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Industrial Investment Author of this article: Liu Xiuhao 2017-01-20
Preliminary calculation,The annual GDP is 74,412.7 billion yuan,Based on comparable price,An increase of 6 over the previous year.7%。View by quarter,Year-on-year growth of 6 in the first quarter.7%,Growth 6 in the second quarter.7%,Growth 6 in the third quarter.7%,Fourth quarter growth 6.8%。View by industry,The added value of the primary industry is 6,367.1 billion yuan,An increase of 3 over the previous year.3%;The added value of the secondary industry is 29,623.6 billion yuan,Growth 6.1%;The added value of the tertiary industry is 38,422.1 billion yuan,Growth 7.8%。
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2016,Facing the complicated domestic and foreign economic environment,Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,The whole country coordinates the promotion of the "Five-in-One" overall layout and coordinates the promotion of the "Four Comprehensives" strategic layout,Adhere to the general tone of pursuing progress while maintaining stability,Adhere to the new development concept,To promote supply-side structural reform as the main line,Moderately expand aggregate demand,Resolutely promote reform,Properly respond to risks and challenges,Guiding the formation of good social expectations,The national economy is slowing down and stabilizing、Stability and improvement,Achieved a good start for the “13th Five-Year Plan”。

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一、Grain production has another bumper harvest,The production situation of animal husbandry is basically stable

The total national grain output for the whole year is 616.24 million tons,A decrease of 5.2 million tons compared with the previous year,Down by 0.8%,Still the second most productive year in history。Among them,Summer grain output 139.2 million tons,Down by 1.2%;Early rice output 32.78 million tons,Down 2.7%;Autumn grain output 444.26 million tons,Down by 0.6%。Cotton output 5.34 million tons,Down 4.6%。Oil production 36.13 million tons,Growth 2.2%。Vegetable output 800.05 million tons,Increase 1.9%。Fruit output 283.19 million tons,Growth 3.4%。The annual output of pork, beef, mutton and poultry is 83.64 million tons,Decreased by 1 from the previous year.1%。Among them,Pork output 52.99 million tons,Down 3.4%;Beef output 7.17 million tons,Growth 2.4%;Mutton output 4.59 million tons,Growth 4.2%;Poultry meat production 18.88 million tons,Growth 3.4%。Poultry egg production 30.95 million tons,Growth 3.2%。Milk production 36.02 million tons,Down 4.1%。

2. Industrial production grew steadily, and corporate efficiency improved significantly

The annual added value of the national industrial enterprises above designated size actually increased by 6% compared with the previous year.0%,The growth rate is the same as that of the first three quarters。Look at different economic types,Added value growth of state-owned enterprises 2.0%,Collective enterprises decreased by 1.3%,Joint-stock enterprise growth 6.9%,Growth of foreign and Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan-invested enterprises 4.5%。Divided into three categories,The added value of the mining industry decreased by 1.0%,Manufacturing Growth 6.8%,Electricity、Heat、Gas and water production and supply industry growth 5.5%。The added value of high-tech industry increased by 10% compared with the previous year.8%,4 faster than above-scale industries.8 percentage points,The proportion of industries above designated size is 12.4%,Increased by 0 over the previous year.6 percentage points。The annual production and sales rate of industrial enterprises above designated size reached 97.8%。Industrial enterprises above designated size achieved export delivery value of 11,919.1 billion yuan,Increase by 0 over the previous year.4%。December,The added value of industries above designated size increased by 6% year-on-year.0%,Monthly increase of 0.46%。

January-November,National industrial enterprises above designated size achieved a total profit of 6,033.4 billion yuan,9 year-on-year increase.4%,1 faster than the first three quarters.0 percentage points。The main business income profit margin of industrial enterprises above designated size is 5.85%,Up 0 year-on-year.26 percentage points。

三、Fixed asset investment is slowing and stabilizing,Reduced area of ​​commercial housing for sale

