From Beijing Nanluogu Lane to Hangzhou Hefang 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,How the business in tourist attractions became cheap and samey step by step?

Industrial Investment Author of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino article: Xu Bingqing 2016-11-10
Those vulgar little businesses,Why 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is easier to survive in tourist attractions?Those who need more ideas,A “more different” business form,Where can we go?

Feng Jianmiao from Hangzhou can’t figure 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino out: he used to do a good “slow postcard” business in various tourist areas across the country,Why has 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino suddenly stopped working in the past two years。

In its heyday,Can you be in Beijing、Shanghai、Hangzhou、Suzhou、Huangshan、Pingyao、Yangshuo、In more than 20 tourist attractions in Phoenix... and other places,See the brand "Yi Duo Yi Guo" he founded。Everything sold 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino store is related to paper,Such as travel notebooks and commemorative photo albums。

But the best selling,Still counting 2 yuan a piece、Can be stamped、And entrusted the store to "slowly deliver" postcards to a certain day in the future - 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is said that they sold postcards in a store in Xitang a few years ago,Comparable to the annual sales of the local post office。

Neng decided to “cross over” from the wedding candy 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino in 2009,What Feng Jianmiao likes is the trend that 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino in scenic spots seems to be getting better and better,"There are many people、You can hang out、And I need to buy something unique”。

The government’s statistical bulletin says so: 2009,The number of domestic tourists nationwide has exceeded 1.9 billion,Average spending per person is 535 yuan;And in 2015,These two figures suddenly turned to 4 billion and 857 yuan。Free travel has become mainstream,More money should be spent on quality food, drink and entertainment - everyone is obsessed with the quality of group meals 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino era of group travel、And the terrible forced shopping experience makes me scared。

The somewhat original literary and artistic concept of “one flower, one fruit”,Once 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino was possible to make 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino in Nanluoguxiang, which is less than 800 meters long,Open two stores one after the other,And business is good,“So much cash comes in every day,I didn’t know how to spend 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino once”。

But such good days have long passed。Now,These two stores have to be squeezed together with some stores that they deeply hate,Watching the popularity of the whole 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino、Vitality sucked away。

For example, a snack bar。I don’t know when to start,They have become the mainstream on Nanluoguxiang,And ridiculously using the name of "Old Beijing",Selling almost all cheap snacks from crispy salted chicken to stinky tofu。And once the guy 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino store started shouting、Or put up a "buy one, get one free" banner,The streets are already crowded with tourists,will be in front of these stores,Become a more concentrated "blocking point"。

Another example is a handicraft 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino。Bamboo sculptures that are the same as anywhere else、Wooden Knife、Horn Comb、Silk scarf、Ethnic style pendant、Buddha amulet、Beads and posters... this place is like branches of Yiwu Commodity Market。But their business is not stable,As long as a new Japanese and Korean style restaurant opens on the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino、A bright 10-yuan store,Customers will be taken away;

The number of people on the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino has become more diverse。2005,Nanluoguxiang has less than 60,000 passengers a year;2009,That number rises to 1.6 million。At the peak of summer vacation,This place once received 150,000 people a day,Follow the crowded road、People who stop and go,Move the entire street from beginning to end,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino will take more than an hour。

What’s worse,This atmosphere is gradually spreading to the antique tourist 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino in every city center: Shanghai’s “City God’s Temple”、"Tianzifang"、Chengdu’s “Kuanzhai Alley”、“Confucius Temple” in Nanjing、“Hefang 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino” in Hangzhou、Changsha's "Fire Palace"...these streets seem to be built for the most basic needs of tourists: to satisfy their cravings,Quench your thirst,Taking advantage,Curiosity。

And once grew here、Or good things that have been preserved,They are retreating steadily。

Because we can’t negotiate the rent,The famous cafe "Magpie" in Nanluoguxiang was smashed by the landlord in 2010;In Tianzifang,The "Painter Building" famous for Chen Yifei's studio is still there,Artists such as Er Dongqiang who had previously settled in moved away;Even if you don’t know what the authentic old Beijing taste is,Maybe you won’t think that “Wenyu Cheese” is sold for 12 yuan a piece,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is still the craftsmanship of the master of the time-honored "Sanyuan Meiyuan"。

Everything seems to have regressed back 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino bad days of group tours.

