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Author of this article: Zhang Dongping 2017-01-06
Jingyu Group’s layout in the entire industry chain over the years has obviously put it ahead of most tourism companies,As an explorer and practitioner of the entire tourism industry chain,Jingyu Group’s journey,Leaving a lot of suspense,Also brought many surprises。
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Many tourism companies in 2016、Real Estate Enterprise、Cultural companies have shown their ambition to enter the entire tourism industry chain。But,This ambition does not rely solely on establishing a few new business units,Or it can be easily achieved by spending money to acquire several new companies。In terms of peak intelligence,This traditional consulting company has also been laying out the entire industry chain,But,Financially,The real source of profit is the traditional planning and design consulting business,Many emerging sectors are unprofitable or even losing money。So,188bet app download

Jingyu Group’s layout in the entire industry chain over the years has obviously put it ahead of most tourism companies,As an explorer and practitioner of the entire tourism industry chain,Jingyu Group’s journey,Leaving a lot of suspense,Also brought many surprises。

How high is the cost of market education from offline to online?

2008,Out of keen insight into the travel culture and in-depth analysis of self-guided travel trends,Hong Qinghua decided to start Lvmama.com,This marks that Jingyu has entered another unfamiliar field from the pure planning and design business field,And there are completely different technical genes between the two。It was Hong Qinghua’s attempt that changed the fate of Jingyu,Let this company, which started out as a planning and design business, gain another sky to fly。At that time,Ctrip.com, the largest online travel company in China, mainly focuses on the business travel market,Hong Qinghua is a senior tourist,Have a deeper understanding of tourism,He believes that the market demand for tourism must far exceed the demand for business travel,So he decisively started from independent travel,Determined the initial differentiated positioning of Donkey Mama。

But if you want to succeed in this step,Need to face huge risks。The online ticket booking market at that time was at an extremely extensive stage of development。From a system perspective,The ownership of China’s scenic spots is highly dispersed and diversified,The ticket booking business with scenic spots often has to overcome very complex institutional constraints。From the perspective of scenic area informatization,Many scenic spots,Especially in scenic spots in the central and western regions, the Internet is not widely available,Scenic spot ticket booking business lacks infrastructure support。From an industry standard perspective,There is a lack of unified industry standards for the electronic ticketing of scenic spots,There is great management difficulty。From the experience process,Consumer online ticket booking、In the process of collecting tickets offline, you will encounter uncontrollable service quality in scenic spots、Non-standard issues,It will also be encountered that the installation of the technical infrastructure (ticket machines) itself is not popular、Problems such as inhumane design。From a financial perspective,High cost of market expansion of ticket booking and low ticket commission、The low gross profit is in sharp contrast。From the perspective of market education,On one side are consumers who are increasingly picky,The other side is the long-term dependence of scenic spots on travel agencies。All of this is for Jingyu, which has just started to develop its online business,It’s all a huge test。

In order to open up the market,Hong Qinghua gives full play to the consulting service advantages of Jingyu Group,Bind scenic spot marketing services and online ticket booking business,Impressed the hearts of scenic spot managers,Thus quickly 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino obtained the cooperation of the first batch of scenic spots。From the first 10 to 100,1,000 more...by the end of 2010,Lvmama.com has more than 2,600 scenic spot suppliers settled in。More than 5,200 tickets are distributed on Lvmama.com,The average daily ticket sales reached 1 in 2011.50,000 pictures。By 2012,The number of registered members of Lv Mama has reached nearly 10 million,Income exceeds 2 billion,Became one of the largest scenic spot ticket distributors in China。The employees of Lvmama.com also account for nearly nine-tenths of the entire Jingyu Group。Obviously,In Jingyu’s entire industry chain structure,The online part has far exceeded the offline part。

However,At present, the main profit of Jingyu Group still comes from offline business。Such a tourism industry chain company,Will a more stable profit model be formed in the future?The result has not yet been announced。

From cultivation to explosion,How much risk does an immature market have??

