lived in the United States for 15 years,I studied hotel management before going abroad,My major is hotel management,But my degree is Bachelor of Economics。Later I went back to Cornell University to study for a master’s degree for two years。I work in revenue management in several cities in the United States,When I was in 2009,Summary of hotel management in China and the United States,Why China’s profitability is not good,Why the United States is doing well,Our best hotel in China is an American company,Let them earn the money first,I am very lucky,Working and studying in China,Also working and studying in the United States,Master other revenue management techniques,In my spare time, I summarized my experience working in different hotels in 5 cities in the United States,Written a book,called "Hotel Revenue Management.I am known as the China Hotel Revenue Master,I introduced this method to China。

Liu Zhaohui: I’m already impressed by the introduction,Let’s go to the first topic,The first topic discusses the “change” and “unchangedness” of tourism supply that I just mentioned,Teacher Hu mentioned it,The following is the supply of tourism combined with hotel expertise from the beginning,What are the “changes” and “unchanges” regarding hotel supply?

Hu Zhijian:I think this topic is particularly good,Economic Crisis of 2009,Supply is increasing,But the demand has not been effectively met。As a supplier, we are creating products to meet demand;As ​​a demander,Especially the new generation born in the 1980s、Post-90s,On the one hand, the number is shrinking,On the one hand, it is the increase in demand。Suppliers want to solve oversupply,There will be washouts and mergers and acquisitions in the market,Strong waves must reach equilibrium,This is what everyone calls the new normal,Judging from the growth rate of the hotel industry,2015 is an increase compared to 2014,But it dropped a bit in the fourth quarter,Thank you。

Liu Zhaohui: Teacher Hu mentioned that demand is constantly changing,What remains unchanged is the diversification of needs。Mr. Ding,Small and medium-sized enterprises are booming in recent years,Startup companies are increasing,So for 2B enterprise supply chain,What are the “changes” and “unchanges” of requirements in this,How do you understand?

Ding Weijie:The national economy is still in a downward trend in 2015,Corresponding enterprises also have stricter cost control,From travel expenses、Travel expenses、Conference fees will be reduced accordingly,Normally, as a 2B tourism service company, our turnover will also decrease accordingly,However, our sales in 2015 increased by 17% year-on-year compared to 2014。This happens because,Our customers are increasing,The number of our customers increased from about 500 in 2014 to 2000 in 2015。What is changing in this market?Customer needs are always changing,What remains unchanged is their requirements for service and value,Mr. Liu mentioned it earlier,Good product and not expensive,There is really a problem in China,Services in China are really not very valuable,Service in the United States is really valuable,We are a service provider,We still need to focus on every aspect of service,Every detail is done well,So we face corporate customers,Be sure to provide your own corporate services well,One day your services will make you valuable。

Liu Zhaohui: Let me summarize,One is that macroeconomic changes have a huge impact on enterprises,The second is that the customer structure has changed,In the 2B field, there are only customers and no users,Everyone can understand,The difference between these two is very big。Customer’s needs,Customer satisfaction,Including the entire service structure is traditionally done according to the customer,But,Let’s take a look at the large Internet companies that are doing well,User thinking is supreme,Transform customer thinking into user thinking,This is a big demand。Mr. Liu has served many 2B and 2C customers,You as the supplier,What do you think are the "changes" and "unchanges" in this?

Liu Yi:As a platform,We provide services closely around user needs。Solution to users’ pain points,Is the value of the platform。There are some pain points that large international companies cannot solve,We provide services closely around user needs,The biggest pain point is not getting a car at a certain store,His biggest pain point is the uncertainty about all aspects encountered during the entire self-driving process,What are the uncertainties??Is it a Chinese driver’s license,When the guest picks up the car,Is this order I placed oversold?,Can I get it,There will be some other unexpected situations,These are some of the questions,Picking up the car,Car return link,Chinese guests don’t know much about it。Different countries and different suppliers are different,In every link,We have a standardized service for every different scenario,But the process of standardization is actually a process of integrating global resources,This is something to do around demand。Customers on the B side are different,Our B-side is how the ecology is well connected together,We have system support on the B side,Or operational support,One 2B and one 2C。