No trip is completely enjoyable、No store in the scenic area is trustworthy;Those with local characteristics、Things and scenery that don’t have too much of a commercial atmosphere,Of course 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino’s not enough;If you don’t want to spend too much money,You'd better cover your pockets,An attraction far away from everyone。

In Beijing,There are also slightly quieter places - Dashilar and Yangmeizhu Xiejie, which have been popular in the "Beijing Design Week" in the past two years,But only "a little";Beiluoguxiang, which is across the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino from Nanluoguxiang、Baochao Hutong is deeper,But the trendy stores you want to see、Restaurants and restaurants,There are more and more people there。

Those expelled by small commodities and tour groups have been looking for their next place to stay。

Two years ago,Exactly with 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino idea,Li Bo goes round and round,Finally, I settled my studio "Xingmu Five Elements Cooperative" in Guoxing Hutong。188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino alley is near the Bell and Drum Tower,Mainly living in a courtyard,Not very popular,Just enough for him to work on those ideas that he had hatched seven or eight years ago - for example,How to use various water pipes and elbows,With light bulb、Wire,Solder a lamp。

In 2005, I rented half a shop in Yandai Xiejie near Houhai、When the first "Xingmu Handicraft" was opened,Li Bo is the same as several friends he met when forming a band,My mind is full of these weird ideas。Craft leather notebook bound with hemp rope、Kraft style postcard、Military green enamel teapot... These somewhat rough handmade original products were not very popular at first,But hanging in the store,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino still attracts a lot of curious eyes。

These ideas really turn into businesses,Still have to wait until they open a branch in Nanluoguxiang in 2007。At that time,Dongcheng District Government has just completed a round of infrastructure renovation in Nanluoguxiang,Paved road,Complete commercial electricity and water supplies,Let’s have a little basis for doing 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino here。

A dilapidated facade house along the street,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino was also renovated at this time。Their history can be traced back to the Tangshan earthquake in 1978 - the walls of the houses in the courtyard collapsed,Everyone lives in simple shacks set up on the street。After the house is repaired,The residents moved back,But the temporary shed was not demolished,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino happened to become the children’s wedding room、Or used to store briquettes for heating in winter。

The first to realize the value of these small houses,They are the restless students from the Central Academy of Drama next door。1990s,In order to seek development opportunities outside the system,They begin to step out of the institution,Taking some private work in a rented house、Or discuss ideas all night long。A producer who graduated from Chinese opera recalled,There was only one key to renting a house at that time,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino means "near": "(The school) is very tight,Not allowed to go out to do 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,If you don’t find one, you will be punished。”

As the policy becomes more relaxed,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino small houses became the first cafes and bars in Nanluogu Lane。Jin Xin, the owner of Passer, the first bar in Nanluogu Lane, said,I opened this store in 1999,Almost just to meet the need for constant communication 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino circle:

"Do our 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Irregular life,Drinking all night long,Talk about interesting topics... Later, in order not to annoy the neighbors,We just rented a house for our own consumption,Became a 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino place。”

With the rise of bars in Houhai、Livehouse on Gulou 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino、A small theater hidden in an alley,And those who are gradually gathering、Weird person,Nanluoguxiang has become part of what the New York Times calls "Brooklyn, Beijing": 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino's like a melting pot,Growing underground culture,Also free to do business、Buying and selling ideas,Exotic、New and trendy。

The conceptual shell of “Old Beijing”,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino seems to have given these unstable businesses a guarantee。No matter what,"Nanluogu Lane" is also a typical representative of the "neighborhood system" formed during the Yuan Dynasty。Want to see alleys extending in all directions、And the surrounding courtyard attractions,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino’s not a bad idea to come here。

Referred to as one of the “Best Places in Asia” by Time Magazine、Or after 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino became a saying among more and more local people, "You should visit Nanluogu Lane when you come to Beijing",188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is no longer the small neighborhood that grew up freely。

A "fake antique" tourist attraction with the concept of "old city",188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is no shortage of failure cases——For example, 5 kilometers away from Nanluoguxiang,Qianmen 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino, where Pan Shiyi’s SOHO China is responsible for investment promotion。

But 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino are also some projects that have survived the controversy from the outside world,I’m living pretty well so far。For example, the "Xintiandi" project of Hong Kong real estate developer Shui On Group in Shanghai: the entire land acquisition and relocation、Combining large-scale demolition and construction with small-scale maintenance,Existing and newly built large shopping mall,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino are also high-end Western restaurants located in old-style Shikumen。