Full-year fixed asset investment (excluding farmers) 59,650.1 billion yuan,Nominal increase of 8 over the previous year.1% (actual growth after deducting price factors 8.8%),The growth rate dropped by 0% compared with the first three quarters.1 percentage point。Among them,State-owned holding investment 21,309.6 billion yuan,Growth 18.7%;Private investment 36,521.9 billion yuan,Growth 3.2%,0% faster than the first three quarters.7 percentage points,The proportion of total investment is 61.2%。View by industry,Primary industry investment 1,883.8 billion yuan,Increase 21.1%;Second industry investment 23182.6 billion yuan,Growth 3.5%;Tertiary industry investment 34,583.7 billion yuan,Growth 10.9%,Including infrastructure investment of 11,887.8 billion yuan,Increase 17.4%。High-tech industry investment growth 15.8%,Growth faster than all investments7.7 percentage points。Fixed asset investment for the whole year is 60,696.9 billion yuan,An increase of 5 over the previous year.8%。The total planned investment in newly started projects is 49,329.5 billion yuan,Growth 20.9%。From a comparison perspective,Fixed asset investment (excluding farmers) increased by 0 in December.53%。

National real estate development investment for the whole year is 10258.1 billion yuan,Nominal increase of 6 over the previous year.9% (actual growth after deducting price factors 7.5%),The growth rate is 1 faster than the first three quarters.1 percentage point,5% faster than last year.9 percentage points,Among them, residential investment increased by 6.4%。New housing construction area 1,669.28 million square meters,An increase of 8 over the previous year.1%,Among them, the area of ​​newly started residential construction increased by 8.7%。National commercial housing sales area 1,573.49 million square meters,Growth 22.5%,Among them, residential sales area increased by 22.4%。National commercial housing sales 11,762.7 billion yuan,Growth 34.8%,Among them, residential sales increased by 36%.1%。The real estate development company has purchased 220.25 million square meters of land,Decreased by 3 from the previous year.4%。End of December,The area of ​​commercial housing for sale nationwide is 695.39 million square meters,Decreased by 3 compared with the end of the previous year.2%。Real estate development companies have 14,421.4 billion yuan in funds in place,15 more than the previous year.2%。

四、Market sales are growing steadily and rapidly,Consumption upgrade products are growing rapidly

The total retail sales of consumer goods for the whole year is 33.2316 billion yuan,Nominal increase of 10% over the previous year.4% (actual growth after deducting price factors 9.6%),The growth rate is the same as that of the first three quarters。Among them,Retail sales of consumer goods by units above designated size 15,428.6 billion yuan,Growth 8.1%。According to the location of the business unit,Urban retail sales of consumer goods 28,581.4 billion yuan,Growth 10.4%;Retail sales of rural consumer goods 4,650.3 billion yuan,Growth 10.9%。By consumption type,Catering revenue 3,579.9 billion yuan,Growth 10.8%;Retail sales of goods 29651.8 billion yuan,Growth 10.4%,Among them, retail sales of goods by units above designated size are 14,507.3 billion yuan,Growth 8.3%。Communication and residential goods are growing rapidly,Communication equipment increased by 11.9%,Furniture growth 12.7%,Building and decoration materials increased by 14.0%。December,Total retail sales of consumer goods increased by 10% year-on-year in nominal terms.9% (actual growth after deducting price factors 9.2%),Monthly increase of 0.89%。

National online retail sales for the year were 5,155.6 billion yuan,An increase of 26 over the previous year.2%。Among them,Online retail sales of physical goods 4,194.4 billion yuan,Growth 25.6%,The proportion of total retail sales of consumer goods is 12.6%,Increased by 1 over the previous year.8 percentage points。

5. The decline in exports narrowed and imports turned from negative to positive

The total import and export volume for the whole year is 24,334.4 billion yuan,Decreased by 0 from the previous year.9%,The decline narrowed by 6% compared with the previous year.1 percentage point。Among them,Export 13840.9 billion yuan,Down 2.0%;Import 10,493.6 billion yuan,Growth 0.6%。General trade import and export account for 55% of the total import and export value,1 percentage point higher than the previous year。Import and export balance,Surplus of 3347.3 billion yuan。View by quarter,一、二、Exports in the third quarter fell by 7% year-on-year respectively.9%、0.8% and 0.3%,Fourth quarter growth 0.3%。December,Total import and export volume 2,587.1 billion yuan,4 year-on-year increase.9%。Among them,Export 1,431.3 billion yuan,Growth 0.6%;Import 1,155.9 billion yuan,Growth 10.8%。

six、Moderate rise in consumer prices,Industrial producer prices turned from falling to rising monthly year-on-year