Liu Zhaohui: Thank you Mr. Liu,Every company also has these confusions,How to weigh 2B and 2C,Your own positioning,You have to face the problem of positioning the upstream and downstream industry chains,If I just asked a question,If you do it too much, there will be some problems,If not done enough, it will affect users,At the same time, help customers satisfy their customers,This is a question of balance。

For Lv Mama, you are the first OTA to sell scenic spot tickets online,Have a comprehensive observation on the development of O2O in the entire tourism market,O2O transformation from Lvmama,Let’s talk about the difference between “change” and “unchanged”。 

Zeng Jun:Travel products have been produced in the past few years,You can have fun by lowering the price,But such a product is no longer available in the market,Consumer needs are constantly changing,So why do parent-child tours appear、The emergence of segmented theme tourism products such as island tours。The biggest constant for the supply side is that the supply chain must match the main contradiction on the demand side,This is the biggest constant,Because it is to ensure the continuous growth of the market。In the era of explosive demand,The main contradiction now is consumer awakening,Consumers have a lot of information,The biggest contradiction currently is,Supply cannot match demand,It’s not that supply exceeds demand but that effective supply is insufficient。The biggest change in supply is that if there is no deep innovation on the supply side,The company really can’t survive。

Liu Zhaohui: Do you mean that the traditional supply method is coming to an end?

Zeng Jun: After a while,I think some companies in the tourism industry, as suppliers, have not put in the effort to carry out product research and development,That would be like Nokia,It’s gone without doing anything。

Liu Zhaohui: Although our economy is growing at a slower pace,But it’s still growing,So its overall driving force is very strong。The obvious change is,Previous local government,Especially the real estate economy transforming into a green economy,It is very important to use tourism as a starting point,In this case,Every guest will expand on the issues discussed later based on this point,But I still wanted to ask Mr. Zheng (Zheng Nairui) from Chunshi Capital to do this round of reviews。

Zheng Nairui:I just listened to the guests’ sharing,I think it’s great。First of all, I am an investor,Investment also faces this problem of supply and demand,We talked about this topic today,Including the questions summarized by Liu Zhaohui are also great,It’s just that now everyone is engaged in the tourism industry,Let’s discuss this matter in depth,Form a unified question for everyone to summarize,For me,My intuitive feeling is,Why we talk about the supply side,Or does the supply side need reform,It’s because our consumers have become rational now,Because consumers see more things,Consumers have become picky,Otherwise, how can we talk about reforms when supply exceeds demand。The stage from 0 to 1 is completed,It’s just that we have to do this better,Or it’s just whether you want to do it well or not,This is what I know。

Liu Zhaohui: The following is a question of efficiency,President Xi also mentioned the effectiveness of the supply side and the efficiency of supply,These two questions are key words,We will focus on this point,In terms of efficiency,I also want to give the audience something real,How to improve efficiency,No need to elaborate too much。

Ding Weijie: Everyone knows how to improve efficiency by talking about 1+1>2,1+1>3,The first one is about people,The second one is about things,The third one is about the system。Everyone in the team must be more professional and united,Because the cost of our people is getting higher and higher,Because we want to publish the new third edition,The human cost is the highest,How to be more professional and united;The second one is a matter,Things are your process,Your form,How to make your process、System、The form is more reasonable,Easier。So it is more reasonable and simpler;Finally, it emphasizes a system,You want to be more fluent,Better user experience,Another one is to be considerate,Your system can think what customers think,Because we are a service provider,Service must be considerate。

Liu Zhaohui: Mr. Ding’s description is very logical,The daily output ratio should be improved,Customer satisfaction,We see that the changes in business models are superficial phenomena,The inside of the organization is made by people,If the internal specialization of the enterprise is not enough,How to improve better efficiency and service,This is dialectical。

Liu Yi: Solving consumer needs must be the most important thing,I think, especially for us entrepreneurs, our company must focus,Be sure to solve the core resources,We must solve user needs in the most efficient way。The second point is because you are more focused,So you can study the focus points thoroughly,And this relatively standard solution,First, it is a relative standard,So we can make this solution better,The second relatively standard solution can be quickly copied,Therefore efficiency is an important output for enterprises。

Liu Zhaohui: focus、Professional、The importance of replication for startups。When Mr. Zeng spoke just now, he mentioned Lvmama’s O2O layout。Actually,Every guest’s company has a layout,How does Lv Mama plan to effectively improve supply efficiency?

