Tujia data display,This new Yinfa Tour is more social,Prefer to greet old sisters、Old brothers travel together。
Zhihui 2024-10-21
Comfortable travel-type B&B revenue increased by 10% year-on-year during 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino last year,The occupancy rate of affordable travel B&Bs increased by 10% year-on-year during 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino last year。
Zhihui 5 days ago
From now on,Fliggy members can directly obtain the corresponding level of official Songzan membership and membership experience。
Zhihui 6 days ago
Until September 2024,A total of 282 newly opened hotels this year,The most mid-range hotels,Reached 189。
Zhihui 8 days ago
October 3,The performance of its brands in all dimensions hit a new high during the holiday season,Overall occupancy rate (OCC) increased from 2023。
Zhihui 8 days ago
Flower luxury、Flower、Weilai、Nearly a thousand stores including Bernard are fully occupied,45 cities with full rooms。
Zhihui 8 days ago
This year is the 1st number of visitors received during the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino last year.2 times。The overall hotel occupancy rate has also increased compared with the same period last year。
Zhihui 9 days ago
The plan has a short transformation period、No need to close the business、Design customization and other features,Can provide light weight for hotels、Moderate and deep synthesis and other transformation support
Zhihui 9 days ago
A four-188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino music carnival has begun.
Zhihui 20 days ago
This activity not only makes the brand culture of time-honored brands more popular,It also demonstrates the recognition of the Wangbaohe brand from all walks of life。
Zhihui 26 days ago
Data display,As of September 23rd,The overall booking rate of the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Hotel is basically the same as last year。
Zhihui 26 days ago
The hotel is located in the core area of ​​Tonglu, Zhejiang,Only a 13-minute drive from Tonglu Daqishan 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Forest Park。
Zhihui 38 days ago
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