188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino consumption is recovering well,On October 3, Meituan tickets attracted more than 5 million visitors in a single day

188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino Area Tickets Author of this article: 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino 2020-10-04 20:36:23
“Travel 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino” has become a new consumption trend.

The National Day holiday is not over yet,Good news about the recovery of the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry has come。October 3,Meituan tickets set a new record of more than 5 million visitors in a single day,A significant increase of over 38% from 3.6 million in the same period last year。The impact of the epidemic on users’ travel consumption has gradually faded,The recovery of the 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino industry is entering a good period。

“Reservation travel” has become a new trend in National Day tourism consumption。Currently, 92% of 5A-level 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino have opened online reservation windows on the Meituan App,Provide online ticket purchase、Time-sharing reservation、Scan QR code to enter the park and other convenient services。The National Day holiday has just begun,The number of tourists who made ticket reservations more than 2 days in advance increased by 86% year-on-year,Planning your itinerary in advance also saves time when traveling、More convenient。

As understood,Since this year,Reservation for scenic spot tickets,Meituan and its partners jointly launch the country’s first online training course on smart scenic spot construction、Comprehensive service solutions for real-name registration and online reservation and ticketing for 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino, etc.。September this year,The Institute of Financial Strategy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and the Meituan joint research team jointly released the Reservation Travel Convenience Index (Reservation TCI) of China’s 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Help 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino in various places follow the "limited restrictions、Reservation、requirement of "peak shifting",Better and continue to promote the ticket reservation system for tourist attractions。

"People's Daily" also published an article pointing out,The Internet platform reservation system is helpful for 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino to grasp the reservation volume in real time,Reasonably control the number of visitors,Avoid long queues to buy tickets or even a wasted trip when the tickets are sold out,Bring practical convenience to tourists。At the same time,Also brings new opportunities for the development of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Relying on reservation ticket purchase system,Can generate passenger flow labeled big data,And through the analysis of data,188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino can understand tourists’ needs more accurately,To carry out product and service innovation on the supply side,Provide diversified tourism consumption services,Get rid of the "ticket economy",Achieve healthier and sustainable development。

At the same time,Meituan also passed the gate、Smart hardware such as access control ensures "contactless ticket checking" and "quick entry",Guide tourists to book tickets in advance,Improve travel experience。so far,Meituan tickets have been purchased by over 100 5A stores、4A and other leading 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino provide full box office online ticket reservation solutions,Reservation data through time sharing、Assist in planning diversified means such as deployment and material reserves during the festival,Help 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino improve the planning and pertinence of their operations。

“The number of admissions to Meituan tickets during the National Day holiday hit a new high,Benefiting from the overall recovery of the tourism industry、The improvement of digital service levels in 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino and the enhancement of tourists’ consumption willingness”,Liu Yanxiang, general manager of Meituan Tickets and Vacation Business Department said,“Meituan will continue to leverage its advantages in technological innovation,Promote the digital construction of 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino,Especially working with major 188bet Online Sports Betting and Casino in booking travel,Better meet consumers’ new requirements for travel。”

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