Zeng Jun: There are several points on the issue of efficiency,The first and easiest thing to think of is to use some technical means,Do things that were previously relatively low-skilled,I believe all IT Internet companies agree with this view;The second one is merge,The tourism industry is relatively fragmented,Inefficiency,The merger itself is an improvement to the industry;188bet online sports betting The third one is a match,The matching of demand and supply is the most important。

Liu Zhaohui: I’ll leave this question to the audience,I checked the registration the day after tomorrow,I found out that many of you here today are founders or CEOs of companies。Everyone has thoughts and questions,Hope everyone has high-quality questions。

Audience question: I have been following Donkey Mother for a long time,I hope to make good products,My question is what kind of product do you think is a good product?How it was made?

Zeng Jun: Let me first tell you what a bad product is?Bad products are complaints,is unreliable。Why there is further demand for good products now,Because consumer needs are constantly changing and upgrading,Whether it is a high-end product or a low-end product,Be transparent about your products to the other party。How was the second one made,Our strategy is indeed a combination of self-operation and settlement。

Liu Zhaohui: I study Xiaomi’s logic,The initial production process involves users being involved,I have been doing research and development for 3 years,Give feedback after launch,But he will update its functions every week,Change it immediately if you are not satisfied,But for our travel,It’s good that so much infrastructure has already been formed,Travel routes are also good,Updates and upgrades may cause a lot of waste,So how to combine production and revenue in the tourism industry,Mr. Hu, please give me a direct answer?

Hu Zhijian: It is the mining of business data and precision marketing based on this,We are in the car rental industry,Including scenic spots are profitable software,The most important thing if you want to improve efficiency is to have tools,Requires data,Trainers available。I will give you a simple example,Everyone knows that there are automatic Coke vending machines in the United States,How much does it cost,Put on some Coke。Is it more weekends or Sundays,Is there competition,But our process has just begun,Which countries are too difficult to do business in?,There is no waste in doing so meticulously。

Ding Weijie: What I just talked about is the issue of efficiency,Actually,The key point in tourism is the people issue,Enterprises are also related to their CEOs,Boss here, how do you want to make more money,Then how to solve people’s problems,Problem found,Solve the problem,How to do it,Strategy、Layout、tactics、System,These are all human-made things,How to solve people’s problems,Everything is solved。The first employee works for the boss,His status is always passive,I will do whatever you tell me,If you ask me to do 1, I will do 1,Employees do things for themselves,10% possible,20%,I am passive when doing things for my boss。The second type is that employees take the initiative to do things for themselves,I can do more,Can do less,Employees do things for themselves,The third one is the most ideal in our company,Why there have been so many changes in the past two years,The third type is that employees and bosses work together,Do something great,I think our trip,The travel market is really a great market,188bet app download So I hope the tourism bosses here have such a magnanimous attitude,How to do great things,Cooperation requires honesty,Cooperation requires sharing,Thank you。

Liu Zhaohui: The summary is very simple,Also brought out the theme of the next round,The next session will be hosted by Mr. You (You Qingji), a partner of Yuantai Evergreen Fund。

* From right to left: Liu Zhaohui (CEO of Zhihui Tourism);Zeng Jun(General Manager of Lv Mama);Liu Yi (co-founder of Hui Car Rental);Zheng Nairui (Partner of Chunshi Capital);Ding Weijie (Chairman of Hengshun Travel);Hu Zhijian (President of Hongque Information);Organized by: Wang Feng。

* This Zhihui Private Meeting·Shanghai Station is hosted by Zhihui Travel,Supported by Shanghai Xuhui District Tourism Bureau,Co-organized by Shanghai Xuhui District Tourism Promotion Association,Zhihui Travel would like to express its gratitude。

* The prize sponsorship for this exclusive private event comes from Taiwan Jinshangda Enterprise Co., Ltd.、Shenzhen Jinshangda Cultural Communication Co., Ltd.,Zhihui Travel would like to express its gratitude。

The source of this article is Zhihui, and the copyright belongs to the original author.

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