From scenic spot planning、Scenic Area Marketing、Scenic spot operation to online tourism,Jingyu’s industrial chain expansion has taken a big step。2011, three years after Lvmama was established,The proportion of self-guided tours in China reached 93.7%,Proportion of group tours 6.3%。Lvmama has gradually formed a core competitive advantage in the field of ticket distribution。But,The ensuing price war between major OTAs has brought huge pressure to Lv Mama。Although Lv Mama stopped the price war with its differentiated products,But there are still a large number of potential users attracted to competitors’ mobile terminals。Such a loss forces Mother Donkey to look for competitive advantages beyond tickets。

End of 2013,Ctrip, which has always been unbeatable in the business travel market, sensed the business opportunity of ticket booking,A city that spent 200 million yuan in real money to break into the ticket market。As an industry leader, Ctrip’s move is very prescient。The following year is 2014,Known as the first year of the explosion of ticket booking business。This year,Both the supply side and the consumer side of the tourism industry are leaning towards the field of ticket booking。This year,It has been 8 years since Lvmama was established,In other words,Hong Qinghua has led the field of ticket booking for 8 years,Because of these 8 years of leadership,Donkey Mama’s valuation in the market has also increased,obtained 1 billion yuan in credit in 2014。Next,Another competitor, Tongcheng.com, also started to join the battle for tickets with 500 million yuan of capital with the support of Tencent and other institutions。

What is different from online OTA’s high-profile participation in the war,China’s more than 20,000 scenic spots have always maintained a “low-key” status,Many scenic spot managers lack sufficient knowledge on how to accept the transformation and penetration of the Internet。When the "high profile" of online travel companies brought China's ticket booking into the first year,The Internet penetration rate for scenic spot tickets is only 2%。It can be said,From the perspective of scenic area information infrastructure,2014 is not really the first year of ticket booking。Although Hong Qinghua was 8 years earlier than the awakening of the channel,But it was more than 8 years earlier than the awakening of the scenic spot,Is premature awakening a good thing or a bad thing?The answer seems unclear。

But one thing is for sure,That is, OTAs have paid a collective price for their foresight,The so-called awakening of channels also involves some blindness and impulsiveness。2014, the first year of ticket booking, was also the year of fierce ticket price wars。OTAs have spent huge sums of money to launch price wars,In the end, although you were not killed to the death,But it also caused serious damage to their respective vitality。

In this sense,Perhaps the prophets (including the donkey mother in Jingyu) all paid the price of immaturity。Fortunately,The battle for tickets is still measured,After realizing the pain that broke my muscles and bones,There is a secret compromise of interests between OTAs,Ctrip invests in Tongcheng,Two giants in the field of standard products shake hands and make peace,Lv Mama insists on fighting 188bet sports betting app download and watching in the price war。Fought for a while,Then watch the battle。Because after all, Lvmama has product differences with Ctrip and Tongcheng,Consumers have fewer references to compare prices when purchasing Lvmama’s personalized non-standard products,There is a lot of room for price comparison when consuming standard products from Ctrip and Tongcheng。It is this kind of confidence that makes Donkey Mama an alternative in the price war。It is this alternative quality that caused Mama Lv to suffer a certain amount of damage in the price war,Away from the most violent area of ​​the war。Looks like this,Jingyu Group’s original layout in tourism e-commerce was still a very prescient piece,Just,Because of the cruelty of the market,The entire Jingyu Group was still affected by Lvmama’s money burning in 2014 and was unable to achieve full profitability in terms of overall performance,Mama Donkey creates suspense for the scenery,Uncertainty still surrounds this company with ambitions across the entire industry chain。

From O2O to IP,How big is the distance between dreams and reality?

In 2015, Donkey Mama became the giant of online peripheral travel,Accounted for 30% of the market share.7%,Registered users reached 70 million。This year is defined as the first year of O2O for Jingyu Group,Hong Qinghua led Jingyu to carry out in-depth O2O layout,Opened more than 1,000 offline stores across the country。

One year after the O2O strategy was implemented,Achieved good results。In 2016, Hong Qinghua raised the banner of IP strategy again,And define 2016 as the first year of IP。Of course,IP strategy and O2O strategy are integrated with each other,What is the connection between the two?About this,We need to find the answer from Hong Qinghua’s consistent strategic logic。

Hong Qinghua is a person who is very interested in consumers’ complaints,Whether it was the beginning of Lvmama Travel Network,This is still a period of continuous expansion of the service content of Lvmama Travel Network,He will often listen to the complaints of consumers,Even when Jingyu Group already had more than 1,000 employees,He still insists on going to the website frequently to observe what consumers are saying?The chairman’s close attention to consumer demands has gradually been transferred to the product innovation level of the entire group。Whether it is online OTA price competition,Still competing in traditional planning business、Marketing business competition、Competition for hotel investment business,Jingyu Group can rely on more differentiation、Product characteristics that are closer to consumers avoid the edge of industry competition。