“Liang Sicheng proposed ‘keeping the old as before’ because he saw that many scenic spots had been renovated,To be more precise, 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino should be Feng Jizhong’s idea of ​​‘remaining the same as before’。‘Xintiandi’ used to be in tatters,Ruian is restoring 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino to its peak days,The word "gu" is so hard。”In an interview with Sanlian Life Weekly regarding the Shanghai Xintiandi project,An old expert who has participated in related projects said this。

2000,When the Xiacheng District Government of Hangzhou City renovated the "Qinghefang" area in the city center,I also hope to keep this "old" feeling。This is an old house near the West Lake,Almost demolished during a round of large-scale old city renovation。But 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino dates back to the Southern Song Dynasty,This is close to the palace,And because 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is connected to the canal, the water network is densely covered,In fact, 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is one of the most important commercial distribution centers in the Jiangnan region。

Renovated a house with all wooden structures、Change 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino into a street shop suitable for business,The project’s investment team also worked hard to retain the influential “Xiling Seal Society” in the southern art market、And two time-honored traditional Chinese medicine stores "Hu Qingyutang" and "Fang Huichuntang"。

If you go and walk on the renovated main street "Hefang Street" now,You will find that these pharmacies are the largest on the entire street、The most magnificent facade and screen wall;Bake herbal tea in summer、Making Laba porridge in winter,A doctor usually prescribes ointment,Not only tourists like 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino、Locals often come here too。

However, Xiling Seal Society still has limited development space,Moved out of Hefang Street - while developing this project,The Hangzhou Xiacheng District Government was once short of funds,Had to sell the operating rights of a large number of shops in the best locations on the street to raise funds。"They were upstairs and downstairs combined,Only 2000 square meters in area,The turnover is indeed difficult,The person in charge told me,Hundreds of millions of dollars of art,I’m worried even if I put 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino there。Because of temperature and humidity issues,Can’t put 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino in an underground warehouse,Very troublesome。" Shi Yihan, a staff member who once participated in the investment promotion work of Hefang Street told "Curiosity Daily"。

Due to poor investment promotion,After Hefang Street was officially opened in 2003,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino has been deserted for nearly two years,With the vigorous development of group tours,In the tea shop following the flow of customers、Clothing store、In souvenir shop and small commodity shop,Getting lively;Soon,Gaoyin 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino, the "food 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino" next door, has also opened: Wenzhou cuisine、Hangbang cuisine、Shanghai cuisine,Most of them are regular time-honored restaurants,Thai food was also introduced later、Korean food... a dining problem that tourists often complain about in tourist attractions,There seems to be a suitable solution。

But not a few years later,Shi Yihan discovered 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,They were all stopped by him back then、Food and beverages that cannot enter Hefang Street、Snack business,Slowly appearing on the street again。“There are old houses with wooden structures over there,Use high temperature、Or catering items operated by open flames are too dangerous。”

ButAlmost all of these merchants rented shops that the government resold to private businesses at that time - in the first few years of the Hefang 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino business depression,The sublease prices of these shops are very cheap;And when the whole 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino becomes popular,The soaring rent is not acceptable to everyone。

Nanluoguxiang faces a similar dilemma。On this 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Procedure specifications、There are not many public rental properties at reasonable prices,More are private properties left behind by temporary construction。After Nanluogu Lane was included in the Old City Protection Area,There is little hope of residents being relocated,Leasing out shops at opaque high prices,Becomes one of the few easy ways to make money。

Until Nanluogu Lane was officially renovated、A large number of merchants were attracted,When you want to open a small store of your own,I realized that I might not be able to do a stable business on this 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino for a few years。

Jin Xin has witnessed the rapid change of shops brought about by 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino skyrocketing rent: in order to obtain higher profits,The long-term lease signed every three years is gradually abandoned;Renting once a year is the norm、The rent is no longer guaranteed to remain unchanged during this period;Some landlords want to keep up with the appreciation rate of rent,Changed the contract to a three-month contract;The most popular shop in the history of the whole 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Changed 38 operators in 11 months。

Feng Jianmiao thinks,"One flower, one fruit" cannot continue in Nanluo,A large part of the reason is the skyrocketing rental costs。“The store near the subway entrance,Opened in 2010,That’s 16-17 square meters。The rent at the time of signing is 180,000 per year,Now 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino has increased to 700,000。”The best performance in the company、When opening the number of stores,Just the annual rent paid across the country,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino has reached 7-8 million。