The annual consumer price increased by 2% compared with the previous year.0%,The increase is the same as that of the first three quarters。Among them,City rise 2.1%,Rural rise 1.9%。View by category,Food, tobacco and alcohol prices rise 3.8%,Clothing increased 1.4%,Residence increased by 1.6%,Daily necessities and services increased by 0.5%,Transportation and communication down 1.3%,Education, culture and entertainment rose 1.6%,Healthcare up 3.8%,Other supplies and services up 2.8%。In food, tobacco and alcohol prices,Food prices rise0.5%,Pork prices rise 16.9%,Fresh vegetable prices rise 11.7%。December,Consumer prices increased by 2% year-on-year.1%,Up 0 month-on-month.2%。The annual industrial producer price dropped by 1% compared with the previous year.4%,After ending 54 consecutive months of year-on-year decline since September,The year-on-year increase continues to expand,December increased by 5% year-on-year.5%,Up 1 month on month.6%。The annual purchasing price of industrial producers decreased by 2% compared with the previous year.0%,December increased by 6% year-on-year.3%,Up 1 month on month.9%。

7. Residents’ income has grown steadily, and the gap between urban and rural areas continues to narrow

The per capita disposable income of residents nationwide is 23,821 yuan,Nominal increase of 8 over the previous year.4%,Real growth after deducting price factors 6.3%。According to place of permanent residence,The per capita disposable income of urban residents is 33,616 yuan,Growth 7.8%,Actual growth after deducting price factors 5.6%;The per capita disposable income of rural residents is 12,363 yuan,Growth 8.2%,Real growth after deducting price factors 6.2%。The difference in per capita income between urban and rural residents is 2.72,Decreased by 0% compared with the previous year.01。The national median per capita disposable income is 20,883 yuan,Nominal increase of 8 over the previous year.3%。Group by quintile income of national residents,Per capita disposable income of low-income group is 5529 yuan,The per capita disposable income of the lower-middle income group is 12,899 yuan,Per capita disposable income of the middle-income group is 20,924 yuan,The per capita disposable income of the upper middle-income group is 31,990 yuan,The per capita disposable income of the high-income group is 59,259 yuan。The per capita consumption expenditure of the entire country is 17,111 yuan,Nominal increase of 8 over the previous year.9%,Real growth after deducting price factors 6.8%。The total number of migrant workers in the year was 281.71 million,An increase of 4.24 million people over the previous year,Increase 1.5%。Among them,112.37 million local migrant workers,Growth 3.4%;169.34 million migrant workers,Growth 0.3%。The average monthly income of migrant workers is 3,275 yuan,An increase of 6 over the previous year.6%。

eight、Supply-side structural reform has made positive progress,The economic structure continues to be optimized

The results of "three reductions, one reduction and one supplementation" are beginning to show。The steel and coal industries successfully completed the annual overcapacity reduction task,The annual raw coal output decreased by 9% compared with the previous year.4%。End of November,Inventories of finished products in industrial enterprises above designated size increased by 0 year-on-year.5%,Growth slowed down 4% year-on-year.1 percentage point。Commercial housing inventory levels continue to decline,The area of ​​commercial housing for sale at the end of December decreased by 23.14 million square meters compared with the end of the previous year。The asset-liability ratio and cost of industrial enterprises have declined。End of November,The asset-liability ratio of industrial enterprises above designated size is 56.1%,Year-on-year decrease of 0.6 percentage points;January-November,The cost per 100 yuan of main business income of industrial enterprises above designated size is 85.76 yuan,Decrease by 0 year-on-year.14 yuan。Accelerate investment in weak areas,Year-round ecological protection and environmental management industry、Water conservancy management industry、Investment in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishery increased by 39% compared with the previous year.9%、20.4% and 19.5%,Respectively faster than all investments 31.8、12.3 and 11.4 percentage points。