Jingyu IP strategy is also formed based on long-term observation of consumers。Nothing more,Previous consumer observations were often limited to the tourism field,This time Hong Qinghua focused on the "overlapping area" between the cultural field and the tourism field,The IP development strategy of Jingyu Group was determined through the observation of cultural consumers and tourism consumers。

2016,When Jingyu received an investment of 1 billion yuan from multiple institutions,Hong Qinghua expressed his heartfelt words in an internal letter to employees: "Through more than ten years of development,Jingyu Group formed the online Lv Mama and offline Qi Chuang、Jingyu Travel、Scenery Marketing、Jingyu Travel Investment、One-stop service O2O enterprise for IP brand products such as Gepu。The six major business systems of Jingyu converge into the superimposed effect of the six major competitiveness in the tourism field: product innovation、Market explosive power、Brand driving force、Operational creativity、Operational creativity、Investment integration power,Thus forming the landscape O2O ecological tree pattern。With the start of this year, Huace Film and Television、Cunhua Middle Scene、Fufen Holdings and others have joined in succession,Jingyu and Huace Film and Television、Ciwen Media has begun to cooperate with more and more tourism film and television IP,2016 is the IP brand year of Jingyu,Jingyu is the first company in the tourism industry to implement IP as a strategy。”

“IP is the backbone of the new tourism credit system,IP-based survival is an inevitable choice for 188bet sports betting app download business models in the era of structural excess capacity and scarcity of trust。Jingyu is not only marketing through film and television IP,Even through the service IP、Product IP and channel IP,Created nine major IP matrix brands in three categories,Create value and deliver love to users。We will work closely with Fengsheng Holdings Group and provincial tourism groups across the country through the IP matrix to penetrate into the destination resources,In-depth participation in tourism supply-side reform through tourism industry funds etc.。In the next ten years,Jingyu Group will grow into a destination resource control force、An O+O+O ecosystem enterprise that integrates channel delivery capabilities and offline comprehensive service capabilities,We will use our best efforts to deeply implement the O2O ecological tree strategy established three years ago。”

It can be seen from the heartfelt words of Hong Qinghua and above,The strategic turn from the first year of O2O to the first year of IP is actually out of love and care for consumers and a deep understanding of the value of the entire industry chain of the enterprise。From a consumer perspective,O2O provides consumers with travel information、中文、Youhou’s closed-loop business services,Pre-tour provided by IP、中文、Closed-loop emotional service after travel。From the perspective of the value of the entire industry chain of Jingyu,O2O provides a new production organization method adapted to the era of Internet of Everything,IP provides an experience manufacturing method suitable for integrated cultural and tourism consumption。From this point of view,Whether it is O2O,Still IP,They are all based on the logic of love and care for consumers,This logic is the core logic that runs through the entire industrial chain layout of Jingyu Group,This is also the main line of Hong Qinghua’s thinking along the way。If you compare Jingyu Group to a big tree,Then,O2O is in the shape of a big tree,IP is the soul of the tree。

The turn from the first year of O2O to the first year of IP is the transformation process of a whole industry chain group from external shaping to internal cultivation,This process means the maturity of an enterprise,It also means the maturity of the entire tourism industry。

2017,Hong Qinghua continues to hold high the IP banner,On the IP Summit Forum,He announced that 2017 is the year of IP advancement for Jingyu。People are cheering for Jingyu,We also need to calmly face the suspense and problems in the future。First,From current observations,Jingyu Group has not formed a performance improvement trend in the entire industry chain led by IP,The entire Jingyu Group is still in the IP gathering stage,There is still a long way to go before the IP explosion。So,How will Jingyu’s IP strategy produce multiplier growth effects and ecological integration effects for Jingyu’s entire industry chain?This is still a suspense to be solved。The so-called dream is beautiful,Reality is very skinny,In the process of IP advancement,Jingyu Group will still face many technical problems、Management issues and cultural issues,Can Jingyu Group solve these problems?Can IP be deeply embedded into the business structure of the entire industry chain,We look forward to the answers in the future。

From industry to capital,How to build a more respected tourism ecosystem?