This put a big squeeze on his profit margin。And if 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino will be in Gulangyu、Continue to operate a store like Xitang whose rent increase is higher than that of Nanluo,Will lose money soon - as a prudent businessman,Loss of 200,000-300,000 a year due to this reason,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is difficult for him to accept。

Those who can survive in such a situation,Only those with extremely low cost、Small 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino with speculative nature。

“Snacks、Small commodities have high profits,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino’s also easy to increase the volume,Almost no need to worry about the pressure of high rent。And,Many people take a shot and change places,Opening a store on the surface,Can actually take care of business in several areas at the same time。See something in Beijing that makes money quickly、You can copy 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino to Shanghai and do 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino;Once you feel that business is not good,He ran away soon。As for the franchise brands you see,Behind the scenes are actually individuals,In order to look more upscale、Product quality is better,Just packaging。”

These doorways,Not only Feng Jianmiao, who has studied catering in order to expand the market, can understand 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino。

After spending several months in a catering training school in Changsha,Yang Dan is already proficient in selling big sausages in his circle of friends、Rice Rice Roll、Sweet potato chips、Egg Waffle、Stinky tofu and other common snack franchise projects in the tourism circle。On WeChat,She added a "food upgrader" suffix to her ID,To look more professional,Sometimes I will write some 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino experience that I have figured out:

"Business in scenic spots,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino seems to be commercialization under the operation of the government,In fact 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino’s not the case,Has a lot to do with the local land businessman。So entering the scenic spot is not something you can do just by having money,You can enter if you have the right,What is needed is a real relationship。Business in scenic spots is controlled,The barrier to entry is so high,At the same time, we can also see the value of the benefits that can be obtained in the scenic spot。If you are really lucky to have such a resource,Gotta grab 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,And use 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,The snack industry is absolutely profitable in scenic spots。”

Feng Jianmiao seems not to realize,His 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino model of selling the same kind of literature and art across the country,Maybe one of the culprits that ruined this market。

He also admitted,I lack motivation to upgrade old products,Because the development process of new products is too painful,The previous attempts were not successful。But he said a little excitedly: He is just content with this small 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,In order to maintain the directly operated factory、Normal operation of the store,Expanding 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is normal;And the rising e-commerce,The one who ruined his scenic spot 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino、Even the key to the entire real economy。

“Our products are not suitable for online stores at all,Because 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is not a necessity。Like a slow postcard,In fact, 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino is a kind of impulsive consumption in scenic spots、Local consumption,Only in that case,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino only makes sense to send a postcard。You said you would see a postcard when traveling in Beijing,Then I went home, bought 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino online, wrote 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino and sent 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino??The impulse will be gone by then,So 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino’s impossible to do 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino。But after I have no desire to consume online or offline,Things will only get cheaper、Then the whole street died。”

He did not discuss how to improve customer experience.

After transferring to another unit,Shi Yihan has never been to Hefang 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino again。

The decline there is already obvious - not to mention the several commercial complexes "Lakeside Yintai" around West Lake in recent years、“in77”,And Hangzhou’s already developed e-commerce ecosystem,How much business has been taken away from Hefang Street,That’s the number of buses parked in Wushan Square next to 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino、And the tourists brought,He can feel a kind of twilight:

“The busiest time in Hefang Street is around the 2010 Shanghai World Expo,There is no distinction between working days and weekends in half a year,There are people everywhere。But 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino must have started to go downhill by then,Because we can see,The age structure of tourists is moving upward (in the direction of aging),Their stay in Hefang Street was short,Dining around、Consumption on accommodation has also decreased。”

188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino last period of term,He really wants to be in this 13.66 hectares of scenic area,Trial some so-called "Internet +" transformation for young consumers,For example, laying out free wireless routing、Put rides and promotions on social media、Promote mobile payment,And shopping、Introducing more “experiential services” into catering and other businesses—in Hangzhou,Those who are popular on the Internet、A restaurant where food is cooked in front of customers,Looks like everything is going well。

But none of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino plans were implemented. He shrugged.

(Shi Yihan is a pseudonym at the request 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino interviewee)

*188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino reprinted from Curiosity Daily.

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