Continuous economic transformation and upgrading。Industrial structure optimization and transformation,The annual added value of the tertiary industry accounted for 51% of the GDP.6%,Increased by 1 over the previous year.4 percentage points,Higher than the secondary industry 11.8 percentage points。Demand structure continues to improve,The contribution rate of annual final consumption expenditure to GDP growth is 64.6%。In-depth implementation of innovation-driven development strategy,Space Station、Spaceship rocket、Quantum communication、High-speed computing、Sky observation、A number of scientific and technological achievements in large aircraft and other fields are emerging。Rapid growth of new kinetic energy,The added value of strategic emerging industries increased by 10% compared with the previous year.5%,The growth rate is higher than that of industries above designated size 4.5 percentage points。Popular entrepreneurship and innovation are solidly promoted,5.53 million newly registered enterprises nationwide,An increase of 24 over the previous year.5%,On average, 1 new company is registered every day.50,000 households。Business recovery for small and micro industrial enterprises,The prosperity index for the first to fourth quarters was 87 respectively.2,90.6,92.0,93.3。Outstanding achievements in energy saving and consumption reduction,The annual energy consumption per unit of GDP decreased by 5% compared with the previous year.0%,Water and electricity、Wind power、Nuclear power、The proportion of clean energy consumption such as natural gas increased by 1 compared with the previous year.6 percentage points。

9. Money and credit grew steadily, and new loans increased year-on-year

End of December,Broad money (M2) balance 155.01 trillion yuan,11 more than the end of the previous year.3%,Narrow currency (M1) balance 48.66 trillion yuan,Increase 21.4%,Currency (M0) balance in circulation 6.83 trillion yuan,Growth 8.1%。End of December,RMB loan balance 106.6 trillion yuan,RMB deposit balance 150.59 trillion yuan。12 new RMB loans throughout the year.65 trillion yuan,An increase of 925.7 billion yuan over the previous year,New RMB deposit 14.88 trillion yuan,An increase of 92.4 billion yuan less than the previous year。The annual increase in social financing scale was 17.8 trillion yuan

10. The total population grows steadily and the urbanization rate continues to increase

The total population of mainland China at the end of the year (including 31 provinces、Autonomous Region、Active military personnel of municipalities and the People’s Liberation Army of China,excluding Hong Kong、Number of Macao Special Administrative Region and Taiwan Province and overseas Chinese)1,382.71 million people, thanAn increase of 8.09 million people at the end of the previous year。17.86 million births in the year,1.31 million more people than the previous year,Birth rate is 12.95‰;9.77 million people died,Population death rate is 7.09‰;The natural population growth rate is 5.86‰,Increased by 0 over the previous year.9 thousandths。From the perspective of gender structure,Male population 708.15 million,Female population 674.56 million,The sex ratio of the total population is 104.98 (100 for women)。In terms of age composition,907.47 million working-age population from 16 years old to under 60 years old (excluding 60 years old),The proportion of the total population is 65.6%;230.86 million people aged 60 and above,16% of the total population.7%;150.03 million people aged 65 and above,10% of the total population.8%。From the perspective of urban and rural structure,Urban permanent population 792.98 million,An increase of 21.82 million people compared with the end of the previous year,Rural permanent population 589.73 million,13.73 million fewer people,The proportion of urban population in the total population (urbanization rate) is 57.35%。The population with separated households across the country (that is, the population whose residence and household registration place are not in the same town, street, and have been away from the household registration place for more than half a year) 2.9.2 billion people,2.03 million fewer people than at the end of the previous year,Among them 2 floating population.4.5 billion people,1.71 million fewer than at the end of the previous year。At the end of the year, 776.03 million people were employed in the country,Among them, 414.28 million people are employed in urban areas

Overall,The national economy will remain within a reasonable range in 2016,Improving the quality and efficiency of development。Should also see,The international and domestic economic environment is still complicated,The foundation for economic stability and improvement is not yet solid。Next step,We must unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,Conscientiously implement the Party Central Committee、Decision-making and deployment of the State Council and the spirit of the Central Economic Work Conference,Adhere to the general tone of pursuing progress while maintaining stability,Adhere to improving the quality and efficiency of development as the center,Insist on stable macroeconomic policies、Industrial policies must be accurate、Micro policies must be viable、Reform policies must be practical、Policy ideas that must support social policies,Adhere to the main line of promoting supply-side structural reform,Moderately expand aggregate demand,Strengthen anticipatory guidance,Deepen innovation drive,Comprehensive efforts to stabilize growth、Promote reform、Adjust structure、Benefiting people’s livelihood、Various risk prevention tasks,Promote stable and healthy economic development and social harmony and stability,Welcome the successful convening of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results。

*This article is reprinted from "The Paper".

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