Since landing on the New Third Board in 2015,The performance of Jingyu Culture has been growing continuously,Full year 2015、First half of 2016,The company’s operating income is 3.1 billion respectively、2.7 billion,123% and 163% year-on-year growth,Growth ahead of industry competitors。Listed on the New OTC Market for more than a year,Jingyu Culture has completed two private placements,Total financing reaches 11.800 million,Is one of the most promising Internet companies in the New OTC Market in 2016。

2017 has just begun,Big news from Jingyu: It plans to apply to the National Equities Exchange and Quotations to terminate stock listing。Reasons for actively terminating listing,Jingyu Culture expresses that it serves the company’s strategic development needs and the next step of bigger and further capital operations。

About what is the path for larger and further capital operations?Jingyu Culture did not provide 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino further explanation。Hong Qinghua gave a more implicit answer in the internal letter,Hong Qinghua said: The brief separation is for a better reunion。This application is to terminate the listing on the New Third Board,It’s for bigger and farther,For another form of gathering with the capital platform in the near future。Great companies in the world,We must rely on the growth of endogenous strength,We must rely more on expansion and mergers and acquisitions of external capital。"New stories and new stories,Every day is not stagnant”。2017,Jingyu Group will fully implement "integrated vertical and horizontal" on the basis of 2016、"Saturation Attack"、"Enterprise Construction"、Four strategies of “Capital Assistance”,In-depth implementation of “two informatizations in one circle” through IP matrix: Scenic Tourism O+O Ecosystem,Integration of tourism industry chain services,Integration of industry and finance。We will deeply practice "customer-centricity,Putting strivers first,The core values ​​of Jingyu that promote efficiency through collaboration,Working hard to become the most respected world-class tourism group within five years。

From Hong Qinghua’s speech above,We can be sure of one piece of information—capital will be increasingly interested in scenic culture,Jingyu Culture will continue to adhere to its essential values ​​in its future development,Use patience and love to water the unique ecosystem。

About Ecosystem,Big domestic tourism companies are making arrangements。Then,What is the difference between Jingyu’s tourism O2O ecosystem and the ecosystems of other companies?Why does Jingyu have the confidence to carry out larger, farther and deeper capital operations?

1、Standing at the origin closest to tourism producers and tourism consumers

Looking at the domestic tourism competition,Hainan Airlines、Full Galaxy、Jinjiang Department、Ctrip Department、Wanda series、The Alibaba family and others are already quite dazzling,And each is claiming to build its own ecosystem。But,Every ecosystem has its origin,The origins carry the most original genes of an enterprise。

On the domestic tourism hegemony map,Companies that claim to build an ecosystem are divided according to their origin,Can be roughly divided into four categories,One type is based on real estate,One type takes capital as its origin,One type is based on Internet channels,The first category is based on tourism consulting services。Jingyu Culture is a type of tourism consulting service (also the only one in this category)。The origin of tourism consulting services is precisely the origin closest to tourism producers and consumers。This is the core advantage of the scenic area in building an ecosystem,Because it is closest to tourism producers and consumers,You can best understand the essential value of tourism,It will be easier to gain the respect of tourism producers and consumers。

The ecological circle construction process of scenic area culture fully reflects the advantages of the origin of tourism consulting services。From 2004 to 2008,Jingyu Culture’s business has always been focused on offline tourism planning consultation,In the process of planning consultation,Scenic area staff hope to have a self-guided tour platform to help them connect with self-guided tour consumers。In order to meet the needs of scenic spots,Lvmama Travel Network came into being。Subsequently,Still in the process of planning consulting services,Another scenic spot partner has put forward the demand for tourism marketing services,Scenic area marketing came into being。Later,The establishment of Scenic Area Tourism is also to meet the hosting needs of scenic area partners。After,There are also tent guests that were born to meet the accommodation needs of self-guided travel consumers。This is a new business、The birth of a new company,It comes from the precise insight into the industrial chain and consumption chain,From this point of view,The ecological circle of the scenic spot is actually built step by step under the gravity of simple 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino and pure tourism market demand。

