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In recent years,As the number and financial resources of Chinese 188bet best bookmaker continue to grow,Some of their whims may even affect the global economy to some extent,And this phenomenon will become more and more obvious in the next few years。According to McKinsey report,By 2020,After-tax income of Chinese urban families will reach 8,000 US dollars a year,This is almost the same as the average income level in South Korea。Under this general trend,China’s urban household 188bet best bookmaker are rapidly changing from price pursuers to emotional free 188bet best bookmaker,In other words, their consumption outlook is often controlled by emotions。At least half of middle-class households will become new mainstream 188bet best bookmaker by 2020。This is a major shift happening right now - Chinese 188bet best bookmaker are becoming increasingly impulsive and unpredictable。
Subversion of traditional consumption model,188bet best bookmaker by emotions becomes mainstream
Try to think back to 10 years ago,Buy a car、Buy a house、Buying luxury goods is such a big decision for many Chinese 188bet best bookmaker and families。But in recent years,With the development of China’s economy and the improvement of people’s income level,Emotional needs,Replace practical needs,Becoming the main motivation for consumption, many 188bet best bookmaker pay for their impulses based on their first feelings。actually,It is not a new thing for 188bet best bookmaker to be led by their emotions to make purchases,Once they determine that a certain brand is safer or of better quality than other competitors’ products,This company is very good at taking orders and being soft。
A few days ago,Biostime, a local Chinese company, is 13.Successfully acquired Australian Swisse Wellness Company, a well-known vitamin and health care product manufacturer, for A0 million。Previously,Swisse has almost no business in China,But in the first half of 2015, the company suddenly found that sales increased sharply,The reason is that Chinese 188bet best bookmaker’ rave reviews of their products on Tmall have brought about such an effect。Not long ago,The purple lavender-filled teddy bear from a farm in Tasmania, Australia, has hit the circle of friends,The reason why it caused such a warm response,Just because Zhang Xinyu posted a photo of Bobby Bear online,As a result, the number of orders for Little Bear surged to 45,000。But unfortunately,The farm was ultimately unable to handle such a large number of orders,Having to temporarily close the online purchase channel。
Impulsive consumption guided by emotions has gradually replaced rational consumption to some extent,Becoming today’s mainstream consumer trend,In other words, more and more consumers are more likely to be affected by external factors。However, among the many factors that can affect consumers,In addition to increasingly convenient payment methods、Except one-click purchase,Various 188bet best bookmaker、Effective methods such as fan marketing play a more important role。
Enterprises are following the trend and 188bet best bookmaker marketing is becoming mainstream
For most consumers,They are more likely to evaluate products based on reviews on the Internet,This is especially true for Chinese consumers。Data display,72% of people use 188bet best bookmaker sites multiple times per month,Learn about the products or customer services provided by the company,60% of people directly communicate and interact with companies about products or customer services through this channel。In addition,Two-thirds of consumers said,Mixed reviews on 188bet best bookmaker have a certain impact on their decision to purchase a certain product,A company’s presence on 188bet best bookmaker sites will increase the likelihood that they will purchase the company’s products。
Therefore,188bet best bookmaker marketing has undoubtedly become a new trend in digital marketing,Data display,Chinese professionals spend an average of 21 hours browsing 188bet best bookmaker per week,Much better than watching videos、Read news、Time spent shopping and playing games。Data display from LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional social platform,68% of companies said they would consider using 188bet best bookmaker marketing as their main marketing method in 2016,Offline marketing activities and search engine marketing follow closely behind。Forrester Research recently released the "2015 China Social Marketing Results Benchmark Measurement" report,188bet best bookmaker marketing platforms adopted by Chinese marketing executives in the past year、Strategy,And the corresponding satisfaction survey。Survey shows,WeChat has undoubtedly become the most popular platform for marketers;And LinkedIn is beginning to stand out in a market dominated by many local companies。Although Chinese marketing executives generally plan to significantly increase 188bet best bookmaker marketing budgets,But they are still unable to formulate effective strategies。
(Data source: LinkedIn report "Aspects of 188bet best bookmaker Advertising")
Crowd-oriented, precise positioning to solve 188bet best bookmaker pain points
Look around the world,Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn undoubtedly dominates the 188bet best bookmaker marketing platform;But actually,Different 188bet best bookmaker have different user profiles,The marketing effects that can be achieved are also different,The difference in the topics discussed by users is a very important point。The fit between user quality and brand tone determines whether a win-win situation can occur,Authenticity of the user、Background、Purchasing power and the psychological state of using social networking sites will be directly reflected in the decisions they make when choosing brands。
According to LinkedIn survey,In the past year,Users’ updates on WeChat and Facebook pay more attention to the acquisition and interaction of personal life information;Weibo and Twitter have become platforms for netizens to discuss entertainment or hot 188bet best bookmaker information;If you use it to discuss topics related to the workplace and career development,LinkedIn is undoubtedly the best choice。
When facing different groups of people,Using relevant data can help companies find more accurate customer positioning。Obtaining real and reliable user data for accurate delivery is currently the focus of most marketers。In other words,In 2016,How to more accurately target user groups through 188bet best bookmaker、Accurately influence these groups through personalized content,And how to accurately measure marketing effectiveness is the core concern of corporate marketing managers。
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