Looking back at the tourism ecosystem with real estate as its starting point,The logic may not be simple and pure market logic,At least it is not based on simple 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino and pure tourism market logic。The logic of Internet channel companies is basically based on platform traffic,Corporate genes determine that such companies will be keen to do things with logic that deviates from the core values ​​of consumers at a certain period of time,Price war is such a logic。

Of course,After experiencing immature competition,Always enter the stage of calm value pursuit,Many current Internet channel companies are also working hard to penetrate offline,Trying to build your own tourism ecosystem。But,The starting point for enterprises is actually still the Internet。Even if a tourism ecosystem is established one day,It is also an ecosystem whose origin is the Internet channel,The original corporate DNA cannot be changed。

Of course,Whether it is the ecosystem starting from real estate、An ecosystem with capital as its starting point、An ecosystem with Internet channels as its starting point,It is still an ecosystem with tourism consulting services as its starting point,They all have their own historical logic and technical logic for survival and development。Jingyu Culture is the only O2O ecosystem enterprise with tourism consulting services as its origin,The value must be irreplaceable。Maybe,This is why capital favors scenic culture so much,This is also the foundation for Jingyu Culture to pursue larger, farther and deeper capital operations,Because they stand at the origin closest to tourism producers and tourism consumers。

2. Ecosystem synergy based on chemical reactions

The ecological synergy of the scenic area also comes from the genes of its planning services,In the long-term planning process,Formed systematic collaborative thinking,This kind of collaborative thinking gradually penetrates into the corporate culture,Formed good internal and external coordination。

(1) Enterprise competitiveness generated by internal collaboration

Lvmama product manager is expanding the market,Often a bit special,Will talk about many things other than OTA,In addition to telling the scenic spot how to sell tickets、How to determine the purchase price and sales price、We will also discuss with the scenic spot how to innovate products、How to market, how to do marketing execution, etc.。

The details of this negotiation by Lvmama Product Manager reflect the competitive advantage of a group’s ecosystem,Because behind Mother Donkey is Qichuang、Scenery Marketing、Jingyu Travel、Support from various business sectors such as Whale Cultural and Creative Industries。

Same,Qichuang’s staff went out to negotiate,I will also "move" the mother donkey out。Tell the customer,The user portrait data on Lvmama.com can help the marketing of scenic spots,The database on Lvmama.com can be used as a basis for planning decisions。

It is this internal business collaboration that brings chemical reactions to the industrial chain of Jingyu Group,Causing spillover effects between businesses,The spillover effect forms the added value of the business,Thus building corporate competitiveness based on the ecosystem。

(2) Regional competitiveness generated by external collaboration

March 2016,The meeting between senior executives of Zhejiang Tourism Group and Jingyu Group opened a new path for the development of all-region tourism in China,Both parties share a common development vision,Established two major platform companies, Zhelu Jingyu Tourism Investment Management Co., Ltd. and Zhelu Qichuang Tourism Planning and Design Co., Ltd.,Form a strong team relying on capital capabilities and operational capabilities,Comprehensive involvement in Jiande’s all-region tourism with the role of “all-region tourism operator”。

This move is the merger of Jingyu Group、A classic work of saturation attack,It is also a demonstration case of Jingyu Group’s external collaboration。As a company that has long-term provided consulting services to local governments,Jingyu has a deep understanding of the dilemma of tourism industry development。The tourism industry in any region must be developed,We must first solve the problem of organizational collaboration,China’s tourism industry has been in a state of separatism for a long time,Regional coordination ability is very poor,This is also the background of the era when global tourism was proposed。Jingyu Group’s full industry chain collaboration capabilities、Capital integration ability、Product supply capacity、Policy responsiveness is what local governments urgently need,The ecosystem built through scenic areas,Can help local governments solve industries、System、Capital-level issues,Form regional competitiveness for the development of tourism industry。

It is based on the above two internal and external synergy capabilities,Jingyu Group has the potential to build an ecosystem,Eliminates simple physical connections between various sectors in the ecosystem,Formed a mutual gain effect based on technology and values。This may be the reason why Jingyu Group is attractive to capital

Of course,The road is long and difficult,As an explorer of the tourism O2O ecosystem,Jingyu Group is still in the sprint stage,It will still take some time to build a more stable and sustainable profit model。We are looking forward to more surprises,Also continue to pay attention to more suspense。

*The author of this article: Zhihui expert author_Zhang Dongping (WeChat: yishu654321)。

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